Flight from the Dark (17 page)

Read Flight from the Dark Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Flight from the Dark
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You sense something is wrong. With fighting all around and the forces of the Darklords so near, why has this man stayed in the forest? You feel a strange aura of evil about him and decline his offer.

Turn to 90


Using the skills taught to you by your masters in the art of Hunting, you inch your way through the foliage undetected. In less than a minute you are directly behind, and only a few feet from, the stake to which the ranger is tied. The wood is alight and great clouds of smoke are engulfing the poor victim. You take your weapon and run forward, hidden by the smoke. One blow of your weapon is all that is needed to sever his bonds, and you pull him free and back into the safety of the forest. As you press on into the forest, you hear the shrieks of the Giaks as they discover that their prisoner has literally disappeared in a cloud of smoke!

Turn to 117


The head of the bird slowly turns and it curses you. An instant later, it flies off above the trees and has soon disappeared. Shocked by what you have heard you are now sure that the fledgling was a scout of the Darklords and is now probably on its way to inform them of your whereabouts.

If you wish to continue your journey along the track,
turn to 121

If you wish to leave the track and continue through the forest instead,
turn to 38


You soon realize that you are walking deeper into a wooded marsh. To continue in this direction will be slow and hazardous.

If you wish to continue,
turn to 227

If you wish to change direction and head towards firmer ground,
turn to 95


You walk for over an hour, during which time you keep a constant vigil for any sign of Kraan in the sky above. You have twice spotted their tell-tale shadows in the sky and on both occasions your quick wits have saved you from capture. You are now very hungry and must eat a Meal.

You may now continue on your journey by
turning to 13


Your Kai Discipline reveals that the west path is a dead end.

You choose the south path and
turn to 27


Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–2,
turn to 110

If the number is 3–9,
turn to 285


The forest here is sparse and hilly. It does not give much cover from an attack from the air. You move as quickly as you can from tree to tree, to avoid the Kraan but you can hear the sound of Doomwolves close behind.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage,
turn to 237

If you do not,
turn to 72


The Gem feels incredibly hot and burns your hand. Lose 2

You quickly pick it up with the edge of your Kai cloak and slip this Vordak Gem into your Backpack. A Gem that size must be worth hundreds of Crowns. But the Giaks are very close and their arrows whistle past your head as you turn and run for the safety of the forest.

Turn to 2


Through the open doorway of the first hut, you can see the body of a charcoal burner lying face down on the rough stone floor. He has been murdered, stabbed in the back by a spear. All his furniture and belongings have been smashed and broken and not one piece remains intact.

This is the evil handiwork of Giaks without any doubt, for they delight in the destruction of all things. A quick check of the other huts reveals a similar story of murder and wreckage. In the last hut that you search, you discover a Giak Spear — proof of your suspicions. You may keep this Weapon if you wish.

More determined than ever now to succeed in your mission, you continue along the track.

Turn to 105


The sound of battle gradually fades behind you. Suddenly, you are pulled to the ground. Three Drakkarim have dropped from a tree above. You struggle but it is useless for there are too many of them for you and they are very strong.

The last thing that you hear is the vicious snarls of Drakkarim as they raise their spears.

Your life and your mission end here.


Your climb is swift and easy. It reminds you of the many trees that you climbed and explored near Toran as a child, when you wanted to pick fruit or to look out over the beautiful countryside of Sommerlund.

Pushing open the treehouse door, you see an old hermit huddled in the corner of the small cabin. A look of great relief spreads across his face as he recognizes your green Kai cloak. He tells you that this area is full of Giaks, and that he has counted over forty Kraan flying over his home in the last three hours. They were heading east.

Illustration XVII
—Pushing open the treehouse door, you see an old hermit huddled in the corner of the small cabin.

He scurries over to a cupboard and returns with a plate of fresh fruit. You thank him and place the fruit in your Backpack. There is enough for one Meal. The hermit also produces a fine Warhammer and lays it upon a table by the door. ‘Your need is greater than mine, Kai Lord,’ he says. ‘Please take this trusty Warhammer if you so wish.’

You may take this Weapon only if you exchange it for another Weapon already in your possession, for it is the only defence that the hermit has against the enemy.

Thanking the old man, you carefully descend the tree and continue on your mission.

Turn to 213


The stable door is open and you can hear the breathing of a horse from inside the darkened interior. Suddenly, the horse senses your presence and rushes past, knocking you to the ground. You lose 1

If you wish to use the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship,
turn to 122

If you wish to chase after the runaway horse,
turn to 233


You have taken less than ten paces when the raven squawks a warning to the stranger. Turning to face you, the robed creature utters a piercing screech that freezes your blood and grips your stomach with fear and panic. It is a Vordak, a lieutenant of the Darklords and one of the undead. Within seconds, a host of Giaks appear at its side and attack you. You fight bravely but you are greatly outnumbered.

The last thing you remember is the icy grasp of the Vordak's skeletal fingers as they close around your throat.

Your life and your mission end here.


You notice a small faded sign on the wall of a building opposite.

You remember that the royal court sessions are held within the citadel and you are sure that the west road must lead there.

Turn to 37


The hillside is steep and the earth is loose and slippery. You chance a swift glance over your shoulder and see the two Giaks emerge from the woods. They start to climb after you. About halfway from the peak of the hill, you spot a cave to your right, almost totally hidden by a landslide.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage,
turn to 324

If you wish to hide in the cave,
turn to 279

If you wish to avoid the cave and continue your climb to the peak,
turn to 47


You curse your ill luck. It seems that nature and the Darklords have conspired against you, but it does not shake your determination to reach the King.

Wiping the sticky mud from your clothes, you turn and press on into the forest.

Turn to 299


Wiping the foul Giak blood from your weapon, you quickly descend the hillside before the Kraan spots its dead riders. Many times you lose your footing on the loose rocks, falling several feet.

Deduct 1
point for cuts and bruises to your legs.

Turn to 248


It takes you nearly an hour to reach the citadel. When you arrive you find that the citizens of Holmgard are in panic and confusion. Your escort approaches the armoured guards at the main entrance and tells them of your urgent message for the King.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If you have picked a number that is 0–6,
turn to 341

If the number is 7–9,
turn to 98


Wrapped in a bundle of women's clothing is a small velvet purse containing 6 Gold Crowns and a Tablet of Perfumed Soap. You may take these items and continue your journey.

Turn to 213


In your haste to avoid the enemy, you catch your foot in a tree root and you are pitched head over heels in a tumble of dust and leaves. Crashing through the undergrowth at the base of the hill, you quickly pick up your weapon and run into the thick forest. The Kraan is no longer circling above, but you can make out the silhouette of two Giaks on the peak of the hill behind.

Wiping the grime from your eyes, you wince as you discover a large bruise on your forehead. Without delay, you run deeper into the safety of the forest.

Turn to 331


Instinctively you dive away from the stairs, and land on the stone floor. Your quick reactions have saved your life, for a vast granite block has fallen from the ceiling and crushed the steps, just in front of the lockplate!

Shaken but still in one piece, you get to your feet. A shaft of dull grey light is seeping into the chamber from above, where the stone block was. Through a hole in the ceiling you can see a tangle of graveweed and the cloudy sky above. You clamber out of the tomb and head for the arched south gate of the necropolis as fast as possible. The pointed log walls of the city's outer defence works are now visible.

Turn to 61

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