Read For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5) Online

Authors: Soraya Naomi

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #the syndicate, #New adult, #bestsellers, #mafia romance, #possessive hero, #romantic suspense, #crime boss, #the cosa nostra, #Organized Crime, #true love, #hea, #alpha male, #love story

For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5) (12 page)

BOOK: For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5)
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Our eyes meet, and his words are in contrast to his actions since he doesn’t stop. His evocative stare that’s fixated on me causes me to let out a whimper while I writhe against him. His mouth inches closer, his breath on my lips.

But we’re interrupted by a knock, and it’s as if a bucket of water splashes over us. Releasing me and looking downright uneasy, he retreats a step just as a guard opens the door, and I turn around, groaning inwardly. I want to stay here with Logan and finish this before he changes his mind. He seems worried, but I can’t figure out why. He kisses so many women. That thought now leaves a foul taste behind.

Unfortunately, the guard doesn’t notice he’s interrupting and starts firing questions at Logan, so I step out of the office, forced to have to deal with Logan later, which is something I crave more with every passing second.

This is attraction and seduction in its most passionate form, and I plan to explore it further.




hrist!” I scrub my hand down my face and adjust my constricted pants after the guard leaves.

My dick is currently overruling all common sense, and my resolve to keep my distance from Rosa lasted for about an hour. The second she’s in my sight, all my blood flows south and it refuses to return to my brain. My cock is so hard, it might punch through my pants.

Abruptly, I realize that with all the chaos in my life, I haven’t been with a woman in a week. Utterly confused about these uncontrollable sensations Rosa stirs awake inside me, I stride out of the office. I should avoid her, yet I need to take the edge off and only she can satiate me. I want to spread her legs wide and feast on what she’s offering me willingly.
This is bad.

She’s almost kissed me three times. But this last interruption isn’t going to douse this firestorm. I’ve resisted her pull with great effort, until now – I’ve lost the battle to wait until I’m officially pledged in.

Descending the staircase toward the first floor, I zero in on Rosa in that skintight shirt, perched on the edge of a table with her back to me. She’s talking to Mary, who’s settled in a wine-red chair next to Henry.

Guards, wives, and children are milling about the club, but my attention is glued to the one woman who’s doing something to me I can’t understand.

As I approach them, Rosa is speaking to Henry. He gawks at her cleavage until Mary coughs, and he shrugs in defense.

I’m tempted to punch Henry. Especially when I catch him peeking at Rosa’s chest again.

Dammit, serves me right for giving her a shirt to wear that’s a size too small for her voluptuous breasts.

Henry meets my scowl and mouths, “They’re in my face.”

“Tone it down,” I mouth back.

His eyes crinkle, and he dips his chin, causing Rosa to look in my direction. She sends me a coy smile, hopping down from the table with ease, and her breasts bounce. I swear to God, she does it to tease me. And it’s working.

I drag a couple of vacant chairs over for Rosa and me and sit next to her as the waitress places whiskey shots on the table. We all down them and Henry, who’s lost in conversation with Mary, is already ordering more.

My foot hooks around Rosa’s chair leg, and I glide her closer to me until my knee brushes her thigh. “I still want to finish what we started in the office.”

“I though you weren’t interested in a kiss?” she points out boastfully.

I muster up a smirk and lower my voice. “That’s not what I said. I said I won’t settle for a kiss...I want to see you naked and lick your nipples.”

Her long lashes flutter for a second. “Wow, you amp up fast.”

“I know what I want. You. Now.”


I laugh. “No, not here.”

She licks her plump lower lip. “Okay.”

With a half smile, I lean forward and skim my palm up her thigh. “I’ll find you later, cricket.” I don’t wait for a reply. Instead, since Mary and Henry are observing us with interest, I get up and bend low to Henry to quietly inform him, “You do know she’s Adriano’s Mary, right? His little sister.”

His eyes widen, and he shakes his head.

“Yeah, I got the feeling you didn’t with all the Syndicate men who have family members named Mary. I’d find another target tonight, my friend. Don’t forget, you’re not a member yet,” I warn him while I disregard my own advice and journey toward the back entrance that’ll take me to the elevator that leads to the underground.

Inside my room, I strip my slacks and dress shirt as I enter the adjacent bathroom to take a quick shower.

