Final Days (11 page)

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Authors: C. L. Quinn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Final Days
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Starla studied her face closely.  This was the longest contact she had had with Windari.  It was remarkable how much she looked like Tamesine, the mentally unstable first blood who lived with them in France. 

“You’re so beautiful, Windari,” she said abruptly.

Inclining her head in acceptance of the compliment,
Windari’s eyes moved quickly back to Starla’s. “I thank you.  It is our superior genetics, but I am pleased with my lot.”

“It’s uncanny.  I know another woman who could be your twin.”

Standing stone still, Windari wondered if she heard her right.  “What did you say?”

“There’s a woman living with my family in France.  She’s your splitting image.  Your voices are even so similar
, I don’t know if I could tell you apart. Maybe someday I’ll bring her here and you can meet her.”

“Why, yes.  So, what is this doppelgangers name?”

“It’s Tamesine.”

The world stopped.  All the wind blew out of
Windari’s lungs.  It wasn’t possible. 
It could not be
  There was no way her sister survived that fatal cut.  It was a
fatal cut!
  Even Tamesine had never been that strong.  No one’s magic escaped death.

This bitch had to be fucking with her!

But Windari knew she couldn’t be.  It wasn’t possible that this baby vampire knew about Windari’s sister.  Something had gone horribly wrong all those centuries ago.

But if Tamesine were alive, why hadn’t she come after her? 
Why hadn’t she let Ahmose know what Windari had done to her? 

“That’s very interesting.  You say she’s a member of your family?”
  Windari tried to smile casually.

“In a way.  None of us in the household are actually related to each other except by friendship and the bonds of our choices.  Tamesine…”  Starla paused, not sure how much she should say.

“Tamesine is special.  She’s had some issues over the years and is now working her way back from a very dark time.”

Windari had to go to France.  Priority one after eliminating Starla was to find out what the fuck happened
after Tamesine’s death.  And to get rid of the threat.  Again.  Forever, this time.  She’d scatter the bitch to the four corners of the earth.

“I think it would be good for Tamesine to come here,” Starla continued.  “It might help clear her mind.  This is a healing place.  Won’t it be fun to meet someone who looks exactly like you?”

God, Windari wanted to kill her right here, right now, just for the fucking comment.  Yeah, it would be lots of fun to have someone around who stole her beauty.  Who had the powers that should have been hers.  Laughs all around.

But she forced a smile.  “Won’t it be?”

Moving in closer, she took Starla’s arm gently in her hand.

“Actually, I wanted to see you for a special reason today.  I have arranged for a spectacular gift for our leader’s child.   Well, yours too, of course.  This gift is worthy of the first child born to our master.  But I need your opinion on something. It won’t take long.  Your i
nput is the most important thing I still need to make this gift ready for the birth in a few months.  Would you mind?”

“Not at all.  Is it in your home?”

“No, actually, it’s outside the village.  In town.  It won’t take but a few moments.”

“Of course.  Let me tell Jacob where I’ll be.  He worries worse than my mother.”

Starla reached into her pocket for her cell phone but never made it.

“Look at me,” Windari commanded.

Startled, Starla looked up at her, and it was too late.  Windari compelled her to leave the mobile phone where it was.

“You’ve already made the call and Jacob told you to have a good time.”

After the briefest blank look in her eyes, Starla smiled at Windari. “Okay, let’s go.”

Windari le
d Starla out of the village through an entrance she had opened herself, unknown to anyone else.  So there were no witnesses as she led Ahmose’s Shoazan from this village never to return alive.





Jacob and Ahmose locked down the final detail on the new home.

“Why don’t you both come to my dwelling tonight and I will have my cook prepare an American meal for you.”

“Hamburgers and French fries?  Because Starla has been
jonesing for them.”

Ahmose looked confused.

“Jonesing.  It means obsessed,” Jacob explained.

“Well, then, I’m sure he can make them. I will inform him that is what we must have.  And I already know her favorite dessert is chocolate chip ice cream.  So I have a large supply.”

“Okay.  When do you want us?”

“Two hours. It will give me a chance to make sure the food will satisfy our litt
le mother.”

“If it’s hamb
urgers and French fries, it will.  I’ll let her know.  See you then.”

Jacob took his cell phone out of his pocket and auto-dialed Starla. He listened as her voice mail picked up.  That was odd.  She always answered.  Huh.  Well, she was obviously involved in something.  He’d find her soon.  Right now, he wanted to check something
in the baby’s room.  He wanted to see if they could create an access directly from their own room.

Twenty minutes later, he tried Starla again. 
Still no answer.  Not worried, but wondering where she was, he decided to look for her.  The last time he saw her she had been heading to the flowers that lined the edge of the village to cut some for their dwelling. 

Scattered along the edge of a footpath, Jacob found cut flowers in several colors and varieties strewn down the trail, abandoned like little corpses.  What the hell?  She would never ha
ve cut them and then left them there like that. 
he was worried. 
Where the hell was she?

He tried her cell phone again. 
It went to voice mail.  Would Chione know where she was?  Shit, no!  She had been out of the village.  He called her anyway.

“Chione.  Hi.  Look, I can’t find Starla.  You have any clue where she might be?”

“No.  Why?  What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.  Maybe nothing. But I have a strange vibe.  She isn’t answering her phone, and then I found the flowers she was cutting for our house just thrown on the ground.  I can’t find her, Chione.”

