Read Five Ways 'Til Sunday Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Five Ways 'Til Sunday (5 page)

BOOK: Five Ways 'Til Sunday
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She guessed it said something about her morals that the coarse set of instructions made her ooze excitement.

Giving him a blinding smile, she eagerly complied as he opened his door and got out. When she was sideways on the narrow seat, her ass pointed toward the opened door, he stepped behind her and cupped her bottom.

She widened her stance as far as she could without her right knee slipping off the leather seat.

“Were you talkin’ to that guy in the Plymouth?” he asked, rubbing her bottom. His voice sounded calm, maybe even a bit amused.

Already wet, she snuggled her butt against his broad palm. “My shoe got stuck. I couldn’t move away. I had to say something to get rid of him. It wasn’t my fault that insulting him turned him on.”

A finger slid through her folds. “Did it excite you?” The texture of his tone turned a little growly, like it did when she took a little too long teasing him into arousal.

Marti moaned. “Baby, I’m already wet because of you.”

“That’s not quite true, is it?” This time there was a hint of a steel edge. “Did you like Craig tweaking your nipple? Did it get you hot when he felt you up?”

She grunted, wondering what was with the fifth degree interrogation and whether he was pissed enough to call a halt to their play. “He told you about that?”

“The guys are gonna tell me everything.”

Well, he’d called her bluff. If he didn’t like the results… Still, she didn’t want to piss him off any more. Not when all her girly parts were exposed and her pussy plump for the plucking. She squeezed her inner muscles. Sex-juice seeped onto his finger. A nail scraped her clit, and then his hands cupped her buttocks, not moving.

“Yes,” she gritted out. “I liked it. But it’s not something I’d ever have let happen if you didn’t approve.”

His fingers dug into her cheeks. “Let’s get back to the dirt bag in the Plymouth.”

She slumped on her arms. “I wasn’t flirting with him. He didn’t make me hot.” The bite of his hard fingers was though. She tilted her ass higher and wagged her tail.

“Too bad,” he murmured. “Gus’ll be disappointed.”

“That was Gus? He gave me the creeps.”

“He’s done some undercover prostitution stings. He knows how to play the part. Said your mouth would have earned you a fortune, he wanted to stuff it so bad.”

Marti gave a dirty little laugh. “You guys talk like that?”

“We do this weekend,” Jackson said, his tone wry. “You liked what he said, admit it.” His finger dipped into her channel, and her muscles clamped around him. “You’re fuckin’ soaked, baby.”

“Lord, Jackson,” she pushed back, trying to take him deeper. “You sure it’s safe here? No one will see?”

“It’s just me here now.” He tapped her clit. “But before I can take care of you, there’s the little issue of your disobeyin’ the rules.”

Her pussy clenched again, the moist sound it made loud enough he had to have heard. “What rules?” she murmured.

“You were told not to talk to anyone.”

“I didn’t say a word to those women.”

“Those women were doin’ me a favor.”

“You mean, they were acting like bitches on purpose?”

“They’re workin’ girls. If I happened to tell them that I knew someone who thought she wanted to give it a try, they were only too happy to change your mind.”

Marti glanced over her shoulder. “Are you gonna punish me?”

Jackson’s jaw tightened. “Before I fuck you, I have to make sure you’ll be more careful the next time. I want you to remember the lesson.”

Marti bit her lip. “Can I tell you something?”

He sighed. “Anything. You know that.”

“I don’t think I’d care if a hundred people walked by this alley right now, I want you that bad.”

One corner of his firm mouth kicked up. “Mondo had you pegged.”

“What’d Mondo say?”

“That you needed a firm hand applied to your pretty ass.”

Moisture spilled from inside her in a gush. “Oh fuck. Right here? Now?”

“No better time.” His hands smoothed over her butt again, and then lifted.

She faced away and bit her lip to still her cries, waiting in an agony of anticipation. He’d never spanked her before, not other than a light slap or two when they fucked, just to get her revved. This was different.

The first smack when it came was harder than she expected. “Ow!”

“What if that had been a stranger in the Plymouth?” he asked, his voice hard as Kevlar now. “You were right up at his door. Do you think you could have fought him off?”

Another smack on the opposite cheek was no less severe. “Ow!” she said more loudly. “That hurt.”

His hand cupped her pussy. “Don’t say you didn’t like it.”

