For You (The 'Burg Series) (31 page)

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Authors: Kristen Ashley

BOOK: For You (The 'Burg Series)
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“They decided to find out what the deal was with Denny, Feb and you. Carly said Marie was allowed to go out, get her hair done, manicures, stuff like that, shit Denny wouldn’t want to do with her. Marie asked questions, so did Carly, they found out a lot about you two.”

Colt wasn’t surprised. Townsfolk talked, Colt knew that and no matter how many years slid by, Feb and Colt were always a favorite topic of conversation.

Sully continued. “They never understood it, or at least not what it had to do with Denny. Marie got fed up playing sleuth and told Carly she was gonna confront Denny with it. Find out. She was getting ready to leave. She was done with the rough sex, the games, him only gettin’ hard if she called him your name. Him never saying hers when he was doin’ her.”

“So she confronted him and he went into a rage.”

“That’s what I figure.”

“You find anything in the house?”

“Big house, lots to go through. No shrines to Feb, no pictures of her, nothin’ that would link him to her, though they’re still at it. And we don’t know why he was withdrawing money which started awhile ago, before he killed Marie. Andy thinks Marie’s been dead over a week. We found out their cleaner was in Texas last week, visiting family. Denny must’ve forgot about her Monday visits.”

“Denny probably didn’t hire her or think about the house gettin’ cleaned,” Colt noted.

“Yeah,” Sully said.

“That all you got?”

“Bit more, nothin’ big. Marie was liked in the ‘hood. Neighbors were upset, said she was sweet. Made good cookies. Always remembered their kids’ birthdays and would get them cards and generous gift certificates. She went visiting a lot, considerin’ her whole world was mostly that street. Denny, not so much. He’d attend a dinner party but mostly they said he was quiet and he wasn’t popular, always choppin’ wood.”

Colt could imagine.

“Anything else?”
Colt asked.

“Her parents are comin’ down, spendin’ the night at the Holiday Inn by the highway,” Sully answered. “We got an interview set up first thing tomorrow. And Feds are at Denny’s office as we speak. Took the head man away from his dinner table to go open up the offices. I’ll know more tomorrow.”

“What’re they doin’ about findin’ this guy?”

“APB. Got his picture circulating, description, info about his car, had agents all over stop by different places Feb worked, asking questions, flashing his picture, leaving warnings. So far, nothin’. Nowakowski called, said it wouldn’t hurt if Feb made another list.”

Colt clenched his teeth again, not looking forward to asking Feb to do that.

“Got anything else for me tonight?”

“Nope, but I’ll call you when I know more tomorrow.”


“How was Reggie’s, beer and Feb?” Sully asked, his tone deceptively casual, sharing serious information work voice gone, he now sounded nosy.

“You turn into a woman since I last saw you?” Colt asked back.

He heard Sully’s chuckle before he said, “Just curious.”

“Like I said, you’ll know when I know.”

“Shit, Lorraine’s gonna be pissed. She told me to get something meaty.”

“Tell Raine she’s goin’ empty-handed to the coffee klatch tomorrow.”

“Like I said, she’s gonna be pissed.”

Colt didn’t try to stop his smile.



Colt looked to the hall before he dropped his phone on the table and settled back, half expecting to see Feb standing there. But she wasn’t probably because she took one of Doc’s pills.

Therefore it was a surprise when, not a minute later, the door opened and he heard Feb’s soft footfalls on the carpet in the dark.

He expected she was going to the kitchen for a glass of water or coming out to find out about the phone call.

She didn’t do either.

She stopped, he reckoned, at the doorway to the hall and didn’t move further.

He got up on both his elbows. “Feb?”


He waited. He didn’t intend to share with her any of the shit Sully shared with him. And her new list could wait for the morning.

“Everything okay?” he asked.


“Trouble sleeping?”

She moved; he saw her silhouette come forward. She stopped by the side of the couch and he felt her eyes as she looked down at him.

“The phone call –”

“It’s all good, February,” he lied before he told the truth. “They’re makin’ progress.”

She pulled in breath. Then she let it out.

Then she suddenly sat down on the couch by his hip.

“Feb –”

He saw her arm move and then he felt her hand land dead center on his chest.

“Colt,” she said, her voice a voice he never heard from her before. Lower, so husky it was almost scratchy, communicating need.

He didn’t know if he was reading her right and he didn’t care. He’d deal with the consequences later if they were bad. If they were good, he wasn’t missing the opportunity.

He pushed up to sitting, her hand sliding up his chest and he wrapped a hand around the back of her head. He pulled her mouth to his and felt her head tilt in his hand, preparing, ready.

Fucking brilliant.

The instant her lips hit his, they opened and he slid his tongue inside. As he felt his cock start to get hard at the mere taste of her, he felt her fingers curl around his neck, tight, holding on, just as she pressed her chest against his.

She wanted it, she’d come looking for it and she was going to get it.

He’d take her mouth on the couch but he was going to fuck her in his bed.

