Finding Divine (7 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Finding Divine
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“There’s definitely nothing wrong with you. And I promise, I’ll make you feel even better.”

“Better than this?” The surprise was evident in her voice.

“Oh, yeah.” Increasing the intensity of his thrusts Simon pounded his fingers into her. Jessica’s juices flowed freely down his hand, intoxicating him with their tangy aroma.

Jessica began to thrash beneath him. “Simon, I don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel so hot,” she whispered, sounding breathless.

“You’re close to your orgasm. Just let it happen, baby.”

Jessica wiggled and writhed apparently unable to keep still. “I’m burning up, Simon. I think—I think I’m dying.”

He couldn’t help smiling at that statement. “Then die for me, baby. Let your body do what it was meant to.”

“Oh God!” She tightened her grip in his hair almost to the point where he thought she’d yank a chunk of it out, but Simon stayed focused on pleasuring her. A loud shriek tore from her lips as a warm flow of honey, gushed from her pussy.

Slowly, he eased his fingers out of her cunt and brought them to his mouth. He licked the cream from his palm, savoring the sweet-musty taste of her on his tongue. “Hmm, you’re delicious. “ He smeared her juices on her slightly parted lips. “Go ahead and lick it. I want you to taste how scrumptious you are.”

Jessica hesitated for a brief moment before running her tongue over luscious lips. Simon pushed his damp digits into her mouth and she sucked on them.

Simon thought he’d explode right then and there. She may have been inexperienced, but no one had ever made him feel like this before. Slipping his fingers gently in and out of her mouth he knew he had to be inside her now. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you next, Jessica?”

She shook her head, her mouth still full with his fingers. 

“I’m going to fuck you.”






Jessica shivered, unable to control the fire coursing through her being. Nothing had prepared her for this scintillating passion. For so long she’d wondered if she was capable of having orgasms like the ones she’d read about, but now she knew. She’d just needed the right man.

Had someone told her a couple weeks ago she’d be lying in bed naked with a man she’d only recently met, she’d think they were crazy. This was insane, but she could no more stop this than stopping the sun from shining. She sucked his cream-coated fingers. The taste was like nothing she’d ever experienced. It was raw and strong, but not unpleasant.

Meeting his startling blue eyes, she saw a look of primal hunger. No one had ever looked at her like that before, and it gave her a sense of power to know that this beautiful man could desire her the way he did. When Simon removed his fingers, he bent down and ran his tongue along the seam of her lips.

“Mmm, I think I can get drunk from tasting you. Are you ready for me, Jessica?” he asked, gripping her thighs and pushing them farther apart. He settled himself before her legs, his cock pressing against her damp entrance. She stiffened momentarily. His fingers and mouth had been one thing, but this would actually be full-blown intercourse. Once he was inside her she knew there’d be no turning back. From this point on, Simon would be the standard to which she compared other men.

There was no going back now. Cautiously, she nodded. “Yes, I’m ready she whispered, wanting him to ease the ache building within her. It felt like the temperature had increased in the room. She was burning up.

Grasping his shaft in one hand, Simon slid it past her labia and gently pushed into her channel. His cock felt huge as he thrust forward. Jessica instinctively clenched her muscles around his member. Simon inhaled sharply.  “God, you’re tight.”

Despite being wet, there was still some discomfort from the sheer size of him. “And you’re so big. Is it supposed to be such a tight fit?” she asked tentatively, hoping she wasn’t ruining the moment. She knew that sometimes her candidness got her in trouble, like with her last experience. She didn’t want to upset Simon.

To her surprise, Simon pressed a kiss against her cheek. “I’m sorry if it hurts a bit, but it gets better once your body adjusts. Relax, and I promise I won’t move until you tell me to.”

A wave of uncertainty crashed against her. “You probably have a great deal of experience with
lots of women, don’t you?”

He lifted one dark blond brow, a smug grin curving his lips. “Jealous?”

She turned her head away, embarrassed at being caught out. “No. I’m not jealous.” It sounded like a lie even to her. “Maybe a little, but mainly I’m worried about disappointing you.”

Grasping her chin, he turned her head so that she could look his way. “You have nothing to be jealous about. You’re the only woman I’m interested in right now. As for disappointing me, you turn me on more than you could know.”

Jessica gulped. “Really?”

