Read Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars) Online

Authors: Bethany Shaw

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf and shifters, #paranormal werewolf romance, #Paranormal Romance, #Werewolves, #shifter romance, #war

Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars) (21 page)

BOOK: Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)
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“Yes, it’s for the whole pack. I’ll take you,” Daniel offered.

“As a date?” Nora asked, chewing on her lower lip.


“I’d like that.”


ora maneuvered through the still crowded kitchen to throw her and Daniel’s plates away. Daniel had ventured over to the counter to pick up a few muffins for them. She hoped there were some of the cherry almond ones left. They were her favorite.

He held one up, meeting her eyes with a small smile on his face. Nora threw her things away and met him by the door.

“Were there any blueberry?” Nora asked, remembering they were Daniel’s favorite. She peeled back the wrapper and sunk her teeth into the soft muffin.

“Nah, I got a cinnamon streusel one. I’m pretty sure Dev hordes all the blueberry.” Daniel pushed the door open.

“I can see why, it all tastes amazing.” Nora looked out the large window in the front room. It was pouring. Puddles of murky water pooled in the yard. There was no way they’d be going outside tonight. “I have Netflix on my laptop. Do you want to watch something?”

“Like what?” Daniel asked around a mouthful of muffin.

“I don’t know. There are lots of things to stream,” Nora shrugged.

A loud chorus of cheers came from the kitchen and Daniel turned back to look at the closed door. He nodded once before turning his emerald gaze back onto her. “Sure.”

“We could go back in there if you wanted,” Nora offered.

“No, let’s just hangout you and me,” Daniel said, brushing his fingers over her elbow and down into her palm. He entwined their hands and started up the stairs.

Nora smiled to herself as she led the way. He opened her door and she closed it behind them, twisting the lock. “Let me get my computer,” she said going to the dresser. She picked up the black rectangle and opened it up. “I think some of Marvels stuff is available to stream.”


“Is something wrong?” Nora asked, sensing that whatever had happened in the kitchen after they left had set him off.

Daniel shrugged as he sat on the side of the bed. “It’s nothing.”

Nora flipped the lid closed on her laptop and sunk down next to him. “You’re upset,” she observed.

“It’s stupid.”

“No, it’s not,” she countered.

“Dev and Lark were announcing their ceremony. My mom made a comment about it I said, it doesn’t matter.”

“I’m sure she didn’t mean to upset you,” Nora said quietly. “Your mom cares about you. I’ve seen it.”

“Let’s watch that movie,” Daniel said, changing the subject.

Nora bit her lower lip looking at Daniel. He stared straight ahead at the dresser. What had his mom said, she wondered.

Daniel stood up, walked to the dresser, and set up the computer. He tapped something and the red screen popped up.

“Avengers?” Daniel asked.

“Sure,” Nora said sliding back so she was lying on the pillows. She patted the spot next to her and Daniel lay down, resting one arm behind his head and pulling her close with the other.

Nora sighed relaxing her head against his chest. The movie started and she smiled as Daniel’s hand rubbed tiny circles into her back.

Nora grunted as her warm cushiony pillow moved out from underneath her. Her eyes fluttered open and she squinted in the darkness. Daniel’s silhouette moved toward the laptop. The screen was black as white names scrolled over it. She’d missed the entire movie.

She sat up and stretched her arms up and over her head.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Daniel whispered, dragging his finger over the touchpad.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t a very good movie buddy,” Nora smiled. “Did you like it at least?”

“It was good. I heard there is a third one coming out, maybe we could go see that together,” Daniel offered.

She didn’t think the other movie was coming out for some time yet. That meant he didn’t know that, or he was planning to be with her for a long time. “I’d like that.”

Daniel shifted on his feet. “It’s late and we have an early morning,” he said, running a hand through his hair.

Did he want to stay but didn’t want to force it or was he trying to get out of staying, she wondered. He wouldn’t have spent all evening with you if he didn’t like your company, she reasoned. “Will you stay with me again tonight?” She tucked locks of hair behind her ear as she peered up at him.

“Yeah,” Daniel said. “Do you mind?” he asked. His hands rested on the hem of his shirt.

