Find You in the Dark (30 page)

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Authors: A. Meredith Walters - Find You in the Dark 01 - Find You in the Dark

Tags: #Romance, #Young Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Find You in the Dark
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I rolled onto my side and hugged the pillow to my chest.  I ached in the worst way.  Tonight was supposed to be special.  I had dreamed of it for so long.  My mind drifted to Clay, who I knew was as wide awake as I was.

Do I go to him?  Do you I let this whole thing go and try to find some semblance of happiness in what we had together?  Or do I take a stand and not back down?

I hemmed and hawed, not sure what to do.  I scraped my hair back away from my face in agitation.  My heart felt heavy and I missed him.  I wanted him to hold me and make me believe that everything would be alright.  I needed that fantasy, even if it was just that.  A fantasy.

Suddenly I was on my feet, with my pillow and blanket under my arm and found myself walking up the spiral staircase to the loft.  My footsteps were soft, barely making a sound as I made my way up to Clay.   

I stopped just inside the doorway and stared at him in the murky darkness.  I could make out his form under the blankets.  I dropped my stuff on the floor and lifted the covers of the bed, sliding in beside him.

Clay turned over and I could see his eyes shining in the blackness.  “What are you doing?”  He breathed, his body taut beside me.  I rolled onto my side and reached out to stroke his face.  “I'm mad at you alright.  I'm mad and hurting.”  My voice trembled.  Clay put his hand on top of mine and pressed it to his cheek.

Maggie...” He began but I put my fingers over his mouth to stop him.  “Just shut up okay?”  Clay closed his mouth and let me continue.  “I'm upset.  What you said, how you acted, it wasn't cool.  This wasn't the first time you did this to me.  But I had hoped you wouldn't do it again.  But you did.  Part of me wants to pack my stuff and leave.  Forget this drama...forget you.”  The tears started to leak from my eyes, but I kept my gaze on him.  His breathing became labored and I knew my words were affecting him.

But I can't do that, Clay.  Because I believe that you are trying to change.  That you do love me.  But you need to know that what happened here earlier.  That has to stop.  I wasn't kidding when I said it would ruin us.  What we have, what we feel for each other; is too special to kill that way.”  I bit out.  Clay shook his head and pulled my hand from his lips.

It will NEVER happen again.  I swear to you!”  He pleaded, pulling on my arms so that I was pressed against him.  Our noses brushed and I closed my eyes, resting my forehead on his.  “This night was supposed to be our night.  I wanted it to be about us, together.  Now I feel mixed up and confused and I just want to stop feeling that way.”  I recognized the neediness in my tone.  I wasn't sure what I was asking him to do.  I could see that Clay didn't know either.

But then I just plunged ahead, without thought to consequences or what it would mean to do this right now after the emotional turmoil of the last few hours.  I kissed him, pressing my mouth to his, running my tongue along his bottom lip.

Clay pulled back to stare at me.  I knew I was confusing the hell out of him.  Damn, I was confusing myself.  But I just needed to lose myself in him.  To feel that sense of peace that only came when we were close. 

I needed to feel his love, not his jealousy, or his anger and insecurity. 

My body woke up at his close proximity.  The physical attraction I felt muddled my brain and made it difficult to think of anything else.  I could feel my heart beating against my ribcage and I had a hard time catching my breath as we laid so close together, our legs brushing against each other.  Our chests, a whisper apart. 

I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and tugged him toward me again.  This time he resisted.  “I don't know, Maggie.  I don't like doing this when it feels like we still have so much to resolve.”  He sighed as I kissed his chin, nibbling his skin. 

Clay.  I know you love me.  I love you too.  Let's just forget the drama.  Please.”  I murmured into his skin.  I wasn't entirely sure what was possessing me.  But I wanted the conflict to be over.  I wanted to see the beautiful sparkle in my boyfriend's eyes.  And yeah, maybe I was using my body to manipulate the situation a bit.  But at that moment I didn't care.

