Read Finding Forever Online

Authors: Melody Anne

Finding Forever (17 page)

BOOK: Finding Forever
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Chapter Three

think you’re ready
for a few days on your own. I’m just a phone call away if you need me, but I think I’ll help you from the beaches in Southern California,” Esther said as she gathered her purse and jacket.

It was Amy’s second week and she
was doing much better, but panic consumed her at the thought of Esther leaving her on her own. Well, it wasn’t exactly on her own—Lucas was only a thin piece of wood away.

She couldn’t say he’d been rude, but he wasn’t friendly, either. His glacier blue eyes would hold her captive as she and Esther sat before him at his desk, his tone commanding, yet always professional. She’d yet to see him smile.

“I’ll be fine, Esther, but I’ll miss you,” Amy finally assured her.

“I’ll miss you too, dear, but don’t worry about a thing. I’ll be back on Monday to start on your final training schedule. You’re picking up on all of this much faster than I did way back when, and it wasn’t nearly as technical when I was starting out. I think you’re a great addition to the team.”

“You’re too nice to me. Make sure you bottle up some sand so I can at least pretend I occasionally get to visit warm beaches,” Amy said with a laugh.

“It won’t take long before you’re flying all over the world. Part of your job is traveling to different divisions of the corporation with Lucas. Some of the places are incredible. It’s very difficult to work from a hotel suite when you can see the sun shining down on a beautiful white beach. Joseph was always good about making sure I had time to get some playing in, though. I’m sure Lucas will be the same way,” Esther assured her.

Amy had serious doubts about that. Lucas didn’t seem like he was familiar with anything that had to do with fun. The idea of seeing him in nothing but a pair of low-riding swim trunks immediately sent butterflies to her stomach, though.

“Yes, you’re probably right,” Amy finally answered, realizing Esther was giving her an odd look. It didn’t help that her reply came out a bit breathlessly.

Stop daydreaming about your boss. The man hates you as it is. You, in no way, need to make the situation worse by lusting after him
, Amy berated herself.

“All right, then. I’m off. Have a great day,” Esther said before breezing out of the office.

Amy sat at the desk, a little bit lost. She had her assignments, but it was her first day all by herself. After a couple of minutes she dove in. It wasn’t like she could mess up too badly.

A few hours later, she was startled when her intercom buzzed.

“Amy, I need you in my office.”

Lucas was short and to the point, never adding more words than he needed to. It was a bit disconcerting. She gathered her notebook and quickly walked to their connecting door. Before turning the knob, she took a fortifying breath, then stepped through.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson.”

“I need you to take a few memos for me, then type up the letters. I need them back within the hour. I’ve been called away for an emergency and I don’t know how long I’ll be away. Normally, you’d be coming with me, but since you’re still in training, that’s out the window,” he said, his tone curt.

She shifted on her feet, feeling like she was getting a scolding for being new. She knew better than to say anything back, but she felt like apologizing, though she didn’t know what for.

“Yes, sir,” she replied as she sat before him.


Lucas had to stare at his computer while he cursed his reaction to Amy as her scent washed over him. If he didn’t gain some control over his body’s reaction to her, he’d never make it through the next few weeks, let alone a long-term employment. He decided right then that if a new assistant was hired for him, it was going to either be male, or a much older woman.

He knew he’d been working a lot of hours, but obviously, it was time for him to call one of his female friends. He needed to find relief before he ended up doing something stupid like throwing his new assistant over his desk.

It wasn’t as if he were a hormone-riddled teenage boy. He couldn’t understand why the heck he was reacting so strongly to her. Yes, she was attractive, but he’d seen better-looking women who were far more polished, and even more, who knew the score.

He had zero doubts his assistant wasn’t the one-night-stand type of girl—and that’s the only kind of women he dated. He had no time and no desire for committed relationships.

Lucas pulled himself together, then dictated the notes he wanted typed up. Yes, this was what he did well – business. Most people let their jobs rule them, cause stress, but not Lucas. He thrived in the fast-paced world of high finance.