“Yes. This is more than just sex for me and I hope…I was hoping this week together would lead to more, like us really getting to know each other.”

Jessica smiled, finally at ease. “I’d say we’re halfway there.” She squirmed beneath him as the tightness of his cock inside her turned into a delectable ache. The movement drove Simon deeper. They both gasped at the exquisiteness of the sensation. “Simon,” she moaned, her pussy stuffed with his addictive cock was like no other feeling.

“Jesus, Jessica, if you move like that again, I’m going to lose control.”

“Like you told me before, don’t hold anything back.” Her body had adjusted to him and she was ready to for the next level of pleasure.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t change her mind if she wanted to. The unquenchable thirst for him wouldn’t allow her.

Lifting her by the thighs, Simon dug his fingers into tender flesh. He pushed into her until his balls rested against her rear. “Wrap your legs around me, baby.”

She quickly complied. Jessica wanted this as badly as Simon obviously did. As her legs circled his lower body, he placed a hand on either side of her head, his arms holding him braced.

Slowly, he pulled out of her until only the head of his dick rested at the entrance of her pussy. Then, he surged forward, not stopping until he could go no farther. Jessica arched her back, lifting her pelvis to meet his thrusts. Simon moved with slow deliberate strokes, feeding her inch by inch with hard thick cock, until Jessica thought she’d lose her mind.

She closed her eyes, letting the wondrous sensations flow throughout her heated body. Titillating pulses of delight moved along her nervous system, making her groan with need for him. 

“Open your eyes, Jessica. I want you to look at me.”

She lowly raised her lids to look into his mesmerizing blue gaze. “Simon, this feels so good. I never knew it could be like this,” she sighed, basking in the erotic currents cascading deep inside her core.

“Neither did I.”

His reply took her by surprise. “But I’m not your first.”

“But it’s the first time I’ve felt this way. You turn me on in ways I’ve never imagined. We fit together so well, it was like you were made for this. Made for me. After today, this pussy belongs exclusively to me, because I don’t like sharing.”

The feral gleam in his gaze, made her shiver. “You sound like you mean that.”

He thrust forcefully into her. “Damn right I mean it. This pussy is mine now. Tell me that it’s mine.”


Simon’s moved so that he could grab her thighs again as he increased the speed of his strokes. “Tell me,” he commanded through gritted teeth. “I told you that once this happened there’d be no going back.”

“This is yours, Simon. Only yours!” she practically screamed out from the thrill of being possessed so forcefully. He was branding and claiming her, making her his. A sense of elation filled her. She would belong to him now, and though the thought should have worried her that things were moving so fast too soon, she didn’t give a damn. All that mattered was how good his cock felt inside her, and how she already felt things for him she had no business feeling.

She clenched her muscles around his cock, wanting him to know exactly what he was doing to her.

“Ahh!” Simon exclaimed, plunging his cock inside her in frenzied motions. “If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to hold back much longer.”

Jessica tightened her legs around him. “Then do it because I’m so close. I want you to come with me, Simon.” She cried out as a powerful climax ripped through her and she began to shake uncontrollably.

The first orgasm had been nothing like this earth-shattering quake that rippled from head to toe. It was as if a sexual demon possessed her and wouldn’t let go. “Simon!” she screamed, burying her face in his sweat-dampened chest, her nails digging into his back.

“Jessica,” Simon uttered her name as he shuddered against her, signaling his own peak. He rolled off her to his back, his cock slipping out of her.

An emptiness filled her without him inside her but the feeling didn’t last long, because he pulled her in his arms, and kissed her forehead while he absently stroked her back.

Jessica snuggled against him, reveling in the afterglow of this incredible experience. Lying within the circle of his arms made her feel safe and content. Oddly, she didn’t regret a single second of what had just happened between the two of them. She’d never put too much store in fate, but Jessica couldn’t explain how connected she felt with him.

Simon was the first one to break the silence. “Jessica?”


“You’re not wishing this didn’t happen are you?”

She moved so that she could look into his eyes. The confidence she’d come to expect from him was gone to be replaced by uncertainty. Her heart fluttered. Simon was so adorable. Wanting to reassure him of her feelings Jessica leaned forward and placed a light kiss at the corner of his mouth. “No. I don’t regret it. I think it was wonderful. Thank you for making this day very special.”

