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ISBN 9781615087471

All rights reserved

Copyright 2012 Sabrina Luna

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Sizzler/Encounter [follow with either Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror depending on which it is]

A Renaissance E Books publication






Scottish wolf shifters!
It was an idea which came to me one

morning as I woke up from a good night's sleep. While my coffee

was brewing, I booted up my computer and found myself searching

the internet for anything on wolves in Scotland. I was rewarded with

a few historical facts about the last wolf in Scotland which was killed

by a man named McQueen in the 18th century.

Taking that little bit of historical fact, I began to create a world of

wolf shifters who escaped Scotland and settled in the foothills of the

Carolinas in a town called Heather Grove –and their decedents still

live there today. Not long after, I began writing A BAD MOON

RISING with the encouragement of several author friends. I enjoyed

writing about Derek Lee, a lone wolf, who has relocated to the town

and falls for Megan McShaw, a lovely wolf shifter in her own right

and member of the local pack –and that's when their trouble begins!

After having such fun writing this wolf story, I wrote FULL

MOON FEVER, expanding on the Scottish wolf theme and telling the

story about Megan's brother, Ray McShaw, a protective alpha, and an

inquiring journalist, Jac Hamilton. Jac is stranded in Heather Grove

and asking questions about things which the local wolf shifters want

to be kept secret. After her life is threatened, Ray takes it on himself

to keep her safe and ... well, you'll find out what happens.

Both of these McShaw clan stories are erotic romance with

interlaced with the paranormal, humor and excitement which, for me,

was great fun to write! They fit together so well, the pair seem always

intended to be a book. I hope you enjoy reading them in this special


Thank you!


Megan McShaw gripped the Honda's steering wheel tight. Her

heart pounded wildly in her chest as she listened to her passenger's

ragged breathing from the seat beside her. She could also sense his

fear, mingled with confusion, and the metallic scent of blood that

lingered in the confines of the small car. The fact her wounded

passenger was nude didn't help matters. Sometimes she wished she

wasn't so
, but it was a part of her

She glanced in the rearview mirror. No headlights. Megan exhaled

a soft sigh of relief. "Don't worry. We're not being followed," she

reassured her friend, not taking her eyes off the road.

"Meg, sweetheart, I-I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean

to 'turn wolf' at the bar. Honest, I didn't." The sincerity in his voice

caressed over her body like raw silk. "MacDonald was shooting off

his mouth and, yeah sure, I got pissed, but – "

"It's not entirely your fault, Derek." Megan sighed, glancing at the

sky through the windshield. "It's the moon. Look – almost full." She

pointed to the large, rust-colored disk in the night sky.

"You're shitting me, right?" Even in shadows, she could tell he was

staring at her, perplexed. "That's the kind of stuff in Hollywood B-

flicks and fairy tales ... not real life!"

"We'll discuss it later, Derek. After we get to the cabin, we'll have

a long talk." Megan glanced out of the corner of her eye and

nervously licked her lips. "You just keep that blanket wrapped around

you and lie back. Take it easy." She flashed him a tight smile. "And

try not to bleed on my upholstery, okay?"

Despite the tenseness of the situation, Derek Lee chuckled. The

warmth of his laughter trickled through her, from her heart straight to

her sex. She'd seen every inch of him, running naked down Main

Street right after he'd transformed back from wolf to man. And he

was all man. For a split moment, she'd been spellbound, watching his

muscles ripple under his flesh as he'd made a wild dash to her car,

clutching his arm.

Now, even in the semi-darkness of the car's interior, she could see

the rest of his unquestionable good looks – the firmness of his jaw that

accented the even symmetry of his face and those warm, amber-tinted

eyes. Derek's stunning features were topped off by a golden tan and

his wild, blond mane.

As he shifted in the bucket seat, a groan of pain escaped from his

lips. Derek straightened, still cradling his wounded arm. "You know,

you didn't have to stop to help me, Megan."

"And if I didn't stop, you'd run the risk getting caught or worse.

Lucky for you Officer Murray is a lousy shot, but you're still in

trouble," she firmly reminded him. Slowing the car, she turned onto a

narrow strip of gravel road. In light of the moon, the road was half-

hidden by an overgrowth of weeds, making it barely visible to the

naked eye.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see," she quipped. To her relief, he only let out a heavy

sigh. He settled back in the seat and fell silent.

