Five Are Together Again (8 page)

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Authors: Enid Blyton

Tags: #Famous Five (Fictitious Characters), #Juvenile Fiction, #Mysteries & Detective Stories, #Theft, #Camping

BOOK: Five Are Together Again
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„Some of the food we brought," said Anne. „Have a sausage or two, Mr Tapper - and a roll

- and a tomato."

„Well, thanks," said Mr Tapper, pleased. „Very kind of you. Nice to have met you all. You might be able to teach Jeremy a few manners!"

„Grandad - here"s Mr Wooh!" said Jeremy, suddenly, and got up. Everyone turned round.

So this was Mr Wooh the Wonder Magician. Well, he certainly looked the part.

He stood there, with a half-smile on his face, tall, commanding and handsome. His hair was thick, and black as soot, his eyes gleamed in the fire-light, half hidden by great eye-brows, and he wore a thin, pointed beard. He had a curiously deep voice, and spoke like a foreigner.

„So we have visitors this night?" he said, and showed a row of gleaming white teeth in a quick smile. „May I join you?"

„Oh do, Mr Wooh," said Anne, delighted to have the chance of talking to a Wonder Magician. „We"ve brought plenty of food. Do you like cold sausage - and tomato - and a roll?"

„Most deelicious!" said the magician, and sat down cross-legged to join the group.

„We were disappointed not to see you at the rehearsal," said Dick. „I"d have liked to hear you doing al kinds of wizard sums in your head, as quick as lightning!"

„My father can do that too," said Tinker proudly. „He"s a wizard at figures as well. He"s an inventor."

„Ha! An inventor? And what does he invent?" asked Mr Wooh, eating his rol .

That was enough to set Tinker describing at once how wonderful his father was. „He can invent anything he"s asked for," said the boy, proudly. „He invented a wonderful thing for keeping aeroplanes dead straight in the right direction - better than any idea before. He invented the sko-wheel, if you know what that is - and the electric trosymon, if you"ve ever heard of that. I don"t suppose you have, though. They"re too..."

„Wait, boy!" said Mr Wooh, sounding most interested. „These things I have heard of, yes. I do not know them, but I have certainly heard of them. Your father must be a very, very clever man, with a most unusual brain."

Tinker swelled with pride. „Something got into the papers about his inventions a little while ago," he said, „and reporters came down to see Dad, and his name was in the papers -

but Dad was awful y cross about it. You see, he"s in the middle of the biggest idea he"s ever thought of and it messed up his work to have people coming to interview him - some of them even peered through the window, and went to see his wonderful tower, with its..."

„Tower? He has a tower?" said Mr Wooh, full of surprise. Before Tinker could answer, he received a hard poke from Julian"s finger. He turned crossly, to see Julian frowning fiercely at him. So was George. He went suddenly red in the face. Of course - he had been told never to talk about his father"s work. It was secret work, very secret.

He pretended to choke over a piece of meat, hoping that Julian would take the chance of changing the subject - and Julian did, of' course!

„Mr Wooh, could you do a bit of magic reckoning with figures?" he asked. „I"ve heard that you can give the answers to any sum as quick as lightning."

„That is true," said Mr Wooh. „There is nothing that I cannot do with figures. Ask me anything you like, and I wil give you the answer at once!"

„Well, Mr Wooh, answer this then," cried Tinker. „Multiply sixty-three thousand, three hundred and forty-two by eighty thousand, nine hundred and fifty-three! Ha - you can"t do that in a hurry!"

„The answer is, in figures, 5127724926," said Mr Wooh at once, with a slight bow. „That is an easy question, my boy."

„Crumbs!" said Tinker, astounded. He turned to Julian. „Is that right, Ju?"

Julian worked out the sum on paper. „Yes. Absolutely correct. Whew!" he said. „You said that as quick as lightning!"

„Let me give him a sum to do!" cried George. „What do you get if you multiply 602491 by 352, Mr Magician?"

„I get the figures 2-1-2-0-7-6-8-3-2," said Mr Wooh, immediately. And once more Julian worked out the sum on paper. He raised his head and grinned. „Yes - correct. How do you do it so quickly?"

„Magic - just a little elementary magic!" answered Mr Wooh. „Try it sometime yourself. I am sure that this boy"s father would be as quick as I am!" He looked at Tinker. „I should much like to meet your clever father, my boy," he said in his deep, foreign-sounding voice. „We would have much, so much to talk about. I have heard about his wonderful tower. A monument to his genius! Ah, you see, even we foreigners know of your father"s great work. Surely he is afraid of having his secrets stolen?"

