Forbidden Desires (13 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Forbidden Desires
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‘Then why are you here with me?’

Harriet took a deep breath and tried to be as honest as she could without giving away the fact that she, Edmund and his wife were part of Lewis’s new film. ‘I find you fascinating,’ she admitted. There’s something about you that makes me feel strange – as though through you I can learn more about myself.’

‘More than Lewis can teach you?’

‘Yes, because Lewis is in love with me and you’re not.’

He nodded. ‘That makes sense, although it’s always possible that you’re wrong about me.’

‘In what way?’

‘Never mind in what way. So, you want to learn more about yourself through me, despite the fact that in doing so you’re putting your marriage at risk?’

‘Lewis won’t find out. How could he? Neither you nor I will tell him.’

‘That’s probably true as well. All right, Harriet, I accept your explanation. What I want to know now, before we carry on any further, is how far you’re prepared to go?’

As soon as he’d spoken, Harriet realised that these were the words she’d hoped to hear from him, the words that she’d imagined him saying the first time they were together. He was giving her the chance to accept him totally or turn away now, and she had no doubt at all about what course of action she’d take. And that course was because of her own desires, and had nothing at all to do with Lewis’s film.

‘All the way,’ she said clearly.

Edmund’s light brown eyes lit up and a look of approval crossed his face. ‘You know, Harriet, I have the feeling that you and I are going to get along very well together. Take off the dress now, we mustn’t waste any more time.’

‘There’s just one thing,’ said Harriet.


‘If at any time I want to stop – call the whole thing off – I can, can’t I?’

‘Naturally,’ he said smoothly.

Harriet wasn’t sure she believed him, but that sense of uncertainty, of danger, coupled with the fact that at last she was giving way to her most secret desires, made her ignore her disquiet. ‘That’s all right then.’ She smiled as she started to unbutton her dress.

Once they were both naked, Edmund took a large jar of lubricating gel from his dressing table and dipped the fingers of his right hand in it. ‘I’m going to cover your whole body with this,’ he murmured. ‘Don’t ask why, it will all become clear later.’

Fascinated, Harriet stood still and let his hands move over her body. He worked in a detached fashion, carefully smoothing the cool gel over her upper torso, beneath her armpits, and down over her stomach. Then he turned her and did the same down her back, stopping only when he reached the cleft at the top of her buttocks.

‘Bend down and touch your toes,’ he said. As she bent forward his fingers smoothed the gel
between the taut globes of her buttocks as well as over the gently rounded curves themselves.

Harriet began to tremble with excitement but Edmund remained very calm; and it was only when he’d spread the lubricant down the backs of her legs and turned her to face him again that she saw by his erection how aroused he was.

He then knelt in front of her and spread the lotion up the front of her legs and over her thighs. Harriet’s whole body started to quiver as he smoothed it into the creases at the tops of her legs, but to her disappointment he didn’t touch her between them. Finally he stepped back and studied her thoughtfully. ‘That seems fine. Next the blindfold. You don’t object, do you?’

Remembering the previous time, Harriet certainly didn’t object and she smiled as she shook her head. Edmund didn’t smile back, but by now she was accustomed to his serious approach and wasn’t disappointed. In fact, if anything, his aloof disciplined approach increased her desire.

Once her eyes were covered she waited for him to ease her back on the bed, but instead she heard a door open and then there was the sound of someone else entering the room, and the mattress creaked as the newcomer lay down on it.

‘Who’s that?’ she asked nervously.

‘Relax, it isn’t Lewis,’ said Edmund, stroking her softly across her breasts until her nipples began to swell. ‘You can lie back now,’ he added, and before she could protest or even work out what was happening he was laying her down on
the bed. Within seconds she was spread-eagled on another man’s body, her back to his chest, and Edmund was fastening their wrists and ankles together with soft cords.

‘I wish you could see yourself, Harriet,’ he whispered as she squirmed against the unknown man and felt his erection starting to nudge between her well-lubricated buttocks. ‘You look incredible. Part her legs for me,’ he continued, but in a far harsher tone of voice, and to Harriet’s surprise she felt the man’s legs move beneath her, and as they spread out so did hers, leaving her totally exposed.

