Flirting with Felicity (16 page)

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Authors: Gerri Russell

BOOK: Flirting with Felicity
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“Any waste grease from cooking is collected and converted to
bio fuel,” he explained.

Not giving her much time to recover, he guided her past a
wall of refrigerator and freezer units, before they stepped through a doorway
leading to a greenhouse with both soil and hydroponic areas. The plants there
were laden with ripe fruits and vegetables.

“We are able to grow most of the fresh ingredients for the
menu ourselves,” he explained as they made their way through the enormous

“What do you do about food waste?” she asked, as she walked
past the succulent tomatoes on one side of the aisle and strawberries on the

Blake pointed to the enclosed black receptacles at the back
of the greenhouse. “Inside those units are thousands of worms composting organic
waste. When they’re done, we have nutrient-rich fertilizer that we can then
incorporate back into the growing process.” He moved her toward a different
aisle on the side of the building. “Over here, we have receptacles that collect
wet food waste that gets boiled up and packaged to send to pig farmers. They
come every day and collect the food so it’s not sitting around. It’s free food,
and it keeps a bunch of waste from going to the landfill. It’s a win-win for

He led her out of the greenhouse, back into the warm,
perfume-laden air that did nothing to ease the chill that had settled inside
her. “The hotel really is ahead of its time,” Felicity conceded, forcing aside
a sense of impending doom.

“Sustainability is contingent on the power of creative
thinking.” Blake smiled at her with an almost unbearable sense of pride as they
headed back to the waiting car. “We intend to do much like this with every
hotel in our chain within the next ten years.”

She stopped beside the Tesla. “Why start that conversion with
my hotel? There have to be others that will be easier to convert.”

“There are,” he agreed. “In fact, I just purchased another
hotel in San Francisco. But as I said before, the Bancroft is our flagship
hotel. It sets the pace for the entire hotel chain, and for the Bancroft name.”

“I’ll have to rename the hotel since it will no longer be
part of your corporation.”

“Only if you win our wager.” Blake opened the car door,
inviting her inside.

Pain cut through her at the thought of losing the hotel, even
if it would be for a very good cause. That cause didn’t take into account her
employees. She knew what she had to do. The Bancroft was hers, and she would do
whatever she had to do to see that it remained that way. Determined to succeed,
she slipped into the car. “What else do you have in store for me today?”

He slid in beside her and closed the door. “I thought we
could take our lunch beside the pool at our hotel, then catch a little sun
before getting ready for the party later tonight. We’ll leave the hotel at six

“Where are we going?”

“To get away from it all. I find I’m in need of a little more
privacy than even the Mano Kea allows.”

“In formal dress?”

He nodded and turned his attention to Peter, directing the
chauffeur to return them to the hotel.

“That’s it? That’s all you’ll tell me?”

A mischievous grin lit up his face.


Felicity met Blake in the sitting area of their suite at
six o’clock that evening. She was dressed in a sea of mocha-colored silk and
chiffon. Blake’s gaze traveled from her coiled hair, across the formfitting
bodice gathered to reveal the soft rise of her breasts. His eyes filled with
heated appreciation as he continued to devour her with his gaze—down the length
of her floating chiffon skirt where it clung to her hips and then on down to
her slippered feet. “You’re beautiful,” he said, his tone guttural.

She could barely respond past the dryness in her throat.
Blake was resplendent in a black tuxedo with a black bow tie. The late-afternoon
sun came through the window, edging his dark hair with streaks of gold. “Thank
you.” She finally managed to force the words past her dry lips.

“Come.” He offered her his arm and once again guided her
through, then out of the hotel. After a quick ride in the Tesla, they exited
the car on a helipad. The helicopter’s engine started at the sight of Blake and
the rotor blade started to turn, sending Felicity’s skirt fluttering in all
directions. She gasped and tried to grab the edges of the cloth, desperately
trying to keep her clothing in place.

Blake appeared at her side. He scooped her into his arms and
carried her the short distance to the helicopter, depositing her gently inside
before joining her. He slid the door closed. “My apologies. I didn’t consider
that when I booked our transportation,” he shouted above the noise of the
rotating blade. He handed her a pair of headphones as he settled into the seat
beside her. “Hang on. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Felicity did just that. Her heart pounding in her chest, she
clung to the edge of her seat. She’d never been in a helicopter before. The
vibrations unsettled her, as did the sensation of lift. They shot straight up
before moving forward, heading out toward the ocean, into the setting sun.

Where could they possibly be going, she wondered, until a
large vessel came into view. They headed straight for it and the helipad on the
top deck. The pilot set the helicopter down lightly, as though he’d performed
the action many times before. He quickly killed the engine at a signal from
Blake. When the rotor blades had ceased their movement, Blake took the
headphones from her and offered her his hand. “Come inside with me,” he urged.

