Folk Lore (10 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Folk Lore
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“I can, Mum and as for Sam, well I’m a little hurt that he only became friends with me because he had to and since we have been here he seems to be avoiding me which makes it even harder because it would seem he is my only future in the love department because of some law.”  A fresh set of tears began due to frustration as she thought of Keelor again.

“I know it leaves you little options.”

“It isn’t such a terrible thought sharing my life with Sam but I don’t feel that way about him.”

“I didn’t about your dad at first either. I loved him as you do Sampson and over time I fell in love with him. I had feelings for another when I married your dad. We made the most of what we could but it wasn’t as other marriages between folk can be where they are in love with each other when they begin a relationship.”

“Who were you in love with?”

“A vampire.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. He was part of the circle at the time before Angelique and Angeles. His name was Sebastian and he was beautiful. I was a little younger than you when I was brought to the Mystic Lands by your grandmother and he was already part of the circle. I thought him the most wonderful creature I had ever met. Before I came of age and joined the circle, we spent a lot of time together in the human world, after our initial meeting and we began to meet in secret. I still, to this day, do not know how he refrained from tasting my blood. The danger I was in every time I was around him only made it more exciting. When your dad discovered us one day he threatened to report us to the circle but with some convincing on my part and in return for marrying him, he kept quiet. Sebastian was the one who killed your father.”

“What!” Sera replied a little too loudly and harshly.

“I know, honey and I regret every day my decision to ask Adamis
your Dad
to keep quiet, he may still be alive today.”

“What happened to Sebastian?”

“He was evicted from the circle and I have not seen or heard of him since. I don’t know if he is even still alive or as alive as a vampire can be. You see this is why it is imperative to follow the law. If I hadn’t broken the law Adamis

“He was a vampire though, Mum, aren’t they more volatile than other folk because of their thirst?”

“Yes as are hazers nonetheless it is the law and there are many reasons why it should be followed. Is your confusion because of a certain elf or pixie?”  Sera looked at her in surprise.

“Oh I forgot you really are psychic.”

“I cannot use my visions for personal gain and checking on you would be doing that. I sensed you were unhappy, I have always been able to tell.”

“It’s Keelor.”

“The most driven and law abiding folk in the circle, you really do know how to pick them. I guess it’s fortunate because if it was Nermo, the law would be broken.”

“I have read the law and it is very broad, what actually constitutes breaking the law?
Kissing, a relationship or marriage and babies?”

“Any type of physical contact.
It is because all the other stuff can lead to an accidental procreation. It has happened before.”

“What am I supposed to do, Mum. I can’t shut it off. It feels like home here and the connection I feel with him is so strong, I can’t explain it. I definitely do not feel like that about Sam.”

“I know how easy it can be to become caught up in this fantasy and unreal world, Seraphina. I made the same mistake but that is really all it is. I’m sure it will pass once you’re familiar with your new life.”

“Did your feelings for Sebastian fade?”

Anna didn’t answer for some time. Sera could see her struggle with her response as though deciding whether to lie or tell the truth.

“In a small way I probably still love him. He was like no-one I had met before or since. I think your dad always knew and accepted it. I believe Sebastian’s
feelings for me is
what drove him to kill but despite this I didn’t feel any less for him.”

“Then it is the same.”

“No it’s not!  For one we shared many things that I sincerely hope you haven’t with Keelor and two because of what I did, your father is dead. Do you really want to make the same mistakes?”

“Keelor’s not a vampire.”

“Do not underestimate the strength of love, Seraphina. It is against the law regardless. Whatever it is you think you feel for the elfin, you must push aside.”

Sera stood up abruptly.
“I thought you would understand,” she said loudly.

“I do, Sera and I don’t want you to suffer the way I have.”

“Now I’m more confused than ever.”

“I didn’t want to confuse you, I wanted to help you understand why the law is as it is. You need to focus; we have more important things to worry about.”

“I know!  This is why I’m so upset, there is so much to do and many things to overcome yet I think about him constantly. I only met him two days ago.”

“Well in human days it has been longer and you have been forced to spend time together so it is understandable but still wrong.”

“It doesn’t feel wrong when he kisses me, it feels right,” she mumbled and then was startled by Keelor clearing his throat at the open door.

“I hope I am not interrupting, Princess Seraphina, Elder Annaphina however I believe it imperative to obtain an early start as Seraphina has much to learn today.”

The sound of his melodic voice and his serious, proper way of speaking only intensified her mounting exasperation and bewilderment.

“No, Keelor, you’re not interrupting, I have to go and meet with the elders again. We have to prepare for our retrieval of Nermina in a few days.”

“All the more reason for us to begin, Elder Annaphina.”

As Anna exited
the hut she turned to Keelor, “E
nsure you look after my daughter,” she told him. They both knew exactly what she was implying much to Sera’s mortification.

“With my life.”

“I’ll come and join you for dinner, Sera,” her mother told her and Sera merely glared.

She glided out the door with a wave of her hand and was gone. Suddenly, Sera felt very awkward. How much did Keelor hear?

“It feels right for me too, Seraphina” he whispered and she thought she must have misheard but blushed regardless.

