Finding You (Finding You Series Book 1) (10 page)

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I was surprised at his knowledge, opening my eyes to look at him as he dropped one foot and picked up the other.

“How did you learn that?”

“I’ve always had an interest in alternative medicine. If I hadn’t stumbled into acting, I would have studied Chinese Medicine. I’m always reading up on the subject. It’s such an old method of healing that has been tested and proven over thousands of years. I swear by it. Rather than pumping us full of synthetic drugs which many times only relieve the symptoms, the Chinese believe that there is energy or ‘chi’ flowing through our bodies. Most times illness derives from a lack of or disruption of that chi, and so in order to fix the illness, they restore the chi flow by a number of different methods including acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, and reflexology. ”

Moving my gaze to my foot that was delicately being held in his hands, I asked, “And how do you think my chi is?”

“Well, I’d certainly say you’ve got some blockages as most people do but after this, your chi will be flowing better.” His seriousness about the subject brought a snicker from me.


“You really believe in it, don’t you?”

“I do. Why, do you think it’s all a bunch of nonsense?”

“No. I believe, for sure. It’s just not usually something a guy would focus on in the Western world. I think it’s great!”

“Yeah, well, you know what I think is great?” His lopsided grin told me he was now in cheeky mode.

“And what would that be?”


Tugging on both my legs, he pulled me towards him so I was practically sitting on his lap. Water slopped over the tub onto the floor.

My breath hitched as our faces aligned. I could feel his warm exhalations on my lips and mine parted in response.

I wasn’t sure where to place my hands, so settled for his shoulders. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told me he’d kept his boxers on. The silky, wet fabric danced playfully against my thighs.

My body was all sensation as I leaned in, wanting to kiss him more than anything.

His plush lips cushioned mine, sensually slow. Kneading, pressure increasing naturally. Kyle gave a throaty growl which met with my own as our tongues caressed.

My fingers dug into his flesh as I squeezed him tighter, pushing my chest against his. The skin to skin contact, combined with warm water and bubbles, thrust me into the zone. There could have been an earthquake and I wouldn’t have flinched.

Tentatively my hands moved to Kyle’s pectorals. I skimmed my palms over his nipples, bringing goose-bumps across his skin. He hissed in a breath, leaving my mouth to explore his neck. At this point I was putty in his hands. For so long I had yearned to feel. To experience erotic butterflies in my stomach that came with passion and excitement. To let myself fall into the gap. The in-between. A reality that only focused on sensation. I was in that place and oh, how the wait had been worth it. Nothing came close.

Kyle nipped my neck with his teeth, his tongue following. “Baby, you’re so sexy. You smell amazing.”

My back arched into him, soaking up his praises like a sponge. My mouth was open and I could hear my loud breathing above Kyle’s. The muscles in his torso seemed to flex beneath my touch as I let my fingers fall to his waist.

I couldn’t tell if I was moist between my legs because we sat in water but my whole lower body was throbbing like hell. Noises were spilling from my mouth that I’d never made before.

With a much emphasized groan, Kyle whispered, “We really need to stop.”

“Uh huh.” We really should.

“You need to push me away.” His mouth had now found my collarbone. His fingers were working their magic up and down my spine.

“I do.” I let my head roll back, the ends of my hair touching the water. “I will.”

Just a little longer.

He was about to move to the other collar bone when he pulled back, obviously stronger than I in that moment. When the haze cleared, I’m sure I would thank him.

“We’re not going to do this tonight as much as I want to. I need you to know that I’m not interested in you just for sex.” His forefinger brushed across my bottom lip, his eyes pointed lasers on mine.

That rational side of me knew that this was for the best. I was caught up in the heat and I was burning hot. Taking a few deep breaths in order to focus, I moved back to my side of the tub to let the buzz simmer.

“I appreciate your patience with me, although if you hadn’t pulled back I don’t think I would have, either.”

Standing up, giving me an eyeful of his desire, he reached for a towel and stepped onto the bath mat before wrapping it around his waist, then running a hand over the back of his neck. He seemed to be in pain as his jaw flexed, “I. Just. Need. A. Moment.”

I couldn’t control my smile. He wanted me. Truly wanted me. I’d never felt so desired. This stunning, sculptured man was having difficulty quelling his erection because of how I had affected him. My poor, neglected ego had opened her eyes in wonder.