Felicity let herself be drawn forward, out of the helicopter,
across the deck, and onto the main area of a luxurious yacht. Music drifted to
them, punctuating the night. As they walked, Felicity gazed up at the full moon
and let the restless breeze settle the nervousness that twisted her stomach
into a knot. They were on a yacht in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This was
not anything she could have imagined when she’d accepted Blake’s invitation.
She had nowhere to hide for the next several hours. She was at his mercy.

He turned toward her and smiled tenderly, as though reading
her thoughts.

“Everything will be all right, Felicity. You’re safe here.”

For some reason, she believed him as she allowed him to pull
her inside the main cabin. People turned to watch as they entered the crowded
ballroom. In the past she would have felt terribly self-conscious with so many
eyes searching her, but not tonight. Wrapped in an incredibly sumptuous gown,
with a smoky quartz and diamond necklace at her throat and her hair coiled up
in an intricate knot, she felt carefree and calm.

On the far side of the room a four-piece orchestra was
playing Vivaldi, but only a few strains could be heard above the conversation
and the delicate clink of glasses. White-coated waiters circulated among the
guests, offering canapés and Moët et Chandon champagne.

A gleaming wood floor sparkled beneath her feet and crystal
chandeliers glittered overhead. An ice sculpture of an open giant clamshell
dominated the buffet and was filled to overflowing with succulent shrimp.
Beside the ice sculpture sat beluga caviar, lobster, light pastry confections,
and a colorful display of tropical fruit.

Blake took two champagne flutes from a waiter’s tray and
handed one to her. Sipping her champagne, she watched as the guests ebbed and
flowed throughout the large room, laughing and dancing and having a good time.
She thought she recognized at least three movie stars among the crowd. “Are
these people friends of yours?” she asked, studying a man in a white headdress
with a robe created from gold and silver thread.

“He’s a sheik and a friend of mine. He likes spending time on
my boat when he’s in town. Over there is the British consul to Hawai‘i, and
next to him is Reid Fairfax, owner of the
Seattle Gazette
Let me introduce you around.”

“This is your yacht?”

He nodded. “A guy’s got to have a few toys.”

“Are there any forms of transportation you don’t own?”

He lifted his brows, considering, then smiled. “I don’t have
a rocket, yet.”

She returned his smile. “Well, then you better get on that.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” His smile filled with contentment
as he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her forward into the crowd.

For the next hour, they mingled with his guests. She met many
people she would never have had access to if it hadn’t been for Blake. He told
everyone about her restaurant, and several people made promises to come see her
there on their next trip through Seattle. And while she enjoyed speaking with
each person she met, she came away from the whole thing feeling a little sad.

Though he’d introduced these people as friends, not one of
them asked him anything personal or inquired about his uncle’s recent death.

She knew how lonely her own teenage years had been with a
father who didn’t speak and her need to avoid bringing attention to her
situation. Had Blake’s past been even worse despite his status? He might have
all the money in the world, but was that what really mattered? Was that why he
came looking for her? Despite all the people who surrounded him each and every
day, he was lonely.

“You look suddenly very intense. Care to share your thoughts?”
Blake asked over the sudden rise in excitement in the room.

“I’m just overwhelmed by all this,” she said, hoping he didn’t
ask anything more. He didn’t as the noise in the room increased. The crowd
parted and Felicity got her first look at the source of the commotion as
Rihanna strode forward and took the microphone at the front of the room.

“A friend of yours?” Felicity asked, slightly breathless with

“As one of her supporters, she does the occasional special
event for me.” Blake’s cocky smile faded as Rihanna’s voice filled the room. “Dance
with me, Felicity.”

A tremor ran through her entire body as he caressed her
elbow, encouraging her forward into his arms for a slow dance to the lyrics of “Stay.”

Blake’s arm slid around her waist, and his left hand closed
around her fingers. He moved to the music with effortless ease, taking her with
him across the dance floor.

“I’ve never danced with a woman as enchanting as you,” Blake
whispered close to her ear.

A thrill moved through her. “You’re just saying that so I’ll
stop stepping on your feet.”

“You can step on my feet anytime whenever we are this close
and you look this lovely.” Felicity’s breath caught in her chest at the husky
timbre of his voice and the desire in his eyes. For one breathless moment, his
smoldering eyes studied her face feature by feature while he slowly pulled her
closer against his chest. His head bent and his mouth claimed hers in a kiss of
violent tenderness and tormenting desire. The fingers splayed against her back,
and Felicity felt all her resistance, all her will begin to crumble and

She kissed him back with her whole heart.

The music faded as Blake dragged his lips from hers. “Felicity,

“May I have the next dance?” the man Blake had introduced as
Reid Fairfax said, offering her his hand.

Blake held her a moment longer, as though hesitant to let her

“Do I want to—?”

“Dance.” Reid lifted her hand from Blake’s shoulder and
placed it on his own, pulling her out of Blake’s arms. An odd expression
settled on Blake’s face. If she didn’t know better, she would have to say he
looked almost sad to see her go.