Simon smiled and pressed his lips against hers in a long leisurely kiss. “Mmm, what was that for?”

“That was to thank you.”

She raised a brow. “Thank me for what?”

“For making this experience brand new for me too. It felt…I don’t know, right.”

Heat warmed her cheeks. “Simon, I’m sure you’ve been with women far more experienced than me.”

“Yes, but they weren’t you. I wouldn’t trade one of you for a dozen of them. None of those other women mattered to me. Jessica, I meant what I said before. I know we’ve gotten things a bit backward, but I don’t want this to be just a sex thing between us. I want to get to have a relationship with you.”

“You mean like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“Yes. After what happened just now, I don’t want you to be with anyone else. I’m thirty years old and I’m past my ‘playing the field’ years. I don’t know where this is headed, but I’d like to find out.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. She was speechless.

He scrunched his face in concern. “Jessica, what is it? Did I say something wrong?”

She sniffed and quickly swiped away a tear. “No. I’m just being a big baby. These are happy tears. I never expected things to turn out like this and it makes me feel good, but it frightens me, too.”

He took her hand in his and brushed his lips against her knuckles. “Why are you scared, baby?”

She liked the way he so easily called her “baby”. No man had ever used a pet name with her before. “It’s kind of hard to put into words.”

“Try me.” He kissed the back of her hand again.

“I’ve always been careful letting anyone else in my life. I’ve always been a bit introverted even when my brother was still alive, but I kind of shut myself off from making connections with other people because I’d lost my faith in humanity. And also because I was scared people wouldn’t accept me with all my neuroses. But you’re different. I’m not prone to rash decisions, but you and I just feel right.”

He stroked her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I’m scared something will happen to ruin this. Maybe you’ll get tired of me, or maybe I’ll get hit by a bus tomorrow, because for once, I’m happy and I haven’t felt this way in a long time.”

Simon brushed a stray lock of hair from her eyes. “Jessica, life is not a guaranteed thing, which is why you have to live it to the fullest. I learned that lesson a long time ago. I’m no stranger to tragedy.”

Her curiosity was peaked. “What happened?”

His lips tightened and face closed. “Jessica, do you trust me?”

“That didn’t answer my question.”

“I know it didn’t, but do you trust me?”

She searched her heart, and then looked into his earnest expression. “Yes.”

“Good. I’m not ready to share that part of me yet, just as you have trouble talking about your brother. As our relationship strengthens, I know we’ll both get to a point where we can be open and frank about our pasts, but until then, it’s hard for me to talk about.”

She wondered what he was hiding but decided not to press the issue, after all he did have a point. There were still things she wasn’t ready to share with him either, so she’d have to be patient. “I understand, but I hope we can get to the point where we can be more open with each other. It’s not that I don’t want to share things with you, but like you said, it’s hard. I’ve never really opened up to anyone about my feelings besides the therapist I see occasionally, and even with her, I have kept things to myself. I don’t even talk about it with my parents.”

Simon nodded. “I hope for that, too, and when you’re ready to tell me I will be here for you, just as I hope you’ll be here for me when I’m ready.”

“Of course.” She gave him kiss on his collarbone. “Simon, this is all so surreal. I’ve never had a boyfriend before.”

“Never? Not even that guy you were seeing?”

“No, we were just casually dating. We never had an official title to what we were. Are you okay with being my first?”

“Thrilled.” He hugged her close.

She didn’t want to ruin the mood but she felt it was fair to bring up her anxiety issues. “Are you going to mind how I sometimes get agitated in large crowds, and that I’m prone to panic attacks when I’m uncomfortable? They tend to freak people out.”

“I don’t care about that. I see you for who you are. You’re beautiful and sweet and I can’t get enough of you.”

Simon, you’re going to spoil me with all these compliments.”

“You deserve them. So now we’ve established this relationship, let’s figure out how to maximize our enjoyment for the remainder of this vacation. What do you want to do this week?”

“I don’t care as long as I’m with you.” She wiggled against him, reveling in his warmth.

“Hmm, I think that can be arranged.”

Suddenly Jessica felt something cold and wet when on her foot. What the hell? “Something’s on my foot.” They both sat up to see one of the dogs looking at them with a forlorn expression its face. She yelped, pulling her foot away. She’d forgotten about his dogs. They’d definitely take some getting used to.

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