Finding Focus (36 page)

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Authors: Jiffy Kate

BOOK: Finding Focus
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She’s right. I know she’s right, but I can’t help but worry I might’ve waited too long to tell Dani how I feel about her. I tried to show her during our trip, especially last night, but what if it wasn’t enough?

I can’t lose her.

lose her.

Please, God, don’t let her choose Graham.

I don’t know how long they’ve been outside talking, but it’s been fucking long enough. I storm through the kitchen and foyer, preparing to fight for my girl, but stop short when I hear raised voices coming from the porch.

“I forgive you. There. Is that what you want to hear?”

Dani, no.

I hold my breath, willing my heart not to break. I love her, and I want what’s best for her. She has to make the decision for herself, and whatever it is, I have to accept that.

“No, but it’s not home. It’s not where I belong.”

“Where exactly do you think you belong?”

Fucking Graham.

“Here. I belong here.”

Hell yeah! That’s my girl!

Graham laughs. “I tried to show you a better life . . . something other than being a hillbilly. I spoiled you, helped you with your career, and now you’re throwing it back in my face? I should’ve known you were a lost cause.”

That’s fucking it!

I practically rip the front door off its hinges when I open it to see Dani and Graham squaring off on the porch. My blood is boiling, but I put a calm smile on my face. I like to catch my enemies off guard. The surprise tactic is where it’s at. “Time to scoot, buddy. I think the lady’s made it perfectly clear how she feels.”

“Oh, I see how it is. You’re slumming it, huh, Dani? My dad was right about you. You’re a waste of my time.”

“Just leave, Graham!” Dani yells.

I never thought I’d hit someone using a cane, but there’s a first time for everything. I clench my fists, ready to attack, but Graham finally uses his brain and starts walking toward his car. As a last insult, he spits on the ground before getting in and driving off.

I look over at Dani and try to gauge how she’s feeling. She doesn’t look sad. She looks pissed. I just hope she’s not pissed at me.

“Dani? Baby, are you okay?” I step closer to her, wanting to touch her, but not wanting to push too much.

As soon as her eyes find mine, her fierce expression cools and she gives me a confused smile.

“Of course I am. Why?”

I chuckle, relieved, wondering why I’m so surprised by her response. I shouldn’t be. She’s incredible.

“You didn’t think I was going to leave with Graham, did you?”

“I hoped not. I even prayed you wouldn’t, but I had to let you make up your own mind.”

“Micah, my mind was made up a long time ago.”

“I was afraid I’d missed my chance.”

“Your chance at what?”

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the nerves I’m sure are about to come, but they don’t. All I feel is peace and contentment. Looking down into her deep green eyes, I just know. I know I love her. I know I want to spend every second of every day with her. “Telling you how much I love you.”

Her eyes light up and a hopeful smile plays on her lips. “Well, here’s your chance.”

I place my hands on her hips and gently pull her to me. “Sheridan Paige Reed, I love you so much. I should’ve told you sooner, but I was scared. You think you might love me back?”

She wraps her arms around my neck and stands on her toes, barely touching her mouth to mine.

“Yeah, I think I just might.”

The thought that she feels the same way has my heart practically beating out of my chest. Relief floods my veins as she looks up at me. I see it in her eyes.

“I need to hear you say it.”

“I love you, Micah Landry. You’re my south.” She takes my face between her hands and presses her lips to mine, planting herself even more firmly into my heart and soul. When she pulls back, she looks deep into my eyes with so much warmth and contentment. “You’re where I belong.”


but I can honestly say I finally know where I’m going in life. I’ve found my focus—my sweet spot, if you will. It wasn’t an easy road getting here, but the journey is what makes the destination so sweet. Had I not been through the challenges I’ve faced these past few months, I might not have realized how amazing this feels. The truth is, had I not lost my job and then my boyfriend,
might still be lost.

That old saying that hindsight is 20/20 is so true. If I’d known then what I know now, I’d never have lost a moment’s sleep or cried a single tear over Graham Harrison. In fact, I’d have followed my heart a lot sooner and allowed it to lead me back home.

But, timing is everything, and I’d go through a dozen heartbreaks if I knew Micah Landry was waiting for me at the end of it all.

After Graham made his last-ditch effort to win me back, if that’s what you can even call it—
such a pretentious prick—
Micah and I holed up at the cottage for a couple weeks. It was blissful. I was able to finish my article and turn it in ahead of schedule. Piper was pleased. The editor-in-chief was pleased. The article comes out in two weeks and I can’t wait to see it in print. I even snuck a picture of Micah in there. He doesn’t know it yet, and he’ll probably shoot me, but he was better than any model I could’ve paid to be in the shot. And when you catch someone truly enjoying something, rather than staging it, the feeling translates over to the picture.

Piper seems pretty confident she’ll be able to keep me busy with freelance work for the magazine, but I’ve also sent my résumé and portfolio over to a few other magazines. Freelance is what I should’ve been doing all along. It allows me to be creative and totally immerse myself in a project. Plus, I can pretty much live anywhere, which is the biggest benefit. It’s the reason why I’m currently standing in the middle of an empty apartment.

I’ve packed up everything I want to take and given away all of my furniture, including that disgusting bed I never slept in again after walking in on Graham and Kaitlyn. The only thing not in a box is my suitcase full of a few days’ worth of clothes, my toiletries, and the air mattress I found in the top of my closet.

