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Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Justice Brothers Book 2

Fixing Justice (25 page)

BOOK: Fixing Justice
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Knowing she wasn’t like the other nameless, faceless females who had cavorted through his sex life with their practiced wiles and experienced ways made her response all the sweeter. When she stepped away from him and gracefully twirled around, he was struck by how utterly enchanting this little creature with the big brown eyes really was. She might be challenged in the experience department but that didn’t mean this wasn’t the hottest, most erotically charged moment of his life. What the hell had he done to deserve such a treasure?

Tori was running on emotion and sheer instinct when she turned to face Draegyn after teasing him into undoing the back of her dress. She instantly noted the way his cheekbones stuck out on his face, highlighted by slashes of color and the tense, hard line of his mouth. The muscle working overtime in his jaw mirrored the clenched fists hanging by his sides. Holding out her arm, she indicated the tiny, jeweled button at her wrist. “Please,” she whispered, wetting her lips. When his breathing hitched and nostrils flared at the provocation, she silently whispered,
. She didn’t want to be the only one whose heartbeat was thumping off the charts.

When he bent his head to concentrate on the tiny fastenings at each wrist, Tori leaned closer and breathed him in. God, he was like a banquet of primal delights. Earthy and basic. He made her senses swim. It frightened her a little.

Once the sleeves were open, she shimmied around and pulled one arm free of the sheer fabric, holding the unzipped bodice to her chest. Never having done an actual striptease before, Tori was running on imagination and a good dose of romance heroine panache when she coyly extended the arm still trapped in its sleeve and said, “Pull,” as her fingers wiggled at him.

His expression, which started as a sly smile, grew to a wicked grin. He took her hand, flipped it over and pressed a kiss on the sensitive skin at her wrist. She shivered from head to toe. When he tugged on the sleeve so her arm could slide free, she made sure to hold the material close so none of her flesh was exposed. If she was going to do this, she was going to do it right and enjoy it at the same time.

Going to stand in front of the windows, with the twinkling lights shimmering at her back, Tori struck an innocent pose as his eyes singed her with their heat.
, she thought,
it’s now or never
. She wished her hands weren’t shaking. The dress slid down her front as she swung her hips and pushed until it fell to the floor, leaving her in a pair of purple satin panties, lace top stockings, the ‘come fuck me’ shoes and nothing else. His grunt of appreciation as he devoured her nakedness with his gaze was her reward.

Drae was sure he’d never seen anything so beautiful in his whole life. As Victoria shucked off her dress her chestnut hair fell softly across her shoulders, spilling close to breasts that were all hers and not some plastic surgeon’s work. They were the perfect size. He remembered that they fit his mouth perfectly and a yearning to suckle on her lusciousness beat at his sense of control. Damn. He was having a hard time playing it cool when that was the last thing he felt. She was driving him insane with need from a game he had started.

Remembering what he had planned helped get his rampaging desires under control. He’d never wanted such intimacy with a woman, preferring instead to simply satisfy his powerful sexual needs and move on. Discovering deeper wants, more powerful needs than any he’d imagined possible made this situation and this woman unique. Reaching out his hand, he murmured in a voice choked with desire, “You’re incredibly beautiful, Victoria.” He watched her eyes smolder at his praise. “Come here,” he commanded, motioning with his outstretched fingers for her to come to him.

Drae drank in the sight as she walked toward him without hurry, her trim hips rocking slowly with each step. Slender and graceful, her movements were beautiful to watch. He very much liked the sexy hosiery and shoes and the rich, jewel tone hue of the panties against her skin and the way her hair’s luster picked up the twinkling lights. Fuck. He liked the whole package. A lot.

When her hand slotted into his, he pulled her into the living room as though walking around half naked was an everyday occurrence. He rather enjoyed the expression on her face, which swung between shock and enjoyment.
Just you wait, little on
e, he thought.
What I have in mind for you will do more than shock
. He let go of her hand to grab a strawberry as she leaned her hips against the back of the sofa and watched him.

“You have too many clothes on,” she muttered when he came to stand directly in front of her. “Not fair.”

He laughed. She was cheeky and so damn adorable. “This is true,” he murmured, staring intently at the strawberry and then at her mouth. “But you know what they say. All is fair in love and war.” She inhaled sharply at his words.

Completely changing the subject, leaving her sputtering, confused, and still half naked he adopted an innocent air, asking, “Now what’s the proper technique with these berries? First you eat the bottom,” he whispered suggestively as his lips opened and the chocolate covered tip sank into his mouth. She was staring at him, wide-eyed and unblinking. Letting the sweet fruit roll around his tongue for a moment he grunted, “Mmmm,”and smacked his lips deliberately. Holding up the half-nibbled berry he continued, “Now what?”

Watching her nipples peak and breasts shudder as she sucked in a huge breath, Drae forced himself to remain calm. “Um…” Her voice sounded harsh and sultry. She had to clear her throat to continue. “You take that last piece and bite into it just under the stem and snap it off.”

“Really?” he shrugged. “Shame to waste it all in one bite.” Some things should be savored, don’t you think?”

With that he took the ripe half-eaten strawberry and holding it by the stem, used the juicy pulp to highlight one of Victoria’s turgid nipples, circling around the tip with the luscious fruit and finally rubbing against the pebbled nub. While the shocked, “Oh!” that rushed from her mouth still hung in the air, he zeroed in on the strawberry covered delight with his mouth, licking the juice from her flesh, nibbling deftly at her enflamed nipple and eventually sucking the perfect breast deep into his hungry mouth.

