For the Love of a God [Gods of Olympus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: For the Love of a God [Gods of Olympus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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He sighed and rubbed his forehead. His mom did know a thing or two about romance, and she wouldn’t judge him. “There’s a guy I work with in the mortal realm, Neil. He’s brilliant, funny, and sexy as all get out. And he’s as bisexual as they come.

“Then there’s Talia. She’s sweet, nice, and pretty. She’s studying for her master’s degree in history.”

“Mmm-hmm. And what’s her kink?”

He warmed at the thought and shifted around in his seat as his cock twitched behind his fly. “Being with two men. I mean, seeing two men together just flat out does it for her, as well as the idea of making love with two men at once.”

“Well, I fail to see the problem, dear. They sound perfect for you and each other.”

Okay, now he knew his mom had some type of plan. She knew perfectly well he couldn’t use his magic to make people fall in love with him. He could only use it to help others fall in love with each other. “What do you have in mind?”

She preened under his attention. Eros rolled his eyes but made a mental note to come and visit more often. He’d been gone for far too long this time, and he was just realizing how much he’d actually missed his mom and stepdad. “It’s easy, darling. Use your gift to make them fall in love with each other and then offer to be the third they both want.”

That gave him a pause. It could work. Actually, it was a really good plan. Well, maybe not really good, but it was better than anything he’d come up with on his own. Hmm. Neil and Talia were into the same things sexually. Bondage, tease and denial, and both fantasized about ménages.

His mother patted him on the shoulder again, and this time he offered her a grin. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re very welcome, dear. Now, I can see you’re eager to get on with your plan. Stop by Hephaestus’s forge before you leave. He has something for you.”

He stood up and bent at the waist to kiss his mother on the cheek. “I’ll visit again soon.”

She waved him off, but he could see the soft, indulgent smile on her face.

The heat from the forge was almost unbearable when he poked his head in. “Hephaestus? Mom said you had something for me?”

Hephaestus looked up, sweat streaming down his face and bare chest. He smirked and gestured to a couple of sets of handcuffs hanging on a hook near the door. “Did you really think your mom didn’t know what was wrong with you? She asked me to whip something up for you. Those handcuffs are for you and the ones you love. They’ll restrain the wearer without marring the skin. Perfect for mortals, who damage so easily. And for saucy goddesses who need someone to remind them who’s boss.”

Now he really had to scrub his brain with something abrasive. “Thanks for the image, Dad. I’ll see you later, okay?”

Hephaestus turned to face him fully. “Don’t wait so long between visits, young man. Your mother gets worried, and you don’t want to know what she gets up to when she’s worried.”

Yeah, really. He’d already figured out that she’d probably been visiting him when he was sleeping if she knew enough to have his stepdad make these handcuffs for him. Which sounded creepier than it was. Goddesses were notoriously protective of their offspring, and he’d brought it on himself by waiting six weeks to visit. “Will do. Try and rein her in, will ya?”

His stepfather gave him the one-fingered salute and turned back to his work. “Get outta here, boy. Go find those humans you love so much and bring them for dinner. Your mom won’t shut up about it until you do.”

He pocketed the handcuffs and walked out of the forge, not even bothering to say good-bye. Hephaestus had already gone back to work and wouldn’t have heard him anyway.

Mount Olympus disappeared from view as he concentrated on the thought of his house in the mortal world. He double-checked the time before heading up to bed. Time moved differently here than it did on Mount Olympus. He was happy to see that it was only nine o’clock in the evening. Good. It gave him more time to plan.

Tomorrow, Neil and Talia wouldn’t know what hit them.

Chapter 2


Neil walked into the office, thanking his lucky stars once again that he’d landed a job at one of the most casual firms in existence. He could come to work in board shorts, a tank, and flip flops if he wanted. In fact, he was pretty sure he’d seen that exact outfit on his boss once or twice.