While I’m drying off, I hear the click of a door lock. I’m immediately on alert, but when I recognize tentative footsteps, I grin and drape the towel low around my hips, tucking one edge in the front and raking my wet hair back with my fingers while I wait to see what Rosa does. Yet all I get is silence. I slip out of the bathroom and she has her back to me, her hand on the doorknob, ready to tiptoe outside again.

“Rosalia Calderone, if you take one more step, I’ll follow you out naked and drag you back with me,” I dare her, leaning my shoulder against the door frame.

She stills and, with infinite slowness, turns her head as she rotates the knob.

“Don’t even think about it, Rosa.”

Her movement stops. “I was just passing by.” At last, she faces me fully, and I cross my arms over my chest.

“Really? After everything that’s happened today, you’re going with that answer?” I hadn’t expected to begin to like her this much. 

“Don’t look so superior,” she throws back and scans my torso, sighing softly.

I almost don’t catch it, but that indulgent sound makes my cock stiffen as I’m staring at her hard nipples in that damn shirt. Slowly, I shift closer. She inches sideways, and we make a half-circle until I’m standing with my back against the door and lock it.

“I like that you came to me. But I would’ve come to get you, cricket. We had a deal.”

An innocent, sensual look crosses her face that makes her utterly irresistible. “I feel a bit shy,” she admits, and I fucking adore her reserved honesty.

“Don’t be.” To relieve her doubts, I untuck the towel and let it drop to the floor. “Take off your clothes, Rosa. The deal was that I get to see you naked, and I get a kiss.” I haven’t told her
I intend to kiss her. “I want to watch you undress.” Then I take my cock in hand and pump leisurely.

She gives me a smile so sweet it seems like it should belong to another girl. “Impressive.”

Instead of replying with my regular suggestive,
you have no idea
, I don’t respond.

She watches me with half-lidded eyes as she pulls her top over her head. Her maroon bra and her jeans follow suit. When she hooks her fingers into the sides of her panties to wedge them down her legs, I’m met with a body that exceeds my expectations.

My cock is leaking as I track the voluptuous contours of her wide hips, and I’m struggling not to touch every inch of exposed skin while primal urges resound in my every nerve. She has an hourglass figure that’s driving me crazy with breasts that are round and mouthwatering.

Many moments pass before I can manage coherent speech. “You’re perfect.” I notice my belt on the bed, and while I’d love to tie her up, I crave to taste her more.

I wonder how many men she’s been with?
That thought pisses me the fuck off.

“Crawl on the bed on your hands and knees, Rosa.”

She frowns, expressing her hesitancy, and I enjoy reckless Rosa fighting to submit to me. When I continue to stroke myself, she turns around and climbs onto the bed on all fours, provocatively curving her back.

As I study her, she calls to me in the softest voice, craning her neck while I stare at her pink lips. “Logan...”

It’s a motion that pulls at my heartstrings. I’m on her in a flash, and longing explodes when our skin connects. Covering her back, I wind my fingers in her silken hair, pulling her head back so I can nip her neck as she gasps and arches magnificently against me. Then I flip her onto her back on the sheets, planting her hands besides her ears and pushing her thighs wide with mine. Biting my way down her throat, I take what I’ve wanted with a ferocious passion and lick her nipple.

“Delicious,” I groan, peeking up at her as she watches me with hunger. Roughly, I grip both breasts and push them together to suck one then lavish attention on the other. Molding the soft flesh, I breathe her in deeply, the scent overwhelming.

“Fuck, your tits are perfect for my hands,” I coarsely say, rocking the head of my shaft between her legs.

Rosa lets out a raspy laugh and moans simultaneously. I suck her smooth skin right above her nipple, marking her. Branding her without thinking. My hands shift down to the rounded curve of her ass as she hooks her leg around my hip and slithers her palms up my neck. I’m about to fucking blow, but I need to explore her sensational body, which has starred in my fantasies persistently for a week. My fingers drag down her stomach to her wet pussy, and I rub her as she moans louder, quickly reaching her peak.

“I’ve been promised a kiss—and licking your nipple doesn’t count, Rosa,” I add when she opens her mouth. “I’ve dreamed about how hot and wet your pussy is for me.” I lift my fingers and lick one. “You taste even better than I’ve imagined.”

Rosa writhes on the mattress as I stand back up at the foot of the bed and stroke my erection while she’s spread out like a sacrifice on the ivory linen with her dark hair fanning around her.

“Ask me to lick you,” I order, delaying my own pleasure.

