Firestorm (18 page)

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Authors: Ann Jacobs

BOOK: Firestorm
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They teased and visited for a few more minutes before Bear herded Shana and their children out the door.

* * * * *

Ann Jacobs



“Go ahead. Spit it out, honey.” Jake handed Kate a glass of soda and took a long sip from his bottle of beer. “Tell me what you're thinking.”

“Bear’s an Arab.”

“That he is. He’s Muslim, too, before you ask. He’s also heir to some of the richest oil fields in Kuwait. And he’s one helluva good friend.”

“I'm sure he is. It just surprised me because I’d had him pictured as being an American,” she replied reasonably.

“Not half as much as it surprised Mom and Dad when Shana told them she was going to marry him. And not one tenth as much as I understand the news shocked Bear’s family back in Kuwait.”

“But it didn’t shock you?”

He shook his head. “People are people. Some are good, some are bad. But they’re people. They’re who they are, not where they’re from or how they worship or how much money they’ve got, or who their ancestors were a thousand years ago. I liked Bear from the start. He’s one of the good guys. And he’s been good for Shana.”

“They seem very much in love,” Kate said, her voice soft and giving.

“They are. Mom and Dad realized that right away and dropped the objections they’d had at the beginning. I don’t imagine it took a whole lot longer for Shana to wrap Bear’s father around her little finger. Now, since they’ve been married eleven years, no one in either family thinks twice about the ethnic differences.”

“Except maybe Ben. Bear was quite a jolt to him when they met at Leah’s wedding.

Of course, to give Ben credit, he had just recently reconciled himself to joining a family that didn’t keep Kosher and had two Christian in-laws at the time.” Jake chuckled as he described Ben's initial shock at meeting his other brother-in-law to be at the rehearsal.

“Your family’s a regular melting pot, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. And I’m the only one so far whose judgment in selecting a partner turned out to be bad.” As much as the failure of his marriage to Alice had hurt Jake, he knew it had devastated his parents more.

“What went wrong?” Kate asked, her aqua eyes soft with compassion.

“Her killing my child was the final straw. If she hadn’t already filed for divorce, I’d have left her over that. But she’d already made her decision and picked out her next victim before I realized our problems were too complex to solve.”

“Did your religious differences cause the problems?”

“No. That was one of the few things we never argued about.”

He noticed Kate’s questioning look. “We fought about me working in the oil fields.

About where and how we were going to live. We hated each other’s friends and argued Ann Jacobs



over how we’d spend our leisure time. You name it, Alice and I most likely fought about it at one time or another. Except for the sex. That was good until the end.”


That one word conveyed a lot of understanding. And hurt, too. “Even that wasn’t better than it is with you,” he told Kate.

He paused until her frown turned to a smile. “Alice hated everything about my work. At first, she resented the time I had to spend out in the fields more than anything else. But after awhile, my being away didn’t bother her as much as the fact that I wouldn’t even consider taking the suit-and-tie job she thought I should have.” He rubbed a hand across his aching forehead.

“I’m sorry.” Kate took his hand and stroked it gently.

“Yeah. Pity Alice didn’t realize her feelings sooner—for instance before she agreed to marry me.”

“Your home must have been a battlefield,” she said, the faint lines beside her soft, sweet mouth deepening when she frowned.

“A silent one most of the time. At least for the first few years, before I started bugging her about having kids. Then the war between us heated up. I wanted a family badly. I even promised I’d take an office job with the company if she’d agree to have a baby. When she balked, I should have walked out and given her grounds for divorce.”

If he had, it would have saved him a hell of a lot more pain than it would have cost in the huge divorce settlement Alice could have hit him for if she hadn’t had another fish on the hook.

“Why didn’t you?”

“I didn’t want to admit I’d been a fool to marry her in the first place. I’d grown up seeing and believing that marriage is for keeps. Hell. I didn’t leave Alice then because I still wanted her more than any other woman I’d ever fucked.”

Almost as much as he wanted Kate now.