It’s kind of weird knowing I’m only going to be in New York for two more nights, but I’m not sad. I’ll miss my Chinese Restaurant and Central Park, but that’s about it.

Well . . . and maybe the Brooklyn Bridge.

And Rockefeller Center.

But, other than that, everything else I want is in Louisiana.

Fortunately, I have plenty of pictures, and New York is only a three-hour plane ride away. I won’t be a stranger. I’ll be back.

When my phone rings, I grab it without looking to see who it is. I already know.

“Hello,” I say seductively.

“Is that how you answer the phone for all the guys who call?”

“No, just you,” I sigh. “Besides, you’re the only guy who calls. The only guy I want to call.”

“I like that. Let’s keep it that way.”

“I was planning on it.”

“Good,” Micah says. The growl in his voice goes straight to my stomach, causing it to tie into a tight knot, and a warmth spreads through my body.

“God, I miss you,” I tell him, lying down on the hardwood floor, wishing he were here.

“I miss you so much, baby. You have no idea.”

“Oh, I think I do.” My voice takes a bit of a sad turn. I can’t help it. When he calls me, I’m reminded of just how much I miss him and that I’m here alone when I want to be with him . . . and Annie, and Sam, and Deacon . . . and Cami and Carter . . . even Tucker . . . and closer to Piper. I sigh heavily into the phone.

“You okay?”

“Just feeling lonely and sorry for myself.”

“It’s not gonna be much longer. Then you’ll never have to be lonely again.”

I close my eyes and a smile breaks across my face. “You always know just what to say.”

“I wish I was there so I could
something rather than say something. I’m a lot fonder of actions.”

“You’re really good with actions.”

“That’s right, and don’t you forget it.”

“Well,” I tease, “it has been a few weeks.”

He growls into the phone again, letting me hear his frustration. “Seems as though I need to remind you.”

“That’s what I was hoping for.”

He chuckles and I can imagine him running a hand through his hair, a smirk placed firmly on his lips. “Tell me something good.”

“I’m going to see you in two days.”

“What else?”

“You’re never going to have to go back to New York again,” he says, pausing. “Unless you want to. And hopefully, I’ll be with you.”

“I want you with me always.”

“And I’ll be able to kiss you any time I want.”

“Oh, do you plan on living in Baton Rouge?”

“No, but it’s only forty minutes away. If I need a kiss bad enough, it’s a short drive to get my fix.”

I laugh into the phone, rolling onto my side. “I love you.”

“I love you so much it hurts.” He pauses, and then says, “Tell me something good.” In the background, I hear a door shut and some shuffling. It sounds like he just got into his truck.

“I have my entire apartment packed and the movers will be here tomorrow.”

“Look at you, you little worker bee.”

“Hey, when I set my mind to something, I get shit done.”

“I love that about you.”

“I love everything about you.”

“Even my stinky feet?”

“Those, I tolerate, but everything else? Yeah, pretty much.”

There’s a knock at my door and I’m not sure who it could be. I’m not expecting anyone until the moving company tomorrow.

“Hey, someone’s at the door. Can I call you back later?”

“Yeah, sure,” he says.

“Okay, love you.”

“Love you, too.” I’m just getting ready to push end when I hear him say, “Oh, and, Dani?”


“I can’t wait to kiss you.”

I smile, loving his random thoughts. “The feeling is mutual, Micah Landry.”

I end the call and pull myself up off the ground, groaning at my sore back, legs, arms—everything is sore from packing and moving boxes around.

When I unlock the door and pull it open, I can’t contain myself. I squeal like a child and drop my phone to the ground, launching myself at the best damn thing I’ve seen in two weeks.


He picks me up and puts his lips anywhere he can find exposed skin, kissing my lips, cheeks, forehead . . . down my neck, inhaling deeply along the way. “God, you’re a sight for sore eyes. I love you so much.”

“I love you,” I breathe, kissing him as he stumbles into the apartment and slams the door behind us with his foot. “What are you doing here?” I ask between kisses.

“I thought you could use some help.”

“You’re crazy,” I say, laughing and kissing him some more. My heart is so happy, it feels like it may burst.

“I also thought we should do these last couple of nights in New York properly.” His lips are on my neck, taking away all coherent thought. The feel of his hands on my ass and his body pressed against me causes a fire to ignite deep within my belly and my head starts to spin.

If I had to take a field sobriety test right now, I’d fail miserably.

Micah takes a second to look around the apartment. “Holy shit, you really did get everything emptied out of here.”

I nod, smiling. “Yep.”

“Where the hell were you planning on sleeping the next two nights?”

Pointing to the air mattress still in its box, I say, “There”.

“Oh, hell no. Uh uh.” He shakes his head and slowly lets my feet slide to the ground. “That’s not gonna work for what I had in mind.” He pulls his phone out of his back pocket and begins pecking away at the screen. A minute later, he puts it to his ear. “Yes, I was wondering if you have a room available for tonight and tomorrow night?”

There’s a pause, and he looks over at me, his eyes blazing with what I know now is want and desire. He wets his bottom lip with his tongue, reaches out for me, and grabs my waist, pulling me to him. “That’s perfect,” he says into the phone, but it sounds like a double entendre. Leaning forward, he brushes his nose along my jaw, nipping at the skin as he goes. His days’ worth of stubble deliciously stings my skin, making every nerve in my body feel like a livewire. “Micah Landry,” he says. “That’s right. Thank you.”

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