Flat-Out Love (25 page)

Read Flat-Out Love Online

Authors: Jessica Park

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Flat-Out Love
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You’ve already given me enough. Hey, check out the fireworks! It’s midnight here!

He must be using a borrowed phone with a camera, because he’d attached an awesome picture of the Cape Verde New Year’s celebration. She opened the picture Finn had sent and wished more than anything that she were there with him, standing next to the ocean and watching fireworks explode over the water. It was cheesy and cliché, but romantic nonetheless. Next year, she promised herself. Next year they would be together. She was patient and knew that Finn was worth waiting for. He couldn’t be gone forever.

She caught sight of a tall man who stood behind a couple at the hostess stand. Finally!

Gorgeous! Have to run. I think my dad is here. About to have five-course dinner. No goat, though. You around tomorrow

Finn wrote back:

Yup, fireworks are indeed gorgeous, although I can think of other things I’d rather be doing at midnight. And they don’t involve goats. I’ll be here

Julie tossed her phone into her purse and then stretched her arm up, squinting as she waved. Oh. That wasn’t her father.

The server appeared, refilled her water glass for what felt like the millionth time, and gave her a sympathetic look.

“I’m sure that traffic is a nightmare. He’ll be here soon,” Julie said, as much to herself as to the server.

But he wasn’t there soon. An hour after their reservation time, Julie called him. She never called her father. Never. There was an unspoken rule that his phone was for business only. Besides, he wasn’t the type that liked to get all chatty on the phone anyway. Their conversations were always stilted and slightly uncomfortable, filled with lots of background noise from wherever he was. Julie would blather on for a while with her father saying, “Yes,” or “Interesting,” when appropriate. From what she remembered, talking in person was better.

But now she had to try his cell. She let it ring until his voice mail picked up and then tried him right back. Still voice mail. Julie stared at the two untouched glasses of champagne on the table, their bubbles still rising festively. Not every table had the
tall cooler keeping the bottle cold, and her father had obviously called ahead and arranged for this pre-midnight champagne. She took a few deep breaths and tried to relax.

Twenty minutes later, she checked the time again. He was now officially hideously late. Julie picked up the glass of now-warm champagne and drank half of it. She scrolled through her contact list and found her father’s secretary’s number. Julie was not a drinker, and so by the time Andrea answered, she could already feel the alcohol in her system.

“Hi. It’s Julie Seagle here. Sorry to bother you,” she said.

“Julie! How are you? Happy New Year!”

“I’m fine. It’s just that I’m at dinner waiting for my dad, and he’s well over an hour late. Do you know if there was trouble with his flight to Boston?”

“Oh, Julie.” Andrea was quiet for a moment. “Honey, didn’t he let you know?”

“Let me know what?”

“He’s not

“I’m sorry, what?”

“He’s in New York. He was supposed to call you. Don’t tell me that he forgot.”

Julie picked up the glass of champagne and finished it off. “He most definitely forgot. You know what? It’s more than just forgetting, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know what…I’m sure he meant to—”

“No. No, he didn’t. We both know that he just doesn’t give a shit. And that’s that. So now I’m sitting here at this stupid, pretentious, overpriced restaurant, and I’m hungry and pissed off and have no way to pay for this bottle of champagne that I plan to finish drinking.”

“I’ll call the restaurant and have that taken care of. I made the reservation, so I know where you are.”

Julie remained expressionless as she held the phone between her ear and her shoulder and refilled her glass. “Thanks, Andrea. Have a good night.” She went to hang up and then stopped. “And tell my father he’s an asshole. Tell him I’m done.” She dropped the phone onto the table. “And there you have it, folks,” she said softly.

Within a few minutes the server reappeared. “I understand you’ll be dining alone this evening.”

Julie nodded and looked up at the man by the table. He was about her father’s age, and he smiled kindly at her. She nodded. Yes, she would be eating alone.

“Your meal is paid for, and we’ll arrange for a cab for you when you’re ready. Have you decided what you’d like to eat?”

She shook her head. “Anything would be fine. You can pick for me. Just something very expensive. No goat, though.”

“Excellent. More champagne, miss?”

What the hell
? “Sure. More champagne. It’s a night to celebrate, right?”

