Finite (5 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Fantasy, #Sci Fi, #erotic romance

BOOK: Finite
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His expression softened. “Then, it seems that you are where you are supposed to be. We will be standing by and send you a note with a final tally tomorrow. Good enough?”

“Thank you, Lash. It is appreciated. I will keep you posted.”

Cera disconnected the call and sat back in her chair. There was one small bit of energy heading toward her, and she was going to have to cut it off.

She got to her feet and headed for the roof while the bulk of the brotherhood, Assembly and Pulse were on their way to the first landing site.

Two guards were with her as she moved upward, and they seemed to have caught on to her direction toward the roof.

She opened her mind to the song of Haloth and collected the joy and power along her skin as she stood out on the roof of their home and extended her arms to welcome the light.

The item burning through the atmosphere toward her was not occupied, it was a missile with a warhead designed to blast her from the face of Haloth.

She continued to gather the energy until her body couldn’t hold anymore.

“Lady, do you know what you are doing?”

Cera smiled, “I have a good idea.”

She focussed the energy on her hands until two globes of power rested in her hands. She fired the energy at the intercept spot she had chosen for the missile and followed it with the clean-up blast.

The first shot enveloped the missile and ripped it apart, the second scattered it so that none of the pieces fell onto their home.

She dropped to her knees and exhaled. Her part of the fight was not dramatic, but it was over. Her two members of the brotherhood lifted her to her feet and took her back inside.

“Take me to the control room. I still have work to do.”

She felt their conflict, but they did as she asked. “Bring me water and a meal. I can’t believe that you guys don’t eat regularly.”

One said, “Of course we do. We have a regular mess hall where we take turns on kitchen duty. The food varies widely, but it does occur twice per day.”

She laughed. “Can you manage an omelette?”

He bowed and left his brother to watch over her.

Cera ran through the screens and noted that her little excursion to the roof had taken longer than she had thought. The first craft was dead, and the men were ready for pickup. Summoner used her link to the brother she had given the specs to earlier and sent him the information for the Ikkata Plain.

The moment they had the drop site, the population around the mining vessel disappeared.

Cera sighed when they reappeared a few moments later at the second site just as the mining vessel dropped to Haloth. It seemed that everything was working according to plan.

“I am so glad that I didn’t have to use plan B.”

With her guards running supplies for her, she stayed up until all the miners were gone and the ones it orbit agreed to hold activities until they received confirmation from their sources that this was a protected world.

They had bought Haloth some time and that was the entire purpose to this evening’s activities.






Chapter Six



Once the mining ships above the surface began to shift away, Cera sucked in a slow, shaking breath. The orchestra in her mind soared in triumph, but she didn’t want it to be too excited. The miners would be coming back.

“Time for you to rest, lady.” One of the guards was next to her.

She blinked and rubbed her eyes. “Probably. Where is Renn?”

“With the others who came when Pulse called. The dining hall is full of Guardians.” The brother cocked his head, and there was amusement in his voice.

“Take me to them.”

“That is not wise. You do not look…rested.”

She looked at her reflection in the monitors and winced. “It doesn’t matter. They are guests here, and I have to greet them.”

“Allow me to offer my arm then, lady.” He extended his arm, and she used it to lever herself to her feet.

“Thank you.” Her eyes didn’t want to focus and her body was exhausted from the vigil, not to mention the defense of their home. She needed the support more than she wanted to admit.

Cera walked down the stairs and to the main floor where representatives from twelve Guardian worlds were sitting and having tea.

Lord Renn saw her and immediately got to his feet and came to her side. “You should have gone to rest.”

She shook her head as she gave up the brother’s support for Renn’s. “I can’t rest yet. They are staging to skim the rings and pelt us with the rocks.”

Under smiled. “The brotherhood has already taken care of it. Charm has been dropped on each of the vessels and his control is absolute. We will check in every few days for the next week, but it appears that you have taken care of the incursion quite well, Cera. Or should I say, Summoner?”

She chuckled and sat limply on Renn’s lap. “As long as the brotherhood and the assembly is safe, I am happy.”

Bloom looked at her with concern. “Cera, you don’t look so good.”

Cera smiled weakly. “It has been a rough few days.”

“Few days? You have been here a month at least.” Bloom scowled.

She blinked in surprise. “I have? How strange. Well, it explains why I am so tired.”

The mass of Guardians laughed.

Cera relaxed against Renn, and he cuddled her close. She drifted in and out of consciousness while the voices of her friends droned on around her.


* * * *


Renn whispered, “She’s asleep.”

The Guardians immediately changed their tones and set their cups down quietly when they drank.

Bloom asked, “How can she not know how much time has passed?”

Renn answered, “The normal course of events would have had me on the front lines, and Cera waiting for me with no risk to herself. That is not the woman that I hold, however, and she has set things in motion that will outlive us both. Her perceptions are skewed because they are being used by all the minds that are resting here on Haloth.”

Under nodded. “As if she were an Avatar times thousands. It must be quite a toll on her.”

Renn stroked Cera’s cheek. “It would have been easier if we had time. She was only able to call my shape, we did not have time to synch our minds. She has been pulling energy from her own body to master the frequencies instead of running them through me. As a result, I am fine but she is exhausted.”

Bloom bit her lip with concern. “What do you need to help her?”

“Two days. Two days to start the bond that should have begun weeks ago.” He chuckled softly. “The brotherhood have more of a link with her than I do.”

That appalled the other faces. Well, all with the exception of Pulse. He had seen Renn’s frustration during that first attack when the sparks in the sky showed that he had left his lady undefended. The fact that she could defend herself was immaterial. He should have been with her or at least been able to sense what she was up to, instead Brother Nassis gave him the update through the guards that were at her side.

