First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance (25 page)

BOOK: First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance
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The command in his voice calmed her body and the melty feeling stopped. As if her very flesh had obeyed Tao. She took in a deep breath, trying not to give in to fear. It hadn’t hurt, true, but the sensation had been strange enough to be alarming.

They walked in silence for a while, Tao’s hand tight on hers, his steps steady and sure even in the dark. While he didn’t stumble, Audrey had no such luck. Her bare feet found every sharp rock or loose root. The underbrush swept over her body, poking her in the ribs. Without Tao, she would have face planted more than once.

Finally, he stopped in a small clearing. “How does this look?” He waved his hand, which Audrey could see now that there weren’t any trees obstructing the moonlight.

“It’s nice, I guess” she said, eyeing the mix of sand and earth that made up the ground. “Nothing like a hotel room, though.”

He chuckled, and the moonlight allowed her to see the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. “Baby, tonight we’re wolves. Hotel rooms can’t contain us. Not if they want to stay in one piece.” Tao moved to stand right in front of her, his smooth chest brushing against her breasts, causing the tips to spring to attention. “Tonight we’re wild and free. We run where we want, take what we need, be who we really are.”

Tao dipped his head down and kissed Audrey, the stubble of his facial hair scraping her tender lips. His tongue plunged her mouth on a seek-and-conquer mission as his hands slipped around her waist and down to cup her backside.

Audrey moaned and tried to keep her feet under her. She was melting again, but this time from passion. Her body glowed with heat and a slick wetness pooled between her legs.

“I want you, baby. Do you want me?” Tao’s low voice vibrated between them, electrifying the air.

“Yes.” Audrey’s voice came out in a breathy sigh. His warm hands seemed to be touching her everywhere, blazing a heat trail on her skin. If she hadn’t already been naked, she would’ve been tearing off her clothes by now. She forgot about her coming shift; her fears and the world narrowed until all that mattered was Tao and how he would touch her next.

The big man didn’t disappoint. His mouth moved down her neck and gently nipped her collarbone before seeking out her breasts. He lifted each mound in a hand and flicked his tongue over her nipples until the sensitive tips throbbed.

Audrey ran her good hand over Tao’s shoulder, marveling at the easy strength contained in the hard, rounded curves of his muscles. Then she threaded her fingers in his obsidian black hair, noting the way his natural dark coloring swallowed the silver moonlight, almost as if his body could drink it in. It wouldn’t surprise her if that was happening. As far as werewolves went, it made sense that he could take in the moon’s essence. Even she felt the weight of the moonlight pressing down on her, as if it anchored itself in her, forming a bond that shot straight up to space.

Despite the circumstances that brought them together, Audrey couldn’t help but feel blessed to know Tao, to have his naked body pressed up against hers. He’d been there every time she needed him. She wouldn’t be alive now without him.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Thank you?” He drew his head back and gave her a puzzled look.

“For being there. For saving me. For everything.”

He touched his forehead to hers. “Thank you.”

“For what?” she asked, surprised.

“For being there. For saving me. For everything,” he repeated.

They smiled at each other.

“Truth be told, Audrey, you held me together, helped me do what needed to be done.” He frowned. “I’m just sorry I wasn’t strong enough to do it in the first place, that I made you…made
wait. I was weak.”

She put a finger to his lips. “What you did wasn’t weakness. You fought for what was right until the end. I didn’t see Dan doing that. He took the easy way, the one paved with bullets. That’s true weakness, Tao.”

“You think so?” He sounded doubtful.

“I know so.” She paused for a second. “This pack we’re building, we don’t need an alpha like Dan. We need someone like you to lead us.”

“You think I can do it?”

She nodded without hesitation. “You’re a good man. I’m proud to know you.”

“You’re a good woman. I’m proud to call you mine.”

Her breath caught. “Do you want me to be yours? Does that make you mine?”

“Yes,” he said, solemn. “I want us to belong to each other. Mated in the true meaning of the word. But I know the circumstances aren’t ideal and I understand if you don’t feel the same way.”

“Oh, Tao,” she breathed, overwhelmed. Her heart seemed to swell bigger with every beat. “Of course I feel the same way.” It almost didn’t feel real, but she couldn’t deny the existence of the tall, dark man holding her.

He nuzzled her neck. “You’re the one for me, Audrey. I didn’t expect you, didn’t even know you were what I needed, but now that I have you, I’m never letting go.”

She gripped him tighter. “Same here.”

“Oh thank the full moon,” he said with obvious relief. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t felt the same way.”

“So are we officially hitched now?” She giggled.

“Yeah. We are.” He gave her backside a rough squeeze and she yelped. “Oh, do that again,” he growled, his voice lower than she’d ever heard it go before. He swatted her backside again, not hard, but with enough force to jiggle her flesh.

Audrey’s feet danced on the ground as she tried to evade his hand and she couldn’t hold back another yelp.

“I love that sound. You’re going to be so much fun to spank.”

“Spank?” Audrey’s voice quivered.

“Oh yes, you still owe me a spanking, but I’m saving that for later. Tonight we don’t play games, we just get lost in each other.” Tao pulled her roughly against him, fingers digging into her hips as his mouth covered hers. He kissed her until her lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and the night sky above seemed to be spinning out of control. A galloping heart beat pounded in her chest.

When he lifted his head, she gulped in air as if she’d been underwater too long. Along with oxygen came Tao’s scent. This was the clearest she’d ever smelled it. The woodsy pine note, the sweetness of green grass, plus a scent that reminded her of fresh earth after a hard rain and an indescribable musk that marked Tao as Tao. It filled her senses and she moaned. He smelled
good enough to eat. Actually, that wasn’t a half bad idea. Smiling to herself, Audrey sank to her knees and took him in her mouth.