“Jake. Don't tell me any more.” Kate’s voice was hoarse, as if she was having trouble choking out the words.

A tear made its way down her soft, pale cheek. Jake realized then that she was valiantly trying not to weep.

Her emotional reaction humbled him, for he had used up his own deeper feelings long ago—those months when he’d grieved for his lost child and his broken marriage.

When she stood and took his hand, he followed her silently back to bed and let her nurture and comfort him. He was too tired, too battered inside, to fight his need for tenderness tonight.

Ann Jacobs



“Shana knew we’d been making love before they got here,” she said much later as they lay together on his king-size bed.

He rolled over and grinned. “Yeah. She knew. So did Bear. So what? Do you think they got their kids out of a Cheerios box?”

“What we’ve been doing won’t make babies,” Kate commented, looking pointedly at the supply of condom packets strewn on top of the bedside table.

“Don’t worry about Shana, honey. She’d be the last one of my sisters to deny me my pleasures. Or to think badly of the woman who provides them.”

Jake didn’t want to think. He wanted to start all over again, taste every inch of Kate’s soft, sweet body. Rolling over, he grabbed another condom from his stash before settling himself on his knees and elbows above her.

“Speaking of pleasures…”

“Jake, stop it. You won’t take anything seriously. Your sister has to think I’m hardly better than a two-bit whore.”

“Hush. If I know Shana, she’ll keep Bear up all night satisfying their sexual appetites. Someday I’ll tell you the whole story about how they got together because she wanted him to satisfy a fantasy she had about being a houri in a sheikh’s harem.”


“Yes, really. But right now we need to sleep so we can be with Dad tomorrow. But my cock’s cold. It wants to be inside you.”

He fumbled to sheath himself, then buried himself in her tight, wet pussy.

“Hold on now, honey,” he said as he rolled to his side, taking her with him.

And soon they slept.

* * * * *

Across town Jake’s prediction was coming to pass.

In the master suite of the luxury condo they kept for their visits to Houston, Bear and Shana relaxed after they’d visited her dad and checked on the kids whose nanny had tucked them into their beds.

“They were fucking when we got there.”

Bear laughed. “I surmised as much. Apparently Jake’s as hot-blooded as his big sister. And as brazen.”

“Kate was blushing like a virgin. You don’t suppose—”

“No. I doubt very seriously that she’s untouched. Not with the way Jake was looking at her.”

Ann Jacobs



Shana smiled. “And how was that?”

“This way. The way I still look at you. Dance for me?”

Her still-lithe body swayed to the muted rhythm of a
that they’d captured on tape long ago. “Did it make you hot, knowing we’d walked in on them?”

Bear’s dark eyes glittered as he watched the jewels on her fingers and in her ears and navel, winking at him in the dimmed light. His cock rose, tenting the white
he’d slipped on after the shower they had just shared. “You make me hot,

She’d counted on it. Nothing turned Bear on more than reliving the fantasy she’d whispered to him eleven years ago, when they’d first met.

I want to be your love slave. I want to live in your harem and compete for the attention of your big, beautiful cock.

She swayed to the beat of the drum and tambourine. Slowly, undulating while she worked the fastener on her jeweled belt, she tossed it away. Now her silky pussy was shielded only by the strings of smoothly flowing beads that hung from a brief, glittering half-bra that revealed nipples she’d recently had pierced so she could display sapphire-studded nipple shields Bear had brought back to her from a trip to Egypt.

“Come to me, slave.” Bear rose, cast away his robe, and lay back against jewel-toned cushions that heightened the olive tones of his muscular, hairless body.

Unsnapping the front clasp of the bra, Shana dropped to her knees and bent her head to swirl her tongue around his huge, engorged cock.

How she loved it! How she loved him!

Reverently she cupped his balls and rolled them between her palms as she sucked the head of his cock inside until it filled her mouth, then licked around the sensitive ridge where he’d been circumcised. God, but he still tasted as good as he had that first time, years ago.

Bear knew the game, recognized the intensity of the orgasms that wracked her body when they played their sexual games. And he wanted to oblige his beautiful wife before she coaxed out his climax with her talented tongue and the finger she’d begun to insinuate gently up his ass.