Nora licked her lips and shook her head. Her breath caught in her throat as she rose up to her knees. Feeling bold, she rolled her shirt up and let it fall to the floor. Daniel’s eyes appraised her for a moment before he lifted his shirt up revealing his taut upper body. She reached out, skimming her fingers up his chest. Daniel bent down, his lips capturing hers. Gently, he pushed her back until he hovered over her on the bed. His stubble scratched at her mouth as his tongue met hers. Nora moaned into his mouth as heat pooled between her thighs. She needed him.

His hand dipped down between them, flicking her jeans open. Nora gasped as his warm fingers slid down into her panties and he inserted one digit inside of her. Daniel kissed down her neck and shoved her bra strap out of the way, as he peppered his way to her breast and took the mound into his mouth. Nora cried out as he added another finger.

Her hands flew to his hair. She threaded her fingers through his thick locks. His free hand found her other nipple, and he rolled the tight bud between his fingers. Nora’s hips rose up greedily meeting his thrusts. His digits slipped in and out of her folds as her core ached for more.

A whimper escaped her lips as he pulled away. He unzipped her jeans and pulled them along with her panties down her legs. Nora pushed up to a sitting position. She reached behind her and undid her bra, depositing it in the ever-growing pile of clothes. Her eyes widened and her breath caught as Daniel stood all the way up and rolled his pants down before stepping out of them.

His cock sprung out to greet her and Nora grasped it in her hands, pumping her hand up and down the shaft. Daniel grunted and his eyes closed. Nora continued her ministrations enjoying the control she had. “I want you inside of me,” she whispered, swiping her finger over the tip of his cock.

Daniel drew closer his lips meeting hers again as he pressed her into the bed. His length dug into her thigh and liquid heat flooded her readying her body. His tongue dived into her mouth at the same time as he entered her. Nora cried out, her screams getting lost in his mouth.

Daniel grunted as he filled Nora. Her tight, wet heat sheathing him perfectly. His hand tangled in her hair as he thrust into her. Her hips bucked up into his and he wrapped his hand around her thigh lifting it slightly so he could go deeper.

The wolf in him wanted to take her hard and fast, but he wanted to savor this—to enjoy the intimacy. Nora was the best thing that ever happened to him, and even if he didn’t know how to tell her that, he would show her.

Daniel slowed his pace taking long, deep strokes. Nora shuddered beneath him, her hands pulling his mouth harder against hers. Their tongues slid along each other. He caught her muffled cry as she tensed beneath him. Her tight walls clenched around his cock, milking him. Liquid heat coated his length and he rose up onto his palms quickening his pace and drawing out her orgasm. He thrust once, twice, and growled as he came.

Daniel rested his head against her forehead. A fine sheen of sweat had collected on both of their brows. He kissed her lips, softly, tenderly then rolled off. He took her with him drawing her into his chest. Her breasts brushed against his ribs and his cock stirred.

Nora relaxed into Daniel. Her limbs were like jello. Absently, she trailed patterns over his chest. Daniel placed a kiss to the tip of her nose and she smiled at the gesture. One of his hands skimmed over her belly and she flinched as it traced the length of her scar all the way up to the crook of her neck.

“Did one of your parents do this?” He asked, lightly touching the silvery line.

Nora’s heart broke at his question. Her pulse spiked too. What should she tell him if he asked? “No,” she answered simply.


“Did your dad give you all of yours?” she asked hesitantly, thinking of the long white claw marks across his back.

“Some of them. Part of my training was fighting. Emmett didn’t do it how Gene and Dev do. I learned through trial and error. I suppose it made me a better fighter. When messing up means bodily harm you tend to learn fairly quickly.” Daniel replied sighing heavily.

Nora kissed his chest just above his nipple. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

Daniel was quiet for a long moment. “How did you get yours?”

Nora closed her eyes. “Surgery.”

“So close to your heart?” he questioned. His hand ran through her matted hair and she relished in the feeling for a bit longer.

“Yeah. I had a transplant. A heart transplant.”

His fingers froze halfway through her hair. “Like you have someone else’s heart in you?” he asked after a long minute.


“Oh,” he said, his hand dropping to her shoulder.

“I’m not dying,” she snapped, pulling back. “I’m healthy. Most people who have transplants live normal, healthy lives.” She sat up and pulled the sheets around herself.

“So you are okay then?” Daniel asked, leaning up on his elbow. “What’s the medicine for?”

