Flame (Ruin Outlaws MC #4) (2 page)

Read Flame (Ruin Outlaws MC #4) Online

Authors: Amy Isan

Tags: #motorcycle club romance, #mc romance, #badboys, #alpha male, #contemporary romance, #contemporary urban romance, #biker romance, #biker boys romance, #hot romance

BOOK: Flame (Ruin Outlaws MC #4)
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He laughs derisively. "No. It's pistol ammo, 9mm right?"

"This is it? I need revolver ammo, too."

"Jesus kid, you think I got a whole organization back in here?" he says. I stare hard at him and he shakes the joke off. "Look, I can't get it to you right now, if you really need it you'll have to meet me in the shop next door... next week."

"Next week? I thought you were a business man, Jimmy," I say firmly. I can't be fucking around this town all day long, especially since I left Cassie alone at the apartment. Well, not alone, Damian is there after all.

Jimmy shakes his head but glances at my arms and meets my gaze. He's acting strange, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Almost evasive? That seems odd from someone that Damian recommends, considering Ralph was so dependable. I guess the times do change... It's been five years after all.

"Look, I used to deal with another guy who's 'position' you took over in this building, and I didn't ever need to wait around then. Can't you just get me the shit now?"

"It's complicated." He eyes the package I haven't opened yet. I finally lean forward and open the parcel, revealing three boxes of 9mm ammo. It'll do for now. I pocket it and stand up, since this conversation is clearly going no where.

"I don't do complicated. Thanks for the ammo," I say. He stands up and pushes his hair back.

"This shit ain't free, kid," he says. "I'm gonna need some compensation."

"How much?"

"A grand."

I nearly gag at the number. "You're fucking me."

He shakes his head, "If you want to keep your 9mm ammo and get a hold of some .40 revolver rounds, that's the number."

I smirk. "This is a joke. You are playing a joke on me, right?" I want to pull out my pistol and load it right here. This fucker is trying to scam me when I'm holding all the cards?

"I lost a crate of goods, alright?" he confesses. "Some fucking gangbangers broke into the warehouse last night and snatched a whole crate of it. That's where your precious .40 revolver ammo is. Christ, isn't a pistol isn't enough anyway."

"What gangbangers?"

He laughs at me. "What are you going to do about it, kid?" I shake my head and frown heavily.

"More than you. Give me their names."

"You don't want to deal with them, they're part of something bigger than us. I don't know why they didn't just fuckin' ask before they took it. Not like I could have refused them. They're called the Samson Brothers, handled by a Martinez fellow... If you ask around — people will know who you're talking about. They have a little posse that's growing larger every day —,"

"Martinez?" The guy from the drug drop? "I'll get you your shit back. But I want a deep discount. Talking free here."

He holds up his hands, clearly unimpressed. "A hundred bucks, that's my hourly rate."

"I thought realtors got commission." I pull out a wad of cash from my pocket and flip four twenties onto the desk. Jimmy stares up at me and I feel his eyes against my back as I leave his shitty little office building. Martinez sounds worrying, but I'm sure I can get it sorted. Especially if he recognizes me from the deal. That asshole.

I get on my motorcycle and start it up. While it's idling in the Mexican sun, I pull my pistol from my jacket and reload the clip with fresh rounds. Before I can dispense some punishment though, I have to see Cassie again.

Hopefully she isn't awake already, but knowing her, she probably woke up as soon as I left the building.



he unmistakable howling roar of a motorcycle startles me awake and up out of the bed. I pull the tangled sheets from my bare legs and stand up. "Jesus christ," I mutter under my breath.

I slip on some clothes and wander around the small apartment and try to find Logan. I don't know why I bother when I know the noise that woke me up was his motorcycle. Would it kill him to leave a note for once in his life?

Frustrated, I stomp down the stairs and each step creaks. I reach the bottom landing and peer into the two side rooms that branch off from the hallway. Damian is lurking in one, and he rolls back in his computer chair when he sees me. I open my mouth to say something, but he cuts me off.

"Logan said he'd be right back."

"Oh," I say. "Okay." I wring my fingers awkwardly and look around the room. Lightly furnished, but comfortable. The deterioration I noted the first night isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was. It's a little more charming than that. Damian looks back at his laptop and I try to see what he's doing on it and immediately regret it.

