For Love of Evil (13 page)

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Authors: Piers Anthony

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #General, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy fiction

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Parry relayed her suggestions, and soon the girls were foraging for their supper and sleep. Under his guidance they managed to form crude shelters from boughs and sticks, and to gather sufficient fern for comfort.


Then the shapes and sounds of the dusk manifested. There was an eerie howl that sent the girls clustering together, terrified, and rustlings amidst the foliage of the trees.


"These are merely wild creatures," Parry said. "They will not harm us."


"The holy man says not to worry," the nun told the children. "Now settle and sleep."


They settled, clustering together in their shelters. Parry considered, then hoisted himself into a tree. Safely out of sight of the party, he could change into the form of an owl and roost with relative comfort and safety. One of the pleasures of recent years was his renewed facility with magic, now that he no longer feared being tracked down by the mysterious sorcerer. He used magic only for proper purpose, of course, and always discreetly; it was too easy for ignorant folk to assume that any magic was evil. The truth was, the Church was based on magic, from the simplest rituals in the Mass to the full-scale miracles; without it, the Church would soon falter and fail. That was one of the most compelling reasons to extirpate heresy: if folk were permitted to practice magic independently, the monopoly would be broken. And, of course, without the guidance of the Church, folk would inevitably drift into evil magic and Lucifer would profit. Good magic was a marvelous tool, but evil magic was treacherous.


There was a commotion at the shelters. The nun muttered, evidently investigating. Then there was a piercing scream.


Parry flung himself out of the tree. That had been the nun screaming!


She had cause. In the slanting moonlight was the shape of a wolf.


Stories about wolves abounded, but Parry had taken the trouble to research the matter and knew that wolves almost never attacked man, only man's domesticated animals. That was why a lone shepherd boy could protect a flock of fat sheep from predation; it was not his presumed skill with a weapon, but the fact that wolves feared man and avoided him whenever possible.


With certain key exceptions. When an animal was inhabited by a demon, it was no longer in full control of itself and acted irrationally. The demon did not care for its welfare, and indeed soon ground the animal to a miserable death. In the final stages the animal foamed at the mouth, and fled water. But before it died, it tried its best to bite some other creature, such as a man, by that action transferring the demon to the man. Thus the course continued indefinitely, with relatively few demons causing misery and death for an endless chain of victims.


This was of course a job for the friar. No wonder the nun had screamed; she, better than any, had known the creature for what it was: a sending of Lucifer.


"Do not move," Parry said clearly. "Motion attracts it. Remain where you are, and I shall deal with it."


The nun crossed herself. The wolfs head snapped about to orient on her. "No motion!" Parry cried. "The cross only baits it! Demons are,infuriated by the cross!"


The nun froze, realizing the truth of his cautioning.


Now Parry advanced slowly on the monster. "Orient on me, demon," he said. He brought out his own silver cross. "Gaze on this, O accursed one! These good children shall not be yours!"


The wolf did orient on him. Its eyes seemed to glow, but it maintained its uncanny silence. No growl, no sound of breathing, just that silent assessment. What was it waiting for?


"Parry!" Jolie cried, manifesting. "There are others behind you-and not just wolves!"


Parry turned. There were two other wolves-and above them, hovering low, several dark bats. All centered on him unwaveringly.


Parry realized that he was up against no ordinary thing. This was a deliberate, concerted effort. In fact, it was a trap. Lucifer was moving against him directly.


"Behind!" Jolie cried. He whirled. The first wolf was almost upon him, jaws open, faint bubbles showing. He brought the cross down, and the creature bristled and withdrew, grudgingly.


"Behind!" Jolie cried."A bat!"


Parry whirled again, lifting the cross as the bat swooped at his head. The thing shied clear, but not before the malice showed in its tiny eyes. A drop of saliva splatted against Parry's cloak.


Then he returned to the wolf, who was crouching, about to spring. He thrust the cross at its snout, and it snarled silently and ducked away.


"Another wolf! Behind!"


He parried that one with a quick motion, then whipped the cross back to counter the first again. He would already have been bitten, had not Jolie been present to watch his rear.


So Lucifer had at last realized the effectiveness of Parry's quiet campaign against evil, and was acting to eliminate him. This was a compliment, of a sort! But how was he to escape this dreadful trap? He knew that a single bite of any one of these possessed creatures would doom him; the process might take days or weeks, but there was no cure for this type of malady.


"Behind!" Jolie screamed.


Parry jumped aside, so that whatever was coming at him would miss, and held the cross toward the wolf in front that was already tensing for a leap. The tactic worked; the bat spun by his ear, only its wingtip touching. But the wolf was unable to halt its coordinated action; it sprang, and its body struck Parry's hip.


Parry chopped downward with the cross. It rammed against the wolfs back. There was a kind of flash.


Now the creature made a sound of pure anguish, as the demon within felt the power of that enchanted talisman. It twisted to the ground, shuddering and stiffening. Ordinary folk were affected primarily by their own belief, but truly possessed creatures were literally smitten, being animated by the humors of Hell.


But the others were closing in from every point of the compass. Parry saw there was no way to thwart them all physically. He had to have some more effective measure against them. But what was there?


"Sing, Parry!" Jolie cried.


Then he knew what to do. He drew upon his lifelong ability to sing and improvise, and he set aside his inhibitions and unbound his voice. He sang to the wolves and the bats:


"Creatures of the wild, hark unto me! I am not your enemy! Your enemy is the demon inside each one of you, Who leads your soul to damnation!"


