Finn (42 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

BOOK: Finn
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We make small talk until Max comes in to get Winnie. She gives me a quick kiss, grabs her flower girl basket, and leaves, skipping next to Max.

Everyone else files out, leaving me with Johnny and Dad. The three of us look between each other, not speaking but sharing so much love my heart threatens to burst.

“I love you both…” is all I can get out before my voice cracks.

Arms wrap around me, and we hold tight until Dad straightens and kisses my forehead.

“Time to get you down that aisle. There’s a very anxious young man waiting.”

I nod in agreement and smile wide. “Let’s do this.”

“If you smash that cake in my face, it’ll be a very lonely wedding night,” I warn with a sugary sweet tone, pinching Finn’s elbow.

His eyes flash with heat, and he gives me a coy grin, moving his hand to my mouth. He outlines my lips with the buttercream icing and forces the small bite into my mouth. Then he dips down and licks the icing from my lips slowly, putting on a show, until whistles sound all around us.

One arm wraps around my waist, and I sink into his body, kissing him lightly. The taste of chocolate cake mixed with the sweet icing fills my mouth, and I moan against his tongue when he presses his hips into mine.

“Fucking perfection.” His breath is shallow when he breaks away.

“Divine.” I flashback to the night of our first kiss.

“My wife and her vocabulary.” He brushes his nose along my jawline. “I want another dance.”

He leads me away from the cake table and to the edge of the dance floor, wrapping me into his body and swaying to the music. I lay my head on his shoulder and kiss lightly along the column of his throat.

“Today has been perfect, but don’t think I’m going to let your little stunt with Winnie slide. Because of you, she thinks us being married means we’re also having a baby.”

“I hope we are.”

I stop moving and look up. The expression on his face kills any argument in my mind.

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“There are only a few things in my life I’ve ever been more serious about. One of them is in my arms right now. Tell me you want to wait and we will, but if it’s up to me, we start trying immediately.”

My heart threatens to explode with the sincerity and love pouring from his words. I grin and give him a quick nod then cover his mouth with mine.

“Will you finally tell me where we’re going on our honeymoon?” I ask between kisses.

“Absolutely, if you promise we can leave now.”

“Finn! We can’t leave yet. The party is just getting started.”

“The only party I care about is our private party.”

“A girl dreams about her wedding her whole life. Can I have another hour?”

He looks down at me with such tenderness and love, I almost retract my request. “Anything you want. I never stood a chance. Seeing you today, walking toward me on your dad’s arm, sent a shock to my heart. You are easily the most breathtaking woman in the world.”

I stop swaying and shift my hands to his head, bringing his face to mine. “I’ve never been so tongue-tied in my life. When my eyes landed on you, I lost all thought.”

His eyes darken then flash with hunger. “What the fuck did I do to deserve you? Will you ever understand how much I treasure you?”

I run my lips along his and nibble as I speak. “If you treasure me so much, tell me where we’re headed on our top secret honeymoon.”

“St. Martin.”

“Oh my—”

“Can I cut in?” Max interrupts.

“Not a chance.” Finn stiffens and tries to turn, until a small hand grasps our wrists.

“But it’s my turn. I’d like to dance with you.” Winnie looks up at Finn with an expectant glance, and he physically melts, picking her up and sending Max a deathly glare.

“Max, you’ve got one song.”

I start to giggle and lean into Max’s embrace as Finn stays close.

“Is it too late to steal you away and make you forget about that dipshit?” Max starts to laugh as he leads me deeper into the dance floor.

“Oh, no, it’s totally appropriate to run away with the groomsman hours after saying I do. We’d only be on the run for about fifty years,” I joke with him.

“That’s why you’re cool as shit—you totally get me!” He lifts me and spins until I squeak, bringing attention to us.

“You’re going to make him very happy.” Max sobers, and I feel a tug at my heart.

“I’m going to try my best.”

He opens his mouth to say more, but the song ends, and he remains quiet. There’s a statement in his expression that I read loud and clear. I lean up to kiss his cheek and force him to look me in the eye.

“I will love him forever.”

“He deserves no less.”

“You’ve had long enough. I need my wife back.” Finn steals me to his side.

“Tell me when it’s time to run.” Max winks and punches Finn lightly as he walks away.

“SOB is trying to steal my wife at my own wedding,” Finn hisses.

My head flies back as I laugh loudly at their antics. Ember warned me this would happen. Even at eight-months pregnant, Max still goaded Robbie tonight that Ember was too good for him.