Pictures of naked women and videos of porn are spread across the small screen, and I feel a little ill and surprised that he's just... watching it recreationally. He doesn't seem to be interested in anything else.

I clear my throat a little loud and ask, "Do you have any food around here?"

Wordlessly and without taking his eyes off the screen, he points down into the opposite room. I follow his finger and find the kitchen. The fridge isn't stocked with much, but there is a beer. It's way to early to be drinking... what the fuck? Why not?

I pull out the clear glass bottle and knock the cap off with the edge of the counter. The cap flips over onto the floor and I brush it aside with my foot. I take a big breath of the watered down hops, then start drinking it.

After finishing the bottle in what feels like record time, I slam it down on the countertop and then push it into the half-full trash can. I open the fridge again, looking for anything that might satiate me more. I already feel my stomach getting slammed by the beer. I've always been a lightweight, haven't I?

I close the fridge, disappointed, and start opening the cabinets. I find a small packet of instant noodles and shrug it off. I've had worse breakfasts before and I've already had a beer. I grab a pan that's resting on a hook and stare at it. That'll take forever, I decide. I put the pan back and find another cupboard with bowls in it, and I fill one with water. The microwave makes quick work of the noodles. I pull out the hot bowl of steaming noodles and dump the spice packet in the broth.

Sitting down at the counter, I stare at the steam as it curls up in tendrils. I want to find out what Logan is up to, but Damian is... preoccupied. He might not know anyway.

I watch bubbles rise and pop at the top of the water and decide the noodles are probably ready. I lean down and scoop them up with a fork, devouring the meal like a rabid animal. I feel a little buzz from the beer coming on, and in the heat of the kitchen, it's kind of nice.

Although... with me, alcohol always comes a side effect. I get really horny. I can already feel myself flushing with thoughts of Logan coming back and pinning me against the counter. His hard tattooed arms on either side of my head, holding my wrists down. Then he'd push my panties aside and fill me with his cock. Mmmhm.

I rinse the bowl out and leave it in the sink, before sliding along the wall to get back to the stairs. I don't want Damian to see me again. Rather, I don't really want to see his screen. I slink against the corner and creep around the edge before getting my foot on the first step. It creaks a little and I quickly ascend to the top, before slamming the bedroom door shut behind me.

Logan needs to hurry up, or I might start without him. It feels like it's been way too long since he fucked me. I need that kind of release. That passion. That long dip into euphoria.

I climb back onto the bed and hide under the covers. I peel my clothes off and tuck them at the bottom of the sheets, he won't even know that I woke up.

I curl my fingers between my legs and confirm my suspicions. I need Logan sooner than later. I need my biker to drive me wild. I start without him, getting myself even more and more aroused.

After a few more minutes, I hear the front door open, and boots on the stairs. I can't help but smile about my little secret.

. . .

The door to our room swings open and Logan quickly steps inside, only briefly glancing at me before turning and closing the door. When he notices I'm awake, he stops and his jaw slackens a little. He steps forward, giving me that roguish grin that always breaks me down into nothing. I pull the sheets down and show off a little skin, before inching my leg out from under the covers and hooking it around his hips and pulling him forward.

He leans over and kisses me deeply, in a way I haven't felt before; parting his lips and gnawing on my tongue, he makes me whimper for more. That hungry look turns his blue eyes a dull iron.

Logan's fingers grasp the sheet covering me and he yanks it off me with a quick motion. He almost looks like he's going to eat me, the way he's looking at my naked body. He leans down and kisses my shoulder, then my neck and chest. His stubble has gotten thicker and it scratches my chest, surely leaving red marks where he traces his lips.

I coo and rake my fingers through his hair, wanting to pull him away just to feel his lips again. He pushes my hand off and stands up. Greed is in his eyes.

"Turn over," he commands, his voice dark and thick. I blush while obeying him. He grasps my ass and then spanks me with a loud twhack. I let out a startled cry, he's never spanked me before.

"Oh? You like that, don't you, Cassie?"

"Ah..." I murmur. "Yes," I whisper into the pillow.

"What was that?" He spanks me again and I let out another little moan.

"I like it," I say louder, maybe a little too loud. I flush red with embarrassment but Logan doesn't stop. He spanks me again. He pauses to take off his clothes, then he mounts me on the bed from behind. His body weight is resting on my knees and his hands are firmly placed on my back.