His voice reached out into the gloom of the forest, gaining authority and conviction. He saw the children staring raptly, and the nun with eyes and mouth open in astonishment. The Dominican friars did not sing, only the Franciscans!


The wolves stood at bay, and the bats hovered uncertainly. They were listening, but not in a position to respond. They were waiting for their chance to charge again.


"Creatures of the wild, hark unto me! I am not your enemy! Rise, throw out the evil spirit within your body! Cast it out, and be free! God forgives the worst human sinner who is penitent; Even so will God forgive you. Cast out the unnatural thing that possesses you Cast it out, and be natural!"


He was pleading to the hosts that the demons were using. He doubted that the animals could understand his words, but they understood his message, for the song was imbued with it. Possession of this nature was thought to have no cure, but now he was going to try to change that.


"If your demon is too strong, If it strangles you rather than be evicted, Come to me, and I will banish it With the touch of the Holy Cross."


The song was having its impact! The possessed creatures were struggling to banish their demons, and could not; but neither could the demons make them attack the singer.


"If you cannot come to me, Wait where you are. I will come to you; I will touch you and heal you."


But when he approached the nearest wolf, it shied away.


Still the demon was too strong, or the faith of the wild creatures too weak. More was required.


"Be like them!" Jolie cried. "Show them. Parry!" Parry nodded. As always, Jolie's advice was good.


"Creatures of the wild! I am your friend! I know your natures! I am one of you!"


Then he stopped singing and transformed himself into the form of a wolf. The cross remained in his right paw; he lowered his head and took it between his teeth.


He approached the nearest wolf, and this time the creature stood its ground. The silver cross touched its nose. There was another exclamation of anguish-but this time the demon spirit fled. The wolf collapsed, but it was free.


Parry approached the second wolf, and touched it similarly. Then the third. Now all three lay panting, exhausted by the terrible animation they had suffered, but restored to their natural states.


Parry changed to bat form. He was a huge bat, because the cross was too heavy for a small one. He flew slowly up, approaching one of the hovering bats, and touched it with the cross. It screamed silently and fell to the ground, but the other two did not flee. They hovered where they were, able to balk the demons to this extent. He approached and touched each, and each fell to the ground. Now Parry returned to his human form. "Rise!" he cried to the wild creatures. "Go your ways, and suffer no demon spirits again! Live your lives as they are meant to be, far from the human kind!" The creatures stirred. The wolves climbed to their feet and walked unsteadily into the darkness. The bats paused, then launched themselves one by one into the air, and flew away. All that remained was the group of staring children, and the staring nun.


"I think you have some explaining to do, love," Jolie said, fading out with an impish grin.


Surely so! Parry turned to face the small audience. "What did you see?" he inquired, as if this were routine.


For a long moment there was silence. Then the smallest child piped, "Wolves!" The next smallest added "Bats!"


"Demons!" several chorused. "An angel!" another breathed. "That was the Madonna!" the oldest corrected her. "And she warned you when things were behind you!"


"And she told you what to do!" The others nodded. They had seen it too. They turned to the nun inquiringly. The nun spoke with difficulty. "I saw-a vision," she said.


"Perhaps Father Grief will clarify for us its nature." So she hadn't seen Jolie, but realized that the children had seen something. She surely had seen Parry change form, but hesitated to proffer an explanation for that, in case the others had not seen the same.


He would put them all at ease. "It was a vision," he agreed. "Evil stalked us in the form of possessed wild creatures, but it was put to rout by the power of Jesus." He held aloft his cross. "That is all that happened, but the manner the struggle between good and evil manifests is subject to individual perceptions."


The younger girls looked blank.


"Each person sees it her own way," Parry said quickly, and the blank looks cleared. "No way is wrong; each is suited exactly to the person. So some of you may have seen wolves and bats, while others saw infernal creatures animating them. Some may have seen and heard an angel helping me, while others saw the Madonna. It does not matter; the important thing is that God saw the need, and extended His help by advising me and enabling me to drive off the creatures." He smiled. "Some may even have seen me change form, to carry the cross to the creatures in their own semblance. This too is fair."


Now the nun nodded. It seemed that that was the form of the vision she had seen. The giris, being more innocent, had seen the angel. Jolie was seldom apparent to adults, who were inevitably corrupted by life and cynicism, but children retained the openness to see spiritual doings.


"And you sang. Father!" a girl exclaimed. "When the demons were closing, you sang the evil from them!"


"Song is a wonderful force for good," Parry agreed. "Remember that, when it is time to sing in a service at the nunnery."


Again the nun nodded; she approved of that. These children should be model students, because of their experience here. But there seemed to be a certain reservation about her, and Parry understood that too. He had demonstrated too much magic for comfort.


They completed the trek through the Black Forest without further event, and delivered the girls to the nunnery. Parry wished there was more he could do for them; he knew that they faced a life of only slightly diminished privation, for the nuns had little to offer in the way of material things. But the face of each child shone with an inner joy and wonder that had not been there at the start of the journey. The vision evidently remained with them, and perhaps that was enough. Jolie manifested as he resumed his donkey ride alone. "Parry,


I'm worried," she said.


"I had not realized that spirits were capable of worry," he remarked.


"I'm serious! Lucifer never went after you directly before."


"True. Obviously he knows my mission. That must be a good sign."


"A good sign? Parry, you have done well all these years because you have never taken proper credit for your accomplishments. Lucifer never realized that you were the one responsible for all that good. But now, if he knows, he'll be out to get you. The demons in the forest may be only the beginning!"


"It is good, because it means I am at last getting close to the truth," Parry explained. "Lucifer does not want me to interview this particular heretic."


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