Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)
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Dancing has been so much fun. We all have moves, even Brayden. Most guys are stiff. Brayden was dancing to impress and impress he did. I caught Missy watching him throughout the evening. I think she is seeing him in a way she hasn't before.

I noticed Dr. Hotty Asshole. I have to remind myself he won't ruin my night. Walking over to the bar I decide he needs to know I've forgiven him. A few beers in always makes things seem easier said than done.

I tap him on the shoulder. He looks up and instantly I feel my blood rushing through me when I am met with his nearly black eyes. I want to kiss those lips again, instead I simply say, "Happy Birthday, Dr. Stone." I smile, and then turn around to leave.

I'm not giving him a chance to talk. I'm here to have a good time, not to get back on the rollercoaster.

"You looked like you were having fun out there." Ugh, I know that sneering yucky voice. It's Aaron, aka Mr. Clean on Steroids. I like Kerrigan so I'll be nice.

"Yeah. It was a rough week. Dancing relieves stress and relaxes me." I smile and feel gross about doing it.

"There are other things you can do to relieve stress." His fake smile drops. I get the creeps. Is he hitting on me? Gross. He gets in my personal space and I back up.

"Sorry. I don't know what you mean," I say, but of course, I know exactly what he means. I feel a hand at the small of my back and look around to see Brayden. I'm so relieved. I curve into him and exhale. He must know I am freaked.

"We have a problem here?" Brayden asks.

"Sorry man. I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I was trying to get a piece of what she was showing," he says. I'm getting pissed now. Fear gone. Pissed.

"Dude. You're not one of those big beefy tacos with a really small dick who intimidates women who are just trying to have a good time are you?" Brayden asks.

I hold in my laugh. I can't help the smile that's on my face, though. I look up at Brayden, silently telling him thanks.

Aaron starts getting closer to Brayden and braces like he is about to throw a punch. This is ridiculous. I'm not going to let Aaron ruin our time here. I'm really angry now, so I do all I know to do.

My right hook lands on his nose. Blood sprays everywhere. Oh my God. Did I really do did that? I do not feel a bit of guilt.

Aaron starts crowding me, getting right in my face. "You bitch! I'm gonna fucking kill you," he screams.

"No one is killing anyone," Brayden says calmly, trying to keep the peace, getting in between us.

"Fuck you. Your fucking girlfriend is a slut and a tease. Maybe I won't kill her; maybe I will just fuck her." The thought makes me want to gag.

"I was trying to be nice; however, you're making it really hard. Since you can't seem to shut your mouth, now I have to do this." Oh, shit! Brayden is on him like white on rice. I laugh at my analogy. He's going to kill Aaron. Mr. Clean on Steroids is getting his ass handed to him.

I grab Brayden's arm and he instantly stops. I look at Aaron and it looks like he will be sporting a black eye and a busted lip for a couple of weeks. I am certain.

I hug Brayden to calm him. Before I know it, I am being forcefully pulled out of Brayden's arms. Aaron has me by the throat.

He puts his hand on my ass and pinches it. Before I know it, he's thrown off of me and I am in someone else's arms. I look up thinking its Brayden.

I'm met with familiar dark eyes, not the ones in my dreams though- it's Maddox. He is taking me to a corner. I see over his shoulder that Brayden is forcing Aaron into the wall.

I'm so angry. I can't help but scream at Aaron.


Evan and I are interrupted by a commotion. I turn to see what's going on. I see red. Maddox has Molly in his arms. Her arms and legs are flailing around.

I know it's nothing sexual as she is shouting what I’m guessing are a string of profanities. I know he is trying to contain her. Still, it pisses me off that she is that close to him. I rush over.

"What the fuck?" I demand.

"Your girl here thinks she is Rocky. Pretty sure she just broke a cops nose," he says with humor. Why?

I look around and see Brayden holding a guy against the wall. The doctor in me rushes to the man who looks like he has been beaten with a baseball bat.

"Molly did this?" I ask Brayden.

"Well the nose, yes. I did the rest," he says proudly.