“I’m fine.” Angry tears burned her eyes. He was going to pull away from her now, she knew he would. Everyone else had except for April. “I’m more susceptible to diseases. My immune system is weak. I take the medicine to help with that. I’m fine,” she repeated.

Daniel’s hand yanked on her arm, pulling her back to him. Nora looked up at the ceiling, refusing to meet his eyes. Afraid of what she would find. Pity, disgust, it was hard to tell.

“Nora.” His fingers tugged on her chin. The wolf’s thumb traced over her lips and she turned to meet his gaze. “I don’t care.”

Nora’s brows dipped down as she studied his face. “You don’t?” she whispered.

“No, I’m just happy to have someone like you in my life. As my friend—lover.” He tipped his head down and kissed her.

Nora parted her lips the despair slipping away from her as his hand cupped her breast. His length twitched against her hip, causing heat to bud between her legs.

“You're not going to change your mind in the morning?” she asked, pulling back.

“Why would it matter to me? I’m just happy to have you,” Daniel commented. “As long as you’re healthy that’s all I care about.”

“And if I was sick?”

“Then I’d get you the help you needed. Why would it matter to me?” Daniel asked.

Nora sighed blinking down at his pecks. “I thought you’d treat me different. Everyone does when they find out. I’ve been in two semi-serious relationships. The first guy bolted when I told him and the second couldn’t get over my scar after we, you know.” Her face flushed as fire crept towards her ears. “Anyway, most my teachers in high school let me float by, my friends and peers pitied me. They’d always get quiet or go out of their way to help me with things—even if I didn’t need it. People treat me like I’m breakable. I just didn’t want you to look at me differently,” she explained, shaking her head.

“I can see where it might bother someone,” Daniel exhaled. “But, I’m just glad to have you in my life.”

Nora smiled peering up into Daniel’s eyes. He rolled over, draping himself over her. As he entered her again, she realized that maybe he really didn’t care.

Chapter Eighteen

ora yawned as she clambered out of Daniel’s Camaro. It was still dark outside and she was nowhere near ready to be up. Maybe she could go back to sleep in the car. When she and Daniel reached the farmhouse, everyone was waiting for them except for Vincent.

“Where’s your brother?” Claire asked, looking at the two of them.

Daniel shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Oh good, we didn’t miss you,” Emily said, walking slowly down the porch stairs. Her hand lay over her injured side and she seemed to be moving slower than normal. “You should have got me up,” she said, swatting at Devon. Marcus hobbled after her nodding at the group.

“You should be resting still, Em. You’re not one hundred percent yet.” Devon pulled the smaller woman into a hug.

“My entire family is leaving for a dangerous mission. I’m saying goodbye,” the brunette retorted, pulling back. She turned to her mom and wrapped one arm around her.

“We’ll be back in a day, my sweet,” Claire crooned kissing Emily’s head.

Emily nodded and pulled away as Marcus shook Devon’s hand. Emily walked toward Nora and Daniel reaching out her arms, she enveloped both of them in a hug. “Take care of each other,” Emily whispered.

“Am I late?” Vincent asked as he strolled down the stairs. His brown hair was in disarray and one hand covered his mouth.

Emily gave Vincent a hug as Devon started ushering everyone toward the van.

“We have one vehicle,” he explained. “We thought it would be better for everyone if we stuck together. It will give us some time to prepare too. Maddie is going to make a call to Juarez right after we leave asking him to meet with her on the opposite side of the property. Gene and I have given her some information that should keep Juarez busy on the other side of town for a while. We need to make this count though, chances are once Juarez realizes Maddie gave him bad information we are going to lose our advantage. Any questions?”

“Shot gun,” Vincent cried, hurrying to the black van that sat in the gravel drive. He threw open the passenger door and climbed in, yanking the door shut behind him.

“Let’s load up,” Devon said, picking up a black bag off the porch. He threw it over his shoulder and headed out into the cool morning air.

Gene and Natalia emerged from the woods and offered their goodbyes to the group.

“Come on, we can ride in the back,” Daniel said, entwining his fingers with Nora’s and leading her to the car.

Nora shivered as the cool morning breeze fluttered against her. She slipped her free hand inside her sweater and hurried into the van. The inside cabin was small and she had to bend down to fit in. Daniel went ahead of her and slid across the backseat. He patted the leather seat and she relaxed into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. Closing her eyes, she sighed.

BOOK: Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)
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