Read Fire Pearl (Beyond Ontariese 5) Online

Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #paranormal romance, #mystics, #steamy romance, #scifi romance, #alpha heros

Fire Pearl (Beyond Ontariese 5) (17 page)

BOOK: Fire Pearl (Beyond Ontariese 5)
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“I’d prefer to meet you at our destination.”
She tried to sound imperious, but the trembling in her voice ruined
the effect. “Those who can teleport tend not to like ships.”

He grabbed both her arms and yanked her
toward him, gaze narrowed and bright. “Your preference is
meaningless. I saw what you did to Faujer. He might have fallen out
of favor with the Stirate, but he was still my brother. You had no
right to abuse him.”

She just stared at him, shocked and confused.
How had he… Faujer couldn’t possibly have contacted Quentin, so
how… This made no sense.

He sneered then shoved her back. “Did you
honestly think Quentin trusted you enough to send you off without
supervision? I’ve been shadowing you every step of the way.” He
pushed her toward the shuttle. “I won’t ask again.”

She crept up the narrow stairs and chose the
seat obviously not meant for the pilot. He climbed in after her and
slipped in behind the controls. If he’d been following them on
Earth, it was possible he knew what Aria looked like. Still, Noll
needed to make herself indispensable.

“I know what she looks like and I have a fix
on her energy pattern.”

“Which is the only reason you’re still

He powered up the shuttle and her chair
vibrated, though the engines were remarkably quiet. She scrambled
for something to say, anything that would minimize the damage. This
was Faujer’s brother?

She was so screwed.

“Will you at least tell me your name?”

Cruelty made the blue rings in his eyes
shimmer. “You will call me Master.”

She fell silent as the shuttle lifted off.
Their destination really was unimportant now that this man was in
control. She would go wherever he took her and do whatever he
commanded. She had no choice.

Terrified that her temper tantrum had already
cost her the only person she valued in life, she closed her eyes
and launched her Mystic sight. Familiar destinations were easier to
reach. She didn’t want to frighten her daughter, so she carefully
shielded her being as she approached Fortress Joon. Tanzen was
sound asleep, her mind calm and filled with dreams. Thank the gods
of the Day Moon. Noll exhaled as she released the link and slowly
opened her eyes.

“Checking on Tanzen?” The Rodyte smirked then
turned his attention back to the controls.

“Why didn’t you tell the Stirate what I

“Because I intend to complete this mission
and I can’t do it without you.” He didn’t bother looking at her.
Her reactions were irrelevant. “Have no doubt your life is forfeit,
but if you cooperate fully, and cause no further complications, I
might spare your child.”

Nausea clawed at her stomach, yet
determination allowed her to remain relatively calm. Aria needed to
die. They both agreed with that and completing the mission would
decrease the chances that Quentin would order a strike on

Once that goal had been achieved, Noll would
figure out a way to defuse this man’s anger. Or she’d offer him
something more valuable than revenge. She couldn’t give up hope.
She still had options.

They flew over endless rolling hills of sand
and she wondered again why anyone would choose this dismal place as
their home.

Something shimmered in the distance and the
shuttle gradually slowed. A Rodyte Invader became visible long
enough for the shuttle to dock. No wonder they’d landed in the
middle of nowhere. With a sleek, swept-wing design and
state-of-the-art shielding, Rodyte Invaders lived up to their name.
It was powerful enough to take on ships twice its size while
remaining fast and agile. If the Bilarrians had any idea this ship
had infringed on their territory, they would have launched an
immediate offensive.

“Impressive,” she whispered. “Is she

His annoying smirk materialized again. “What
do you think?”

The hatch hissed as the docking tube released
the seal and the stairs slowly unfolded.

“After you.” The commander swept his arm
toward that opening, his gaze moving boldly over her body.

She still wore the ridiculous evening gown,
which flowed over every curve and hollow she possessed. Ignoring
his rude stare, she lifted the armrest so she could get out and
hurried toward the docking tube. He was right behind her.

“That garment leaves nothing to the
imagination. Do Bilarrian females always dress so immodestly?”