They stood silently for a moment staring intently at each other until Sera broke through the quiet.
“Do you always listen to private conversations?”

“I was not listening, the door was open.”

“How much did you hear?”


“About my Mum?”

“No I only heard you just before I approached.”

“You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

“I know but I liked it.”

“Really, so you like hearing things that boost your ego even though it is totally against the law!”


“Ahh let’s go,” she said abruptly pushing past him and walking in the direction of the river and meadow.

“You are go
ing the wrong way, Seraphina.”
She stopped and turned.

“It is Princess to you, if you’re going to be so precise. Aren’t we going to the meadow?”

“No Princess we have a special area set up for fighting and defence training.”

She followed Keelor through a small cluster of trees behind her hut and when they reached the clearing they entered a large field with several different weapons placed on the ground.

Sera threw around the idea of whether or not to tell him that Sam already taught her some basics
claiming he wanted her to be able to defend herself should someone attack her but now she knew why he did
but decided now he’d listened to her conversation she would let him find out the hard way.

He told her to stand with her back to him a distance away from any weapons and instructed her to show him her reaction to his surprise attack from the rear. Smiling to herself she waited with anticipation, as this was one of the things Sam had taught her and she was always best at this defence.

When she felt his hands on her shoulders, Sera did the duck and toss manoeuvre Sam had taught her and flipped a startled Keelor over her crouched body using the momentum from his approach to leave him flat on his back, which she noticed with glee slightly winded him, before placing her weight with one knee across his chest, fist clenched for a mock punch to the nose.

Keelor lay looking up at her beautiful face looking down on him in triumph and it suddenly occurred to him that perhaps Sam already taught her the basic defensive moves while keeping her in the dark about her calling. He discovered a new respect for the human protector.

“Please do not consider using your fist, Princess,” he muttered.

He then flipped her off in once quick motion and pinned her down by her wrists with his legs either side of her, rendering her immobile.

“Did Sampson teach you how to defend yourself when in this position?”

“Okay the jig is up and no, he didn’t but I have an idea.” 

She lifted her face to his only inches from hers and kissed him tenderly on the lips. He groaned, let go of her wrists and deepened the kiss. She brought her hands down to rest on his hard shoulders and enjoyed the kiss for a few moments, as he appeared as though this time he was not going to pull away. She then decided to show him she did in fact know how to get out of this position.

Bending her knees, she lifted her feet and pushed in, up and away before jumping onto him in the same position he’d just held her.

So you do know how to.”
He smiled his slight quick smile.
“However I would like to see how you succeed when not distracting me.” 

He then brought his face up to meet hers to resume their kiss. She didn’t let go of his hands or loosen her grip with her knees as she did not want him to escape her captivity. His tongue began to probe hers and she unconsciously let go of his wrists so their hands would be free to explore. When she sat up he came with her so they were sitting facing each other their hands in each other’s hair. His hands moved down her back and gripped her upper arms before wrapping them around her. She ran her hands down his strong upper arms and across his hard muscled back.

Her knees were still either side of his strong lean thighs so she wrapped them around his waist. She knew she was losing all control
and longed to share more than simple kisses. As though reading her mind, he pulled back and lifted her gently from his lap to sit her down beside him.

“Seraphina,” he said in a deep husky voice she hadn’t heard from him before.
“We have to stop, I cannot,
cannot, though nothing would please me more right now.”

He still sat beside her. His eyes darker than their usual icy blue were filled with desire. Lifting a hand to brush her face, he continued to stare her with an intensity she almost couldn’t bear.

“I don’t understand how something which feels so right can be so wrong,” she whispered.

“Up until now, Sera, I believed the law was important. I decided I would never let myself feel any emotions which were forbidden for any folk other than an elf. Nevertheless, the law is the law for a reason and I cannot change that. We cannot do this, no matter how much I want to.”

“You can’t choose who you fall in love with, Keelor,” she replied leaping to her feet.

He stood reluctantly and took her hand.

“I know” he whispered.

“If we can’t do this, please stop touching me.”  She pulled her hand from his.
“Shall we finish our lessons then?”

He started at her his Eyes full of longing stared at her for a few moments before the indifferent expression returned to his face.

“Perhaps to save us some time you could tell me exactly what Sampson has taught





Best Friends


When they broke for lunch Sera decided it was her turn to avoid him. She asked him which direction she needed to go to find where the ‘carnivores’ ate and he directed her which way to go in his unemotional voice before instructing her to meet him in the field in one hour. At which time she would learn how to use the various weapons to determine which would be her strength and concentrate on having her learn to defend herself with whatever it turned out to be. She asked why she wouldn’t be learning how to attack their enemy and he replied that she was only to defend herself. It was a protector’s job to fight, not a princess.

Sera located Sampson sitting with both the vampires and hazers from the circle, tucking into a steak. The vampires were drinking from goblets which she assumed could only contain one thing and she winced. The hazers were enjoying a similar meal to Sampson and they were all chatting amicably. Sera felt a sudden stab of jealousy because she’d had the disadvantage of missing out on getting to know her allies over the years, unlike Sam.

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