That enticing dimple returns, but she doesn’t reply. In fact, she cocks one knee up, exposing herself to me.
The little minx.

“Tell me you want me to taste you,” I repeat and stop my movement, simply because I’m not ready for this to end. “I want to hear you say it.”

With a naughty grin, she breathes, “I want you to taste me, Logan.”

I kneel down fast and capture her ankles, dragging her to the edge of the mattress and planting her feet wide. Giving her an eager smile, I bend forward, and the moment my mouth is on her core, we lose all inhibitions. Rosa squirms on the bed as I trace my tongue up her pussy, adding pressure. Then I roam my palms up her legs and hook one arm around her hip as my other hand skims up her stomach, gripping her full breast while I fuck her with my tongue. Brutal and wild.

She clutches my hair and arches off the bed as I find an unrelenting rhythm, storing her little sighs. When she groans again, it’s a sound that I’m starting to recognize as absolute pleasure, so my dick swells even more.

Her breathing becomes softer, which is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard, and she moans my name, “Logan...”

“Take your pleasure, Rosa.” I cement my mouth over her, lapping feverishly.

She mashes herself against me and circles her hips, trembling as her legs give out and she climbs to release. “Oh, fuck. Yes.”

I keep my arm around her hip when she bucks off the sheets and insistently kiss her core until she collapses. Then I lick her once more with the flat of my tongue, savoring her essence, and leisurely toy with her nipple. When we lock eyes, I bite the inside of her thigh.

“Oh, I’m so sensitive now,” she whispers with a satisfied glow as she brushes my hair from my forehead in an alarming, yet pleasantly memorable, moment.

Suddenly, we’re interrupted by the doorknob rattling, and our gazes fly to the door in unison.

Thank God I locked it.

“Oh, shit.” Rosa bolts upward into a sitting position

I place my finger against my lips, wondering who the fuck is trying to get in my room.




h, shit,” I blurt out, still recovering from a soul-shattering nirvana.

Logan warns me to be quiet and stands up, all hard body and toned muscles, allowing me to ogle his sculpted masterpiece of a torso as I pull the sheet over my breasts to hide my nakedness.

When he reaches the door, he looks longingly back at me before shouting, “Yes?”

“Wade, Luca and James are back,” Henry informs him. “Let’s go.”

Logan turns the lock and inches the door open so that Henry can’t see me. “I’ll be there in five. I just got out of the shower.”

“Okay. Have you seen Rosalia? James is looking for her.”

“No, but if I do, I’ll tell her he wants to see her,” Logan lies, closing the door.

“Shit! My father’s back?” I mumble and kneel on the bed.

He scrubs his jawline in frustration, no doubt because of the fact that we’re repeatedly being interrupted.
Maybe it’s a sign?
I dismiss the thought as he comes toward me with wicked intent written all over his expression and cradles my face.

“Don’t worry. Stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” And just when I think he’s going to kiss me, he slaps my ass with force.

I bite my lip. Our first kiss was between my legs; I haven’t even kissed his mouth. He’s such a masterful player, and I’m a puppet in his game and his playfulness eases any qualms I have. Logan smirks as I press my hard nipples against his chest.

“I need to dress. Don’t tempt me,” he cautions, toppling backward on the bed with me and sucking my nipple briefly.

Then he jumps up and hurriedly throws on khaki pants and an indigo dress shirt, folding up his sleeves. Lounging on the bed, satiated, I let him unashamedly peruse my naked body. He makes me feel sexy with his hot gaze, and while I can be blunt, I’ve never been this bold with another man. Furthermore, he makes me wanton with his dirty words, although I still have to confess one thing to him, so I muster up my courage.

Before I can say a word, Logan opens the door to walk out, licking his lips around a cocky smile. “Don’t go anywhere, Rosa. I’m not done with you yet,” he promises in a tantalizing tone and disappears.

“Wait! What about my father?” I suddenly remember. He’s searching for me, and with the events of earlier, I don’t want him to worry.

But I’m too late, and Logan doesn’t hear me. Torn between wanting to stay and wanting to speak with my father, I drum my fingers on my chin. Eventually, I get up and push my legs into my jeans, and as I finish dressing, I notice several markings on my breasts, that simple reminder eliciting butterflies in my stomach. This is the first time I’ve ever been attracted to someone to this extent. Nevertheless, I know I shouldn’t get too carried away.

BOOK: For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5)
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