“I chose a daring style so the guards would
be thinking of sex rather than wondering why I was so far from the

They emerged into a semicircular corridor.
“Unless you wish to service the entire crew, you will cloth
yourself appropriately.”

“Yes, sir,” she muttered, but he kept right
on walking, not giving her time to alter her appearance.

Every person they passed snapped to attention
and pressed their back against the wall. As she’d thought, this man
was clearly the commander of this vessel. He hadn’t been
indifferent to her assets. Could she use his fascination to her

Before she could weave the possibility into a
workable strategy, he opened a door with a sharp voice command and
pushed her inside the compact cabin. A man turned from the viewport
as they entered. His gently swirling gaze identified him as
Ontarian and made his expression extremely hard to read. Brown hair
hung past his shoulders, accenting the barbaric arrangement of his
features. Even his clothing was coarse and unrefined. A simple
tunic and loose pants tucked into scuffed black boots.

“This is Rez.” The commander watched her
closely, the blue rings in his eyes more apparent than they had
been before. “He’s a gift from your cousin, Lilt.”

“I don’t understand.” She stayed right in
front of the door, refusing to even look at the stranger.

“Rez has certain skills that will allow you
to complete your mission.”

Her gaze flew to Rez then back to the
commander. “Is he…”

can speak for himself.” Rez
quickly crossed the room and pulled her toward him. “Yes, I’m a
Shadow Assassin. I’ve been trying to reach Aria for days, but I
don’t have the range.”

“And I have the range, but not the skills.”
Her heart fluttered and heat curled through her chest. She’d heard
about these men all her life, but Lilt refused to trust her with
details. She’d known they were real and still in use, but this was
the first time she’d been in the same room with one of the infamous

The commander chuckled. “Rez is our gift to
you, and you are our gift to him. You are his slave from this
moment on. You will do anything he asks without hesitation or
argument. In exchange the Stirate will remain ignorant of your
behavior back on Earth and your daughter will go on breathing.”

Rez let go of her wrist and walked around
her, boldly assessing her body from every angle. “Take off the

She waited for the commander to leave, but he
leaned his hip against the dresser and crossed his arms over his
chest. Was he just staying long enough to make sure she obeyed or
did he intend to participate?

Rez caught her chin and raised her face until
she looked into his eyes. Multiple shades of brown with just a
touch of gold, they were really quite striking. “I’m not accustomed
to repeating my orders.”

Tanzin was the perfect excuse. She could
allow herself to be used because they would harm her daughter if
she didn’t, but already her nipples tightened and her sex felt hot
and heavy. “I can’t reach the zipper.”

A knowing smile parted Rez’s lips. “Then
banish the garment instead. You’re a Master-level Mage. I know what
that means.”

“Then you know I can hurt you?”

He collared her throat with one of his
long-fingered hands, his grip firm without being hurtful. “But you
won’t and he’s the reason why.” Raz nodded toward the commander.
“You disobey me, or displease me in any way, and he’ll send the
message ending your daughter’s life.”

“Is he only going to watch?” It was better to
know what they had in store than be tortured by possibilities.

“I haven’t decided yet. He has been generous
enough to give you to me, yet I am very possessive.”

“I don’t mind watching, this first time.” He
moved to the chair adjacent to the bunk and sat. “There’s plenty of
time to train her for more challenging pleasures.”

Another tense moment passed as Rez stared
down at her. “I’m waiting.”

Seeing no other option, and suspecting she’d
enjoy her punishment, Noll finally dissolved the dress.

Chapter Seven


Aria danced across the stage, whirling and
leaping, laughter floating around her like spring mist. She never
realized how encumbered she’d been until Drakkin set her free.
Vigorous, vital, energized, she’d never felt so alive.

You are far more beautiful than I ever

Her steps faltered and she skittered to a
stop, facing the rows of empty seats. She hadn’t recognized the
gently lilting voice. “Who’s there?” She scanned the shadows,
reaching beyond her range of vision with her mind. “Why can’t I see

I have waited for your awakening with
great expectation. It grows more difficult to remain here each

This isn’t a dream.” Excitement sizzled
along her nerve endings. Shouldn’t she be afraid? “We’re on the
metaphysical plane.”