„Oh, I don"t think so," said Tinker. „The tower is a pretty good hiding-place, and..." He stopped suddenly, and went red again as he received an even harder kick from Julian.

How could he be such an ass as to give away the fact that his father"s secret plans and models were hidden in the tower?

Julian thought it was time to take Tinker firmly away from Mr Wooh and give him a good lecture on keeping his mouth shut. He looked at his watch, and pretended to be horrified at the time. „Good gracious-do you know what the time is? Jenny wil be ringing up the police if we don"t get back straight away. Come on, Tinker, and you others, we must go.

Thanks most awful y, Grandad, for letting us share your supper."

„But we haven"t yet finished!" said Grandad. „You haven"t had enough to eat."

„We real y couldn"t eat any more," said Dick, following Julian"s determined lead. „See you tomorrow, Grandad. Good night, Grandma. Thanks very much indeed."

„We"ve stil got bananas and apples to eat," said Tinker, feeling obstinate.

„Oh, we brought those for Charlie the Chimp," said Dick, not quite truthfully. He could have boxed Tinker"s ears! Sil y little fathead, couldn"t he realize that Julian wanted to get him away from this cunning Mr Wooh? Wait til he got Tinker by himself!

Tinker found himself hustled on all sides, and felt a bit scared. Julian sounded rather fierce, he thought. Old Grandad was most astonished at the sudden departure of his guests - but Charlie the Chimp didn"t mind! The guests had left behind a most generous supply of fruit!

Over the fence they all went, with Julian hustling Tinker in front of him. Once over the fence and out of Mr Wooh"s hearing, Julian and George rounded on the boy angrily.

„Are you mad, Tinker?" demanded Julian. „Didn"t you guess that that foreign fel ow was trying to pump you about your father"s hush-hush job?"

„He wasn"t," said Tinker, almost in tears. „You"re just exaggerating!"

„Well, I hope I never try to give away my father"s secret work!" said George, in a tone of such disgust that Tinker could have howled.

„I wasn"t trying to!" he said. „Mr Wooh"s all right. Why should you think he isn"t?"

„I don"t like him and I don"t trust him," said Julian, sounding suddenly very grown up. „But there you sat lapping up everything he said, ready to pour out all he wanted to know. I"m ashamed of you. You"d get a jolly good thrashing if your father had heard you. I only hope you haven"t already said too much. You know how angry your father was when a report of his latest ideas got into the papers, and swarms of people came prying round the house..."

Tinker could stand it no longer. He gave a forlorn howl that made Mischief jump, and fled up the garden to the house, the little monkey running swiftly behind him. He wanted to comfort Tinker. What was the matter? Poor little Mischief felt bewildered, and tried his best to catch up the sobbing Tinker. He caught him up at last, leapt to the boy"s shoulder and put his little furry arms round Tinker"s neck, making a queer comforting noise.

„Oh, Mischief," said Tinker. „I"m glad you"re stil my friend. The others won"t be now, I know.

Aren"t I an idiot, Mischief? But I was only being proud of my father, I was, real y!"

Mischief clung to Tinker, puzzled and upset. Tinker stopped outside the tall tower. There was a light at the top. His father must stil be working there. A faint humming noise came to his ears. He wondered if it was those queer, spindly tentacles right at the very top of the tower, that made the noise. Suddenly the light at the top of the tower went out.

„Dad must have finished his work for tonight," thought Tinker. „He"l be coming to the house. I"d better go. He might wonder why I"m all upset. Gosh, I never heard Julian be so angry before. He sounded as if he absolutely despised me!"

He crept up the path that led to the house, and in at the garden door. Better not go and see Jenny. She might worm everything out of him, and be as disgusted with him as Julian was. She would wonder why he wasn"t camping out with them. He"d go upstairs and sleep in his own bed tonight!

„Come on, Mischief," he said, in a mournful voice. „We"ll go to bed, and you can cuddle down with me. You"d never be mean to me, would you? You"d always be my friend."

Mischief jabbered away, and the funny little monkey voice comforted Tinker all the time he undressed. He flung himself into bed, and Mischief lay at the bottom, on his feet. „I shall never be able to get to sleep tonight," said Tinker, stil miserable. „Never!"