Good lord, she had. His palm caressed her intimately—a chaser of gentleness after the fiery slaps.

“You’re gonna learn to trust me, Marti. I don’t say what I don’t mean. I don’t make promises I’ll ever take back.”

“I’m not really afraid you’ll change your mind someday. You’d stick to the bitter end. It’s not why I said no.”

Fingers slid back inside her slick passage. “Then why? Tell me.”

Her breasts grew heavy, the tips tightening into diamond-hard little points that scraped against the soft cotton lining of the bustier. “What if I get restless? It’s happened before. My feet itch and I give everything away. Then suddenly I’m on a plane headed somewhere I’ve never been before.”

“You’re nesting in the apartment. Think I haven’t noticed the little things you’ve moved in to make it pretty? I don’t think you want to leave.”

“Maybe I was trying to make it nice for you.”

“You’re makin’ it yours. Besides, marrying me doesn’t mean I’ll ever hold you down. Your feet itch, we’ll take a trip. Anywhere that strikes your fancy. You don’t have to go it alone.”

What he said sounded…nice. As independent as she’d been, there had been plenty of times she’d been caught off-guard by a sudden paralysis in a new place where she didn’t speak the language, didn’t understand the customs. How much better would it be if she had a companion?

The scrape of a zipper sounded, and she held her bottom still. The blunt head of his cock butted against her pussy, found her center and plunged inside.

She glanced over her shoulder, watching as he clutched the door frame. His free hand fit into the bend of her hip to keep her ass where he needed it to be, bracing her for the short, hard strokes he delivered.

“You’re the prettiest whore I’ve ever seen,” he whispered.

“We never set a price,” she gasped, searching for a handhold and grabbing the metal rod beneath the head rest to hold firm against his sharpening thrusts.

A siren chirped. A bright beam of light flashed into the vehicle, blinding her. She froze on the seat.

Jackson on the other hand didn’t stop moving behind her.

She reached back to shove him away, but he grabbed her wrist and held it, stroking deeper.

“Thought you had this all worked out?” she whispered furiously.

“I do.” He released her hand, halted his motions and stepped away, his cock slipping slowly from inside her.

Marti flipped down her skirt and turned to sit on the backseat, biting her bottom lip, wondering what the hell was going on and how she’d manage to live through the embarrassment.

Beside her, the door opened. A flashlight blinded her. “Lady, you’re under arrest.”

It was Mondo, and from the grit in his voice, he was straining not to laugh.

“You guys think this is funny?”

Mondo leaned inside, grinning as his gaze took in her get up. “You mad because you’re embarrassed or because you were almost there?”

“I’m gonna kill you,” she ground out, heat spreading down her neck to the tops of her breasts.

“Shall we add threatening bodily harm to an officer of the law to the charges?”

In the rearview mirror, she watched a car slide into the alley, and she glanced over her shoulder to look out the rear window. “Is this a freaking convention?”

It was the red Plymouth. Gus stepped out, his ball cap still planted on his head.

Mondo backed away with a sigh. “I’m in uniform or you wouldn’t be getting off so easy,

Gus stepped past him and eased onto the seat, his torso twisting as he faced her.

“What’s going on?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Gus gave her a crooked smile then picked her up by the waist and turned her to face him. Then his fingers tucked into the top of her bustier. He tugged it down, exposing her breasts.

Marti gulped, her eyes widened, but she held still. Jackson was right behind her. If this wasn’t according to his wishes, he would have to be the one to put a halt to it. With her breasts hanging out in the humid air, quivers of lust rippled right through her pussy.

Gus’s large hands slipped under her breasts to cup them. The pads of his fingers plucked the pebbled nipples. “We’re improvisin’,” he said, his tone cheerful. “Your list was a little sparse. Romeo here,” he said, lifting his chin toward Jackson still standing in the door, “thought there ought to be some surprises. Tonight’s a two-fer.”

“Jesus,” she whispered.

Gus grinned. “Get back up on your knees. You’re gonna earn that two hundred bucks, sweetheart.”

Chapter Five

Jackson waited patiently to see whether she’d comply. They’d kept her off-balance, on the defense. Her relentlessly smartass remarks were proof of how unsure she was, how vulnerable.

His Marti was probably having second and third thoughts about going through with this but was too stubborn to cry uncle, and he wasn’t ready to let her off. She’d named the terms in her dirty little list. He’d make damn sure he didn’t leave her any wiggle room to say later that he hadn’t fulfilled the conditions.

