Fireman Dad (5 page)

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Authors: Betsy St. Amant

BOOK: Fireman Dad
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Chapter Five

onday morning brought fresh determination—and a little bit of despair. Marissa stared at her day planner and shook her head. Maybe she shouldn’t have agreed to the birthday party after all. She wanted to help, but how could she concentrate on glittery wands and princess snacks when she still had to arrange all the fundraiser vendors—both food and games—brainstorm craft projects for the kids, book an inflatable jumping booth, find volunteers from the church to man all the booths, order the tickets, find someone willing to stand in a tent all day and
tickets …

The hastily scribbled notes on the page of her planner blurred before Marissa’s tired eyes. Perhaps after she saw Jacob’s property this afternoon, some of the details would fall together in her head. It was hard to plan without being able to picture the space she had to work with. In the meantime, she should focus on the birthday party since that wasn’t depending on anything else. She shut the file and reached for the party folder just as the front door of Your Special Day swung open.

“Good morning.” A short, curly-haired brunette
stepped inside with a hesitant smile. “You’re open, right?”

“Hi, there. Yes, I’m open.” Marissa glanced at the clock. Was it still early? Nope, it was nine-thirty—already. So far she’d accomplished nothing other than giving herself a mild stress headache. “How can I help you?” She folded her hands across the planner, hoping any event the woman wanted to plan would be at least a month away. She hated to turn away a new client.

The brunette paused by the bookshelf of party theme books by the door and tilted her head to read the title on a spine. “I’m Liz Greene.” She looked up and gave a sheepish shrug. “You’re planning my daughter’s birthday party.”

“You’re Jacob’s sister-in-law?” Marissa stood with a smile. “It’s so nice to meet you! Come sit down.” She gestured to the chair across from her desk. “I’ve already got some ideas I’d love to run by you.”

Liz perched on the edge of the seat. “That sounds good. Jacob explained how bad he felt about the short notice.”

“It’s no problem.” Marissa followed Liz’s gaze taking in the stacks of files on her desk. “Okay, so it’s a little bit of a problem, but honestly, I would have felt worse saying no. Especially after what your family is going through with the layoff.”

“It’s been hard, to say the least. But we’re hanging in there.” Liz leaned back against the chair with a sigh. “It makes us get creative financially, that’s for sure.”

“I can imagine.” Marissa tapped the folder on her desk. “I can’t do much, but I am planning the fireman’s fundraiser, and I’m also determined to make sure your daughter has one of the best birthdays she’s ever had.” Her earlier hesitations about the party fled at the
grateful expression on Liz’s face. As a mom, Marissa could easily empathize. If she lost her job, of course she would still want Owen to be taken care of and enjoy his birthday. None of this was Liz’s fault. “Jacob agreed to my suggestion of a princess party. How does that sound?”

“Perfect!” Liz relaxed in her chair, crossing her jeanclad legs. “Olivia is a sweet girl, very easy to please. I told Jacob he didn’t have to do this, that she’d be perfectly happy with some stickers and store-bought cupcakes, but he insisted.” Liz grinned. “He’s a good brother-in-law, even though he’s somewhat stubborn.”

Marissa rolled in her lower lip but couldn’t keep the smile from her eyes.

“You look as if you already knew that.” Liz raised a thin eyebrow.

“That’s a long story.” Marissa waved one hand to change the subject, embarrassment flushing her neck. She couldn’t get all moony about Jacob in front of his family. No doubt it’d get back to Jacob, and then how would she come across? Not professional.

Though, there was nothing professional about checking her cell phone every thirty minutes to make sure he hadn’t called to schedule their official date.

“If you say so.” Liz’s eyebrow remained arched, but she changed the subject. “Well, listen, I don’t want to keep you, but I came to say thank you for agreeing to plan this party, and the fundraiser. It’s been amazing how the community has stepped up to help, and I want to give back. So, if you need extra help around here, please call me.”

“Don’t be silly.” Marissa shook her head. “You’re one of the families the fundraiser is hoping to help. This whole thing is for you—and your husband.”

“All the more reason why I should be involved and contribute.” Liz slid a card with her name and phone number across the desk to Marissa. “I mean it. I want to help.”