Tao groaned, his hands skimming the top of her head as she did her best to swallow him whole. He tasted as good as he smelled. Audrey bathed him with her tongue and then sucked, pleased at how much he swelled in her mouth. The more she sucked, the harder and longer he became. The idea of him buried inside her made her core spasm and
another burst of wetness coated her inner thighs.

“You feel that, baby?” Tao thrust his hips into her. “I’m going to fill you up.”

She moaned her agreement and he gasped as her voice washed over him.

His hands tightened on her scalp. “Yeah, just like that.”

Audrey redoubled her efforts to take all of him in her mouth. He seemed bigger than she remembered, but no matter how much of him she took, she wanted even more. After a while, Tao gently pulled away and lifted Audrey to her feet with easy strength.

“Tonight is about me making you scream, not the other way around.” He kissed her again, tongue sweeping her mouth, tasting their combined flavors. His hands travelled her body, alternately caressing and pinching until she couldn’t stop squirming.

He kneeled on the ground, pulling her down after him. To her surprise, he paused then and carefully removed the bandage around her healing hand.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“You’re not going to need this anymore and you’ll want your paws free to run.” He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing each knuckle with soft lips. From there he moved to her breasts again, pushing her back until she lay on the ground.

It seemed to Audrey that her skin glowed in the moonlight. White as a glow-in-the-dark ghost.
I am soaking up the moon,
she thought dreamily as she looked at the silver circle above.

Tao’s finger touched her core and she gasped at the contact. He stroked her there, short little up and down movements that made her hips spin. Leaning down, he took a nipple in his mouth and lashed at it with his tongue.

“Oh,” Audrey sighed, arching her chest up.

He switched nipples and his finger began to move faster. Pressure built up in her body and a wet pulse beat deep inside her. The orgasm brimmed, full of sensation and she held her breath, ready for that moment when she would freefall into pleasure.

It didn’t arrive as expected. Instead, Tao’s finger went still. Audrey whimpered.

“Oh yes, I like that sound, too. Do it again.” He teased her with his finger and then stopped.

Audrey bit her lip, fighting for control, but damned if the loss of sensation wasn’t driving her out of her mind. She needed him on her, inside her, all over her. For him to stop now was just torture. “Please,” she moaned. “Oh please, Tao.”

“Begging is always good.” He chuckled and resumed stroking the bud nestled in her core. The tension built until she arched up into his hand, thighs flexing as an orgasm began to brim within her.

She twisted her good hand in the ground, searching for something to hold onto but came up empty. Tao stopped touching her again and she fought back a sob. But then Tao was there, sliding inside her, his shoulders within easy reach. She hung onto him as he filled her until she felt she would burst.

“You may be a wolf in the woods,” she panted, “but you’re a beast in the sheets.”

“Damn right,” he said, voice rough with satisfaction. “I’m a beast for you.”

He thrust into her, hard and fast. Her body molded to him and she cried out with every thrust. Within seconds she quivered on the brink of a climax so big she was almost afraid of it. Tao leaned down and sank his teeth into the flesh over her collarbone, marking her just as he’d done the first night they’d slept together. Then he arched back and slammed hard into her, howling as he came.

Audrey hugged him close as she shattered into a million pieces. Her flesh went limp and then puddled into the ground. She was melting again, but this time it didn’t scare her, it felt good. Like a full body stretch after being cooped up too long.

Am I shifting?

Things inside her snapped apart and then came back together. There was pain, sharp but fleeting. For a second, everything went black. She couldn’t see or hear, but she could smell. The world filled her nose and she gasped at its bouquet. There was the wet heat of sex, the clean scent of air and the earthy musk of the dirt beneath her. She swore she caught the cool silver scent of the moonlight, too. Apparently even light had a scent.

Audrey started to speak, wanting to comment on the wonder of it all, but instead of words, a soft yowl came out. Her eyes flew open and she blinked as she took in the gray monotone that
now comprised her vision. The loss of color surprised her and she kept blinking, trying to adjust to a world made up of shadowed contrast.

She shook herself, feeling her body wriggle from head to…tail? Oh.
was a new sensation.

She’d shifted.

Holy shit. It really happened.

Remembering her hand, she lifted a paw and looked it over. Had she healed in the shift? Nuzzling her paw, she found it intact with no sign of injury beyond missing one tiny toenail. Amazed, she set her foot back on the ground and then jumped as the soft pads of her paw hit something sharp and unforgiving. Sniffing forward, she inspected what had hurt her. It was small, hard and smelled like wet steel.

One of the surgical pins. She sat back on her haunches, a little stunned by everything. She’d become a werewolf, healing old wounds in the process. It was a lot to take in.

Something bumped her shoulder and she spun around, relaxing only when she realized it was Tao. He’d shifted as well and his midnight black fur blended in seamlessly with the night. If not for the faint gleam in his eyes, she wouldn’t have seen him.

Wolves bayed in the distance and she lifted her head to sing with them, instinct guiding her. Tao stood shoulder-to-shoulder with her and howled too.

And then they ran. Tao led her through the woods and up to the top of a high dune. He went so fast that, at first, she worried she wouldn’t be able to keep up. To her delight though, she wasn’t clumsy but surefooted in her wolf form. She may not see color, but details were sharper along with her reflexes and her nose acted like a third eye. She could roughly locate things by scent alone. Such as the pine branch that was just low enough to clip her on the head as she passed through. The strength of its scent caused her to duck at the last second.

It was similar in a way to sonar that bats used, but passively relied on the wind to carry scents to her. Depending on the strength of the smell and the way the wind blew, she could judge how close or far away it was. The lake’s fresh scent was fainter than the fir and pine trees around her, giving her a rough sense of distance. Left and right were discernible as well, which surprised her.

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