Read For the Love of Ash Online

Authors: Taylor Lavati

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Sports, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

For the Love of Ash (30 page)

BOOK: For the Love of Ash
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His backpack was on the floor of the truck, and I didn't want him to forget it or me forget it later. I bent down, my knees aching and scooped the backpack around my wrist.

I kicked the back door shut and shuffled to her front door. It was dark so I was very slow with my movements, not wanting to trip and drop the little boy in my arms.

Maggie appeared in the yellow-lit entryway and smiled when she saw us. She held the door open as I stepped into her private place. The small apartment smelled just like her, fried food and vanilla. It was decorated in bright colors with warm accents that screamed country home. Instead of my cold house, this one felt like a lived in home, comfortable and welcoming.

She ran in front of me as I paused in her living room, which opened into the kitchen. She flicked on a switch that showed the short staircase, and I followed behind her as she pushed open one of only three doors on the top floor.

I gently placed Asher on his bed and pulled off his shoes. Maggie came up from behind me and took over. I was happy to let her put him to bed. I started to walk back down the stairs when Maggie called my name.

"Don't leave, okay?" She sounded desperate, her voice edgy and emotion-filled.

"I won't," I promised. I felt like an intruder as I walked around her place and looked at all of her things. I found it surprising that she had no pictures of her parents—anywhere.

There was a narrow table in the living room near the entry way that was covered with framed pictures, mostly of Asher—Asher playing hockey, Asher in a school play, Asher's school pictures, and one of Maggie and who I guessed was Asher as an infant.

I found my way past the TV and into the kitchen. There were a bunch of magnets on her refrigerator. I particularly liked a group of dog faces that were positioned so they were all licking each other. The alphabet magnets spelled out 'Asher' and 'Love' the rest pushed into the bottom left corner.

"You eating my food?" I jumped at the sound of her soft voice from behind me as she grabbed my shoulders.

"I was just creeping around, looking through your things."

"Find anything interesting?" she asked as she walked around me and opened the fridge. She pulled a carton of orange juice out of the fridge and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. "Do you want a glass?"

"No thanks," I said as I leaned back against the counter.

"Want to go sit?" she asked.

"I'm not going to lie. I just want to kiss you." I stepped towards her and saw a flicker of lust flash in her green eyes. I got close enough to her that I could see the rim of yellow in the center of her iris.

"So kiss me," she whispered.

I lifted her under the butt and placed her on the counter. I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her towards me until our mouths touched. A moan got caught in my throat as her tongue pushed its way into my mouth and swirled.

I gripped her tight and moved with her. She was passionate and needy with her touches. Her hand twirled in my hair while her other hand traveled down my back, raking down my shirt. She grabbed onto my ass and squeezed hard.

"Mmm." I moaned again, and this time, so did she. Only hers was feminine and growl-like. It was primal and fucking sexy as hell. I yanked on her ponytail and trailed my tongue from her chin down to the tops of her breasts. I was unsure of how far to go, but soon my needs took over my rational thought.

Her hips pressed up against mine, grinding against me. I palmed her thigh and massaged it, pulling her closer and closer until her legs wrapped around my waist. I couldn't get enough of her touch, and just kissing wasn't cutting it.

"Asher can't know yet," she whispered as I sucked on the pulse in her neck.

"Okay," I panted.

"No sex yet," she said.

"How far can we go?" I asked.

"Just no sex."

"Got it." I lifted her off the counter and walked us to the couch. She giggled as she grabbed my shoulders so she wouldn't fall. She laughed as I dropped us down, me on top and her beneath me. I could get used to this.

I stared down at her beneath me. The mood changed again. It became serious and charged. I leaned down, holding myself up with my elbows, and gently kissed her lips. She pushed up against me, wanting more, but I pulled back.

She glared, and I slowly came back down and kissed her. I licked her lips, feeling myself get harder and harder. My dick was starting to ache I wanted her so bad, but I didn't want to push her.

I slowly crept my hand under her loose tee-shirt and felt the contours of her ribs up until I found her breast. I wanted to see her. I sat back while she remained lying and pulled the cotton shirt over her head, leaving her in just a black lace bra.

"You are so beautiful," I told her as I touched her bare skin with both of my hands. I kneaded her breast as my mouth covered hers again. But I didn't just want to kiss her mouth. I found my way down to her breast and kissed and licked along the bare part.

I pulled the black cup down and my breath actually caught in my fucking throat at the sight of her puckered nipple. I immediately pinched it. She moaned and bucked against me.

I reached behind her and unhooked her bra, leaving her entire torso naked. I kissed the spot right in between her breasts, and she shivered, her entire skin prickling with goosebumps.

While I sucked on her nipple, I felt her hands start to undo my pants as I straddled her. I let her take control. She tossed my belt to the side and unbuttoned my slacks. I heard the zipper zip down, and I grabbed her breast harder, anticipation making this all more erotic.

She let me free from my pants and I sprang out, hard as a fucking rock. I felt her gasp and heard her deep intake of breath. But she was fast to bounce back. Her hand gripped my cock hard.