“I’ll go change in the other room so you can have some privacy.” Kyle bent to pick up his clothes off the floor, stopping to offer me his megawatt smile and a wink before leaving me sitting in a blissful stupor.









Chapter Six





Who was this glorious creature that had stumbled into my life? Had she been placed in front of me to tease me? If so, it was working. My very existence had been shaken hard and turned upside down since she stole my attention at the restaurant. It felt like I’d been hit by a lightning bolt.

Lying here in my bed, absentmindedly staring at the ceiling, I knew that my life had changed forever. Dakota was beautiful and funny, warm and caring. At the same time there was a distressing vulnerability about her that I couldn’t quite fathom.

Her light brown eyes with flecks of gold held sadness like I’d never seen before. Whatever had happened in the past still haunted her. That was obvious. Her reluctance to give herself freely, the shyness in her mannerisms… all posed questions to me. Who the hell had hurt her? Why had someone hurt her, if that were the reason for her reluctance?

I would need to tread very carefully and gain her trust. She couldn’t be pushed. I would take as much time as she needed, although with an expiration date on our stay, it made time our enemy.

Damn Gina! I’m going to have words with her. Who does she think she is, spreading rumors like that? I’m past all that shit! And that’s why we aren’t dating anymore! She’s vindictive and manipulative.

It was no wonder Dakota seemed refreshing. She was the total opposite of Gina. Blind Freddy could see that!

Closing my eyes with a semi-hard erection, I let her gorgeous features stay in my mind’s-eye, replaying our bath-time earlier. Her kisses were amazing and I think because of her reluctance, it made me want her all the more. We’d ventured further and I’d nearly lost control. Who wouldn’t? A naked woman in a bath. It was like holding meat in front of a shark.

My loins still ached. My blood still surged. This woman had a vise-like hold on me already without even knowing it.

Before I’d left her cabin we’d exchanged cell numbers. I was tempted to send her a text but I wasn’t sure if she would be asleep or not and didn’t want to wake her so I decided to leave it until tomorrow.

That was the last thing I remembered before finally drifting off.









Chapter Seven





I awoke to the sound of my phone chiming to notify me of a text. I’d been dreaming about entwined limbs, moist juicy lips, and sweet kisses.

Reaching over to the bedside table with my eyes still half-closed, I glanced at the screen.


Hello Darling,

Thanks for the lovely pictures. The island looks beautiful. Hoping you’re having a fantastic time. We’ve been thinking of you, wondering what you are up to. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. Send us a quick message back to keep us updated.

Mum and Dad. xx


Sentiment beleaguered me. I couldn’t stop the happy tears as I replied. My parents were more than my guardians. They were my support system and my best friends all rolled into one. I’d never have gotten through the past few months if it hadn’t been for their love. Quickly I replied:


Hi guys,

So great to hear from you! I’m having an amazing time. It’s so beautiful here. I’m trying to make the most of all the time I have. Glad you liked the pics. There are more to come. I’ve kind of met someone too, but I’ll fill you in on all the details later. He’s awesome. Not like John at all. He’s warm, funny and kind. All the things John’s not. Anyway, love you both. Hope you are both well. Talk soon,

Dakota. xx


I nervously awaited the reply. What would their reaction be to the last part of my message? Maybe it had been too soon to mention anything about Kyle. Even though I was a grown woman, I still felt the need to gain my parents approval.

Beep! One new message:


Glad you are having a great time. Wish we were there with you. We hope you know what you are doing, getting involved with someone else so soon. We trust you’ll make the right decisions. Love you back. xx


That went better than I’d hoped. They had every right to be concerned in light of the past few months. Kyle didn’t compare to John though, plain and simple. If my parents were here they would see that. I knew they would love Kyle.

Now that I was wide awake it was time to get up. The day was mine to do whatever I chose.

After a quick shower, it was time for breakfast. Not feeling like sitting in my hut, I donned one of the pretty dresses I’d purchased with some sandals and headed out, anxious for my caffeine fix.