I threw myself into kissing him.  Into tasting his mouth and his neck.  My hands ran up and down his back as I pressed my chest into his.  I felt the slow, dizzying warmth of arousal as he kissed me back with equal ardor. 

I pulled his shirt over his head and ran my hands down his bare chest, scrapping my nails so that he shivered.  I pressed kisses to the flesh below his throat, teasing with my tongue. 

Slowly, as though he were waiting for me to stop him, Clay lifted the hem of my shirt and brought it over my head.  Clay stared at me, his eyes smoldering with desire and an aching tenderness that made my breath hitch.  “You are so beautiful.”  He whispered, letting his fingers barely brush the soft fabric that still covered my breasts. 

Not waiting for him to do it, I reached up and unsnapped my bra, shrugging out of it and throwing it onto the floor.  Clay's eyes grew large and then with agonizing slowness, he lowered his mouth to my waiting nipples.  His tongue danced and teased over me.

In that moment, I realized that despite his hangups, despite the crazy drama he created, I would love him always.  Clay was mine just as surely as I was his.  My life and his were inexplicably intertwined and there was no denying the intense connection we shared.  I wanted to give everything to him, to make him feel whole, and loved, and worthy. 

He pressed me to him, our naked skin molding together perfectly as he took my mouth again.  His hands caressed my flesh and I thought I would burn up inside.

After forever of this, I unbuttoned his jeans and released the zipper.  Clay hissed in a breath and moaned deep in his throat as I put my hands inside and found him.  We hadn't done much beyond a bit of tame groping.  Nothing below the clothing.  So this was new to me.  He groaned into my mouth as I rubbed him with unsure fingers.  I didn't really know what I was doing, but given his reaction, I must be doing it right.  My hand slid up and down the length of him, feeling him shudder beneath my grip.

My god, Maggie!” He moaned into my mouth as my hand's movements became surer.  I smiled against his lips as his hands palmed my breasts, the pad of his thumbs running over my nipples roughly, making me shiver. 

Clay pulled my hand from his hot flesh and grinned at me.  “You need to stop doing that, or we'll be done before we've even started.”  He teased as he began to unbutton my pants.  With deft fingers, Clay peeled my jeans back and pushed them down to my ankles, leaving me only in my panties.  He rolled on top of me, the feel of his weight sending delightful shivers throughout my body.  He rubbed his hand down my side, sliding down  to kiss my stomach, my inner thighs, my breasts and then my mouth again.  “You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.  I love you so much.”  His words were quiet as he adored me with his mouth. 

I flushed with the compliment.  “I love you too, Clay.” I said in response, gripping his hair as he traced a line upwards from my knee with his tongue.  I swallowed hard as I was waiting for him to kiss know, there.  And I was really disappointed when he stopped and suddenly leaned over me.  “Are you sure you want this?”  He asked me.  He seemed unsure, though I could feel how much he wanted me as his body pressed against mine.   I initially wanted to grab a hold of his hair and shove him back between my thighs.  I was about to get primal, as the intense waves of euphoria brought on by his fingers and tongue cascaded over me.  But then I sobered a bit and really thought about what he was asking me. 

Was this really the right time to make this leap into intimacy?  After everything that had happened this evening?  I stared into his brown eyes and the unbelievable depth of emotion I saw there made my heart pitter- patter. 

I wanted to do this.  Okay, so maybe I couldn't exactly think beyond the throbbing between my legs.  The aching in my body took away any hesitancy I might otherwise feel.   So in that instant, my decision was made.  “Make love to me, Clay.”  I whispered, dipping my hands back into his boxers and sliding them down his hips. 

He didn't need any more encouragement after that.  He hooked my panties with his thumbs and drew them down, pulling them over my feet and dropping them on the floor.  We were naked and I was suddenly exceptionally nervous. 