Marissa tucked the card in the designated slot in her planner, her elbow accidentally catching one of the files on her desk. It wobbled precariously and Liz jumped from the chair to balance the stack.

“You know what?” Marissa grinned. “I think I might take you up on that offer after all.”

Marissa made the final turn onto Jacob’s street and flipped her visor down to shield her eyes from the sun. Beams of light spiraled between tall, leafy pine trees and streaked the dashboard with gold. She pulled into a long driveway and parked several yards back from a simple, pier-and-beams style house with a wraparound porch. The yard had been recently mowed, and the flower beds neatly tended. Of course the owner of a lawn service would have well-kept property—and judging by the land sprawling on each side of the house, business must be pretty good to afford this much acreage.

She got out of her SUV and shut the door with her hip, turning a slow circle to take in the details of the land. The driveway seemed to split the property in half, which was perfect. There would be plenty of space on each side for a mini-carnival and a designated parking area for guests. It was laid out even better than she could have hoped.

The screen door opened onto the porch, and Jacob stepped out, wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. He looked right at home in the casual wear, and she couldn’t contain the grin spreading across her face. “Hi, there.” It’d only been three days since their evening on the
Boardwalk, but it felt like too long. Maybe this afternoon he’d make good on his invitation to plan a date. Anticipation simmered in Marissa’s stomach and she lifted her hand in a wave.

“Afternoon.” Jacob made his way down the stairs toward the driveway, passing a fireman’s flag stuck in the corner of the flower bed. Her dad kept the same one in his front yard for years. Jacob must have been very proud of his brother to have one. Would he remove the flag now that his sibling had been laid off?

“Did you find the place all right?” Jacob’s question jerked her from her thoughts.

“Yes, your directions were great.” Marissa clenched her purse strap in one fist as he drew near, feeling silly now for not stopping at the house to change clothes first. She still wore her heels and dress pants from the office, and they were about to go on the equivalent of a hike. But she’d gladly wobble around on high heels for the chance to visit with Jacob. She’d even arranged for her mother to pick up Owen from school today, just so she wouldn’t have to rush. They had a lot to cover for the fundraiser, and if they ended up talking as much as they had last Friday, then she’d need all the time she could get.

“Good.” He stopped several feet away from her and focused on a spot somewhere over her shoulder. She looked, but saw nothing worthy of his devoted attention. She turned back with a puzzled frown.

“I saw your sister-in-law today.” Marissa stretched on tiptoe, angling sideways to try to catch his eye. “She came into the store.”

“Liz did?” Jacob’s gaze collided with hers. “What did she say?”

Marissa blinked rapidly at the clipped, nearly defensive words.
“She said she was grateful for all you were doing for them, and all the community was doing. She offered to help me in the office with the grunt work, if I needed it.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, Liz is nice like that.” Jacob shook his head as if clearing it. “Well, this is it.” He gestured to the property. “Think it will work?”

The warmth from Friday night was missing in his voice, leaving a stilted, businesslike tone instead. What happened? Marissa crossed both arms in front of her chest, confused and more than a little defensive. “Yes, I think it will work well.”

Jacob nodded, hands in his pockets now, his back stiff. Something was obviously wrong, judging by the tick in his jaw.

Marissa brushed a piece of hair from her face that had come loose from her ponytail and faced him, holding one hand up to her eyes against the sun. “Is everything okay?”

He nodded again.

“Bad day?” That much was obvious, but maybe the acknowledgment would encourage him to explain.

He opened his mouth, closed it, then said, “Why don’t we look at the area behind the house? I was thinking we should set up an arts and crafts area for the kids, and that might be a good spot.”

He’d obviously rather talk about glue guns and glitter than whatever was bothering him, so Marissa bit back the argument on her tongue and followed him around the porch.

“They could set up here.” He pointed toward the tree line. “Out of the way of foot traffic, but still easily accessible.”

Marissa pulled out her pen and planner and made a notation. “Good idea. Thanks.”

Thumbs hooked in his jeans pockets, Jacob looked off toward the red barn that sat about an acre back to the left. An open outbuilding beside the barn served as a covering for two trailers, probably the ones he carted his lawn mowers on. “So what else do you need?”

