Fingerless Gloves (19 page)

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Authors: Nick Orsini

BOOK: Fingerless Gloves
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Ryan Rolandelli

Chris Champignon

Gabe Perna

Dylan Wise

James Prior

Allyse Orsini

Tara Moser

Catherine Orsini

Richard Orsini

Christian Orsini

Will Ferrell

John C. Reilly

Richard Jenkins

Hunter S. Thompson

James Marsden

Ben Gibbard


Dylan Heimbrock

CM Punk

John Cena

The cast of

JoAnna Fodero

Richard Attenborough

Alec Baldwin

Elijah Wood

Emma Roberts

Lena Dunham

Erin Hannon

Wes Craven

Heath Ledger

Man Overboard

Leah Busse

Alyx Kostiuk

Jaime Durante

Meg Kendall

Kevin Lehmann

Natalia Lachmann

Danielle Gorcica

Robert LaVorgna

Every professor I had at Marist College

Every member of WMAR, Marist Radio

Every teacher at Seton Hall Prep

This is a book about best friends… so the first people to thank are my best friends in real life. I won’t name them by name, but you guys and girls have put up with a lot of shit from me over the years. Thanks for never giving up on me or writing me off. I’m thankful for the time I get to spend with all of you. It means everything to me.

Dear mom and dad, this book is also yours. Thank you for believing in me before anyone else ever did. You’re the best, most understanding parents in the entire world. The books and the poems would not be possible without your love and support. Thanks for being as cool as you are… for making me laugh.

To my sister – I’m so extraordinarily proud of all you’ve accomplished. This book is yours because you supported me no matter how weird you thought I was. I wish you all the best as you keep trucking with your life away from New Jersey. I miss you and I hope this book means as much to you as it does to me.

For all the readers of my first book,
Two Wrongs Make a Vice,
and for all the readers of my work at or on The Projection List, this all belongs to you. Thanks for trusting me to tell you stories. Thank you for writing to me, asking me things, sending me postcards and letters. This book is yours now.

Thank you to everyone who has given me a voice over these past three years…to everyone who took time to come to a speaking engagement I gave or who stopped at the Read at the Show tent. This is what it’s all about. I love you all.

Lastly, this is to everyone who has lost a best friend – literally and figuratively.


ISBN: 978-1-908556-40-0

Copyright © Nick Orsini 2012

The author has asserted his ownership of the electronic rights and his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

Every effort has been made to obtain the necessary permissions with reference to copyright material, both illustrative and quoted. We apologise for any omissions in this respect and will be pleased to make the appropriate acknowledgements in any future edition.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

Apostrophe Book Ltd Reg. No. 7612239

Cover design and eBook development by Jamie Downham

Nick Orsini claims not to be a writer. After graduating from college in the heart of the Great Recession in 2008, unable to find work, he set out to tell one great story. Armed with a background in Film History and Criticism, and after spending his formidable years analyzing everything from Blade Runner to pro-wrestling, he started to write.

Nick has self-published two books, one collection of poetry, and maintains a blog of over 2000 original poems and short stories. He has written for The Projection List and Thought Catalog. His poetry spanned topics from the Occupy Wall Street protests to the senselessness of coming-of-age. His first self-published novel,
Two Wrongs Make a Vice
, has been shipped to over 40 countries and all 50 US States. His second novel,
Fingerless Gloves
, is a story centering on the fragility of friendship and the ways we come to terms with ourselves and our past failures.

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