He finally looked up, his throat closing for a moment as he watched her furiously write to keep up with him. The same piece of stubborn hair that was always escaping her unflattering bun was caressing her cheekbone, the end tickling the corner of her mouth, almost framing her luscious pink lips. His groin tightened as he thought about those lips gliding across his skin, her tongue darting out and cooling his overheated body.

When she looked up, her eyes widened, emotions flashing through her expressive face. The fact that she couldn’t hide a thing from him didn’t help. He knew his employee was just as attracted to him as he was to her.

His groin throbbed as their gazes locked together, neither of them seeming able to pull away. His brothers would have a heyday if they saw what his petite assistant was doing to him. They always liked to tease him about being made of steel, always the one in control, even from the time they were teenagers.

They’d get a real kick over his lack of control due to one small woman.

“That will be all,” he finally said, knowing his voice was harsh, but not able to stop it. He watched as she jumped in her chair, then as her cheeks flushed a tempting shade of red, he found himself wanting to say “to hell with it” and just pulling her onto his lap.

“Uh…okay. I’ll…um…have this done on time,” she stuttered before shakily climbing to her feet.

He watched as she slowly made her way from his office, a bit unsteady. The gentle sway of her hips didn’t help his situation, not at all.

Finally, he jumped to his feet, needing to get out of the office. He grabbed his gym bag and exited through his private entrance. He was relieved to be leaving for a while. By the time he got back, he knew he’d have his hormones under control.


Amy stepped off the elevator with an extra bounce in her step.
What a difference a month makes
, she thought with a genuine smile. Though tension was still over the top with Lucas, she really didn’t spend too much time with him, making her days bearable. She loved her job and felt confident in performing her tasks, even without Esther at her side. She felt good, really good.

“Amy, come over and have some cake,” she heard Esther calling. “It’s my retirement party.” Amy looked up to find hundreds of employees crowding the glass conference room. Everyone was chatting, eating, and seeming to be having a great time.

“Good morning, Amy, I’ve been hearing wonderful things about you. How are you doing?” This came from Joseph seconds before he walked up and threw an arm around her shoulders.

“It’s great, Mr. Anderson. Thank you again for giving me this opportunity,” she said bashfully. The man was still intimidating, but with his gentle smile and friendly eyes, it wasn’t hard to relax in his presence. She was growing a bit fond of the gentle giant.

“Nonsense, my girl, you earned this position by studying hard and having an excellent work ethic. Esther said you’re fitting right in and doing a fantastic job.” He laughed heartily. “Come with me. I want you to meet some other employees.” He wrapped her arm in his and dragged her around the room for several minutes, making dozens of introductions, before stopping in front of a well-dressed man.

“Mike, I want you to meet Amy. She’s the new executive assistant for Lucas,” Joseph said in his excessively loud voice, causing several heads to turn in their direction. Amy could feel her face grow warmer, uncomfortable with being the center of attention.

“Nice to meet you, Amy,” Mike replied as the corner of his lips turned up into a sexy smile.

He stuck out his hand and took hers, his thumbs caressing her wrist. She may not date a whole lot, but she wasn’t unaware of the subtle signals he was sending her way. She felt her face heat a bit more.

“Mike works in the offices one floor down as an assistant. I thought I’d introduce you so if you have any questions, he can answer them. I’ll leave the two of you to chat,” Joseph said with a chuckle before walking away.

After an awkward moment, Amy found herself enjoying Mike’s company. He was a nice guy with a sense of humor and a lot of knowledge.

Mike was far more the kind of man who normally interested Amy. He was average-looking—not someone you’d place on a calendar, but someone you’d definitely give a second glance. He was witty and his smile was engaging. He also didn’t stir her stomach or make her cheeks flush. He was safe.

“I know this great little diner right down the road. Can I buy you dinner on Friday?”

Amy looked at the good-looking man and wished she felt even the tiniest spark of interest in him, but she didn’t. Not only that, but she really didn’t want to date anyone at the moment. She was focused on her job and had life goals in mind. She didn’t have time to date, but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She was caught between a rock and a hard place.