Was he in that big of a hurry for her to leave? Frustration and confusion burned the back of her throat, and she found it difficult to meet his eyes. Not that he was giving her much chance of that anyway. Obviously, whatever expectations she had for her time with him today were far from accurate. She must have misunderstood his intentions Friday night. But he asked her out—officially, and almost nervously as if he had really hoped she’d agree. How else was that to be interpreted?

“I guess that’s it.” Marissa turned back toward the driveway and her car, angry at herself for allowing the waver in her voice. “I better head back into town before Owen gets out of school.” She could call her mom on the way home and cancel their plans, although Owen would be disappointed not to see his nana. But at least if Marissa got him from school herself she could avoid seeing her dad tonight when she picked up Owen. Another verbal round with him was the last way she wanted to end this rotten afternoon.

“Marissa, wait.”

She hesitated at Jacob’s voice, but didn’t stop. She had enough of his bad mood for today. Maybe if she left without revealing her hurt, it wouldn’t cause awkwardness between them later. “I should go.” She stuffed her planner in her purse and grabbed for her keys. They fell on the gravel drive, and Jacob scooped them up before she could bend over.

“You were right. It’s been a bad day.” He blew out a short breath and attempted a smile. “I didn’t mean to be rude.”

Her hopes rose. If he was simply having a rough afternoon, then he wasn’t upset with her personally after all. Perhaps he wasn’t trying to back out of their future date and she was just being paranoid. After all, Kevin had been moody most of their marriage. Jacob was allowed a bad day or two.

“Want to talk about it?” Marissa swallowed, trying to decide how much of her hopes to risk. Her hand shook, but she had to know. They’d had such a great time together last weekend—surely there was a chance they could do so again. She bit her lower lip. Finding out would be better than wondering—right? She hesitated, then blurted the words before she could change her mind. “Maybe over that dinner date you mentioned Friday?”

Jacob’s smile slowly faded. “About that …” He coughed. “Look, Marissa, I’m sorry, but I can’t—”

“It’s okay.” She cut him off before he could fully verbalize the rejection, her hopes shattering like the perfume bottle Owen had dropped on the bathroom tile last month. She straightened her shoulders, determined to remain professional. “Thanks for letting me see the property.”

“Anytime.” Emotion darkened Jacob’s eyes, a contradiction to the words he’d just spoken. Did he regret them?

Confused, Marissa took the keys he held out in his palm, ignoring the jolt of electricity that still occurred on contact. She quickly opened the door of her SUV and climbed inside. This time, he didn’t stay to shut her door as he had Friday night. He simply turned and ambled toward the front porch, head down, shoulders slumped.

She turned around in the grassy spot by the carport, unwilling to risk backing out of the long driveway all the way to the road.

And unwilling to risk one more portion of her heart on Jacob Greene.

Jacob pulled back the blinds and watched Marissa drive down the gravel drive, hoping the hand she brushed across her face was shoving aside loose hair and not a tear. He didn’t know what hurt worse—the fact that he’d been borderline rude to the least deserving woman on the planet, or the fact that she probably thought he was a complete jerk now.

He dropped the blinds as her SUV disappeared from sight, and stalked to the fridge. His one rare day off that he wasn’t working at the station or working on a yard, and he was going to spend it miserable because he couldn’t tell Marissa the truth.

Well, he could—but would it sound presumptuous to tell her they couldn’t date because of her dad? Because of the domino effect a relationship would have not only on his career but on his family’s welfare?

Although after today, she wouldn’t want to date him anyway.

He grabbed a carton of orange juice and took a swig, the cool liquid doing little to calm his frustration. In answer to his own question, it wouldn’t be presumptuous at all—Marissa was obviously expecting him to keep his word about another date, or she wouldn’t have hinted about it when she asked if he wanted to talk. He should have told her right then and there. But it was all he could do not to wrap her in a hug at the sadness in her gaze.

Sadness he’d placed there.

He slammed the refrigerator door and rested both hands on the countertop. It didn’t help that Liz had gone by the store today to introduce herself to Marissa. If those two were going to be working together in the office, things would surely go from bad to very bad. The last thing he needed was a meddler in this hairy situation, and Liz was well known for her matchmaking ways. At least Liz didn’t seem to have mentioned that he was a fireman when she stopped by Your Special Day.

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