FireDrake (15 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Romance - Adult, #Adult, #Adult & contemporary romance, #Fiction - Romance, #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Paranormal, #Romance - Fantasy, #Romance: Gothic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Dragons, #Knights and knighthood, #Computers - Languages, #Programming, #Fantasy Romance

BOOK: FireDrake
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It was the way of dragons and knights, but Mace felt a pang for his dragon partner. It seemed unfair that Nellin had to wait to claim his lady love, but Mace was glad for the dragon’s control. If Nellin ever mated, bonded as he was to Mace, the dragon’s lust would drive Mace crazy with a need that could only be fulfilled by his true mate. It was the main reason fighting dragons did not mate unless their knights had already found their own females to share their lives and their lusts.

When the dragon’s passion rose, Mace would be swept along in the fury that only a love partner could assuage. No mere casual sex partner would do. Only a mate, bonded by love, could slake the carnal thirst that would otherwise drive Mace insane.

He wasn’t completely sure, but Mace had a very strong feeling Krysta was it. She was the woman he wanted to share his life, but he had a long row to hoe to convince her to become his wife. And she’d have to be prepared to accept the knight who partnered the dragoness Nellin eventually mated with as well. It wasn’t an easy thing to find a woman who could accept such an arrangement, but Krysta already seemed comfortable around Nellin and the dragon liked her as well.

She felt really good in his arms too. This trip was all very serious business, but Mace couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit of glee at the fact that Krysta was snuggled up against him for hours on end. Sure, he had the hard-on from hell to prove her nearness, but it was a sweet sort of torture.

“Can you follow the trail from up here?” Krysta leaned back to speak near his ear, shocking him to an even fuller awareness of the soft woman in his arms.

He pressed forward, tightening his hold around her waist as he leaned close to her neck. “Easily. Nellin’s eyesight is much better than mine, but even I can see the telltale marks of the company’s passage from this height.” 103

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She nodded, but Mace couldn’t move away from the tempting softness of her skin.

Giving into temptation, he licked just under her ear, nuzzling in closer as he tasted the salt of her skin and breathed in the essence of her. She was delicious on so many levels.


One hand rose over her breast, squeezing gently as he tested her response. He could feel the increase in her breathing as she leaned into him, pressing herself into his palm.

He tucked his other hand downward, insinuating it between the dragon’s hide and her hot core, clothed in her soft, well-worn uniform trousers.

“Mace, stop. We can’t.”

“Just let me hold you like this, Krysta.” He nuzzled her neck from behind. “I’ve dreamed of you since our time together. Every single night.”

Dragons were exhibitionists and that proclivity tended to rub off on their knights, so Mace didn’t particularly care if Drake and Jenet could see what he was doing. In fact, he felt a primitive urge to publicly stake his claim on this woman. If Krysta was meant to share his life, she’d have to get used to the idea of another man watching—and even joining—in her rapture, but he didn’t want to push her too far yet.

Mace hadn’t planned to touch her like this, but for once in his life, he decided to go with the moment. He was taking a page out of Drake’s book, being spontaneous and impulsive.

Drake definitely had the right idea if this pleasure was the reward for breaking with Mace’s carefully laid plans. Krysta shifted, rubbing her taut ass against his straining erection and he bit back a groan. She was fire in his arms and he never wanted to let go.

“Do you dream of me, Krysta? Did you enjoy our time together as much as I did?”

“You know I liked it, Mace, but we can’t do this now. Drake might see and I don’t want to hurt his feelings.”

Krysta couldn’t get over the feel of Mace’s strong hands on her body. She’d been in turmoil since almost the first moment she’d climbed on Nellin’s back, and she’d been 104


seated for hours now in front of the strong knight as they flew in pursuit of the lost prince.

Mace was a special man. Already, he’d claimed a piece of her heart she would never get back, though she hadn’t told him yet. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever tell him. Things were so unclear to her about the future—as they’d never been before.