Clay sensing this, kissed the sensitive skin below my ear, while his hand caressed the warmth between my legs.  I gasped as he slid a finger inside me.  The tingles of pleasure coursed through me again as he rubbed, moving his finger in and out in a perfect rhythm.  I forgot to worry about my inexperience.  I just let myself flow along this tidal wave that threatened to take me under.

Finally, Clay reached over and pulled a condom out of his bag.  He tore open the package and slipped it on, positioning himself at my opening.  Clay put his hands beneath my knees and drew my legs up so they were wrapped around his waist.  He kissed me deeply again and I could feel him pressed against me, waiting. 

Maggie.”   He said huskily.  I opened my eyes and looked at him.  “I love you.”  He swallowed and pushed himself into me.  My breath hitched at the sharp pain.  “Forever.” He choked as he surged forward.  I arched my back off the bed.  My muscles straining and stretching to fit around him. 

Clay sucked in a sharp breath with the sudden sensations.  He was still a moment.  He looked down at me.  “Are you okay?”  He asked, kissing my eyebrow, my cheek, my nose.  I nodded, squeezing my legs around his hips, pulling him deeper inside me. 

And then he started moving and I thought I would die from the pleasure of it.  I could feel him sliding in and out of my body and it was the single most intense experience of my life.  I began to move with him in a sensual dance. 

Clay surged over and over again, each thrust taking him deeper into my body.  His hands touched me everywhere.  I was acutely aware of the way our breath mingled together as he stroked the innermost part of me.  The feel of his hips beneath my thighs.  The stubble on his chin as he kissed me.

I threw my head back and Clay suckled my neck, making noises in the back of his throat as his movements became more frenzied.  I felt a strange searing heat build in the pit of belly.  I dug my fingers into his shoulder blades and he yelled my name as we exploded together.

Clay collapsed on my chest, his sweat slick hair sticking to my skin.  I smoothed the strands back from his forehead.  Clay kissed the hollow of my throat, his lips lingering on the frantic pulse that beat there.  We didn't speak, each of us too spent, too emotional.  I felt tears prick my eyes and I was completely overwhelmed by what we had just shared. 

Clay would always be a part of me now.  No one could ever replace this first time for me and despite everything, I was so glad it was with him.  He traced his fingertips over my stomach, tickling it, and making me giggle.  He pulled out of me slowly and went to the bathroom. 

I pulled the sheet up under my chin, suddenly feeling shy to by lying there without anything on.  Clay came back, clearly not as modest.  He smiled at me.  He gently pulled the sheet away.  “Don't cover yourself, baby.  You're amazing.”  He laid down beside me, pulling me against his front. 

We lay together, entangled.  He nuzzled my hair.  “This is what I wanted, Mags.  To fall asleep holding you.  I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't forgiven me.  I am so, so sorry.”  I snuggled as close to him as I could get.  Clay pulled the blankets over us and I felt warm and safe in our cocoon, our earlier fight, not forgotten, but less pertinent.

My eyelids began to droop and just as I was about to fall off to sleep, Clay whispered in my ear.  “This is forever, Maggie.  I would follow you into hell if I had to.”  His breath tickled my skin.  He kissed my temple.  “You are all I want for the rest of my life.”

I was so tired that I couldn't be sure I heard him correctly.  But I knew his love was an intense, hungry thing. I worried for a moment, as I feel asleep, that his love would eat me alive.


Chapter Seventeen




I woke up the next morning, blinking with the brightness that lit the room. It was like waking up on the surface of the sun.  It was still early, I could tell by the lingering darkness that clung to the corners of the room and the edges of the sky.  Clay was wrapped tightly around me and I could barely move.  His face was buried in the back of my neck and his arms pinned me to his side.  I felt hot and sweaty from the warmth of his body. 

I needed to go the bathroom.  Badly.  I tried to wriggle out from underneath him, but that only caused him to tighten his hold on me.  Okay, I was starting to feel claustrophobic.  I laid there, until I felt his hold slacken and I slowly lifted his arm from around my chest and placed it gently beside him. 

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