She ate the stuffed lobster with truffle oil that appeared and then ordered dessert. A trio of chocolate something-or-others. She wasn’t paying attention. And since the champagne was sitting so well, and the server hadn’t carded her, she tried two dessert cordials that both tasted like cough syrup but made her head spin wonderfully after she managed to get them down. She should really consider taking up drinking, because she was totally enjoying herself now.

She wondered how much this meal cost. Probably a good amount, even though it was just her. If only she’d invited some friends, then the bill would have been outrageous.

Julie waved her server over. “You know what? That truffley lobster was bang-up. Could I get five orders of that to go? Thank
you. And give yourself a forty percent tip. Then I would like my cab, please. I’m ready to go home.”

Forty-five minutes later, Julie stumbled drunkenly into Dana’s apartment and threw the two bags of lobster into the fridge. She crawled onto the bed and turned on the television so that she could watch all the New Year’s celebrations. Shots of Times Square flashed on the screen. “Screw you, New York!” she shouted and muted the volume. Hey, maybe Finn was still up? It took a little while, but eventually she located her purse, which had landed in the fridge with her to-go cartons.

She fumbled her way back to the bedroom and messaged him.
What are you wearing
? He didn’t reply, so she tried again.
I am only wearing thigh-high leather boots and twirling a leopard print parasol
. Still nothing. He must be asleep. Why was he not there? She wanted to chat with him and hear him say cute, flirty stuff. She needed him now. He was funny and would make her laugh.

She kicked off one of her shoes and started to get changed as she pulled up a phone number. Her nylons were halfway off when he answered.


“What are you wearing?”

“Um…who is this?” he said sleepily.

“Matty, it’s me!” she yelled.


“Yes, Matty! Have you forgotten me already?” She looked dumbly at her tangled nylons, trying to figure out how she had tied them in a knot while they were still half-on. “What are you doing home? You should be out revelrying!”

She heard him laugh softly. “I was sleeping. And
? I’m not familiar with that term.”

“Yes. It’s a term because I say so. I’m creative like that. Oh my God, I’m The Terminator! Get it? Don’t you miss me and my delightful banter?”

“I do miss you,” he said, yawning. “Sure.”

“That’s not convincing. You’re hurting my feelings.”

“Everybody misses you. Especially Celeste. Thanks for all the e-mails you’ve been sending her.”

“Aw, my buddy Celeste.” Julie lay down on the floor and yanked on the bunched-up nylons. “There. I did it!”

“You did what?”

“I got myself undressed!”

“I think you got yourself drunk, that’s what I think.”

“So what? So what if I’m drunk? I’m still funny.”

“You are funny,” he agreed. “How is California? How’s your father?”

“My father is fan-frickin’-tastic. He’s clearly aiming for father of the year with the way he’s spoiling me. It’s a really good trip.”

“Er…Are you OK?”

“I’m perfect. Are

“Yes,” he said. “Are you going to make it until midnight?”

“Of course I’ll make it to midnight. I’m gonna watch fireworks shoot out over the ocean. Wanna come watch with me?”

“Sure. I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t start without me.”

“I can always count on you, can’t I, Matty? You’re the best, and you’re very helpful. I love you.”

“Now I know you’re drunk.”

“Calm down, silly boy. Not like
I love you
-love you. I just love you. You’re so smart. Oh, you love me too, and you know it.”

“Have you had any water to drink?”

“See what I mean?
is the smartest idea ever!” Julie grabbed the footboard, pulled herself up, and headed to the bathroom. “OK, here I go. Are you ready?” She turned on the faucet.

“Go for it.”

“Now, hold on. Don’t go anywhere.” She stuck her head under the tap and sucked in as much icy water as she could. “Ta da!” she announced.

“You also could have used a glass.”

“You didn’t say to, and you’re the one in charge. Now I have to pee. Don’t listen, because that would be gross.”

“Believe me, I will not listen.”

“You talk, and I’ll pee. Talk loud to cover up the pee sound. Tell me something interesting. You always have interesting things to babble about.”