She realised that the man must somewhere near her own height, which meant that it certainly wasn’t Lewis, but that didn’t stop her from feeling horribly vulnerable tied to one man while another stood over her, free to use her as he wished.

‘Arch your back and push her breasts up,’ said Edmund, and she felt the well-muscled chest beneath her heave off the bed and her breasts lifted up.

Edmund’s fingers swirled around the nipples and areolae, and the soft caress made Harriet sigh despite her tension. As soon as she sighed his fingers caught hold of her left nipple and pinched it, keeping it imprisoned until the ache of desire started to turn into something darker and less pleasant. Just at the moment when it started to hurt he released it, and the sense of loss startled her.

‘I think you liked that more than you thought,’ murmured Edmund, studying her blue veined breasts and watching them continue to swell. ‘Let’s try it on the other one. Push her up again, please.’

Once more the body beneath her arched and again the process was repeated, only this time the nipple was kept imprisoned for a few seconds longer so that she actually felt a flash of strange discomfort that was still pleasure – but only just – lance through her.

Sitting beside her, Edmund began to suck on each of the red and pointed nipples in turn, drawing them out to their fullest extent between his teeth before releasing them. He played with them until the excitement began to rise further down her body and she moved her hips restlessly against the unknown man.

Immediately she felt his erection increase in size until it was caught between the greased cheeks of her bottom, and when she clenched her buttocks she felt the soft velvet glans between the very top of them and he gasped at the unexpected stimulation.

‘You’re not expected to have a climax,’ said Edmund coldly and Harriet wondered who the man was and how he could possibly control himself. ‘Where would you like to be touched next, Harriet?’ mused Edmund. ‘Don’t respond vocally, show me with your body movements.’

Harriet tried to bend her knees and part her thighs but she’d forgotten that the man she was
lying on was far stronger than she was and he opposed her, so that in the end she could move nothing until he once more arched his back and pushed her breasts upwards.

‘Still the breasts?’ queried Edmund. ‘Very well then, the breasts it is.’

‘No!’ said Harriet, ‘I didn’t move them. He did.’

‘I’m afraid speaking doesn’t count,’ laughed Edmund and he picked up a tiny vibrator and began to run it round the circumference of each of Harriet’s breasts before letting it play over her painfully hard nipples.

The fact that she was unable to see what was happening, was tied to another man and could feel his hardness at her back, combined with the delicious sensations her breasts were experiencing, was enough to give Harriet her first orgasm. Edmund watched as a tiny tremor ran right through her, causing the trapped man on the bed to groan as he struggled to control his excitement.

‘Delicious!’ exclaimed Edmund. ‘However, I think it’s time to move on. Where now?’

This time the man beneath Harriet allowed her to push upward with her belly as she forced the lower half of her torso towards Edmund. ‘Support her like that,’ Edmund murmured, and picking up a wide-toothed comb he drew it sideways across her abdomen, travelling from hip to hip across the lubricated flesh.

Harriet squirmed at the rippling sensations that began to fill her, and when Edmund changed direction and drew the comb down from her
belly-button to the top of her pubic hair she thought that she’d go mad with excitement, her shaking body increasing the other man’s pleasure as well.

‘That’s lovely,’ cried Harriet, unable to keep silent a moment longer. ‘It feels incredible, please don’t stop.’ Edmund didn’t reply, but instead began to swirl the comb in tiny circles, lowering it down over the bottom half of her stomach until he was on the delicate area above the pubic bone.

By pressing her body down onto the solid flesh beneath her, Harriet found that she was able to intensify the sensations and she ground herself mercilessly against the stranger, her buttocks pressing against his abdomen. She heard him groan with muffled anguish as his climax threatened but she couldn’t stop because Edmund wouldn’t stop, and her body was lost in the wonderful feelings that were spreading through every part of her.

All at once, just as she started to feel the heat of her orgasm, Edmund lifted the comb off her body and put it to one side. Harriet cried out with disappointment but he simply put a finger to her mouth and traced the outline of her soft, supple lips. ‘All in good time,’ he promised her. Harriet drew the fingers into her mouth and sucked hungrily on it, like a child at the breast.