That didn’t mean he was happy about what Gus’s beefy mitts were feeling up. Or what they were about to “negotiate” for her to do.

However, he tamped down any jealousy and reservations. Remembered it was all about pushing her to her limits—and letting her know he’d be there however far it went.

In the meantime, he signaled for Mondo to turn off the spotlight. The cruiser pulled away, parking farther down the street to discourage any foot traffic.

“Me an’ my buddy here wanna play a game,” Gus said in his best redneck accent. Not a stretch, given he’d been raised in the sticks of Arkansas before arriving in Memphis for high school. “We’ll make it worth your while, woman.”

Jackson couldn’t see exactly what Gus was doing, but he guessed he was playing with her breasts by the way her back shivered. Marti’s nipples were extremely sensitive. He’d nearly gotten her off a time or two just sucking them.

Her shoulders rose and fell quickly with her short breaths. “Just what do you boys have in mind?” she asked, thickening her own accent to a delicious, sugary drawl.

Gus gave a grunting laugh. Without so much as a “by your leave,” he leaned back in his seat, unbuckled his belt and his trousers, then wrestled to push them down to his thighs.

“Holy shit.”

Marti’s awed whisper had Jackson’s jaw tightening so much he was surprised he didn’t pop a muscle. Gus was huge. Not something he hadn’t known, but fuck, he wasn’t prepared for his girl to get a glimpse.

Sitting with his erection exposed, Gus gave himself a rub with his big, beefy hand. “All right, little lady. I’d like that smart mouth of yours to get to work.”

Jackson bristled, cussing under his breath. Gus hadn’t been kidding about wanting to stuff her sassy mouth.

Marti must have heard his curses, because her head half-turned his way. She lifted a hand to tuck a lock of hair behind an ear. “I don’t work without condoms,” she said primly.

Gus’s mouth quirked up on one side. He fished into his pants pocket and retrieved a foil packet. While he cloaked himself, Jackson knelt on the seat behind Marti and moved in close to her back. He’d make damn sure she didn’t forget he was there too. He nuzzled into the corner of her neck. “Suck my buddy good, and I’ll let you come,” he whispered.

He heard her gulp. Her face turned farther. She rubbed her cheek against his. “You can stop this any time you want,” she said just as softly.

“Just get that butt up in the air,” he growled.

Marti gave a short, sharp laugh, but bent and slipped off her shoes. Then without looking his way again, she knelt on the seat.

He flipped up her skirt and ran his hands over the warm spots he’d left on her cheeks, a reminder that she’d better obey or he’d punish her again.

“I’m gonna roast in hell,” she muttered, bending over Gus’s lap. “Damn, I don’t even know where to start.”

“Don’t choke yourself,” Jackson muttered.

Gus for his part tried to keep his expression neutral, but as soon as her head lowered, his lips puckered and he blew noisily. “Som-bitch.”

Jackson’s smile was tight and mean, but he unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. He gave himself a stroke then centered the tip on her slick entrance. Her lips were drenched, swollen—hot against the crown of Jackson’s cock. With one foot on the ground outside and leaning over her back, he plunged inside.

Marti gave a muffled shout.

“Holy fuck!” Gus’s laid his head on the seat, closing his eyes.

A good thing because now Jackson could concentrate on giving Marti everything she needed without the dampener of being watched.

His strokes were steady, measured, drilling for her liquid lust. Clutching the back of the seats to his left and right, he flexed to drive deep again and again, his own arousal sharpening with every clench and convulsion of her inner walls.

Wet slurps and mewls arose from Gus’s lap. Sounds Jackson had enjoyed often. He knew they vibrated up and down his friend’s cock, and the memory of the sensation, coupled with the slippery heat he sank inside, had him growing harder, his cock expanding until the skin felt stretched and his balls were solid, painful stones.

Marti’s head bobbed up and down. Gus’s hand clamped on the back of her head and forced her deeper. She gurgled then drew a deep breath through her nose and waggled her head. A sure sign she’d loosened her jaws to take him deeper.

“Fucker,” Jackson rasped.

“Lucky dude,” Gus said, flashing a smile, his eyes opening and looking a little dazed. “Can I?”

BOOK: Five Ways 'Til Sunday
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