“I am almost back to the village and I’ll help look for her. This is a safe village, Jacob.  I’m sure she’s fine.”

“Yeah.  I’ll see you when you get back in.”

He rung off and began searching the area, calling her name. Several villagers came to him, but they hadn’t seen her.

God, what if she was injured somewhere?  Or the baby was in trouble?  Somewhere deep in his bones, he knew Chione wasn’t right.  Starla was

He called Ahmose.




Winds had picked up, the blustery breeze carried
Starla’s long strands into her face.  She kept pushing back the strands that had escaped, but they would pull loose again right away.

She knew wh
y she was with Windari, but was uneasy.  Something didn’t feel right.  Her hand dropped to her belly.  Why did she feel a sense of threat to her child?  Windari was a member of Ahmose’s community, an ancient first blood.  And although they were going somewhere for a gift for this child, something didn’t feel right.  Was it just a mother’s high-alert awareness for her child’s safety?  She was outside the protected community and maybe that was the reason.  Whatever it was, she couldn’t work past it.  Her eyes went to Windari, taller than her, strolling easily beside her.

There was no reason not to trust her.  Taking a

deep breath, she tried to calm herself.

“So what is your gift?  I’m excited to see it.”

Windari glanced aside at Starla, aware her breathing was rapid.  She could tell Starla was getting more agitated by the step.  It was obvious she was beginning to intuit that something was going on, but they were so close to the caverns, it was too late for Starla to bolt.  Still, she played her role.

With a friendly smile, Windari slipped her arm around
Starla’s shoulders.

“I have chosen something so unique, no one else in the world has one like it.  Truly, this is the best gift Ahmose will ever receive.”

The too bright smile only made Starla more nervous.

“Wonderful,” she said. “I think I’ll try Jacob again to give him an update about where we are.”

Windari took the phone out of Starla’s hand and slid it into her pocket.

“No.  I want this to be a surprise for both fathers.  I mean, Jacob consider
s himself father, too, am I right?”

opping, Starla pulled away from Windari.

father.  Even our child has told him so.  Windari, I think we should go back.  I’m sure whatever you’ve chosen will be fine.  I need to get back to Jacob.”  She paused.  “It’s my first time out of the village with our child and I am kind of uneasy.”

Windari stopped
and tilted her head with a smile, her teeth showing, like canines, the smile obviously forced.  It was not kind.

Starla was suddenly very worried.

Well, here we are.  I didn’t want to use compulsion
again, it can leave a trace of magic, but…
  Windari stepped forward and captured Starlas’s eyes for the second time to control her.

“You will follow me without question.”

Her expression blank, Starla nodded.

“Good.  Let’s just get this done.  Stay up with me.”

The compelled Starla struggled to keep up with the faster, longer legged first blood.  Even in the state of controlled behavior, her hands went to her child and cradled him with both as if she could shield him from danger.

She did not know that Windari planned them to both die, quickly and humanely, but permanently.





Ahmose stood still as stone.  Jacob told him he couldn’t find Starla.  And although he knew the village to be secure from threat, the hair stood up on the back of his neck.

It had taken so much to get where they were now, with the three of them becoming family.  Why he felt this kno
t of dread in his gut, he did not know.  But it was there, and now Jacob phoned him, worried and seeking an explanation he did not have.

“I can’t find her anywhere.  She would never leave without notifying me.  Something’s wrong, Ahmose.  She’s in danger.  Damn it, I know she is!”

“I agree.  I put my men on the search.  Eight will go into town, eight have stayed here to search.  The rest of the community is doing so, as well.  She may just be injured and not able to get back to us.”

“She would have called.”

“Not if she is unconscious.  Try not to worry too much yet.”

He couldn’t obey his own advice.  He felt sick inside, lost, more worried than he’d ever been.  He couldn’t lose her.  Either of them.  The unborn child inside her was as real to him as if he was already here with them.  Just
, where to start?

He tried her phone again.  Straight to voicemail.

Ahmose closed his cell phone as he finished arranging search teams.  He arrived beside the distraught Jacob on the edge of the village. 

Jacob looked up at him.

“Anything yet?”

, but she can’t be far.  I know this now, and should have arranged for it a long time ago.  I need someone here who can do a blood trace.”

“Eillia can.”

“Will she come?”

“In a heartbeat.  But that’s too many hours.   I can’t wait that long.  Ahmose, we have to find her immediately.  If she’s in trouble, I need to be with her.”

“I know.  So do I.  Arrange for Eillia to come, and we will begin outside the village.  If she is in any real danger, it’s likely to be there.  Although I don’t know why she would leave without letting us know she had done so.”

“She wouldn’t, you know that.  Ahmose, I’m sick to my gut. I’m afraid she’s been abducted.”

“Who would do that?”

“Crystal comes to mind.  But I was there when you compelled her and she really didn’t remember me.  Is it possible she could have broken your commands?”

“Anything is possible, but it’s unlikely.  The compulsory memory alteration may degrade with time, but it won’t have anything to do with you.  I erased you from her mind.  So she has no reason to come after Star.”

“Then I have no idea.”

Ahmose was quiet.

Watching his face, Jacob frowned.  “Do you know something?”

“No.  Nothing specific.  But… What if another first blood discovered she is Shoazan?  And took her to breed with?”

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