"Jesus." I dropped my head to her chest while she stroked me, her movements getting harder and faster. "You're killing me, Mag."

"Is this not good?" she asked me.

"It's fucking amazing. Scoot over." She pressed her back into the back cushion of the couch and made room for me. I laid beside her and stared into her emerald eyes.

Her hand slid off my cock and found its way into my shirt. Her fingernails trailed up my stomach to my chest and then back down again like she was trying to memorize the feel of me. I loved her hands on me.

"Kiss me," she whispered, her eyes hooded. I smiled and kissed her again. But I pulled back. I knew if this went any further, I wouldn't be able to stop. And Maggie deserved to go by her own time. I owed that much to her. I respected her too much.

"I should get home," I said with my eyes still shut.

"I know."

I stood up and adjusted my pants so they were back on. I sat up on the couch and ran my hands through my hair, pulling on them as I realized what I was doing. I fixed my belt back in its spot.

"I had a really awesome day with you," Maggie said as she too sat up. She threw just her shirt over her head and hugged me from behind, her minty breath against my neck.

"I did, too." I turned and kissed just the tip of her nose.

Chapter Thirty


I was attempting to fix Asher's mask when the doorbell rang. Asher had always been a hockey player for Halloween, but this year, I was able to convince him to be something else. I told him, "You're a hockey player in real life. For Halloween, you have to be something you're not. Play dress up."

So of course, he decided to be StarLord from
Guardians of the Galaxy
. I found an awesome costume, and by awesome I mean freaking Comic Con level perfection, but it was over a hundred dollars.

The past three weeks, Ash and I had been hunting down the perfect costume for him. As I looked at him now, I couldn't help but be proud of my handiwork.

I had to buy the mask, but I found it on Amazon for pretty cheap. We made the maroon jacket by using a coat that I found at Kohl's and fake pleather pants that I found at our local Party Depot. I used black Sharpie to copy a picture I found online so it matched the designs from the movie.

I bought a stupid Nerf gun that Asher was a little upset over, but he looked perfect. I stepped backwards and looked him up and down, fixing his mask again so it laid perfectly over his nose. The doorbell rang again.

"Go get it," I told Ash as I continued to finish my costume. Since Ash was Star Lord, I decided—let me rephrase that, Ash decided—that I needed to be Gamora.

I didn't do anything too fancy since we'd only be walking through Janet's neighborhood. I just put on a pair of yoga pants, a green long-sleeved shirt and black elbow-length gloves. I curled the ends of my hair and used some one-dollar spray dye I found at the party store to make the ends red, like she had in the movie.

"Oh. My. God." I couldn't hold back my laughter as Luke walked up the stairs. Since we were going with the whole
Guardians of the Galaxy
theme, Ash decided that Luke needed to be Rocket.

"Shut it, Sunny. You're lucky I like you so much." He lunged for me and lifted me over his back. I was hysterically laughing as he dropped me down to my feet in the hallway.

"Doesn't he look awesome?" Ash said as he touched Luke's, or should I say, Rocket's tail.

"Do I have to wear the mask?" Luke asked as he pulled it off his face and positioned it on the top of his head.

"That's the best part!"

I had to splurge for Luke's outfit. I found this awesome jumpsuit online, and perfectly, it came in a size extra-large. It was furry at the arms and ankles, the rest a light orange plastic, almost identical to the one from the movie. But the mask made the costume.

It covered Luke's entire face. It was a regular raccoon with holes for the eyes. Its smile was sinister, highlighted with a black marker. But the back of the head was furry, the same fabric as the arms.

I honestly couldn't believe that he did it. I wasn't going to lie to myself. It was a bit of a test to see if he could actually do it. And I was happy to say that he did. It made me proud to have him as my boyfriend.

"Ash. Go get ready. We're leaving in five minutes." When I heard his feet trample down the stairs, I pressed forward and kissed Luke on the lips. His arms immediately encapsulated me, turning us and pinning me against the wall.

"I'm ready!" Ash said, and Luke and I separated as fast as we could move. I smiled as I saw Ash at the bottom of the steps and turned towards my room to get my bag.

Luke and Ash were chatting by the door, some debate on whether Groot was the best character or not when I walked back downstairs. I smiled at them and grabbed Asher's hands as we followed Luke to his truck.

Luke parked his car at the address that Janet texted me. Her place was beautiful and exactly like I expected—a mini-mansion right on the water. She had decorated each window with green and purple lights, spiders and pumpkins littering her front lawn.

"Wow. Look Ash," I said, pointing to their front porch. There was a mummy with red glowing eyes and a fake black cat by his feet. The head of the cat moved, and every few seconds, the mouth dropped open, revealing a red tongue.

"Awesome!" Ash said. The second Luke turned off the car, Ash jumped out of the back seat and ran for the door. I waited for Luke and then followed. Luckily, Ash waited for us before he knocked.

"Welcome!" Janet swung open the door and revealed a party-like atmosphere. I was under the impression that it was just going to be us walking our kids around the block, but I was monumentally mistaken.

BOOK: For the Love of Ash
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