Drae wasn’t sure if this was about her or him as he lost himself in the feel and taste of her. Cupping the mound in his big hand, he squeezed her flesh and molded her fantastic tit with restless fingers. It wasn’t enough. He slowly repeated the action on her other breast, rubbing the juices into her skin and then licking and sucking her clean. He noticed her legs were shaking as the sounds of him greedily feasting on her body filled the air.

Whatever he’d planned to happen next faded to insignificance; he felt her hands suddenly on his chest, clawing at his shirt in her insistence to get at his skin. Releasing the taut nipple he’d been rolling his tongue around with a resounding pop, he enjoyed, as only a man could, the sight of her flesh jiggling from the force of the sudden suck and release.
That’s what tits should do
, he thought with satisfaction. They should bounce and jiggle not just stand at perpetual attention. He considered drawing the other nipple back into his mouth until her desperate attack on his shirt diverted his attention. He wasn’t sure the buttons could survive her determination.

Covering her trembling fingers to calm her movements, he asked, “Need help?” but she shook him off with an unladylike curse that didn’t require interpretation.

I do not need help,” she huffed. “What I need is this damn shirt in a pile on the floor.” His tie went flying a second later. One by one she managed to slip each button through its hole, yanking the tails of his shirt from his pants with rather a lot of impatience. He smiled knowingly.

With a complete lack of decorum, Tori practically destroyed Draegyn’s shirt in her frantic haste to uncover his body. When she’d dropped her dress on the floor, she half-expected him to rip off his clothes and tumble her to the carpet right then and there. There was no mistaking the electricity arcing between them or what the end result of that powerful current would be.

She should have known it wouldn’t happen the way she imagined. He seemed hell bent on dragging out their foreplay, wringing every possible pleasure and feeling from each moment. That was why he wouldn’t kiss her. Until now they’d proceeded with far too much feverish intensity. This time was all about the journey, not the destination. Hell. They both already knew how it would end. The shuddering orgasms from this morning were only the beginning, not the end.

She’d reached a point, during the ravishment he’d subjected her breasts to, where her nakedness and his clothing didn’t mesh. Indulging him by prancing about in high heels and a tiny pair of panties was one thing. Denying herself the pleasure of putting her hands all over him was another. Tori pulled his shirttails out and hurriedly tore the unbuttoned shirt down his arms. She’d had quite enough, thank you. There hadn’t been time to explore his body this morning, something she’d had time to regret all day. She’d enjoyed being held in his powerful arms on the dance floor and taken every opportunity to press against him. Now she wanted to know him with her hands and fingers and especially with her mouth.

Jesus God, but he had the most spectacular chest. Draegyn St. John was like a walking bulletin board for hard muscled abs with a sexy, well-defined mouth tingling V that disappeared into his pants. His fair coloring gave the hair on his body a softness that belied the power and strength underneath. She ran her hands appreciatively over his pecs, marveling at the softness of his skin. It wouldn’t take much for Tori to get completely lost exploring his naked torso, but the thrilling bulge in his pants was calling her name. If she was going to stand there in her panties, then turn-about was fair play.

Trying like mad to concentrate, she was aware that he was watching her every move, groaning roughly when she stroked his nipples and sucking in his stomach as she unbuckled his belt. When her fingers found the snap on his pants, she slowed to a crawl, deliberately drawing out every slight tug on the zip as she pulled it down over an impressive erection. Enjoying the view, she measured him with her eyes feeling a purely feminine thrill at the evidence of his virility. Pushing her hands into his pants she shoved them forcefully down his legs, stopping to reach behind and firmly stroke her palms across his rock hard ass.
Holy shit

“Thank you… I think,” he murmured letting Tori know her last thought had been uttered aloud. Stepping out of the pants, Draegyn kicked away everything but the black briefs he had on which were losing the battle of covering his manhood. She was fascinated by how the cotton stretched across his bulging sex, gaping slightly beneath his belly button from the tented material.

Meeting his eyes she let the amazement she felt show in her expression. “Wow. Your body is so beautiful, Draegyn.” She ran her hand straight down the center of his chest until she hit the waistband of his briefs. Tucking her fingers into the elastic she used it to yank him forward. “Is there a kiss going to happen anytime soon?” she breathed into his open mouth.

Expecting him to give her what she wanted Tori jerked, shocked when he ran a finger over her lips then slid it into her mouth. Didn’t take her but a second to recover though, sucking on the invading finger the way she would his body when she finally got the chance. He was fucking killing her with this slow, deliberate seduction.

Pulling his hand away, he reached between her legs, cupping her aching mound, making her acutely aware of the dampness her panties could barely conceal. “I think we’re both going to enjoy what comes next.”

Her response, the only thing she was capable of doing at that moment, came out in a low, rumbling moan as he pressed the heel of his hand firmly against her most sensitive spot and ground it in slow, circles. She wasn’t going to be able to keep standing if he kept that up. “Draegyn,” she implored shakily as her trembling hands flailed about until she gripped his forearms. “Kiss me, please.”

Victoria’s soft plea broke through Drae’s determination to go slow. She wanted him so badly. Her breathless sighs and quiet moans were testing his control in a very big way.
, he thought as he swept her into his arms, cradling her perfect, petite body close, quickly making his way to the master bedroom. Once she was seated in his embrace she turned her mouth onto his flesh, leaving tiny, wet kisses along his collarbone as her hand gripped the back of his neck.

BOOK: Fixing Justice
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