Final Ride: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride Book 9) (13 page)

BOOK: Final Ride: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride Book 9)
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“No!” I screech. “Put her down! Don’t you heathens touch her!” I rush from the tent and to the casket, but two arms firmly pull me back as I scream.

“Stop your temper tantrum,” Frisco barks in my ear.

“She’s my mother. She hated the Hellions. They took you from her. They took everything from her!” I wail, not carrying about the crazed expressions I am getting from the women or the angry faces of the men as I wildly flail around in my father’s arms. “You’re all scum! You should know she hated every single one of you. Don’t mourn her now. Don’t you dare mourn her now!”

Sass steps forward and a blonde puts her arm out to stop her and steps forward herself. I still in my father’s arms, ready to take whatever shit any of them want to give me.

Amy steps between us, covering me from the stares of the club members as they hold my mother’s casket steady but don’t advance.

“Let her be, Doll.” Amy’s voice is steady and confident as she stands in front of us as a shield from their scrutiny. “Let us talk.”

“For Frisco, she gets a pass,” Doll says, moving to the side to look me in the eye. “For Frisco, you get one pass. Your mom got her pass. She chose to head to Fury. You disrespect this club, its members, or what we stand for again, it’s not the men you need to worry about, young one. I’ll be the one to give you the lesson your mother obviously skipped in respect.”

“Doll,” Amy quips, stifling the blonde. “Let me have this.”

Turning to face me, their club at her back, my father’s woman stands eye-to-eye with me.

“Spit on her life. Spit on her grave.” I tip my chin up in challenge. “Spit on her child.”

“Don’t make this harder than it already is,” she warns.

“There isn’t a single person here who is sad to see my mother gone.”

“You’re wrong.” It’s Frisco who speaks.

“I know it’s hard to believe,” Amy tries to get through to me. “While your mother made mistakes, at one time, she was a part of this family. Today isn’t about the bad blood between Fury and the Hellions. Today is a celebration of her life, a memorial of the woman she was to you, and closure for those who she both loved and hurt.”

A lady with red hair steps forward. She looks very much like Sass, but older.

She extends her hand to me. “Mary Alice,” she says softly as Danza takes her back. “I knew your mother.”

“Were you friends?” I ask, curious about her time with the Hellions.

“Not exactly,” Mary Alice replies honestly. “Your mom didn’t want that kind of bond with any of the women.”

“Fuck you, then.” I start to pull away from Frisco, who continues to hold me in place.

Danza steps up to me. “Your cunt of a mother set me up. She cost me years in prison.”

“Danza,” Mary Alice scolds, pulling him back, and he steps behind her once again. Turning to look me in the eye, she continues, “I came today so that I can say thank you to your mother.”

“What the hell?” Danza doesn’t hide his shock.

“Life with a biker isn’t easy. Life with an original is hell at times. There isn’t a manual that tells us what to do, who to trust, or how to deal with the lifestyle. Danza wasn’t always the best of husbands. Your mother, she made a bad decision, one that cost my husband his freedom for a time.” Tears fill her eyes. “I’m thankful now that we had the time apart. I can’t say I’ve done everything right as a wife, a mother, or an ol’ lady; but I can say that the space was good for us in the long run. We’re settled in life now. Things are good. Your mom taught me to value what I had, have, and desire.

“Her time with Frisco was consumed in the love she had for the man behind you. She didn’t always do things the right way, but she did them her way. She was never ashamed of who she was in this club or how she felt about Frisco. Those are qualities about your mother to honor today. We may not agree with everything she said or did, and yes, some here may have some resentment, but today, Shannon, we come to lay it all to rest.” She reaches out and squeezes my hand. “Can we lay her to rest and have security in the future from the lessons she gave us all, both good and bad?”

Exhaustion engulfs me as the emotions become too much. They just want an opportunity to lay it to rest.