"Why?" I ask. My head is spinning.

"He told me my girlfriend was a fucking slut, that he would fuck her instead of killing her. So I beat the shit out of him."

Confused, I focus on the important stuff, "Is Molly your girlfriend?" They
looking awfully close.

"Nah. He thought she was though. I only came over when I saw her looking uncomfortable. She took the first swing. He deserved it though."

If this guy is really a cop, I'm worried that Brayden and Molly are going to spend the night in jail. My assumption that she is reckless is right.

I look behind me to see Maddox and Molly, who still looks pissed. Evan is standing with Maddox trying to help calm Molly down.


Why must Dr. Stone always be around when I decide to act a fool?

"Christ, Molly. You're already in enough danger. Do you want more?" he asks.

Danger? Why? "Why am I in danger I ask?"

"Not now, Molly. I have to get him some help. He needs to go over to the ER. You broke his fucking nose," he says pissed.

I can't help it. I start crying.


I motion to Maddox to help me get this guy out of the bar. I tell Evan to stay put and stay with Molly. She is just like a child who needs constant supervision.

"Mind telling me why she punched you?" I ask, already knowing Brayden's side of the story.

"That slut is teasing me. No doubt about it. She'll be begging me before too long." He says with anger.

"Isn't Kerrigan your girlfriend?" Maddox asks.

"Yeah. Her pussy is getting old though. She tries to refuse. I have to remind her what she is missing. Still, I need new pussy. You feel me?

"I got my hand to Molly's ass before her asshole boyfriend did this," he answers Maddox.

If his nose weren’t already broken, I'd do it now. I yelled at Molly and he grabbed her ass? Fuck. I'm such a dick.

"What do you mean remind her?" Maddox asks in detective mode. I am thankful for the questioning.

"I'm not answering you. Anyways, I plan on making sure that slut Molly pays for it." I wonder what he thinks he going to do to her. I won't allow him to lay one finger on her.

"I have to set your nose." I say and press harder than I need to. He cries out like the pussy he is.

"FUCK!" he yells.

"I swear to you all, that bitch and boy toy will be paying my medical bills. I plan on getting a good lawyer. Maddox, your brother is a lawyer right?"

Obviously, he hasn't made the connection that I'm also their brother. I lean down and whisper in his ear. Maddox leaves the room.

"If you come near Molly or her friend, I will kill you. Maybe Molly can press charges against you for harassment. I am sure that will look good on your record. Do you get to be a cop if you have charges against you?" I hope I am making myself clear.

"Ah, I see. You want in that pussy too? Make you a deal, whoever gets in first shares the details with the other," he says smirking.

"Stay away from Molly. I won't tell you again," I say. I give his nose one final squeeze and walk away.

I feel my phone vibrate. I look down and see it's Evan calling.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Your girl is on the move. She is headed home."

"Evan, man, do me a favor. Take her to my place." I say.

"Why?" I can hear it's finally dawning on him.

"Just do it. If she says no, make something up, kidnap her if you have to."

"Noah, you do realize that even though Maddox is a cop and I am an attorney, there's some shit we can't get you out of," he laughs. He's knows that I don't mean literally kidnap her.

"I don't care how you get her there. Just do it," I demand.

"I'll do my best," he says and I want to thank him for not asking questions.

"Thanks, and wait with her until I get there."

"Ok, will do, and by the way, I think you're a crazy fuck. Just putting that out there."


I don't feel like partying anymore. It's not guilt over the punch. It's the embarrassment of Noah still treating me like a child. Why can't he see me on a normal day? Deciding to leave, I walk over to the table and feel like everyone is watching me.

"Sorry, I think I am going to head home," I say defeated.

"Molly, I'm so sorry. I should have warned you about Aaron. He is an alcoholic and can be a hothead. He is going to check into a rehab clinic," Kerrigan rushes to explain.

This is not on her. He did this shit. "Please Kerrigan, this has nothing to do with you. If you're afraid of him, talk to Maddox."

"I've been telling her to do that," Lani chimes in.

