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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Flight (25 page)

BOOK: Flight
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What do you mean he’s tied to me? I still don’t understand it.”

He can’t be with anyone else now that he’s given you the ring.”

Oh, come on! If that’s true why did he do it? We barely know each other!”

Honestly?” Owen asked, pausing to look out the window. “He was afraid.”

Afraid of what?”

Of how he would feel when the inevitable happened and you left at the end of the summer. He was afraid of losing you.”

That’s ridiculous. We were just having fun.”

No, it was more than that. Levi is crazy about you; he has been since he first met you. Then you challenged him and it just made things worse.”

So where does that leave me? I can’t stay here forever.”

Would it really be that bad to stay in New Orleans longer? Forgetting about Levi for a second, you’re not safe away from here. Do you really want to risk it?” Hailey asked carefully.

My life isn’t here.”

Not to be a bitch, Allie, but where is your life exactly?” Hailey sat down next to me. “I mean, what’s waiting for you up north? An ex-boyfriend who doesn’t get what over means and a college you are only going to for your parents?”

My mom is up there!” I argued even as Hailey’s words rang true. So much had changed, especially now that I knew about Mom’s boyfriend moving in.

You’re leaving home either way. What’s the difference between a two-hour drive and a two-hour flight? Both ways you’re not at home.”

When I didn’t respond, Hailey placed a gentle hand on my arm. “Look, I’m sorry I said that. I was out of line, but I don’t think staying here would be the worst thing for you, and besides I want you to stay.”

Owen, can I talk to Hailey alone?” I asked, even though I was prepared to kick him out if necessary. There was so much I wanted to say but not in front of Levi’s friend.

Well, I told Levi I would report back to him about—”

Just leave, Owen. Who cares what Levi wants, this is about Allie.” Hailey got up and started pushing him towards the door.

Fine, but I’ll be down the hall,” he relented and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Hailey took her seat next to me again, sitting cross-legged. “I can’t imagine what you went through.”

The sincerity in Hailey’s words matched the emotion in her eyes. Even as I struggled to understand the situation, I knew she was a friend and had no role in Levi’s deception. Our friendship, as new as it was, was one of the only solid things I had to hold onto.

It was horrible. The way he touched me... If we hadn’t been interrupted…” I couldn’t finish the thought. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

I’m so sorry.”

And the worst part is that even though it’s over, I still feel so dirty. I can still feel the guy’s hands all over me, and when I close my eyes I see his face. I’ve never felt so helpless before.” I bet a million self-defense classes wouldn’t have saved me, but I planned to sign up for one the first chance I got.

I wish there was some way for me to erase what happened, but I know I can’t. All I can do is promise you that I will never let that happen to you again. None of us will.”

I think that’s why I’m tempted to stay. I’m afraid to leave.” The thought of ever being in that situation again terrified me. I hated having to rely on others, but at this point, I had no choice.

Will you at least consider it?”

Staying?” I asked.


I’ll think about it.” The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. “But let’s stop talking about what happened. I can’t handle it.”

Really? You might stay?” Hailey’s face lit up and she hugged me. “It’s going to be so awesome; we’ll be roommates and get to hang out all the time.”

Whoa, slow down. First of all, I said I’d think about it, not that I’d do it. Secondly, in case you forgot, I’m not enrolled at Tulane, and lastly, you already have a roommate.”

If you’re thinking about it, you are going to do it. Anyway, be realistic, between our connections, money, and your ridiculous academic background are you really worried about getting in?”

My ridiculous academic background?”

You’re supposed to go to Princeton. Don’t tell me you don’t have perfect SATs and grades.”

Well, what about your roommate?”

What about her? You think I want to live with that girl? Besides, getting things changed will be easy. All I have to do is tell my dad about her panties on the door plan and it’s a done deal.”

Talking to Hailey about living together got me excited. If I was being honest with myself, Levi aside, I didn’t want to leave New Orleans. Even without the fear for my safety, I would have been tempted to stay.

Like I said, I’ll think about it.”

You do realize what you still have to do though?” she asked, avoiding my eyes.


You have to talk to Levi.”

Why? Just because I stay doesn’t mean I’m going to be with him.”

Well, then you can tell him that. He’s not going to back down until you two talk things out.”

Lovely. Will you come with me? I don’t trust myself to refrain from slugging him.”

Hailey laughed. “You ready then?”

Now?” I asked alarmed.

What time were you thinking?”


Exactly. Let’s go, the sooner the better.” She tugged on my arm to pull me up from my seat.

At least let me get changed. If I’m facing him I’m not doing it in this.” I gestured to my pajamas.

I didn’t wait for a response and walked into my room to change. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt because I wanted to cover up my bruised up knees and my bandaged leg. Hopefully, no one noticed my wrists. I was bound to run into someone, and I didn’t want any extra questions. Natalie knew what happened, but no one else did.