Edmund was taken aback by the power of her passion, and for a moment he considered ending all their torment and taking her there and then, but as usual his desire to prolong everything won
and regretfully he removed his finger and turned his attention once more to Harriet’s body.

‘Open your legs,’ he said brusquely to the man and her legs were spread as the other man moved his in quick obedience. ‘Noella loves these,’ continued Edmund, and she heard the faint buzz of the twin vibrators starting up.

Her arousal heightened and she felt as though she was melting between her thighs as her natural lubrication began to increase, until she was wetter than ever before. ‘Now you see why I didn’t waste the jelly there,’ said Edmund in an amused voice. ‘This should be enjoyable for both of you.’

All at once one of the vibrators was playing around the tops of her outspread thighs and she thrust upwards with her hips, her body parting company with that of the unknown man.

‘Stay with her,’ said Edmund fiercely, and she felt the man’s body lift until it was once more supporting her. She was open and totally vulnerable now and Edmund felt his testicles tighten in anticipation of what was to come, but he maintained control and very gently ran the vibrator across the area between her vagina and her anus. Mentally and physically, Harriet was already balanced on the edge of her orgasm, and this gentle vibration of such highly sensitive tissue tipped her over with an abruptness that took her by surprise.

All her muscles knotted in a sharp spasm that then exploded outwards and, with a scream of
delight, she felt the moment of release rush through her. Her fastened legs and arms tried to flail around the bed, but the man she was lying on had been given his instructions earlier and knew that he had to keep her as still as possible. He strained to keep her motionless and as a result her orgasm stopped just before the final tremors, leaving her still tight and aroused.

With a smile of approval for the man, Edmund promptly ran the second vibrator down beneath Harriet’s body so that it touched the man’s perineum, and at the same time increased the setting. For the man, who was totally unprepared, it was too much to bear. He’d already had the stimulation of Harriet’s body constantly twisting and pressing against his, and his erection was trapped between her tight buttocks. Now, with this final trigger, he felt the tingling in his glans spread right down the shaft and he lost all control as the vibrator continued to play over him, while Harriet writhed and moaned in her attempts to force a totally satisfying climax from her body.

Edmund watched the man’s face contort in fear and despair and then Harriet felt the warmth of his semen as it erupted from him and ran down the base of her back and across the cheeks of her bottom.

‘How very ill-mannered of you,’ said Edmund softly. ‘I think now you should make sure that Harriet’s fully satisfied. Cross your legs.’

Harriet could feel the man’s body totally limp and relaxed beneath her and heard his groan of
dismay at the instruction, but somehow he forced himself to obey and lifted his legs wearily across each other until Harriet’s legs were crossed as well.

‘Squeeze your thigh muscles in a steady rhythm,’ said Edmund to Harriet.

‘I want you inside me,’ complained Harriet.

‘Soon, but first I want to see you finish off your last climax. It ended too soon, didn’t it?’

‘Yes, but—’

‘Then start squeezing. You’ll be amazed at the result.’

Frantic for any kind of satisfaction, Harriet began to squeeze as he said and quickly felt the first flickers of an orgasm. The flickers increased in strength until they were more like tiny electric shocks that filled the whole of her pelvic area, and all at once the glorious drumming pulse began to beat behind her clitoris and she knew that in a few seconds she’d be there.

As she worked her muscles, her buttocks clenched as well and the man beneath her had to endure his now flaccid penis being re-stimulated far sooner than he would have wished, but to his amazement as he listened to Harriet’s tiny cries of excitement, cries that grew louder and louder as her orgasm approached, he felt himself start to stiffen again.

Edmund watched Harriet closely. Her hair clung damply to her head and her mouth had parted showing the edges of her teeth as she gave herself over to the pure unadulterated luxury of
the entire experience. ‘Now, Harriet,’ he said quickly. ‘Clench harder. I want you to come

‘Yes!’ screamed Harriet, as his words provided the final stimulus that enabled her to climax yet again, and this time her legs and arms moved wildly because the exhausted man below her lacked the strength to restrain her.

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