Flip This Zombie (31 page)

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Authors: Jesse Petersen

BOOK: Flip This Zombie
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I can’t say enough good things about the team of publishing professionals who have made creating the “Living with the Dead” series such a wonderful experience. From Jack and Alex in Publicity (who listen to my suggestions and never sigh so I can hear them), to Lauren Panepinto, who designed my kick-ass covers, to Jennifer Flax, who makes the ship go to everyone else who lurks about behind the scenes making my life easier. And then there is Devi Pillai, editor extraordinaire, who talks to me about food on the phone and laughs at my jokes. Awesome.

I also want to acknowledge all the zombie fans who have responded so positively to these stories and shared their excitement (and links to my website) far and wide. I feel like I have my own little zombie posse with you guys around and that’s pretty damn cool.

Finally, I have to acknowledge my parents. Daddy, I’m sure if I survived a zombie apocalypse it would be because you taught me everything I needed to know
(though I’m sure zombies weren’t what you had in mind while teaching me to be a crack shot). And Mom, you have put up with the strangest family possibly in the universe. Thanks for being the “normal” one. Well, normalish, anyway.

Table of Contents

Front Cover Image

Welcome Page



Meet the Author

A Preview of

1. Do what you love and the zombies will follow.

2. The question: What color is my parachute? The answer: Blood red, brains gray, sludge black.

3. Who moved my cheese? And my shotgun?

4. Be proactive… and ready to run if proactive backfires.

5. Don’t fear change. Just fear everything and everyone else.

6. Expand. Why stick to just killing zombies? Or killing them just one way.

7. Profits are everything. But to get them you have to catch a zombie.

8. Don’t forget the little people. Even when you want to.

9. Strive for more. More zombies, more fighting, more profit…

10. Strive for the four-hour work week. The rest of the time, run like hell.

11. Think win-win. You probably won’t get it, but think it.

12. Protect your brand… and your ass.

13. Partnerships don’t last forever. The zombie apocalypse just might.

14. The seven habits of highly effective zombies. Hint: Most of them involve eating your brains.

15. Dress for success. Also arm yourself for it.

16. Building relationships is building business. Also you sometimes need other people in order to kill all the motherfucking zombies.

17. Rich dad, poor zombie.

18. Profits aren’t everything. If you can get out with only your ass intact, that’s pretty good, too.

19. Do fight unwinnable battles. Sometimes they’re worth it.

20. Fake it ’til you make it. Just make it.


By Jesse Petersen




  • Married with Zombies

  • Flip this Zombie

  • Eat, Slay, Love


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 by Jesse Petersen

Excerpt from
Eat, Slay, Love
copyright © 2011 by Jesse Petersen

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


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First eBook Edition: January 2011

ISBN: 978-0-316-17987-4

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