“You see?” Danza speaks. “You got family, Shannon. Frisco has your back, and Amy has your front. No one is here to hurt you, upset you, or disrespect you. We have a history with your mother and it wasn’t always pretty. In the end, we’re here to lay to rest a woman who was once our family—the good, the bad, and the in-between we had with her. She once believed in our colors, our lifestyle, and our freedoms. I may not like what she did, but Mary Alice is right; she was never once ashamed of Frisco, or her place with him. I can honor that.” He nods.

A large, tall man with long hair and a goatee steps up from behind the crowd. The only thing separating him from me is Amy. His patch says “President” and “Roundman.” I remember my mother wishing Fury had a man more like him in charge. In one of her ramblings, she once said he was an asshole who ran his club with a firm hand, but he was always fair. Will he be fair to her memory now?

Amy looks up into the man’s eyes. “Can we please have a moment? Let us settle her, Roundman. I’ve never asked a single thing of your club. I’ve done my part to make peace after many mistakes, but please give her this. Give
this. Let the anger go.”

He smiles, though there is fatigue in his eyes and a paleness to his face. I wonder if he’s sad, tired, aged from his lifestyle, or sick. Whatever it is, something is weighing heavily on this man.

“No, step aside,” he says firmly to Amy. “Young one needs a history lesson. You have my word, after I’m done, if she needs a moment, then you’ll have it.”

Amy doesn’t speak; she simply drops her head and moves to stand beside me. With her arm coming around my shoulder, she whispers, “You aren’t alone, and they don’t mean to upset you, Shannon.”

“Do you know why your father, Danza, and I ride together? Do you know how the Haywood’s Landing Hellions came to be?”

I shake my head as I try to sort out my own emotions. Hell rages hot as fire in my veins, while my heart grieves the loss of my mother. No, not my mother, but rather, the mother I wish I had. Either way, these people turned their backs on her.

“Paul ‘Victory’ Watson brought Fury MC into this town. He made promises to a group of men that he couldn’t fulfill. They rode into this town—our town—and wanted to control a business that wasn’t theirs to control. We took a stand for our community, for ourselves, and Watson had to back down.” He looks over his shoulder at the blonde they call Doll, and she takes his side. “Had a woman once. I know love, Shannon. I know the love of a damn good woman. I know the love of a father to his daughter.

“We’re not here today to bother you, or to spit on anyone’s grave. We are here to back our brother who took our backs so many years ago as he lay to rest his past. Whether you believe it or not, he loved your mom. Had he known about you earlier, you would have known a father’s love for his daughter sooner.”

Amy gives me a squeeze as my father loosens his hold on me.

Roundman wraps his arm around his own daughter. “We all just want to give you the peace you need, the peace your father needs, and to find our own peace for a woman we all once trusted. Regardless of the wrongs done on both sides, she was a part of our world for a time. Let’s stand together and honor that today.” Roundman nods at my father. “When it’s done, it’s done,” he says to Frisco in a way that makes me wonder if there is more to that sentence than I know.

Roundman doesn’t say another word to me. He simply turns around and guides Doll back to the group surrounding my mother’s casket.

I nod my head as my father releases me. Then I watch as strangers carry my mother’s coffin past me and set it into the equipment that will lower her into the ground.

Roundman steps to the front, taking the first handle on the right from another patched Hellion. Danza follows him, taking the left.

“For the love Frisco had for his ol’ lady, for the child she raised, and the life she gave, the Hellions will lay Tilly to rest today,” Danza says before they all in unison take the first step toward the tent.

Mary Alice, Sass, and Doll lead everyone else directly behind the casket.

Stopping momentarily in front of me, Doll gives me a smile. “Tame the attitude, spunky,” Doll warns. “While I can respect fighting for what you believe in, gotta learn the time and place.” She moves on like nothing happened as she takes her seat in the last row of chairs.

Everyone follows suit, leaving Amy beside me and Frisco behind me.

Amy looks over at me. “Whenever you’re ready, Shannon. No rush, no pressure. We got you. This is hard. Your outburst wasn’t personal, and they understand that.”