I left you in good hands. Drakkin is a
masterful teacher. Search your soul. Test my nature then summon my
image to you.”

Her heart thudded and her chest heaved.
Could this truly be Vee? He’d cautioned her to search for danger
and he knew Drakkin was tutoring her. She had to calm down and
think. Dragging a deep breath into her lungs, she scanned again. No
hint of danger, no fear, just a vague sense of expectation.

She pictured the image crystal, recalling
every detail of her father. Cool air swirled around her and she
looked to her side. Vee stood there, his smile gentle, eyes shining
with emerald fire. He was dressed in Mystic robes and his
intricately woven hair hung over one shoulder. With a subtle wave
of one graceful hand, he sent his emotions to her. Regret, elation
and a soul-deep devotion, but most of all she sensed pride. Her
lips trembled and she pressed her hand over her wildly beating

I have waited so long to speak with you
face-to-face.” With warm and gentle hands, he drew her near. “It
breaks my heart that we shall only have this one moment.”

Drakkin explained why you never—”

Drakkin only understands a fraction of
the truth. I will reveal all to you now.”

A rush of information inundated her mind.
She staggered back with a groan. “I don’t understand.”

Share these things with your mate—and he
is your mate, Aria. You need never fear the bond. Drakkin will
understand.” Vee touched her face then pressed a lingering kiss to
her brow. “I can join E’Lanna now. We have waited a lifetime for
this day. Know with all certainty that we love you.”

He began to fade and her heart gave a mighty
lurch. “Wait. There’s so much I want to tell you, so much I need to

I must go, but rest assured. You will
find the happiness stolen from us.”

Aria released the visualization and sat up in
bed, unable to suppress her sobs. Drakkin sat as well, drawing her
into his arms.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“I just saw Vee. I thought it was a dream
but…” She pressed her face against his throat, unable to continue.
Drakkin rocked her, stroking her hair. She inhaled his scent and
drew strength from his embrace. Vee made sure she understood that
he was at peace, that he was excited to pass beyond. Still, she
wished she could have known him, wished their enemies hadn’t kept
them apart. “He flooded my mind with images and information. I’m
afraid I’ll forget something important.”

“Take your time. Whatever he passed to you
will remain within your mind. If need be, I’ll help you retrieve
the images.”

“He spoke in a language I’d never heard
before, yet I could understand him.”

“Telepathic communication transcends the
spoken word. You will be able to understand anyone you encounter on
the metaphysical plane. He likely spoke an ancient dialect of
Ontarian. Vee was always resistant to change.”

“His speech did seem old-fashioned, but it
suited him.” She eased away from his chest but remained within the
circle of his arms.

“You said he flooded your mind with
information. What did he show you?”

“He was clairvoyant, wasn’t he?”

“Vee had one of the most powerful
precognizant gifts I have ever witnessed. The visions tortured him
throughout his life.”

“Why would he be tortured by such

He tucked her hair behind her ear, his
fingers lingering against her skin. “Vee learned at an early age
that fate will have its way. Knowing the future and being able to
change events are two different things. Again and again, Vee
attempted to change what he saw in his visions. At times the
details would shift, but the results were always the same.”

She shuddered, snuggling against his side.
“Did he know E’Lanna would die?”

“Yes. He did everything in his power to
protect her from the tragedy then a Shadow Assassin sneaked into
her dreams.”

“How is that possible?” She scooted back a
bit so she could see his face. “No one can be harmed by a

“It wasn’t an ordinary dream. You were asleep
when Vee drew you to the metaphysical plane, so you thought you
were dreaming.”

“The Shadow Assassin attacked her on the
metaphysical plane?”

He nodded. “It’s a vile practice. Those who
can master the skill don’t even need to be on the same planet as
the victim.” Releasing his breath in an extended sigh, he absently
stroked her arm. “After three years of bitter mourning, he accepted
the fact he was unable to change the future.”

BOOK: Fire Pearl (Beyond Ontariese 5)
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