Five Night Stand: A Novel (29 page)

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Authors: Richard J. Alley

BOOK: Five Night Stand: A Novel
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I would like to thank all of those who have been there through the years to help push me along in my writing in general, and this book in particular, especially Stacey Greenberg, Andria K. Brown, David Wesley Williams, Elizabeth Alley, Katherine Alley Borden, and my mother, Elaine Fachini May.

My large and boisterous family instilled a love of storytelling in me as I sat listening to their own stories and our family’s folklore. I hope to pass it on to my children, who amaze me with their intellect and curiosity every day.

A big thank-you to Jodi Warshaw, with Amazon Publishing, who pulled this manuscript from a slush pile, unbeknownst to me, and made a dream come true with one simple e-mail. Amara Holstein read that manuscript with true diligence and edited with affection.

Finally, to the creative community of Memphis—the writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, and photographers—your art and dedication are a true inspiration; be sure that the world at large is as impressed by what you do as I am.



Photo © 2014 Chip Chockley

Richard J. Alley is an award-winning reporter, columnist, and editor from Memphis, Tennessee, where he lives with his wife and four children.

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