Fire Me Up (18 page)

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Authors: Katie MacAlister

Tags: #Dragons, #alltimefav, #Read

BOOK: Fire Me Up
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"Really?" I breathed into his mouth, flicking my tongue along
the length of his lower lip. I adored Drake's lower lip. It was full, sensual,
with a curve to it that never failed to make my innards melt. "What exactly do
you like to wear to bed?"

"You," he growled, tossing me onto the bed and following so
quickly behind that I didn't have time for anything more than a happy squeak
before his mouth claimed mine.

Wyverns, I had occasion to note, were naturally dominant
individuals. I suppose that made sense—arrogance, an innate belief in your own
talent, and a healthy ego had to be attributes that were needed to rule an
entire sept of dragons (also naturally arrogant), but my experience with Drake
led me to believe that the wyverns, male and female, were also extremely
comfortable in their skins. Even if it was not their original skin.

"You have my express permission to wear me as often as you
like," I said on a gasp, Drake's mouth having released mine to move to a very
sensitive spot on my neck, just behind my ear. Little shivers of delight zipped
up and down my body, but it wasn't enough. I wanted more.

I shoved the robe off his shoulders. His teeth nipped my neck
as he shrugged out of the robe, his hands returning to claim my breasts. I
wrapped one leg around his, digging my fingers into the smooth muscle of his
behind. "Drake?"

"Mmm?" His mouth moved to my collarbone, pausing over the
mark he had branded a month before, the warm heat of his tongue swirling over it
sending a sharp bolt of desire zinging through me.

"That dream—I have to know for sure. You did agree to what I
asked, right? I didn't just imagine that?"

"You didn't imagine it," he answered, pressing a line of wet,
hot kisses across my chest. I shivered as he approached my breast, my aching
nipples about ready to implode, they were so tight. "You swore fealty to me. I
formally accepted you as my mate. We are now bound together."

My hands slid up his back as his head moved lower, avoiding
my breasts, which were heaving themselves about in a wanton display intended on
capturing his attention. "And .. . and ... the other? You agreed to support me
in my Guardian training? You won't interfere with that?"

 His tongue flicked my belly button, then he exhaled— fire.
My stomach contracted as the flames licked my skin for a few seconds, heating
but not burning, seeming to sink straight down into the pool of dormant heat
that lay deep within me.

 And suddenly there didn't seem to be enough air in the room
to breathe.

 "Good god, Drake," I gasped, struggling to get air back into
my lungs as he looked up, a half smile on his delicious lips. "Next time you
want to roast me, warn me, will you? That almost brought me straight up off the

 "Almost, hmm?" Every single atom in my body froze as he gave
me a speculative glance, then parted my legs, draping one leg over his shoulder.
"We can't have an almost. Let me see if I can do better."

 "Drake!" I shrieked as his hands spread up my thighs,
heading for party central. "You can't! You'll burn me!"

 "No, mate. You'll burn for me," he said moments before he
lowered his mouth to me.

 I tried to muffle the shriek that rose in my throat, not
wanting to alert everyone in the hotel that I was about to have the wildest oral
sex experience of my life, but the touch of his tongue on all my sensitive parts
was too much for me. He licked, he swirled, he sucked. . . then his teeth joined
the fun and gently tugged on tugable parts, his fingers doing an equally erotic
dance in the surrounding scenery.

 An oddly disconnected voice moaned nonstop as wave after
wave of exquisite tension wound me tighter and tighter, my body tense and hard
and trembling with an indefinable need that I knew to the depths of my soul only
he could fill.

And still he tormented me. Four separate times my body arched
up, on the very edge of an orgasm to end all orgasms, and each time he sensed my
nearness and changed the angle of his attack, his mouth caressing a different
spot until I was shaking with frustration, ecstasy, and so many other emotions I
couldn't begin to name them.

"Drake!" I sobbed, my fingers tangled in his hair, trying to
pull him closer, demanding that he allow me the completion I was going to die if
I didn't get. "If you have any mercy in your soul—finish!"

Heat seared into me, scorching, sizzling, singeing, and all
sorts of other s-words that my brain was too overwhelmed to think of. Dragon
fire burned a hot brand deep into my womb, arcing through my body like lightning
until I exploded in an endless flame of ecstasy. I don't know if I actually went
up in a fireball of Drake's fire or not, but I can say this: When I returned to
consciousness and gathered enough wits to make sure my body was still whole and
not desiccated and charbroiled, there was an Aisling-shaped outline burnt into
the sheet.

I blinked in bemusement at Drake. He was lying on his belly,
his chin resting on my pelvic bone, an extremely smug, thoroughly masculine
smile on his face.

"I told you that you'd like it when I breathed fire," he

"Just as soon as I recover use of my limbs, you are going to
pay for that smile," I told him. "Do you happen to have one of those heart
attack kits handy? I think I'm going to need defiberilizaton or whatever it is
they do to get people's hearts going again. At the very least, my brain is going
to need shocking to get it functioning."

He laughed, pressing a kiss into my belly before crawling up
my body. "That is how dragons mate, Aisling. You will get used to it with time."

"Glorioski, I hope not!" I pushed him onto his back,
summoning enough strength to roll over and plop myself on top of him. "And what
do you mean that's how dragons mate? You didn't do that the first time we made
love. You said we had to do it the dragon way then, because you were claiming
me. Not that I had any complaints, mind you, but I would have remembered this."

"You had not agreed to be my mate then," he answered, heat
simmering in his eyes. He winced as my thigh brushed his erection. "Now it is
different. Now you are truly mine. I can take you in many ways which will be new
to you."