There was Mace. And there was Drake. How could she reconcile the growing feelings she had for both men? Unless things changed in a drastic way, the scenario could only lead to heartache and personal disaster. But she felt powerless to stop it all.

And now this. This slap-dash flight across the land after a stolen prince. And both men working together, with her, to save the boy that meant so much to their land.

Mace pressed her farther, his fingers igniting little fires of need through her body.

She grabbed his wrist, stilling his motion, though the flame in her core sparked higher.

She couldn’t do this. She didn’t want to hurt either of these brave men.

“No. Mace, I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too. I lose my head when I’m around you, Krysta.” He removed the hand from between her legs, returning it to her waist, but his other hand remained just under her breast, cupping her. He kissed her neck, nuzzling close as he spoke into her ear.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known—inside and out.”


“You’re easy to flatter, Krysta. You truly are the most amazing woman.” He squeezed her around the middle, and Krysta felt the affection in his words. He was such a good man.

But then, Drake had been charming her for days now and she felt torn. How in the world could she choose between them? Something in her heart would be ripped apart if she hurt Mace, but she didn’t want to hurt Drake either. There was a depth to the bard she hadn’t expected. He was an honorable man too, with skill and bravery he kept hidden most of the time. He loved his family too, especially the dragon who so obviously adored him. That spoke well for him. Dragons were judges of men. Only very special men were 105

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befriended by dragons and that Drake and Mace both had gained the trust and respect of two such noble dragons argued well for them both.

So the problem remained and only grew more complex the more she learned of both men. How was she to choose?



Chapter Ten

Drake seethed, watching Mace hold Krysta on Nellin’s his back as they led the way across the sky. Nellin followed the kidnappers’ path, keeping his sharp dragon eyes on the telltale signs dug into the surface of the earth below.

Drake had little say in the matter when Jenet decided to speed up a bit, bringing them alongside the other dragon. They pulled even just in time to watch Mace cup one of Krysta’s spectacular breasts in his hand. Drake could have happily cut off the knight’s arm just then, had they been on the ground.

Drake had never been a jealous man, but in that moment, he was never more envious of his friend. Mace had the woman of Drake’s dreams in his arms, and Drake could do nothing but watch. And want.

When Krysta drew away, Drake silently applauded.

Drake’s mouth watered, thinking about getting Krysta alone. He hadn’t had much opportunity to woo her or touch her as he longed to do. He wanted her desperately. Like he’d never wanted another woman in his entire life.

The thought was sobering. And frightening.

“Looks like they’re getting along.
” Jenet’s wry voice sounded through his mind.

Drake growled low in his throat.
“We don’t have time for this. Finding Wil is our

Jenet perked her neck up, chastised.
“You don’t have to remind me, you big grump.

But we’ve a long way to fly first and there’s nothing you humans can do but be baggage
until we find the kidnappers.”

Drake knew he was being unreasonable, but seeing Mace cuddling the woman he wanted above all others set his jaw on edge. It also—strangely—set him afire. Krysta looked…right…in Mace’s arms. Somewhere, deep inside, Drake registered that realization, even as his unaccustomed jealousy reared its ugly head. 107

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“You know, you could have her too, if you became my knight.”
Jenet’s smug voice intruded on his troubling thoughts.

“What are you talking about?”
Drake felt the bottom of his stomach drop.
“Are you
planning on mating with Nellin?”

“Nellin is my mate, it’s true. But we’ll wait for Mace to find his own mate—and for
you to come to your senses and accept me as your partner.”

“You’ve got to be kidding!”

“No, Drake. Search your heart. You hear the truth of my words. You know I was
born for you. You’ve been my knight since the moment I hatched and as long as you live,
I will have no other. I love you.”

Drake felt the truth of her words all the way down to his soul. He remembered the precious little creature that had busted out of a giant shell after hours of labor, and the first meeting of their eyes. He remembered talking to the baby inside the shell long before she hatched, making friends with her even before she was free to roam about the Lair with him, his constant companion. He remembered too their parents’ indulgent smiles and encouragement.