He broke free of her mouth and tossed back the blanket, throwing his legs over the side of the couch, straightening. She came up with him, turning toward him.

“Colt –” she started.

But he yanked her into his arms, his mouth came back down, hers opened back up and there it was. The need in her kiss, the same he expected she felt in his, so much, she moaned in his mouth and just like the first time she did it, it felt fucking unbelievable.

His hands slid over her sweet ass then down. She knew what he wanted and put her hands on his shoulders, using them to deepen the momentum when she hopped up. He caught her ass in his hands and she circled his hips with her legs, his shoulders with her arms, both tight, holding on.

All of this happened without them breaking the kiss.

He turned and carried her to his bedroom and he wished the lights were on. He wanted to see her when he fucked her. But he wasn’t going to waste the time to do it.

She was in just as much of a hurry. When they hit the room, she lifted her head, breaking contact with his mouth and took her arms from around his shoulders. Her hands going to her shirt, she yanked it over her head and tossed it aside.

Good Christ, she did something else like that, he was going to come like he did when he was eighteen and she jacked him off the first time, an endeavor that took her about sixty seconds.

He planted a knee in the bed then he planted her ass in it then he pulled away, hooking his fingers in her panties as he went. He yanked them down her legs and tossed them aside, again wishing he could see more than her dark form but he’d go with touch and taste, for now.

He didn’t bother with his shorts and he didn’t bother with kissing her again. He was impatient, he wanted a taste of her, he’d waited a long fucking time and that wait was finally over. Colt spread her legs with his hands at her inner thighs and put his mouth to her. She bucked against him and he heard her moan then he heard her necklaces jingle and he liked it so much, he growled against her.

Feb moaned again.

He wasn’t gentle, he sucked her clit hard, buried his tongue in deep. He pulled her legs over his shoulders and she dug her heels in, using his back as leverage to rock herself against his mouth, her hands in his hair, holding him to her. So hot, so sweet, that need, it was fucking fantastic.

He was pleased to find she was just as desperate for it as he was. She came against his mouth within minutes and when she did he sucked her clit harder and her moans turned to gasps.

Colt disengaged, yanked off his shorts and came up over her, grabbing her by her pits and hauling her up the bed until her head hit the pillows. Feb was still climaxing when he took his cock in his hand and guided the tip inside. Then he surged forward and buried himself deep.


Absolutely… fucking… fantastic.

“Alec,” she breathed.

That was it. If he had any control, it was gone when she said his name. He fucked her as hard as he’d sucked her and she wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms around his back, one hand sliding up and into his hair, those fucking necklaces clinking, a little gasp coming every time he drove in deep.

He wrapped one arm around her head to hold her still so he could go deeper, put his other hand between them and found her again with his finger.

“No, too much,” she whispered, her hips rearing.

“Fuck that, baby, you’re coming with me.”

“Alec, I’ve already –”

“Come with me, Feb,” he coaxed, “hurry baby.”

Her breath caught, her hips moved with his and she let go.

“Too much,” she whispered again, but she meant something different this time.

“That’s it, honey, you’re findin’ it.”

“Oh my God, Alec.” Shock stark in her voice, shock mixed with hunger. She’d never had this before. “It’s happening again. I’m gonna –”

She convulsed around his cock and it felt so fucking great he nearly forgot everything just feeling it. But he had the presence of mind to slam his mouth down on hers to capture the moans, doing so sending him over the edge and his world exploded.

When he came down he felt her clutching his cock inside her, the sweet ripple of it just as beautiful as her long legs still locked tight around him, her arms holding him, her fingers now sifting through his hair like she was memorizing the feel.

His fingers slid deeper between them and she made a low noise in his ear as they went. He was gliding, gently now, in and out of her. He slid his fingers around the root of his cock then against her, feeling her wetness, their connection, liking it, actually fucking loving it, before he pulled his hand away.

His face was in her neck, he moved and kissed the hinge of her jaw then moved again and he touched his lips to hers.

He looked at the angles of her shadowed face in the dark.

She kept him locked in her arms and legs.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Mm hmm,” she answered, her hand smoothing through his hair and around, her fingertips gliding across his jaw. “I’m sorry I called you Alec.”

Colt gave a short laugh, pulled out and rolled, his arms going around her, bringing her with him. The covers were mussed from her being in bed, he moved his body and Feb’s until he had the covers out from under and pulled them over, settling on his back, tucking her into his side.

She rested her head on his shoulder and her arm around his stomach.

“Don’t be.”


“Don’t be sorry you called me Alec.”

“You don’t like it.”

“I’m findin’ I don’t mind.”

He felt her muscles tighten and she said slowly, “Things have changed.”

Damn straight they had.

His arm, wrapped around her waist, hand at the small of her back, dipped down so her ass was in his hand and he squeezed.

“You’re Colt now,” she whispered.

“Feb –”

“And um…” she started hurriedly, in a rush to get it out because he knew, if she didn’t share now, she never would, “I

Colt closed his eyes tight.

When he opened them and stared blindly into the dark, he said, “Make you a deal, honey.”

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