Fixing the Sky (61 page)

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Authors: James Rodger Fleming

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Coolidge, Calvin
Cotton, William
Critique of Pure Reason
Crittenden, John J.
Croll, James
Crookes, William
Croy, Homer
Crutzen, Paul
Curtis, George E.
Daily Telegraph
Daniels, Josephus
Dante Alighieri
Davis, William Morris
Day After Tomorrow, The
Debs, Eugene V.
See also
fog dispersal
Derjaguin, Boris
Descartes, René
desert, flooding of
Dessens, Jean
d'Estrées, Comte
DICE model.
dynamic integrated climate economy model
dimethyl sulfate (DMS)
Divine Comedy, The
dimethyl sulfate
Dobrizhoffer, Martin
domino effect
Donald Duck
Doré, Gustave
Dow Chemical Company
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Drozdov, Oleg A.
dry ice
DuBridge, Lee A.
dust; hail and; pollution from; in space; in stratosphere
Dyer, S. Allen
dynamic integrated climate economy (DICE) model
Dyrenforth, Robert St. George
Dyson, Freeman
Dyson sphere
Eagle, L. I.
Early, James
Earth: albedo of; axis of; radiative balance of; rotation of; secular cooling of
Earth Institute (Columbia University)
Earth Summit
Earthwise Technologies
See also
Edison, Thomas
Eighth Wonder, The
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Ekholm, Nils Gustaf
electricity, for fog and smoke dispersal
electrified sand
Elementary Meteorology
Ellis, John T.
ethical, legal, social implications
Emanuel, Kerry
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Enders, J. M.
England, George Allan
United Nations: Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
Environmental Protection Agency
environmental warfare
EOS: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union
Espy, James Pollard
Esso Research and Engineering Company
Etchegoyen (scientist)
ethical, legal, social implications (ELSI)
Evacuation of England, The
Evans, Daniel J.
Everdingen, E. von
Exner, Felix
See also
extrasensory perception
Facts and Plans
Fairchild, Eugene
Falconer, Ray
Farmer in the Sky
Farm Implement News
Farwell, Charles
Federal Communications Commission
Fedorov, K. N.
Fedyakin, Nikolai
Fernow, Bernhard E.
Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation
Findeisen, Walter
Finley, John P.
Fixing Climate
(Broecker and Kunzig)
Flagler, Henry
Fleischmann, Martin
Fletcher, Joseph O.
Flit, Liya Abramovna
flooding, of desert
Florez, Luis de
Flowers, Allan
fog; modification of; research on; seeding of.
See also
fog dispersal
fog dispersal; apparatus for; chemical methods for; electricity for; electrified sand and; at MIT; physical methods of; thermal methods for.
See also
Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation
Fogg, Martyn J.
Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation (FIDO)
Ford, Gerald R.
forecasting; of climate; Espy and; fantasies about; Krick and
Forrestal, James
fossil fuels; carbon dioxide and; consumption of; global warming and; greenhouse effect and; PSAC and.
See also
Foster, George E.
Fourier, Joseph
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, William Suddards
Fraser, Donald M.
Frazer, James George
French Academy of Sciences
Freud, Sigmund
From the Earth to the Moon
Frosch, Robert A.
“frost-fighting,” 235
Galileo Galilei
Garroway, Dave
Gaskell, T. F.
gas mask filters
Gates, Bill
Gathman, Louis
General Electric Corporation (GE);
Annual Report
; Bancroft and; cloud seeding and; contracts of; FIDO and; Knolls Research Laboratory; Krick and; Kurt Vonnegut and; News Bureau; Project Cirrus and; silver iodide and.
See also
Langmuir, Irving; Schaefer, Vincent; Vonnegut, Bernard
General Motors Research Labs
Geneva International Peace Research Institute
geoengineering; artificial ionosphere and; criticism of; definition of–230; economics of; ELSI approach to; ethics of; options of; Royal Society of London and; socio-technical hybrid issues of; terraforming and
Geophysics Corporation of America
Global Climate and Ecology Institute (Russia)
global cooling
Global Engineering
Global Research Technologies
global warming; PSAC and; science fiction and
Godey's Lady's Book
Goldblat, Jozef
Golden, Dan
Golden Bough, The
Goldstein, Simeon H. F.
Gone with the Wind
Goodland News
Gore, Al
Gorodskiy, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Gratacap, Louis P.
Great Instauration, The
Great Weather Syndicate, The
Green, Edward Howland Robinson