Levi leaned against the window at the front of the corner coffee shop. He didn’t notice us approaching, and he looked way too good. If I thought I could avoid thinking about the last time we were together, I was totally delusional.

Hey man,” Owen called out. He flanked me with Hailey on my other side, both helping take some weight off my bad leg. The several times I attempted to turn around, the two of them had me facing forward again. I knew that avoiding this confrontation was pointless but it didn’t mean I wanted it.

Levi looked up, locking eyes with me immediately. He took two steps forward reaching toward me. I fought the urge to take his hand and he got the hint lowering his arm.

We stood there looking at each other for a moment before he took another step toward me, pulling me into his arms. I wanted to struggle, but I didn’t. As angry and hurt as I was, there was something so safe about those arms that I needed to be there for a moment.

I’m so glad you’re safe,” he whispered.

Before I could start crying, I pulled away.

Okay, so we’re going to get going…” Hailey said trailing off. “Come on, Owen.”

Oh yeah. Bye,” Owen said.

I turned to shoot Hailey a dirty look but she was already disappearing down the street.

You want to go inside?” Levi asked awkwardly.


He held open the door for me and we walked up to the counter. “One large coffee,” I ordered without waiting for Levi.

Make that two.” Levi handed a card to the barista.

I took my coffee, adding two Splendas and no cream and sat down at a table by the window. Levi was two steps behind me.

My eyes remained focused on the table as I heard the scrape of a chair across from me.

If it changes anything, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

My head snapped up to attention immediately. “What?”

I didn’t want to hurt you.” Levi reached his hand across the table to touch mine, but I jerked it away.

Then what did you want exactly?”

You.” His eyes bore into mine as he spoke.

Clever, very clever.”

It’s the truth. You asked why I did it and that’s the honest answer. I did it because I wanted you.”

What part of wanting me required you to trick me into entering into some weird relationship?”

Weird relationship? Is that what you think this is?”

What am I supposed to think it is?”

There is nothing weird about it, most girls would be happy to find out they’ve become a princess.”

I guess I’m not like most girls. And what is with all this princess talk? When were you going to tell me you were the future king or whatever it is they call you exactly?”

It didn’t seem important before… and I didn’t want to scare you off.”

I laughed dryly. “Well, you did a pretty good job with that.”

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

No? What was it supposed to be like? Am I supposed to fawn at your feet thanking you for picking me? Dream on.”

Damn it, don’t be so difficult. You were there that night; we work so well together. It’s amazing. Can’t that be enough?”

You have that much confidence in your sexual prowess to think that means anything?”

I am not talking about me, I’m talking about us.”

There is no
. Whatever chance we had is gone. You tricked me, lied to me, used me and pretty much did anything you possibly could to destroy us.” I twisted my hands in my lap. “You’re the reason I was kidnapped and nearly raped. It’s your fault.” I looked down, unwilling to let him see how much I hurt.

I am so sorry. Words can’t even describe it. The thought of those brutes touching you…” He gripped the table, his knuckles turning white. “I promise you they will never bother you or anyone else again.” He scooted his chair next to me. “Please, give me a chance to make it up to you.” There was nothing natural about Levi pleading.

I looked up at him with tear-rimmed eyes. “The only thing I want is an explanation. Why me? Why in the world did you pick me? You hardly know me.”

I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Usually I get tired of a girl after a few days, but you, I’ll never get tired of you. You challenge me and it only makes me want you more. I know you feel it too. Don’t bother denying it. The physical pull between us is undeniable.”

That’s what this is all about? You’re physically attracted to me? I still don’t see how that makes me different.”

Doesn’t the thought of being together excite you at all? You seemed so interested in my world, so caught up in it. Can’t that be enough for now?”

Glancing around, I noticed a few people staring at us so I lowered my voice. “Levi, are you even listening to me? Do you really expect me to forgive you for what you put me through? You make it sound like you stood me up.”

I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry. You were only kidnapped because you ran off. I didn’t expect you to do that. I already planned to explain more over dinner. Remember, I told you I had something important to tell you.” He leaned over the table.

Don’t you ever call me baby. Do you hear me? Never!” Hearing it made me think of Riley and his dirty, wandering hands.

Okay. I won’t. I’m sorry.” He picked up one of my hands, examining the cuts and bruises on my wrist. I pulled it out of his reach. “I’m so sorry.”

I took a deep breath. “Didn’t you think I’d try to take the ring off?”

Levi shrugged. “I never really thought about it.”

Exactly!” I yelled exasperated. Standing up, I called over my shoulder, “You didn’t think and look where it got us.”

Dropping my half-empty coffee cup in the garbage, I pushed open the door. I didn’t have to turn around to realize Levi was at my heels.

Wait up!” He grabbed my arm pulling me towards him.

BOOK: Flight
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