As it was, he’d had to scrounge around in his dresser drawers to find the skin-tight blue jeans and the college sweatshirt he had on today. He really needed to do laundry, but the laundry room in his building was closed for repairs or some shit like that. He felt like he was back at university, which wasn’t too far off the mark since he’d had these clothes since before he’d graduated. He’d been scraping the bottom of the barrel, so to speak, and it wasn’t like anyone in the office would care.

He juggled the two coffees he’d picked up at Starbucks and stopped at Aaron’s office. “Hey, Aaron.” When he got no response, he kicked the door. “Aaron? Dude, you awake? I brought you coffee.”

Aaron jerked and spun around in his chair, an expression of surprise crossing his handsome face. “Oh, thanks, Neil. I didn’t hear you there.”

“Maybe you should get your hearing checked, dude. I mean, sometimes I wonder if you even remember your own name.”

Those beautiful blue eyes widened, and Aaron’s lush, bee-stung mouth formed a small
“I was just distracted, that’s all.”

Neil narrowed his eyes at the other man. Something was off with Aaron today, more than usual. He wished he had the right to ask the other man what was on his mind, but until he got up the courage to ask the guy out, he really had no insight into Aaron’s strange behavior.

“Yeah, right. Here’s your coffee.”

Their fingers brushed when Aaron reached out to take the cup, and shivers raced up Neil’s arm. It happened every time they brushed up against each other, which was more often these days because Neil had been making sure to get as close to Aaron as possible.

Aaron flashed him a shy smile and took a sip from the cup. His eyelids dropped until he was staring at Neil from under his lashes, the smile still playing at the corners of his mouth.

The expression went straight to Neil’s groin. Every drop of blood in his body rushed to his cock, which twitched in his pants, trying to lengthen and harden, and was promptly reminded how tight his jeans really were. Crap, he’d better think of something gross before Aaron noticed his predicament. Or before his dick snapped off.

Thinking of something disgusting was hard when Aaron’s long, elegant fingers fondled the paper cup as if it was a lover. What would those fingers feel like caressing his dick?

The muscles in his thighs clenched at the thought, and he removed his jacket, making sure it covered up the bulge behind his fly.

Aaron cleared his throat, shaking him out of his reverie. A quick heat began to prickle at his neck, alerting him to the fact that he was blushing, when he caught the direction of Aaron’s gaze. Those sparkling eyes were trained right on his crotch. “Happy to see me, Neil?” he said with a wicked smile.

Neil choked on his coffee, barely managing to keep the liquid in his mouth. Was it possible to swallow one’s tongue? Because he was pretty sure it was at the back of his throat, threatening to slide down to his stomach. He put his coffee down before he dropped it. Had he actually heard right? Aaron was flirting with him?

The man in question rose from his chair and stepped close to him. God, their bodies were so close they were practically touching. If he just shifted his hips a little to the left, their dicks might even brush together.

What the fuck should he do? He’d been waiting for a moment like this for the entire time they’d known each other. Fantasized about it. Dreamed about it. Hell, he whacked off to this very scenario at least once a week. The image in his mind usually included a woman with them, but he’d take this if it was all he could get.

Every sense in his body woke up and stood at attention. He was mild mannered in the regular world, but he was dominant in bed. If they were going to get into a relationship, and he hoped to hell they were, Aaron needed to know that he was in charge of their sex life. He wasn’t a Dom necessarily, nor did he need a sub. He just liked to drive his partners wild in bed. He got off on teasing and edging his lovers until they couldn’t take it anymore and then drawing out their pleasure as long as possible. No one ever left his bed unsatisfied, and he’d had people call for months after they’d broken up, begging for one last chance to be with him again.

In the past, he’d have considered taking a partner back into his bed after they’d broken up. There was nothing more thrilling than knowing he’d pushed his partner past the point of no return and into the most powerful orgasm of his or her life. But he’d been getting restless lately. Like something was missing from his life. He had an inkling that he was feeling the need to settle down, and he just couldn’t decide if he should pursue a relationship with another man or a woman.