All except for Declan.

The man whose opinion mattered most in Drake’s young life had always seemed to expect more of him than he could give. Declan had demanded perfection when Drake could give only mediocrity. He’d failed time and again at the tasks Declan had set for him, meeting with grim disapproval and reminders that he’d never be good enough for Jenet if he didn’t work harder.

Declan had said those actual words only once, but Drake had taken his sire’s warning to heart. Drake loved Jenet too much to stick her with an inferior knight, and Drake knew he was inferior in every way to the star pupils like Mace.

Steady, strong, staid Mace. He never put a toe wrong and excelled at all the knightly skills. Drake wanted to hate the boy, but had found an odd camaraderie with the quiet lad instead. They’d even parted as friends the day Drake struck off to find his own path.

Mace had seen him leaving the castle and had walked a short way with him, down the 108


road into Castleton. They’d parted with kind words and good wishes between them and Drake had made Mace promise to keep an eye out for Jenet, which he was sure the young knight-hopeful would do without falter. He was just that dependable.

“I hate to disappoint you, sweetheart

Drake’s tone was full of frustration,

your plan will never work. I’m still leaving Draconia as soon as this mission is over. I
have responsibilities in other lands to which I’m much better suited. I learned the hard
way I can never be the knight you need, Jenet. You have to give up this crazy idea.”

“I will never give up on you, Drake. You’re mine as much as I am yours. The bond
between us can never be undone. It is only for you to accept and let it grow stronger.”

“I can never be what you deserve, Jenet.”
The words were torn from his soul, barely whispered into her mind.

“You are already more than I’ll ever need and all that I want. It is only for you to
recognize that truth and accept your destiny.”

Drake would have replied, but at that moment, the sky turned grey and a light rain started to soak through his meager, city clothing. Wonderful. The weather matched his glum mood, even as his shirt soaked clear through. His leather breeches were in somewhat better shape, but they were old and starting to soak up water in places around the knees and crotch. Just great. This would be a soggy, miserable trip to match his sullen mood.

Drake spared a moment to look over at Nellin and noted that Mace—ever prepared—

had pulled an oilcloth from his pack and spread it over himself and Krysta. At least they would be dry, but the knight’s preparedness just drove home to Drake how un-knightly he was himself. He’d gone off on a quest without the most basic of necessities.

All Jenet had was the leather pouch Drake had given her, filled with lotions and creams for her wings. No oil cloth. No food. Nothing that could be useful on a cross-country journey.

A knight would have prepared.

Which only went to prove, Drake of the Five Lands was no dragon’s knight. 109

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Before it got too dark to see, Mace signaled a halt and the dragons started angling downward to find a place to weather the storm and get some sleep before they carried on the search.

Dragons could literally sniff out caves. It was part of their basic survival instincts.

Even though both Jenet and Nellin had been born and raised in the safety of the Castle Lair, they’d been trained since a young age to rely on their natural abilities. Still, both dragons claimed there was not one suitable cave in the area for their human friends to spend the night.

So the three curled up on the ground at the base of a relatively dry granite cliff. The dragons arranged themselves on either side and held Mace’s tarp between them, making a little tent area for the humans, though it was small.

“I’ve got a dry shirt you can wear and some food in my pack. It’s not much, but we won’t go hungry tonight.”

“Thanks for the loan. I just took off, not thinking about provisions—or dry clothes.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Drake. You’re not trained as a knight, after all.”

Drake paused in the act of accepting the dry shirt from his friend. Mace thought he read hurt in the other man’s eyes for a moment and realized his words might’ve come out differently than intended.

“Look, Drake—”

“No. You’re right.” Drake reached out to snap up the shirt. “I’ll never live up to my father’s example. It’s why I left.” He shrugged as he tugged the shirt on. “I knew I’d never be good enough for Jenet.” There was real pain in Drake’s voice and he wouldn’t meet Mace’s eyes. “This only proves, once again, that I was right.”

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