Five-star Seduction (10 page)

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Authors: Louise Make

BOOK: Five-star Seduction
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He plucked apart her neat bun as he ignited her body with a joy that made her feel like she'd finally come home. He buried his fingers in her thick hair and lifted his head to look down at her.

“You've ruined my hairstyle,” she murmured huskily. “Do you know how hard it was for me to get it to behave?”

“You're breathtaking,” he replied in all seriousness. “I love the way you look. Your heart, your sharp mind. I love everything about you, honey.”

“I think I'm going to need to hear that a few more times before it truly sinks in,” she smiled.

“I'd be happy to oblige. How does every day for the rest of our lives sound?”

Her pounding heart was having difficulty keeping up. “Are you sure about this, Lazola? Forever?”

“Sure enough to have this,” he replied before taking a small box in burgundy velvet from his pocket. He lifted its lid and sank down on one knee, clasping her quivering fingers between his as he offered the token of his love.

He smiled up at her. “We've had a rocky start and that was because I'm a difficult man. But that ends now; this is my vow. I've never been in love before and I've had to learn to open my heart. I am here now and I'm yours. I will spend the rest of my days showing you how important you are to me. You challenge and excite me and I can't wait to start our lives, our love, together. My heart is yours, Langa lami. Till it stops beating, it will be all yours. Will you marry me?”

Her dreams had sprung to life. “I could imagine nothing better. I've loved you for so long, Lazola. Yes, I will marry you.”

He rose and slipped the ring with its square-cut diamond onto her finger. Langa couldn't stop her tears from falling, but Lazola barely seemed to notice them as he kissed her one more time.

The impromptu round of applause reminded them that they weren't alone. Congratulations rose in waves. This was real. And it was better than any fantasy Langa could ever have fabricated.

* * *

The beautiful ring in the early-morning sunshine was the first thing Langa saw when she opened her eyes the next day. Lazola smiling down at her was the second.

She smiled back at him. “You're still here.”

“There is no place else I'd rather be, honey. Every time I held you before, I had to renew my resolve not to do it again because letting go was hard. So I kept my distance – or, at least, I tried.”

“My heart broke every time I woke up alone before. Your work always came first, and I felt unimportant.”

Lazola lifted her chin and she marvelled at the wealth of emotion in his gaze. How had she ever thought of his dark-brown eyes as cold?

are the most valuable thing in my life,” he stated. “I haven't been any good at expressing that to you until now, but I'll make it up to you. Starting with holding you every night,

Langa touched his cheek and he kissed the ring on her finger.

“That sounds like a good start,” she bantered, “but you realise that list of perks will need to grow a lot longer once I'm working here?”

“Does that mean you're finally going to see reason and accept the position as ROCH manager?”

“No,” she laughed at his scowl, “not yet. I'm enjoying what I'm doing far too much. But in a few years' time, when Thomas is ready to retire, I might be open to another offer.”

“Good.” His smile was smug as he enveloped her in his strong arms. “And if you refuse me again, I'll just have to drag you here, kicking and screaming.”


“You belong here, honey, in my home and my life. I won't ever let you wander far again. I'd never survive without you.”

Langa accepted his possessive kiss willingly, knowing she felt the same in her heart. She had the man of her dreams by her side and would never take that for granted.

She tightened her arms around his neck and told him, without words, how much he meant to her. She told him she believed in him and trusted him with her heart. She showed him how much she needed him and promised him her love.


About the Book

Langalethu Cima is young and ambitious – the perfect candidate to take on the demanding world of marketing. When she steamrolls her way onto the marketing campaign for the Rhadebe Omni-Chic Hotel, she isn't prepared for the magnetism of CEO Lazola Rhadebe. Determined to make Langa his, Lazola introduces her to a world of luxury and love, forcing her to re-evaluate her priorities. But fiercely independent Langa is equally determined not to be a rich man's plaything. Can Lazola convince her that he desires more than just seduction? Will Langa allow herself to think with her heart just this once?

About the Author

LOUISE MAKE is thirty, Xhosa and Capetonian by birth. She comes from a family of strong women. Her mother taught her the meaning of relentless tenacity wrapped in humility and compassion. Her father got her hooked on reading when she was young. She now needs reading like she needs air to breathe.

Louise spent most of her life in Cape Town and studied Theatre and Performance at UCT. She then moved to Joburg where she worked in sales, marketing and finally production positions at magazine publishing companies. After the births of her two sons, she slowed down a little and now works on a freelance basis, while focusing on her family, her writing, and her home in the friendly West Rand.

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Copyright © LN Make 2011

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Cover design by Hanneke du Toit

E-book design by Full Circle

Available in print:

First edition, first impression 2011

ISBN: 978-0-7957-0395-9

Epub edition:

First edition 2011

e-ISBN: 978-0-7957-0396-6

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