I don’t know how to feel at her words. She stood between me and a whole club, all to protect me. Have I ever had anyone stand up for me like that? Sure, my mom kept me from the club stuff as much as she could, but I still had some of it. If I had mouthed off to Vic in front of her, would she have done what Amy did? I’m not so sure.

I know she loved me, but I don’t know if she was strong enough to stand up for me against Fury.

Could I have life with the Hellions wrong?

Two Weeks Later



Not working at the shop is different. Roundman has stood by his word. I’m a Hellion until my very last breath. He also meant it when he said, when it’s done, it’s done.

I am no longer at the call of the club. I am no longer held to any responsibilities within the organization. I will continue to get my cut from each business, but I never have to punch a time clock or report to anyone else again.

Being at home with Shannon has given me the opportunity to get to know my daughter. She has her mother’s smile, my sense of humor, and Amy’s love for sweets. The two of them have taken time to bond over brownies, and I find that I like it.

I have never been a man to think I could ever settle down in life. Yet, with Shannon here and things solid with Amy, I am settled. Shit feels good.

Can I have something normal? Can I go from years and years of chaos controlling my every thought, move, and plan to being calm?

The answer is yes, I can.

I have this peace inside me that Shannon and Amy have given me. The love of a good woman is the balm to an angry man’s soul. I am walking, talking proof.

Walking inside my home from the garage, I smile at seeing Amy in the kitchen with Shannon beside her. They laugh over the bowl of mixture between them. The countertop is covered from one end to the other with boxes of mixture, baggies, and ingredients.

“What the hell?” I look at them both, wondering who they expect to eat all this.

“Community bake sale,” Shannon answers.

Amy laughs. “Doll and Sass have challenged us in a bake-off of sorts.”

“A challenge?” I raise an eyebrow. “They should know I’ve gained twelve pounds in the last couple of months. You two will wipe the floor with them.”

“I know, right!” Shannon replies excitedly as she pours the contents of the bowl into a baking pan.

“They have a secret weapon,” Amy informs.

“Mary Alice,” Amy and I say in unison and laugh.

“Where did the sale come from, then?” I go to the fridge and grab a beer.

“Well, we didn’t want to simply bake all this stuff and make the club decide. That wouldn’t be fair, after all,” Amy answers practically.

“We each have a booth at the shrimp festival. Whoever makes the most money gets the title and picks the charity all the money will be donated to,” Shannon adds proudly.

“Well, my money is on my girls.” I take a pull from the beer and look at the counter to the stack of mail. Seeing one envelope we were expecting, I set the bottle down and open it.

“Shannon,” I get her attention. “This one is for you. It’s the check for the house in Florida. Amy or I can take you to the bank in the morning to deposit it.”

The realtor called two days after it was on the market and said we were given an all cash offer at our asking price with no contingencies. I was shocked, but there was no reason not to move forward. The inspection was done, and within four business days, the closing was complete. After commission, the realtor sent the money in a check, priority mail. It all has gone smoothly.

She takes the envelope from my hand and studies it. “Just my name,” she whispers.

“Honey, it’s your money. It was your house. I wouldn’t take that from you in any way.” Picking up my beer, I take another pull before I head to my room to take a shower, leaving my daughter to study her check and my woman to baking up some goodies.

Life is good. Too fucking good.



After finishing the last batch of brownies with a caramel drizzle and storing the banana nut mini-muffins, the smell of sugar, cocoa, and vanilla has assaulted my nose long enough and I’m nauseous.

“I’m heading to the shower and then sleep.” I smile at the young woman who, day in and out, never fails to amaze me with her strength. “Thanks for all your help with the baking. It’s fun to share the kitchen with you.”

She avoids looking at me. “Amy, thank you for … you know.”

“Not sure what you’re talking about, babe.”

“My mother’s funeral. You took my back. I never had anyone support me like that. I just wanted to say thank you.”

“Well, you’re family, and I’m always gonna have your back,” I try to reassure her.

“Well, you know, in case I never get the chance to tell you, it’s appreciated. Thank you.”