He had to wait and listen to the recounting of her use of the power as a weapon, rather than being at her side and helping her. He could not have assisted her, but he could have been there in the aftermath if he hadn’t been draining the ships’ systems and knocking out the personnel with the rest of the brotherhood.

Pulse smiled at him. “If you would like to take her to get some rest, I am sure that we can hold down the fort, as it were. We will monitor the situation and call you if any action needs to be taken. All right?”

Renn looked to the Guardian and saw both amusement and concern in his expression. He might come across as flighty, but there was a core of steel in him. He was deeply grateful for Cera’s bringing him to Haloth, and there was nothing he would not do for her.

Renn rose to his feet with his slight burden in his arms. “If you remain, I will see you after Cera and I wake. The brotherhood will see you are given quarters to rest, as well as meals.”

He engaged in his newest trick and flew them up to their chamber. He had not had a chance yet to rest with her, but the slow breathing of the fascinating woman in his arms began to work on him the moment he had her settled into bed. With trembling fingers, he removed her jewels and clothing.

Her hair was a wild tangle, but straightening it would probably wake her. He quickly removed his clothing and slid into bed next to her, curving her shape against him and touching her mind with his. He followed her into sleep with a smile on his lips. Finally, she was in his arms.


* * * *


The smell of food woke her. Cera sat up and noticed the arm around her waist then the body it was attached to. She quickly whisked a sheet over Renn before she slipped out and found the tray that had been left at the table. There was something to be said for delivery that could teleport. The food was piping hot.

She ate a small portion, drank some water then headed for the lav. She needed a shower and a brush, as well as other items she would find there.

It took her twenty minutes to work the brush through her hair after her shower. To call it a nest would have been accurate, but it took her a lot of effort to make it uninhabitable for small creatures.

The long black tangle finally became a smooth cascade, and while her eyes were still hollow, she no longer looked haunted.

It was the little differences that let her tiptoe back into bed with Renn and curl up next to him, taking in the perfection of his features with admiration that didn’t fill her with guilt. His personality changed the features that she had been drawn to.

The Admar that she had enjoyed the look of had been cruel and beautiful, a warrior that was known for his ability to defend his own. Renn brought kindness and a protective instinct that went beyond savagery.

She touched the sharp line of his jaw and ran her thumb along his lower lip before she leaned in to press a small kiss to his mouth. As she leaned back, Cera noted there was now a smile on his lips. “How long have you been awake?”

He opened his eyes and blinked. “Since you covered me up.” He sighed and curved one hand around her waist, pulling her toward him as he leaned in to give a kiss instead of get one.

She sighed and threaded her fingers through his hair, tasting water and fruit.

While he nibbled at her jawline, she grinned, “You stopped for breakfast?”

“I knew I had some time. Your hair was a mess.” He chuckled and licked her neck, working down her body.

Curls of energy wrapped around her, but they were inside her, stroking her, waking her body and sending her pulse tripping into overdrive.

She felt the slick welcome between her thighs and inhaled sharply as he worked down her body with fingers and tongue. Cera moaned and blushed furiously as he parted her thighs and exhaled against the wet heat of her sex.

When he leaned in to taste her, he locked gazes with her as his tongue flicked, scraped and slid into her. She quivered and bit her lips at the intimacy of the moment.

Watching a man using his mouth on her was not something she had done before, but it seemed appropriate to Renn’s station in her life.

He swirled his tongue around her clit, and she briefly wondered where he got his knowledge of Terran anatomy before she closed her eyes and arched her hips toward him as she shook in the grip of an orgasm.

He kept her arching and twisting under his mouth before he moved up her body and pressed the head of his cock to her opening.

Cera rocked her hips against him, taking him into her in minute increments.

Renn pressed into her, his hips moving slowly and steadily as she was stretched and filled until he could go no further.

Cera was impaled, and she couldn’t look Renn in the eye. She watched the pulse in his neck and the bead of sweat that worked its way down his chest.

His arms trembled as he held himself tight to her. “Look at me, Cera.”

She blinked and held onto his shoulders. “I can’t look at anything else.”

He leaned in and kissed her, nipping her lips with teeth gone sharp. “I want your gaze locked with mine. I want to see the look on your face as you surrender the last barrier between us.”

She raised her head and she locked gazes with him. “Is this what you want?”

Renn began to move inside her, and his gold eyes glowed hot as the flared head of his cock dragged back before thrusting forward. He circled his hips against her as he thrust and retreated.

She watched the expressions on his face as his features shifted into a cruel cast. His cheekbones stood out in stark relief, his lids were heavy and his teeth were protruding and had far more canine than she had originally designed in her mind.

She caressed his sides and lifted her knees high, welcoming him fully as he moved faster and harder toward his own release.

He began to groan low, grunting sharply with each inward thrust.

Cera heard her own high-pitched whining as she got closer and closer to orgasm. With a superhuman effort, she kept her gaze locked on his as heat speared through her. Her senses coiled tight, and she moved her fingers between them, stroking her clit until the slick friction and rapid rhythm sent sparks flying behind her eyes and her channel locked tight on Renn, milking him with sharp movements.

He groaned and light streamed from his eyes as he held still inside her. She was bathed in light, and when her body stopped its restless caress of his, he thrust into her hard and fast until light surrounded her, entered her eyes and locked into her mind.

She dimly heard him cry out as he shook against her, but her consciousness was involved in the peculiar process of linking to his. She felt the light that made up his form, the memory of his true shape and the heady feeling of light when it entered the crystals.

While he was giving her his memories, she was giving him hers. Barriers to memories she wanted to bury shattered but were bathed in the healing light streaming from his eyes.

How long they were locked together, she couldn’t say, but when the light ended and the orchestra in her mind receded, she knew one thing that was irrefutable. She was never going to be alone as long as she lived.

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