"I'm going to go check on him. Again Molly, I'm sorry," Kerrigan says as she rushes to the door.

Brayden gets up to hug me. Missy reaches for my hand. I can see in her eyes that she doesn't want to embarrass me any more than I already am.

"Maybe we can try this again next weekend." I am feeling horrible about how out of control this night has been. I'm glad they're staying. I need to be alone, but I'm thankful for my new friends.

"I think we should go to a movie next weekend. Less likely to end in a blood bath," Jessica cracks.

"Sure," I say feeling only a little better. I turn to walk towards the door and I almost cry thinking about how I thought this night would play out and how it actually turned out.

When I get out the front door, I hear, "Molly wait up." I turn to see the guy who hit on me on my first day of work running towards me. He was also with Maddox when he was trying to calm me down.

"I’m still not interested," I say, not wanting to deal with any more testosterone. He laughs.

"Look, this is going to sound crazy, but you're supposed to come with me." I look at him wondering if this is a pick up line.

"Excuse me. I am supposed to come with you? No. I am going home," I push past him.

"Shit, just hear me out. Noah gave me orders to take you to his place and to wait with you until he gets home."

"Why does Noah want me at his place?” I want to scream. "You tell Noah I said to fuck off. I don't mess with guys who already have a girlfriend."

He looks at me confused. "Hell, I've known my brother for 33 years," he smiles and continues, "he doesn't date and he sure as fuck doesn't have a girlfriend."

Okay, these three good-looking brothers are the bane of my existence. Noah doesn't date? Who is the blonde? She is
to him.

"Look, I get that he is your brother, but you covering for him pisses me off." God. He looks pissed and I realize I can piss the Stone brothers off without even trying.

A cab is getting close and he signals it over. "Get the fuck in. I am not covering for him. I see why you get under his skin," he says, still pissed.

"I am NOT getting in that cab!"

I hear him say, "Fuck," as he places his hand around my shoulder and guides me into the cab.

Maybe I should be scared but I am not. Part of me wants to know what Noah wants. The other part wants to kick him in the nuts. My stomach is filled with nerves, excitement, anger, and embarrassment. I feel like I am going to vomit.

"You know this is kidnapping," I point out.

"Whatever. You're sitting here and I can see the wheels turning in that head of yours," he says with humor.

I relax enough to sit through the rest of the ride in silence. When we pull up to the high rise I know exactly where we are. I've seen this building from the Sears Tower. At night, it's beautifully lit. Evan pays the cab, and the doorman opens the door.

"Evening, Mr. Stone."

"Evening, James. Did you catch the Cubs game?"

"Yes. The losses never get easier," he grumbles.

The lobby is beautiful. Gray marble floors make it look elegantly modern and the crystal chandeliers are amazing. They aren't overly pretentious, just enough to add a little sparkle of light to the gray walls. Evan hits the twenty-first button and places a key into the elevator.

The ride in the elevator is quiet. I try to keep my expression neutral. I don't want to give away my curiosity. I am surprised when the door opens right into the penthouse.

WOW. It's really beautiful and I feel totally out of place. This place speaks of wealth and class. Each piece of furniture is properly placed. The beautiful fireplace is lit. All the appliances are sleek stainless steel. I need to leave. I don't belong here. Turning towards the elevator, Evan stops me.

"Please let me go. I don't belong here," I say with tears filling my eyes. I pray he doesn't make me explain my humble beginnings.

I am not ashamed of where I came from. My parents loved me and gave me what I needed. Our home was a small church parish with two bedrooms, one bath, and recycled furniture.

My clothes were always bought from a second hand store. I never had to hide who I was or what we had because almost everyone was in the same situation. I never felt judged and standing here, I realize that’s what Noah’s problem is with me. I'm not high society and I will never hide who I am.

"Hey. Look at me." Evan’s voice is sweet. I glance up and for some reason I feel like I am looking at a brother. I am an only child but if I had a brother, I would like to see the same amount of compassion in his eyes.

"Noah said to bring you here. You do belong."

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