Across the room, Lucas was glaring daggers at his new employee. She never smiled that way when he talked to her. Of course, he was normally barking orders at her, so he could almost understand why. Still, he didn’t like the attention she was giving to another male. He really didn’t like the interest he saw in Mike’s eyes. As Lucas slowly looked at her from her feet, all the way up, he certainly could appreciate that interest.

What did his father think he was doing, introducing her to Mike? Everyone knew he went through women faster than he changed clothes. Many women had been fooled by his act of affection, but Lucas knew the guy only had one goal in mind, and Lucas was sure Amy wasn’t ready for the ramifications of a failed office romance.

Lucas was even more irritated that he cared. He consoled himself by thinking he was only concerned because, if she got discarded, her work performance would suffer, which would make him have to fire her. He’d then have to take time away from his busy schedule to hire a new employee.

He was just about ready to storm over there, grab her arm, and drag her away when his father approached him. “How you doing, boy?” he asked far too slyly.

“Fine, Father. And you?” he automatically responded, not taking his eyes off Amy.

He was thinking the office party had gone on long enough. It was time to get his employee away from Mike, and back to work.


Joseph had a hard time keeping the satisfied grin from his face as he watched his son throw an internal fit while Amy laughed with Mike. Lucas was already falling for Amy, and the boy didn’t even realize it. Joseph may as well push things along a bit more, speed things up. In the game of love, no one could lose.

Joseph could practically feel the weight of his first grandchild resting in his arms. He couldn’t imagine a more perfect Christmas present for Katherine and him.

“Don’t you think Amy and Mike look good together? She’s seemed a little lonely this past week. I’ve been worried about her, considering she has no family to turn to. She’s been tight-lipped about her circumstances, but I think she could use a good friend.”

Joseph tried keeping his voice sincere as he spoke to Lucas, knowing how to push his eldest son’s buttons. There was nothing like a little jealousy to make a man step up to the plate.

“Mike’s a cad and I’m going to put a stop to this. You need to quit meddling in people’s lives, Father,” Lucas said through tight lips.

“I’m sorry, son. I didn’t know you were interested in her. You know, as her boss, you probably shouldn’t start a romance,” he said. He knew his son well and there was nothing Lucas enjoyed more than a challenge. Throwing down the gauntlet and telling Lucas he couldn’t have her would make him want her even more.

“I’m not interested in her,” Lucas said through clenched teeth. “I just know what kind of a man Mike is. He’ll break her heart, and then her work will be affected. I’m only thinking of the work environment.”

“Has work been stressful, Lucas? You seem to be tightly wound.”

“Work’s been fine, Dad. I just don’t like it when you come here, cause a bunch of chaos, mess with my employee, then act as if everything is fine. I’m still not thrilled you went behind my back and hired Amy, but she’s actually doing her job well, and I don’t feel like trying to find a replacement at this time. I have much more important things to focus on. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

With those parting words, he started walking in her direction.

Joseph chuckled to himself, feeling downright giddy. Oh yes, his son was falling hard. He had picked out the perfect wife, it seemed. He moved over to Esther and nudged her in the arm so the two of them could watch the show.

“You know, Joseph Anderson, one of these days those boys of yours are going to figure out all the stunts you pull on them, and then the tables will be turned,” Esther said with a chuckle.

“Ah, Esther, how you underestimate me. I’m far too sly to get caught.”

“You may think you have everyone fooled, but you’re not as clever as you believe,” she responded, though her eyes were glued to Lucas as he marched across the room.

“We’ll just have to wait and see…”


“Amy, we have work to do,” Lucas said as he approached her and Mike. Amy noticed he didn’t even acknowledge Mike’s presence, and that fact apparently wasn’t lost on her companion, either. Mike, obviously not wanting to upset the boss, slunk away without another word. Amy lost a bit of respect for him as she turned toward Lucas.

“Yes, Mr. Anderson. I’m sorry, but everyone was out here, and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I’ll get to work now,” Amy replied before turning toward her office. She didn’t understand why he sounded so irritated with her. It seemed everyone in the building was at the party and it wasn’t like she’d been the one who’d thrown it.

BOOK: Finding Forever
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