“Put the rings on me, and then come here and let me drink your honey,” he ordered.

The bite of smooth, cold metal against his gonads and the sound of the mechanism locking into place never failed to heighten his arousal, no matter how often she clamped the familiar rings around the base of his cock and balls.

And the swipe of her tongue along his shaft had his cock bucking against the pressure of the rings. “Cease,
,” he growled as he dragged her up his body by tugging on the ponytail she’d secured with a sapphire-studded barrette.

Ann Jacobs



She straddled his face and lowered her pussy to his mouth for his pleasure and her own.

Her clit was already hard, and it trembled against his tongue when he burrowed between her satiny labia and settled in to feast. Her firm, round ass cheeks filled his hands, though he didn’t need to use them to hold her there.

Shana loved being eaten, almost as much as she loved having him fuck her. Bear slid a hand between her legs, found her dripping pussy, and inserted three fingers inside. Allah, but in spite of having given him three beautiful children, she was as tight now as she’d been that first time he’d sunk his cock into her welcoming sheath.

He wanted to roll her off him, remove the constricting rings, mount her, and fuck her until his climax relieved the throbbing in his cock and balls.

But he wanted to love her this way, too. To taste the clean musk of her and listen to her little moans of pleasure when he brought her to a shuddering climax with his hands and mouth.

Watching the flickering candlelight play off the huge sapphire and a smaller diamond that twinkled in and above her navel like his own private mark of ownership aroused him almost as much as feeling her warm wet mouth on his cock, her breath tickling the sensitive skin of his scrotum.

And the musk of her and him that mingled with the spicy incense that burned in a brazier on the table was headier than any aphrodisiac. A smell he’d always associate with Shana and sex.

How he loved feeling her labia pressing against his chin, as smooth and satiny as their baby’s bottom! Slowly, sensually, he sucked her clit while he moved his fingers in and out of her pussy.

With a finger of his other hand, Bear circled her puckered anus while he sucked harder on her clit. When she bucked, as though asking for some anal play, he dipped his fingers into the bowl of warm, clove-scented oil that she’d placed next to the brazier.

One knuckle at a time, he worked his oiled middle finger past her anal sphincter until his palm rested in the crack of her butt cheeks. Her pussy clenched around the fingers of his other hand, and her clit stabbed into his seeking tongue.

His genitals were ready to explode.

“Yesss.” Her pussy rained creamy honey over his face and hands.

He increased the pressure on her clit, sucking and licking and swallowing her copious cream, ramming his fingers into her pussy and her ass while she came and came and came.

When she collapsed against him, he rolled her over onto her belly, released the ring from his tortured cock and balls, and sank into her wet, hot pussy from behind.

Wanting her with him, he reached around and cupped her satiny mound, finding her Ann Jacobs



still-engorged little clit and scissoring it with two fingers before grasping his ball sac and rubbing his balls over her most sensitive flesh.

God! Shana braced herself on her hands and knees, raring back to take all of Bear’s big, beautiful cock. The pressure it put on her g-spot had her practically screaming with pleasure-pain.

Her newly pierced nipples ached for his touch—a touch that was to be denied her for another ten days, until the piercings fully healed and she could thread the plain gold barbells through the openings in her beautifully crafted nipple shields. Shields that would ring the sensitive tips, make them stand out for her sheikh’s avid tongue and teeth.

“Come with me,
. Now.” His speech dissolved into a guttural moan when his cock bucked inside her and started spurting against the mouth of her womb. At his first yell of triumph, she began to come again, her vaginal muscles convulsing around the thick, hard length of his cock even harder than they had moments ago when he’d fucked her with his hands and mouth.

* * * * *

“I hope my little brother got half as good a fucking as you gave me last night,”

Shana said early the next morning, her fingers caught in Bear’s shoulder-length sable hair as they lay together on a sleeping couch draped in jewel-toned silk. “Don’t get this cut too short. I like it like this.”

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