The restaurant had a different atmosphere this morning. The smell of toast, hot beverages, and bacon and eggs filled the room. There was no buffet but rather a sit-down menu. Looking for Ramah, I wondered whether I was meant to seat myself. I waited for a few minutes before walking to a vacant table and sitting down.

The breakfast menu had my mouth watering and I couldn’t decide what I wanted, wishing I could sample a little of everything. Not feeling like toast or muesli, I opted for an omelet.

A guy I hadn’t seen before approached my table holding a pad and pen.

“Can I take your order, Miss?”

He had short, choppy, black hair and at a guess was around twenty years old. He looked native to Sapphire Island with his deep brown eyes and olive skin, although his accent sounded American.

“Yes, I’ll have the omelet and a skinny cappuccino, please.”

Now that I was in bikini country, I had to watch my figure. It would be too easy to stuff myself with all the delicious food on offer and pile on the weight so I promised myself I would be good from now on.

While I waited on my breakfast, I thought about what I could do for the day. Even though lazing on the beach was always an option, I’d always loved exploring. Maybe I’d take a ride around the island and see what else was on offer.

Beep! Another text. It jolted me out of planning my day. Glancing at the screen, my stomach lurched with excitement to see Kyle’s name on the screen.


Hey beautiful,

What are you doing today?

K xx


I nearly melted at the endearment. Beautiful! He really did think I was beautiful!

I texted straight back with a goofy grin plastered to my face.


Hey handsome,

I thought I’d go exploring.

D xx


It only took a few seconds for a reply to come.


Want to come visit me? I promise I won’t be kissing anyone. ;-)


I thought back to the previous day and was a little nervous about visiting Kyle on set. I didn’t want to run into Gina again even if she wasn’t groping Kyle in a scene. I did want to see him again though.




On what?


Will Gina be there?


She’s not in the scene we’re filming today. She shouldn’t be but if she is, just ignore her and come find me. Please?


Was he begging? That was a fresh change for me. Maybe I could have a little fun.


What if I don’t? Will you be disappointed?


I’ll be devastated! I won’t enjoy my day nearly as much


Can you offer me any incentive for changing my plans?


You’ll have to visit me to find out.


Ha. Now he had tweaked my interest.


Any clues?


Warm lips…deep kisses…


Warmth flooded my core. I definitely wanted more of that.


Mmm, now you’re talking. What time and where?


Haha. I knew I could tempt you. Come around 11 a.m. I break for lunch at 12. You can hang around for an hour and then I’ll take you to lunch. We’re back on the beach today. Head down a little further than last time. Can’t wait to see you. xx


I was busting. We were going to have lunch together. It would be like a date. Excited was an understatement as I replied:


Sounds great. I’ll see you later. Looking forward to it too. xx


Okay. Now the same dilemma as always. What do I wear? Were we going to a restaurant for lunch or a café? There was a vast difference when it came to dressing for the venue. Even with my shopping spree on new clothes I felt like I had nothing.

Breakfast came so I put off thinking of clothes until after I got back to the cabin. I was so hungry and caffeine starved, I swear I had the shakes so I gulped the hot drink, feeling the burn on its way down but not caring, and then I dug into breakfast.

It hit the spot nicely as I sat in observation mode, comfortably full, people watching as I enjoyed my coffee.

Ramah whizzed by finally, giving me a quick wave as she disappeared into the kitchen with a bag full of goodies.

Everyone was in a great mood and why shouldn’t they be? The setting and weather were perfect.

In my cabin, I laid every piece of clothing out on my bed to help me decide what to pick.

I really liked the black denim shorts and the white tee so decided that regardless of where we ended up for lunch, black and white always looked smart. Tossing everything in a heap on top of my suitcase, I changed, applied a little lip gloss, and brushed my hair, leaving it down. I was done. It was only 9:30 a.m. but I decided I’d take my time walking along the beach. I would be there early but I was anxious to see Kyle so it didn’t bother me if I had to sit on the sidelines and watch for a while.

Swinging my arms, a sandal in each hand, I padded at the water’s edge as I walked northbound, turning my face to the sun every now and then to drink in the warm rays.

There were more people on the beach today. Some were swimming, others were walking like me, and a few lay sprawled out on towels working on their tans. Everyone seemed so friendly as I was offered a smile and a greeting as we passed each other. This was truly the life I had always dreamed of. Something you read about in a book or see in a movie. I didn’t have a care in the world for once.