"God damn," he mutters. His hands slide across my skin and grab my shoulders, before coasting down my arms and bundling my wrists together. He trades one to the other and keeps my wrists bound with his powerful fingers. I try to resist at first, but when his grip grows tighter, I give up fighting him.

An intensity is building inside of me that I didn't know I could even hold. His lips touch my back and follow the same lines his hands just did, before he nudges his tongue against the nape of my neck. I curl my toes when his breath changes into a ragged growl that tickles my ears and sends shivers up my naked body. I muffle my moans into the pillow to try and quiet myself. I struggle to turn my head to look at him, but he pushes my face back with his free hand. "Not yet," he assures me.

He parts his legs a little and gives me some freedom to move. He lowers my arms and pins my wrists against my back, slightly raising me off the bed as he does. The stretch is just at the edge of uncomfortable. My biker growls again as he parts my legs and runs his finger up from my knee, briefly stopping before he reaches my clit. I yearn for him to touch me, for those hands to release some pressure that's building up inside me like a kettle. I want to explode.

I can feel his erection against my calf and that only makes it worse. I hear him chuckle a little under his breath and he finally brushes the edges of his fingers against my pussy, making me exhale hard in surprise. "You're so wet already, Cassie..."

"You're one to talk," I say into the pillow. I twitch my leg to graze his cock and remind him. "It's so warm."

He removes his finger from my quivering body and I hear him suck for a moment. The anticipation is killing me. I can't see what he's doing or what he's planning, and it only makes everything so much more intense. I might as well be blindfolded with the way he's handling me. My arms strain against his hand, but he grips my wrists firmly. His finger, now wet, runs up between my thighs and skips past my pussy, jumping to my other leg and running down. I squirm and let out a small moan and try to shake him off me, too wracked with arousal to realize what he might do in response.

"Ah... Logan,... you're teasing me," I whisper. He's smiling right now, I know it even if I can't see his face. He wets his finger again and then finally dips it against my pussy and down to my clitoris. I moan loudly and try to dip my hips toward him, urging him forward. He resists and pulls back.

"Stop fighting," he commands. I nod weakly and he wets his finger again, before running it up between my legs and down my lips. I can't believe how intense it feels, and with his hand putting pressure on my lower back, it's rubbing my clit against the sheets just a little each time he makes my body twitch.

"Fuck me," I whisper. He cranes his head forward and I feel his breath on my back, sticky from the heat coming through the window.

"What was that?"

"Fuck me," I say louder while managing to crane my head up and shout it into the wall. He recoils back and then gets to his knees, before sliding his cock between my thighs. He's still fucking with me, and I'm almost growing impatient. He has this presence... or aura, I want to say. Logan isn't someone you fuck with, even in the bedroom.

"That's... really... good," I squeak out between shallow breaths. He chuckles and lets out a low growl as he places one hand next to my head on the pillow and leans over my body. He enters me while I'm still laying on my stomach. I've never... had anyone do that before. I squeal and frantically try to free my hands from his, but settle for gripping his fingers as tightly as I can. His weight shifts and he pulls out of me, then slips back in.

My whole body shudders with each wave of pleasure that overwhelms me. I can't speak any more, every time I open my mouth the only thing that comes out is a moan or cry. He slams his hips against my ass and pushes my whole body forward. His balls slap me with each stroke, and I feel like I'm going blind with pleasure.

"Cassie," he groans, leaning deep against my ear. His breath is growing ragged and his pace is picking up. He squeezes my strangled hands tighter and pulls my arms back even more, lifting my head and chest off the bed. He licks the side of my face and drags his tongue up to my ear, sending electricity down my spine, only for the spark to ride back up from his cock. Right now, I feel him throbbing deep inside me, and I don't want it to stop.

"Keep... keep going," I moan. He kisses the nape of my neck again and thrusts harder, his weight pushing down on my back with even more force each time. The weight forces me to pinch his root even harder and the pressure against the back of my pussy is glorious. He shudders as he lets out a muffled yell and climaxes. The sound of him in such a frenzy is enough to push me over the edge again, for who knows what number of orgasms. My face flushes a deep hue as I let out a yowl and clench his root with each crashing wave of euphoria. He spanks my ass again and slips out of me, before letting go of my hands. His weight leaves the bed and he leaves me like that, almost comatose. I could go right back to sleep.

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