"Really? New is good, I look forward to being fully
indoctrinated into hot, steamy dragon sex," I purred, sliding my hand down to
boldly caress him, smiling as he sucked in air when I wrapped my fingers around
the hard length of his arousal, wallowing in the flickers of desire that were
visible in his eyes. "Did you know that when you're aroused, your pupils get
dragonier? They get longer and thinner until they are little slits of black in a
beautiful sea of emerald."

He groaned as I bent my head down to capture a pert little
brown nipple that peeked through his chest hair. "You have no idea what you do
to me, do you, mate?"

"Oh, I have an idea," I said, reaching lower to gently scrape
my fingernails first along his balls, then up the long length of his penis. His
hips bucked upward, forcing him back through my hands. I looked down his body,
enjoying every little bit of it, from the lovely bulgy bits of his chest to the
flat belly, and lower, to the thick ropes of muscles along his thighs. "You
really are beautiful, Drake. You take my breath away—you're just that gorgeous.
I'm actually salivating looking at you. When you took this form, was it
something you planned, or did you just think human and this is what resulted?"

His hips bucked again, thrusting up off the bed as I began to
stroke him, quickly finding a rhythm that had him clutching handfuls of the
scorched bedspread. "I don't—I can't—you're going to make me—Christ's bones,
woman! Don't stop!"

I grinned my special wicked grin at the look of furious
disbelief on his face as I released him in order to swing my leg over his hips.
I paused long enough to take the very tip of him into my mouth, taking a moment
to swirl my tongue along the sensitive underside.

Drake began to yell. In Hungarian.

That was all I needed. With one last loving flick of my
tongue, I slid up his body, positioning him so that when I sank slowly down upon
him, we both gasped in delight. He was so hard, so hot, almost as hot as his
fire as he burrowed deeper into me, my flesh clinging to his as I sank down his
full length, tightening every muscle I had around him.

His back arched off the bed.

"Let me see the dragon in you, Drake," I whispered against
his lips, claiming his mouth as he'd done to mine so often, my tongue dancing an
enticing tango around his as my hips moved. "Let me see the real you. Let go of

A tremor rippled down his body as I moved up and down on him,
riding him slowly at first, but driven to a greater speed both by my own need
and by the passion that filled his eyes. Beneath my legs the skin of his belly
shimmered, blurring for a moment as it shifted from tanned skin to
yellowish-green scales, then back to skin, so fast I almost didn't catch the
change. His fingernails lengthened into long blue claws, wickedly sharp, digging
almost painfully into my hips as he urged me on faster and faster.

"Aisling" he cried, his eyes opening wide as his climax
claimed him, and for a moment, for the space between seconds, he shifted,
changed from man to dragon, and I was filled with an emotion unlike anything I'd
ever known. It was power, it was rapture, it was ecstasy and fear and joy, all
rolled together and merged into something totally new. He caught my shout of
exultation in his mouth as the strength of my own orgasm drove him to peak a
second time.

Hours later, when Jim stood outside our door and started
singing at the top of its lungs in a very off-key voice in order to convince me
to take it out for its morning walk, I looked up from where I was plastered
against Drake's body.

"That was, hands down, the most erotic night of my life. I
feel like I ran a marathon. My body is weak, my brain is numb, and my girl parts
are still smoking. Is it going to be like this every time, or were you just
starting things off with a bang, so to speak?"

The very edges of his lips curled. "You are mated to a
dragon, kincsem. You will have a bang every night."

I glanced up to see if he meant the double entendre, but his
eyes were closed.

His lips curled even more, though.

He meant it.






Chapter 13



What do you mean, I could have a bun in the oven? Drake is a
dragon! I'm a human! That's a cross-species thing!"

Jim sauntered over from where it had been watering a small
laurel shrub, one eyebrow lifted in delicate scorn. "You were a human. Now
you're a dragon's mate, signed, sealed, and

I stared at the demon, my mind screaming in horror. I had
nothing against kids per se, but I wasn't ready to have them yet. Not to mention
that I wasn't sure I wanted to have them with Drake. Not only did he not seem
terribly paternal, I wasn't ready to be mom to a dragon. "But— but—it's got to
be physically impossible! Last month, when Drake and I... I asked him about
condoms, and he said that pregnancy was impossible between us, and that he
didn't have any nasty dragon or human diseases, and since I don't either, we ...
No. You're wrong. You have to be wrong."

Jim shrugged, and sat to scratch behind its collar. "You
agreed to be his mate last night. You swore fealty. He accepted you. That makes
you officially a dragon's mate.

"You're immortal, no longer human. You're kind of human plus,
if you get my drift."

"That doesn't mean that suddenly Drake has super sperm that
can leap a building in a single bound."

The big demon stood up again and shook itself before nodding
toward the front of the hotel. Rene had pulled up, right on time, and was
standing chatting with Tiffany. I tied on its drool cloth and followed after it.
"A discussion of Drake's swimmers is going well over the border into Too Much
Information Land. Just how do you think dragons reproduce, anyway?"

"I assumed they mated with female dragons, and then, I don't
know, the females laid eggs or something."

Jim shook its head, muttering something about getting with
the times, but the damage had been done, I tried to remember just what Drake had
said the first time we made love, but I couldn't recall the exact details. I
made a mental note to question him about it before he laid claw on me again,
then slapped a smile on my face to greet Rene and Tiffany.

"—and I said to him, 'Josef, you might be an oracle, but that
doesn't mean you know everything. I was born to be a virgin. It is a very high
calling, and a most important position. Where would all the witches and
sorcerers be without blood of a virgin?' And do you know what he said to me? He
said, 'I might not know everything, but I know enough to recognize an ice
princess when I see one.' Wasn't that thoughtful of him? He thinks I am like a
princess. One made of ice. I like ice. It is pretty and shines nicely. Good
morning, Aisling. Good morning, demon. I was just telling Rene the lovely
compliment I had this morning."

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