Oh boy! He's definitely an alpha.
Megan returned her attention to

the bumpy road ahead.
No doubt about it!

She had only met him a month ago and the attraction was instant,

but she knew there was something different about Heather Grove's

newest resident. Her keen intuition detected he was
. Whether

he knew it or not, he was searching for something ... or someone.

Derek Lee was not an aimless drifter who'd just happened to wander

into town. But then, Heather Grove was no ordinary town.

Half of the population descended from her family clan, banished

from the Highlands of Scotland in the eighteenth century. Settling in

the Americas, the McShaws and their kin harbored a secret. A secret

in their blood, passed on throughout the generations. They were a

clan with
blood coursing through their veins – blood of the


The McShaw family and their wolf pack had created a tight-knit

bond with the townfolk of Heather Grove. For many years, their

secret stayed within the town limits. The wolf clan lived by the rede,

"Bother no one and no one will bother you." It was an age-old bit of

advice ingrained into every
. Megan's family was no

exception. She and her older twin brothers, Raymond and Richard,

lived by the rede.

Fear coiled in Megan's gut. She was sure her brothers would be

alerted to Derek's moon-induced transformation this evening at the

bar. Ray and Ritchie were two of the lead protectors of the pack.

They'd be looking for the rogue wolf, she was certain. However,

Megan was struggling for self-control. Her feelings for Derek were

growing, spreading through her like wildfire. Hot, desirous ... and


* * * *

Gravel crunched under the tires as the Honda came to a stop.

"We're here," Megan announced with a weary sigh and shut off the


"Where is 'here'?" Derek inquired as he unsnapped the seat belt.

His wound was laced with pain, but he'd managed to control the

bleeding by tying the remains of his sleeve around his injured


"It's my father's ... was my father's cabin. It was his special place

where he could escape from the world."

"So, is that why you have those groceries in the back?" He

gestured, thumbing toward the plastic bags strapped into the back seat

of the car.

"Fortunately, I was heading back from the grocery store when

Rhonda called. There was a report on her scanner about a wolf

running loose down Main Street." Megan's voice was tight, strained

with emotion. "So, I got my tranquilizer pistol and headed into town."

"So you do this often? Do you always check out every report of

rabid, runaway wolves?" Derek raised an eyebrow, fixing his gaze on

the lovely redhead beside him.

"Well, of course I checked it out. And you're damn lucky I did,

too!" she snapped.

Derek could see impatience flair in her emerald green eyes.

"I know," he replied in a calmer, lowered tone. "Meg, I'm grateful.

And, you're right, if Officer Murray was a better shot, I'd been one

dead wolf. Thanks." Derek leaned close, tenderly laying his uninjured

hand on top of hers. "I owe you one."

Something stirred in the space between them. Derek knew the

moon had very natural powers, but he could have sworn he felt a

current of energy surging in the close quarters of the car.

"You don't owe me anything." Megan shook her head as if she, too,

were trying to break the spell. She slid her hand free from his touch

and reached for the door, casually changing the subject. "The cabin's

very Spartan. However, I came out here this spring for a quiet

weekend. So, it's a little cleaner than you might expect."

There was a hint of a smile on her luscious lips. Derek fought the

urge to lean over and kiss her. Deep down, however, he had a gut

feeling he knew why she'd backed away. She could sense the beast ...

the damned wolf inside him. And he didn't blame her one bit.

"I'll turn on the power. Can you get the bags?" Her voice seemed

entirely under control, despite the circumstances.

Derek nodded and stepped out of the car. The chilly evening

breeze brushed his face, cooling the heated trail of sweat that dotted

his brow.

Tying the blanket around his waist, he watched as Megan

disappeared to the back of the small cabin. Within a few moments,

there were a couple of loud
, then a low hum.

"Power's on!" she called out, rounding the corner and stepping up

onto the wooden porch.

Toting the plastic bags, Derek was cautious as he made his way up

the steps. The boards creaked with age and neglect. "Look, Megan,

you shouldn't be helping me. If someone finds out about this, I don't

want you involved."

"But I am involved. I picked you up, remember?" She slid a key

into the keyhole and pushed open the door. Megan stepped inside the

doorway and flicked a switch on the wall, flooding the cabin with


Basically a single room, the cabin was indeed small. Big enough

for one or two adults at best, Derek noted. A table and two chairs

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