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases; OIF and; reduction of; tipping point and.
See also
Greening of Mars, The
(Lovelock and Allaby)
Green Mars
Gregg, Willis R.
Griffith, George
Gromyko, Andrei
Grushin, Alexsei
Guazzo, Francesco Maria
Gulf Stream
Gulf Stream, The
Gurwitsch, Alexandr
High Altitude Airship
Haber, Fritz
Hahn, Charles Curtz
hail: dust and; Espy and; shooting at; suppression of
Hall, Robert N.
“Hall of Fantasy, The” (Hawthorne)
Handler, Philip
Hansen, James
Hare, Robert
Harper, Kristine
Harper's Magazine
Harrelson, Woody
Harvard Law School Record
Harvard University; Cruft High Tension Electrical Laboratory
Hatfield, Charles Mallory
Hatfield Rain Precipitation Corporation
Hawkins, Marse Washington
Hawthorne, Nathanial
heat budget; measurements of; Wexler and
Heinlein, Robert
Henderson the Rain King
Henry, Joseph
Hepburn, Katharine
Hering, Daniel
Herkimer, Nicholas
Hersh, Seymour
Hess, D. C.
High Altitude Airship (HAA)
Higuichi, Keiji
Historical Perspectives on Climate Change
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Hoff, J. H. van't
Hoffman, Ross
Holdren, John
Hosler, Charles
Houghton, Henry G.arrett, Jr.
Howell, Wallace E.
Hoyle, Fred
Hubbard, Jack M.
Hughes Aircraft Company
Humboldt, Alexander von
Humphreys, William Jackson; on electrified sand; FIDO and; on hail shooting; predictions of
Hurricane King
hurricanes; cannon; control over; tracking of
Huxley, Julian
Institute for Advanced Study
ice age; carbon dioxide and; induction of
ice caps, melting of
Imperial College of Science and Technology
Implications of Rising Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere
(Conservation Foundation)
Inconvenient Truth, An
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Operation Motorpool
International Geophysical Year
Invasion de la mer, L'
( Verne)
ionization of the local areas
ionization of the local areas (IOLA)
ionization platforms
ionosphere, artificial
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Izrael, Yuri
James I (king of England)
Jaucourt, Louis de
Jefferson, Thomas
Jerome, Saint
jet stream
Jewell, Clinton B.
Jingling in the Wind
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Robert
“Joint Statement Concerning Future Discussion on the Dangers of Environmental Warfare,” 183
Jones, Mike
Jones, Tommy Lee
Jordan, David Starr
Journal of Applied Meteorology
Journal of Physical Chemistry
Kael, Pauline
Kansas, rainmakers in
Kansas City Star
Kansas State Agricultural College
Kant, Immanuel
Keeling, Charles David
Keith, David
Kellogg, William W.; “High Water Experiment” of
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson)
Kennedy, John F.
Kenney, George C.
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kidwell, Howard
King, David
King, Whitney
Krick, Irving P.; Petterssen and
Krick Weather Service
Kublai Khan
Kunzig, Robert
Kuroshio Current
Labrador Current
Lackner, Klaus
Laird, Melvin
Lancaster, Burt
Langley, Samuel P.
Langmuir, Irving; experiments of; Petterssen and; Project Cirrus and
Langmuir–Schaefer smoke generator
Laplace, Pierre-Simon
Last and First Men
latent heat (caloric)
Latham, John
Launder, Brian
Lehigh University
Leibniz, Gottfried
Le Maout, Charles
Lenin, Vladimir
Leonardo da Vinci
Leslie, Eliza
Lesseps, Ferdinand de
Liebling , A. J.
light pollution
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindemann, Frederick A.
Little, Arthur D.
Lloyd, Geoffrey
Lodge, Oliver
London; fog in
Looney Tunes
Lorenz, Edward
Los Angeles Examiner
Lovelock, James
Luby, James O.
Luginbuhl, Christian
Lunt, Dan
Lutzenberger, José
Lyttleton, R . A.
MacCracken, Michael
MacDonald, Gordon J. F.
Macdonald, James A..
See also
Stingo, John R.
Mackay, George
Mackenzie, Donald
magnetic field
Malkin, Bill
Malone, Thomas
Manabe, Syukuro
Man and Nature
Mandan (North American Indians)–
Manhattan Project
Mann, Martin
Mann, Michael
Man Versus Climate
(Rusin and Flit)
Man Who Rocked the Earth, The
(Train and Wood)
Marchetti, Cesare
Maria Theresa (archduchess of Austria)
Markin, Arkadii Borisovich
Marsh, George Perkins
Marshall, George C.
Martin, John
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Lincoln Laboratory
Maury, Matthew Fontaine
McAdie, Alexander
McFarlane, Alexander
McGavin, Darren
McKittrick, James
McNamara, Robert S.
Mediterranean Sea
Melbourne, Frank
Melinda and Melinda
Melville, W.E.
Merchant, Carolyn

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