“I do not babble. But for the sake of blocking out any noises you are about to make, I will ignore that remark and tell you that Celeste loved the messenger bag you gave her. And she didn’t blink twice when she saw the packs of hinges you’d put inside. She even had me add a couple onto Flat Finn, so he now bends at the knees and the neck. Next up are ankles and elbows. Pretty soon he’ll fit into the bag like your note told her. It’s actually a fairly genius idea that you had, Julie.”

“I know, right? I’m a smartie too. Not as smartie as you because you are abnormally smart. I mean, seriously, Matthew Watkins. Do you know how bizarrely intelligent you are? It’s pretty freaky. I’ve never met anyone like you at all. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah. So Celeste can just fold up ol’ Flatty and pack him in the messenger bag so no one will see. What about you? Did you like your shirts? They’re funny. Han Solo is hot. Everybody likes him because he was already hot and then it was awesome when Princess Leia said
I love you
and he said
. That added to his hotness. That line is timeless. And the popsicles? They’re hilarious, right? I will admit that I sorta like all of your shirts.”

“Obviously when you get drunk, you lie. And talk a lot.”

“I am not lying. They are actually a tiny bit adorable.”

“I knew you would come around.”

“I’m done peeing now.”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

Julie shuffled into the hall and caught sight of herself in the mirror. She swayed a bit from side to side and frowned at her sagging hairdo. “I look crazy. I think I should go to bed now.”

“Probably a good idea. Happy New Year.”

“Wait, don’t hang up yet! Tuck me in.”

“Tuck you in?”

“Yes. Tuck me in. Come to bed with me. Oh, wait, that’s not right, is it? Can you imagine?”

“Imagine what?”

“If we went to bed together. That would be bananas, huh?”

She heard him sigh. “This conversation has officially taken an alarming turn.”

“You’re just figuring that out now?” She plodded back to the bedroom, shut off the light, and got under the covers. “Matty?”

“Yes, Julie?”

“I have to tell you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“I like math.”

“I think that is wonderful.”

“And there’s something else.”


She cupped her mouth with her hand, whispering, “I’m a virgin.”

“Oh my God, Julie, I’m hanging up now.”

“I’m serious. This is important. I’m a freshman in college. How can I still be a virgin, huh? Nobody else is a virgin. Nobody else in the whole world. What about you? You can’t be. I mean, you had that girlfriend and everything. And you’re old.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, not old. But older than I am. So you definitely can’t be a virgin, right? Tell me. You’ve had sex, right?”

“I don’t think we should be talking about this.”

“Come on! Don’t be such a baby. It’s a perfectly normal question.”

There was a long pause. “Fine. Yes, I’ve had sex.”

“I knew it!” she yelled triumphantly. “Have you had a lot of sex?”

Matt laughed. “I suppose it depends how you define
a lot

“That means you have! Man, at the rate I’m going, I’m never going to have sex.”

“Are you in a big rush?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? Everyone says sex is great. It is, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know that I qualify as an expert, but, yes, it can be great. If you’re with the right person.” He was silent for a moment. “So you and Seth never…?”

“Ha! I knew you’d want to talk about this stuff! No, we never did. I didn’t want to. Seth was cute and nice and perfect and all that, but I didn’t want to. He just wasn’t
guy, you know? I want
guy. The everything guy. Not the dumb Prince Charming, nauseatingly perfect everything guy. That’s pathetic. I want the flaws-and-all, everything guy.”

“You’ll find him. Not when you’re drunk and slurring, but you’ll find him.”

“Hey, they’re counting down to midnight. In stupid New York where all the stupid cool people are. Let’s count together.”

“Tell me when.”

Julie looked dizzily at the screen. “Seven, six…” Matt started to count with her. “Five, four, three, two, one!” She watched the hordes of people wave their arms and cheer as the famous ball dropped. The cameras panned to couple after couple caught up in kissing.

“Happy New Year, Julie.”

“Happy New Year, Matty.” She turned off the television and rolled onto her side. “Matty, I have another question for you.”


“Are you a skilled lover?”

“And that concludes our evening chat.”

“I bet I could be a skilled lover. I’m very energetic. And a quick learner.”

“You definitely need to go to sleep.”

“Oh, fine.” She yanked the sheet up higher. “I can’t stay on the phone anymore. I have to get to sleep.”

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