Aaron, though…Aaron could be the one he’d been waiting for. Was he gay though? Bisexual like he was? Would he be agreeable to bringing a female to their bed occasionally? Because Neil didn’t think he could give up the feminine sweetness that only a woman could bring to a relationship.

There was only one way to find out. He circled around the beautiful man until their positions were reversed. In two steps, he had Aaron’s back against the wall. He propped his hands against the plaster on either side of Aaron’s head. “Yes, I’m very happy to see you.”

The scent of musk, soap, and some other undefinable but arousing smell wafted up from the man’s skin. It made his dick harder than it’d ever been before, and he couldn’t help grinding against Aaron’s pelvis ever so slightly.

A soft moan sounded in his ear. What a sweet, hot man he had in his arms. Well, almost in his arms. And the cock rubbing against his was far from soft. It felt huge. Oh, the things he wanted to do with it. Would Aaron be cut or left in all his natural glory? Would the tip get red or go purple just before a climax? How would it feel in his hand? In his mouth?

There were so many questions that he wanted answers for. And he intended to get them. But he wanted so much more than a quick lay from Aaron. Hell, he wanted more than a couple of weeks or even months. He wanted it all with Aaron. Starting with a date. “Go out for dinner with me tonight.”

It was more of an order than a request, but he hoped Aaron would agree anyway.

A whimper followed another moan, and Aaron’s breathing sped up. “Okay,” he whispered.

Neil smiled his approval. He wouldn’t have taken Aaron for a man who handed over control very easily, but it certainly seemed like the man was craving being able to let go.

Pleased that he’d gotten his way, Neil pushed away from the wall and stood up straight. His body immediately mourned the loss of contact with Aaron’s.

Aaron shot him a look, a charming blush making its way up his cheekbones. Lord, the man had the bone structure of a Greek god. Those sculpted lips opened and began forming words. “Can I pick the restaurant?”

“Whatever you want, Aaron.” Hopefully he would get what he wanted tonight and every night for as long as Aaron would have him.

The corner office Aaron worked in smelled heavily of coffee, mint chewing gum, and something ancient he couldn’t put his finger on but was more arousing than anything he’d ever scented before. He didn’t want to poke at his good luck, but he just had to know. “Why now?”

Aaron pushed his shaggy blond hair out of his eyes and looked at him innocently. “What do you mean?”

That innocent expression wasn’t going to fool him. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for almost five years. What’s changed all of a sudden?”

“Oh. I guess it just seemed like the right time.” Aaron smiled coyly, but the stubborn set of his jaw told Neil he wouldn’t get anything else out of him. At least not right now.

Neil shrugged and shifted his backpack around so it sat more securely on his shoulders. “I’ll meet you here at five tonight?”

Aaron pursed his lips, and it was all Neil could do to stop himself from taking the kiss he so desperately wanted. “Make it six and we have a date.”

He left the office grinning like a loon. Hopefully, six o’clock would be the start of something new.

Chapter 3


Eros practically rubbed his hands together with glee when the hostess seated them in Talia’s section. Not that he couldn’t have magicked their way into her section, but it seemed that the Fates were on his side tonight.

He had been debating on the best way to ask Neil out to dinner when the man had walked into his office that morning, bearing coffee, wearing a sweet smile, and sporting a woody the size of a brick. And crap, the thing had almost reached halfway down Neil’s leg. Did the guy have something against underwear? Eros hadn’t been able to get any work done at all. He’d been too busy wondering if Neil wore boxers or briefs. He’d been betting on boxers, since Neil had kind of looked like he’d been free-balling it.


Eros looked at Neil in surprise. Did he miss Neil talking to him again? He’d thought the name Aaron was close enough to his real name that he would be able to respond to it immediately. Apparently he’d been wrong. He must look like a complete idiot. Hopefully a cute one though. “Sorry?”

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