But he fel asleep at once - which was a great pity, real y. He might have shared in quite a bit of excitement, if he hadn"t slept so soundly! Poor Tinker!

Chapter Eleven

Julian and the others made no attempt to follow Tinker. „Let him go, the little ass!" said Julian. „Come into one of the tents and have a low pow-wow before we get undressed and go to sleep."

„I"m sorry poor old Tinker isn"t going to camp out with us, our first night in the field," said Anne. „I don"t think he meant to give anything away."

„That"s no excuse, Anne," said George. „He can be an awful little fathead at times, and he"s got to learn not to be. Let"s go to our tent. I feel quite tired. Come along, Timmy!"

She yawned and Dick yawned too. Then Julian found himself yawning. „Awfully catching, this yawning business!" he said. „Well, it"s turned out to be a lovely night as regards weather - warm and dry - and there"s a nice little half-moon to look at. Good night, girls, sleep tight! And don"t scream if a spider wakes you, because I warn you, I am NOT going to get up to deal with a harmless spider!"

„You wait til one runs al over your face!" said Anne, „and starts making a web from your nose to your chin and catches flies in it!"

„Don"t, Anne," said George. „I"m not a bit scared of spiders, but that"s a horrible idea of yours! Timmy, please watch out for spiders, and give me warning of them!"

Everyone laughed. „Well, good night, girls," said Dick. „Pity about young Tinker. Stil , he"s got to learn a few things, and keeping his mouth shut is one of them."

They were al quite tired, and it wasn"t long before everyone"s torch was out, and peace and quiet descended on the little camp. Much farther up the field the circus was also peaceful and quiet, though there were stil lights here and there in the tents. Someone belonging to the circus band was strumming a banjo, but not loudly, and the sound was pleasant to hear - strum-a-strum - strum-a-strum - strummmm...

A few clouds blew up and slid across the moon. One by one the lights went out in the circus tents. The wind blew softly through the trees, and an owl hooted.

Anne was stil awake. She lay listening to the wind, and to the owl"s „Too-whoo-too-whit", and then she too fel asleep. Nobody heard someone stirring in the circus camp. Nobody saw a shadowy figure creep out when the moon was safely behind a cloud. It was late, very late, and the two camps were lost in dreams.

Timmy was fast asleep too - but in his sleep he heard a faint sound, and at once he was awake. He didn"t move, except for his ears, which switched themselves up to listen. He gave a little growl, but not enough to wake George. So long as the person who was moving about in the circus camp did not come near to George"s tent, or the boys" tent, Timmy did not mean to bark. He heard a tiny grunt, and recognized it at once. Charlie the Chimp! Well, that was all right! Timmy fel asleep again.

Tinker, too, was fast asleep in his bed up at the house, Mischief at his feet. He had thought he would be too miserable to sleep, but found himself half-dreaming in no time. He didn"t hear a small noise outside, a very smal noise indeed - a little scrape, as if someone"s foot had caught against a stone. Then there came other very small noises - and a whisper of a voice - and more noises again.

Nobody heard anything at all until Jenny woke up thirsty, and stretched out her hand to get a glass of water from her bed-table. She didn"t switch her light on, and was about to lie down again when her quick ears caught a little sound.

She sat up. „That can"t be the children," she thought. „They"re camping down in the field.

Oh my goodness me, I hope it"s not a burglar - or someone trying to steal the Professor"s secrets. He"s got papers all over the place. Thank goodness he keeps most of them in that tower of his!"

She listened and then lay down again. But soon she heard another little noise, and sat up, scared. „It sounds as if it comes from the tower," she thought, and got out of bed. No -

there was no light in the tower - no light anywhere, that she could see. The moon was behind a cloud. She"d just wait til it slid out and lighted up the courtyard below, and the tower. There! That was another little noise. Could it be the wind? No, it couldn"t. And now, what was that? It sounded just like someone whispering down there in the courtyard.

Jenny felt real y frightened, and began to shake. She must go and wake the Professor!

Suppose it was someone after his precious papers? Or his wonderful new invention!

The moon swung out from behind the cloud and Jenny peered cautiously out of the window again. She gave a loud scream, and staggered back into her room, stil screaming. „There"s a man! Help! Help! He"s climbing up the wall of the tower! Professor!

PROFESSOR HAYLING! Come quickly! Thieves, robbers, help, help! Get the police!"

There came a long slithering sound, and before Jenny dared to look out again, the moon had gone behind another cloud, and she could not see a thing in the sudden darkness.

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