When my vision finally picked up the movie crew in the distance, my pace increased along with my heart rate. I could barely contain myself. I moved to more solid sand to avoid splashing my shorts as the tiny black dots grew into moving shapes.

I couldn’t get there fast enough as I power-walked, my calves burning, feet covered in sand. Sweat dripped down my jaw as the sun showed no mercy. Damn it! I’d forgotten to lather myself in sunscreen. As it was, the burnt skin from my first day on Sapphire Island was already starting to peel. I really needed to get it together and be more sun-safe. At least there was a hat on my head!

Reaching the film set took longer than I anticipated but finally I made it, approaching slowly as I tried to find Kyle. There looked to be around thirty people amongst the chairs, umbrellas, and equipment that had been set up. A man sat on a canvas chair under an umbrella getting makeup put on. I hadn’t met any of the other actors apart from Gina and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. I was happy having Kyle all to myself without having anyone else around.

I didn’t really do groups or crowds well. I was better one on one.


I jumped and had to refrain from screaming as Kyle came up behind me and placed both his hands on my hips.

I turned towards him. “Hey! You scared me! I was looking around for you and couldn’t find you.” Now my heart really was beating fast.

Kyle looked glorious in the same black outfit I’d seen him in previously. Pirate pants that hugged his waist. The black shirt open halfway down his chest. I couldn’t help but ogle the sculptured masterpiece that was beckoning me to touch it.

I heard Kyle snicker and found his eyes crinkled and a mega-smile that blinded me. “Like anything you see?”

Oh yes. Yes. I did. It was stealing my breath. His mere presence had me gasping. Unable to answer, I nodded stupidly.

He brought his face to my ear, his lips touching the sensitive lobe as he whispered, “You’re early.”

Again, I was speechless. The fact that his teeth had gently bitten my earlobe and I was now a complete mess because of the sensations between my legs and the hot flush crawling all over my skin, was irrelevant. Wasn’t it? Or had I just turned into a skittish teenager again, star-struck at his fame?

When my mouth decided to work, I stuttered out, “Uh…yeah…I kinda got…bored.” Oh swell. That sounded lame. How could I be bored? There was still a whole island to explore, not to mention writing that I had planned on doing.

Kyle laughed as he pulled back, hands still firmly on my waist. The beautiful timbre of his voice stroked me with its richness and I could have listened to it all day.

What is wrong with you, Dakota? This guy has really gotten under your skin.

“Well, I’m glad you thought of me when you were bored. Come. I’ll introduce you to a few people.”

With that I was being led over to the very guy I had been looking at moments ago under the umbrella getting his makeup applied. Up close I could tell he was younger than I, probably mid-twenties. His blond disheveled hair reminded me of the surfers back in Australia that had spent way too much time in the sun. His skin was tanned and his deep brown eyes honed in on me as we approached. He had boyishly good looks but they didn’t hold a candle to Kyle’s handsomeness.

“Jett, this is Dakota. Dakota, meet Jett.” It was a short introduction but I didn’t mind. I held my hand out and took his.


“Well, hello there! I love your accent,” he replied as he squeezed my hand. I noticed his eyes flicker up and down me so I quickly pulled my hand away.

“Thanks, but I don’t have an accent.”

Jett laughed. “Sure you do, but it’s cute.” After he let the makeup artist dab under his eyes a little more with some concealer, he added, “So tell me, Dakota. How many of those crocs have you wrestled lately? That’s what all you Down Under folk do, isn’t it?”

Was he being sarcastic? The arrogant smirk on his face told me he was. It ruffled my feathers. Did he think we all lived like Crocodile Dundee?

I looked at Kyle and his lips were pinched as he didn’t let me answer the question before turning to the woman, ignoring Jett.

“Becca, this is Dakota. She’s going to hang around a while and watch while we’re filming. Make sure this jerk here doesn’t annoy her, will you?”

Becca shook my hand and smiled at me politely. “Hi, Dakota. Nice to meet you. Don’t worry, I’ll keep this tiger in line. Just treat everything he says as a joke and you’ll be fine. If he hassles you, let me know.” She playfully punched Jett in the arm and he feigned being hurt.

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