That’s why we all love Max.

“Hero, Max may be hot, and sexy, and a total lady killer… but I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me,” I assure him.

His eyes flicker with jealousy at my description, but instead of arguing, he laughs along with me.

The last few months flash before my eyes, and I lay my forehead against his, locking our gaze. “For the rest of my life—”

“—‘til death do us part.”

“—you will be my light…”

“—and you will be my always…”

He repeats my vows from earlier along with me, and my heart swells with bliss and happiness.

This is my forever…

Finn - Three weeks later

“Oh, fuck,” I growl as Presley sucks me deep into her mouth and massages my balls with her fingertips, lightly scraping her nails across the under-skin. My hips buck up, and I grab onto the headboard, gripping tight.

She backs away and takes her time licking up and down my dick with her tongue, taunting me as I start to pant. She rolls her lips across my head, kissing my slit, then works her way back down, finally increasing her suction until I start to see stars.

My stomach tenses, and I lose all control, my hands flying to haul her up my body until her pussy is hovering over my pulsing cock. She flips her hair over her shoulder and gives me a seductive grin as she positions herself and sinks down, taking every inch of me slowly. I close my eyes for a brief second to soak in the feeling and then look back up at her.

“You’re so tight. So fucking tight. It’s fucking perfection.” My hands skim up her torso and massage her breasts as she rocks back and forth. “I feel every inch of you wrapped around me. Each movement makes me want to pound into you until you scream.”

“Finn,” she moans, her own hands bracing on my chest. Her body and back arch into my touch, and I lower one hand to rub my thumb against her clit. She bites down on her lip and throws her head back, arching further onto my dick.

Her cries fill the room as she tenses and screams my name, falling down and covering my body as she comes hard. I feel every muscle in her body tighten, jerk, and then relax as her heart beats against mine.

I bend to nibble on her earlobe and pivot my hips into her, enjoying her twitch. She gives a small gasp, and I twist, rolling her under me and taking her mouth in a gentle kiss as I drive in and out gently. She clenches hard and whimpers shamelessly, sending shockwaves through my body.

I fight the urge to explode as I work her body back into a frenzy, moving at a slow and steady pace. She starts to meet me thrust for thrust, wrapping her legs around my waist and squeezing tight.

“Baby, I need you to come with me.” My balls tighten as heat sears through my skin.

She spasms, and I slam into her one last time, covering her mouth with mine, sucking on her tongue as we both let go. Her nails scratch down my back as pleasure and pain shatter together. I move my mouth to her neck and bite down gently, loving the sound of her moaning.

Our sweaty chests stick together when I roll to my back and hold her tight.

“Every fucking time, Presley. You own me.”

She snuggles into me, laying her head over my racing heart. Our hands lace together, and she kisses my chest.

“The feeling is mutual.”

“Have I told you how much I love you today?”

“Only once, but it’ll never be enough.” Her breathing starts to even out, and I know she’s close to sleep.

I kiss along her temple, soothing her to sleep, when my phone rings, jarring us both.

“Motherfucker!” I snatch the phone from the nightstand and freeze when I see Robbie’s name.


“Man, it’s time… Ember’s water broke. We’re at the hospital.”

Presley hears every word and jumps off me, scrambling to the bathroom. I roll off the bed and look around for clothes.

“You okay? You get the bag? What can I do?”

“I got everything. It’s not going to be long. They just gave her some sort of shot to numb her.”

“We’re on our way.”

I hang up as Presley comes out of the bathroom, fully dressed and glowing. “Sweetie, you smell like sex. Go take a quick shower. I’ll put some clothes out for you.” She presses up and kisses my jaw then disappears into the closet.

I take the quickest shower of my life and dress as Presley watches with a smirk. She hands me my keys, and we leave in a rush.

The whole way to the hospital, I think about Robbie and wonder how he’s doing. Then I glance at Presley and think about our first child.

“You nervous?”

“Why would I be nervous?”

“Because you’re gripping the steering wheel like a vice, and you keep looking at me like a lost boy.”

“I wouldn’t call it nerves. I guess it’s excitement wrapped with uncertainty. This is Robbie and Ember, and knowing they’re about to be parents—”

“Is surreal?” she finishes my statement.

“Yeah, it’s surreal.”

She laces her fingers through mine and squeezes. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget how much she’s lived through. Without explanation, she knows exactly what I’m feeling. She went through it five years ago when her brother had a daughter.

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