In a bold move, I walk over and embrace her in a tight hug. The smell of her fruity shampoo mixed with the baking of the day hits my nose and immediately gives me a headache, making me dizzy.

I leave her in the kitchen and hit the bedroom, looking for a reprieve for my nose and instantly smelling his soap. Walking out of our bathroom with a towel around his waist is the man who brought me back from the very edge of my own personal hell.

Inhaling deeply, my stomach settles, my headache recedes, and my body comes alive, wanting the naked male in front of me.

“Keep looking at me like that and you won’t make it all the way in the room to close the door.” He smirks, dropping his towel without a single ounce of shame. “My daughter is gonna get a show if you don’t shut the door and strip.” He takes a step toward me, his cock coming to life.

I lick my lips and take the necessary steps forward to shut the door behind me.

He grabs himself and strokes as I lift my shirt to remove it.

“Slow, baby.” He stands back, watching me. “I want a show.” With his legs shoulder-width apart and his dick at attention, he puts his hands on his hips and watches me.

Circling my hips, I run my hands up and down my sides before I move to unclasp my bra.

“Fuck yeah,” he growls low. “Drop the satin, and baby, I want you to cup those big ol’ titties and tweak your nipples hard for me.”

I follow his commands with my panties getting damp with every passing second. I clinch my core muscles as the need continues to build.

“More than a mouthful and not one bit of it is a waste.” He smiles then looks at my bottoms. “Next, darlin’,” he instructs, and I shimmy out of my sweatpants before turning my back to him.

“Luscious ass,” I hear him murmur as I tease the waistband of my peach colored panties. “Wanna bite that ass.”

It’s the only warning I have before he’s behind me and on his knees, biting into my satin covered globes. Two hands grip my hips as he holds me before he dives between my legs and his mouth covers my mound, licking me through the material.

Helpless to my body’s desires, I rock into his face, needing more.

“Gonna fuck you so hard.”

“Yes, please,” I beg, having no shame in my desire for this man.

In seconds, I’m on his bed, lying on my stomach, naked. He slides into me from behind, tugging my hair gently as he works me to oblivion faster than I ever thought possible.




Waking in his arms will never get old. Going to bed tangled with him will never get old. If there is one thing I learned in the hell Delatorre put me through, it’s hold on tight when you have something good in life and cherish every moment, for it may be the thing that gets you through the bad.

“Make me some breakfast, woman.” Frisco slaps my naked ass before planting a quick kiss to my lips and climbing out of bed. “We’ve lounged long enough.” He stalks to the bathroom without a care that he is naked.

“We could spend the day in bed,” I slyly say as I slide off the bed and look for my pajamas on the floor.

“Gotta take Shannon to the bank.” He sighs, looking over his shoulder at me. “And two days ago, my ol’ lady told me I need to consider gettin’ my kid a car, so I guess I’ll take her to a few dealerships after the bank.”

There is a pride in his tone that makes me smile from the inside out.

“Think practical and sporty. Mustang, Camaro … Ooo …” I smirk. “Dodge Challenger. Now
screams Shannon.”

“We’ll see,” Frisco replies, turning back to the bathroom. “Gotta eat breakfast first. You expect me to get her that, you better feed me good, woman.”

We both laugh as I head out to start cooking.

The bedroom door to Shannon’s room is open when I pass by. When I enter the kitchen to find it empty, I start to feel a rise of panic. Where is she?

“Shannon,” I call out, racing around the house.

I can’t find her.

Now sheer terror engulfs me.
I can’t find her. I can’t find her
, keeps racing in my mind.

Going to the front door, the first thing I notice is the deadbolt is unlocked, as well as the door handle.

With a twist of the knob, I open the door and yell out into the early morning, “Shannon!”

I call out her name over and over. I have never felt such a loss so quickly over someone not being home. In the time that Shannon has been here, I bonded with her. Thinking of her being taken or alone bothers me in a way I never thought possible.

It’s then I notice my car is gone.

Shannon is gone.

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