Rihanna’s next song was a faster tempo, for which Felicity
was grateful as the older man led her across the room to the sound of “Umbrella,”
blocking her view of Blake.

“It’s a very small world, Ms. Wright. We both live in
Washington State, yet we’re here in Hawai‘i at the same time. What are the

“Well, since we’re both friends of Blake’s and this is his
yacht, I’d say pretty good.” Felicity wasn’t sure why, but something about the
man set her on edge.

His teeth clenched and something beyond desperation lurked
behind his eyes for a moment, then vanished as quickly as it had appeared. “Clever.”

Felicity wasn’t sure the word was a compliment.

Reid smiled. “Nevertheless, I’m glad you could accompany
Blake on this adventure. He has so little time for fun.”

“Are you his social director now?” she asked, stopping her
movements, no longer in the mood to dance.

Reid’s laugh boomed out. “You are a funny one, Ms. Wright.”
He released his grip on her.

The music she’d only moments before enjoyed turned

Just then, Blake appeared at her side, pinning Reid with a
dire look. “Everything okay?” he asked, placing a hand on her back in a
protective fashion as he’d done before. His touch was warm, welcome. “I’ll take
it from here,” Blake said, escorting her away.

Felicity cast a glance back over her shoulder as Blake
escorted her from the room and didn’t miss the self-satisfied smile that pulled
up the corners of Reid’s mouth. He wanted Blake to come to her rescue. It was
almost as if he’d wanted the younger man to feel a hint of jealousy.

The question was, why?

“What is your relationship with Reid Fairfax?” she asked as
Blake escorted her through the doorway and down the stairs toward a hallway
lined with staterooms.

“We’re acquaintances, nothing more. Why do you ask?”

“And yet he’s here tonight.”

Blake stopped before one of the rooms. Withdrawing a keycard
from his suit jacket, he waved it in front of the card reader. A soft click
sounded, the door released and he twisted the handle and threw open the door.
His fingertips trailed sensuously down her arm. The fire that always seemed to
smolder between them flared to life.

“He invited himself.” Blake stepped aside and waved her
through the doorway.

“Where are we going?”

“My stateroom, because neither of us can keep up the pretense
any longer,” he said bluntly.

Felicity wanted to deny it, but she couldn’t. The unveiled
passion in his eyes found an answering response within her.

She stepped into the elaborately appointed room, fully aware
as she did that she was accepting what came next. Stalling to allow her
heartbeat to settle, she glanced around the sitting area. The cabin was well
decorated with a cream-colored plush sofa facing two soft leather chairs. The
room was breathtakingly elegant with its gold accents and contrasting red pillows.

In the center of a low cocktail table was an arrangement of
orchids. Blake snapped one off and twirled it in his fingers as he moved toward
her. “For you.” He slid the flower behind her ear. The soft, fruity scent
enveloped her.

Her heart fluttered in her chest as he pulled her into his
arms and traced his finger across the top of her ear where the orchid petals
met her skin. “Do you like exotic flowers?”

“They’re pretty. Hard to care for,” she said, unable to stop
the quaver in her voice. “I prefer roses.”

“Good to know,” he said as he bent his head and kissed her,
skillfully parting her lips and laying claim. She knew why he was kissing
her—knew what his purpose was—and even though she suspected he had every
intention of seducing her, she didn’t in that moment care.

What she cared about was the heat smoldering between them,
the fire in her blood reigniting that unfulfilled passion she’d experienced in
her dream yesterday. He wanted her, and she wanted him.

That was enough of a reason to set aside her reservations and
move against him, demanding his heated attention in return. Tonight, she wanted
to forget about the hotel and only think about the way he made her feel,
because in his arms she could surrender herself to the flames of her passion.

She hesitated only a heartbeat as her thoughts went back to
this morning and the photographer Blake had sent away. But just as quickly as
the thought came, it vanished. They were on a yacht in the middle of an ocean.
Who would disturb them there?

The tension from a moment ago eased, replaced with the need
to kiss Blake back with all the pent-up desire she’d been denying since they’d
first met. She parted her lips and surrendered. A groan of pure desire escaped
his lips, encouraging her. She taunted and teased, then delighted when he
deepened the kiss. The heat rising between them melted her bones, and she
surrendered. She knew where they were headed, and it was already impossible to
change their course. There was no reason they should. She was tired of fighting
the passion that flared so powerfully between them.

His arms tightened around her, crushing her breasts—already
peaked and tight and aching—to the hard solid planes of his chest. His hand
swept down her back, pressing her to him, then sliding lower, over her hip. He
grasped her bottom and angled her hips to his so he could move against her, so
he could mold her against the rigid length of his erection, let her feel and
anticipate having that hard length inside her, taking her to new heights.

He broke the kiss and stared down at her with those midnight
eyes, eyes dark with passion—passion she’d stirred to life, passion that had
turned every muscle in his body to hard-edged steel. Carefully he slid the silk
from her shoulders and reached for the zipper hidden at the side of her dress.

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