Forbidden Desires (22 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Forbidden Desires
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She was vaguely aware of the fact that Lewis had gone into the shower cabinet with Ella and guessed that he was washing and arousing her there, but her attention was focused on Edmund and what he intended to do.

Very softly, Edmund eased the straps of her nightdress down over her arms, kissing every inch of the exposed skin as he went, and then at last her breasts were free and she shivered as he tongued at the rigid nipples. Then he picked up two transparent cones from the bathroom stool and eased them over her burgeoning flesh, before taking hold of the extending tube and fastening it to the cold tap over the basin.

As he worked he was murmuring to her, gentling her with the tone of his voice and the occasional touch of his hands, and so when he turned on the tap and her breasts were suddenly bombarded with jets of ice-cold water, she gasped with surprise. Before she could move, Edmund had pressed her down onto the stool and held her
there so that she had to sit and let the spray continue to massage her aching tissue as the breasts swelled and hardened with the stimulation.

Finally, when she felt that she couldn’t stand any more, he turned off the tap and carefully peeled off the cones to reveal two firm swollen globes with their nipples standing out proudly red and hard. Quickly he picked up a beaker, rinsed his mouth in hot water and then lowered it to the cold tingling breasts.

At the touch of his warm tongue and the pressure of his warm mouth against the freezing flesh Harriet gave another gasp, but this time of delight rather than shock; the contrast in temperature was so exciting that to her astonishment she felt herself quivering and shaking as a tiny climax swept through her.

Edmund nodded in satisfaction, pulled her to her feet and eased the nightdress off over her head until she was totally naked in front of him. ‘Undress me,’ he said in a low voice, and as she started to obey she realised that Noella was standing in the doorway.

‘Did you see her come then?’ Edmund asked his wife.

‘Yes,’ murmured Noella, fascinated by the sight of the slim, aroused body in front of her. ‘She seems very sensitive.’

‘Deliriously sensitive,’ agreed Edmund as Harriet removed all his clothes. ‘Now lie down in the bath,’ he murmured. ‘I want to do the same
between your thighs using the shower head that’s fixed to the taps.’

‘Not the cold water first!’ protested Harriet.

‘But of course; otherwise the whole experience is changed. Lie back now, and open your legs for me.’

He’d placed a pile of towels in the bottom of the bath and Harriet lay back against them, her body shaking in anticipation of what was to come as he detached the shower fitment from its wall hanging. He was about to start the spray when Lewis and Ella emerged from the shower cubicle.

‘Any success?’ asked Noella.

‘Not yet,’ said Lewis. ‘It was very agreeable foreplay though.’

‘Harriet’s already had one orgasm,’ said Noella, and saw the brief flash of anger in Lewis’s eyes. ‘Watch carefully,’ she continued. ‘I think she’s about to have another.’

Harriet was trembling violently as she waited, every muscle tense, for the onslaught of the ice-cold spray on her tender vulva, but at the same time she found that the flesh there was tingling with desire and her outer sex lips had parted in anticipation of the pleasure that was to come.

‘Close your eyes,’ said Edmund. ‘That way it will be more of a surprise.’ Harriet closed them and waited. Nothing happened. She could hear Lewis’s breathing, Ella’s muffled sounds of excitement at whatever he was doing to her and Noella’s whispers but Edmund made no sound at
all. She wanted to open her eyes, to see for herself what was happening, but her body told her to stay as she was. With every passing second her desire was heightened until she was in a fervour of suspense and, without realising it, she parted her thighs still more.

Edmund smiled and aimed the shower head carefully so that the cold water sprayed directly on the centre of her vulva, covering her most sensitive nerve endings and causing her to utter a cry of surprise before she adjusted to the sensation.

Once more Edmund judged his moment well and only when Harriet started to feel that the cold was too intense did he change the temperature of the water, and then she felt tepid water soothe and caress her straining tissue. Gradually, though, the tepid water changed as well until it became warm, and the heat turned her lower body into a fevered boiling mass of desire that had her thrusting her hips upwards as she cried out for the release of another orgasm.

Lewis, who was carefully stimulating Ella between her buttocks with soapy fingers, could hardly concentrate because of the gasped entreaties of his wife as she abandoned herself totally to the moment. At last the water did its task and once more her body shook beneath the onslaught of another climax so that she slumped back in relief against the towels.

‘Two,’ said Noella levelly, and as she spoke Ella whimpered with pleasure as Lewis’s soaped fingers brought her to her first climax of the night.

After both young women had had a few minutes to recover they returned to the bedroom. Lewis chose to sit Ella down in the armchair by the window and Harriet saw him crouch down on the floor between her legs, and imagined only too well how his tongue would feel on the other girl’s excited flesh.

Then Edmund drew Harriet gently over to the bed and placed a bolster down the middle of it.

‘Lie face down on that,’ he whispered. ‘I want you to stimulate your own clitoris by wrapping your legs around the sides and pressing down with your hips. While you’re doing that I’m going to penetrate you between your buttocks, you should find the combination intriguing to say the least.’

Now that he was beginning to move into darker areas, Harriet felt her body glow even more and she hurried to press her hungry flesh against the white bolster, grateful for the touch of the starched linen cover against her breasts and belly.

Edmund watched her bend her legs at the knees and grip the sides of the bolster as he’d instructed, and then his own excitement mounted as she began to move her body up and down and her hips round in circles as the demands of her clamouring body drove her on.

For Harriet the soft tickling feelings that at first resulted from her movements quickly changed into tingles that crept over her entire body, prickling and teasing her aroused flesh until she was hot with need. She felt her clitoris swell and
ground down more fiercely against the bolster, trying to reach the elusive climax, but she needed more and when she felt Edmund’s hands on her hips slowing her down she gave a cry of gratitude.

Edmund covered her buttocks with a special gel that heated as well as lubricated the flesh and soon the warm glow was spreading over the perfect mounds and seemed to Harriet to be spreading through the skin to her internal organs as flames of hot desire smouldered within her.

Edmund watched her spasmodic movements with the eyes of a connoisseur and when he judged the moment right he covered the head of a small anal plug in the same gel, parted the glowing cheeks of her bottom and slipped the head into the tiny puckered opening.

For a moment Harriet was still, feeling the object sliding into the tight opening and allowing her muscles to relax in order to accommodate it. But then, without any warning, the hot glow that had heated her externally was filling her rectum, igniting the incredibly sensitive nerve endings there with an unquenchable fire that rushed through her belly and on upwards towards her breasts, until she started crying out and writhing harder against the bolster in her desperate search for release.

Satisfied that the plug had eased the way for him, Edmund slipped a protective sheath over his swollen penis and then withdrew the plug. For a moment Harriet felt bereft, empty in the place
that most needed to be filled, but then he was easing himself into her and she gave a muffled sound of protest because he felt too large, too thick for the confined space.

Edmund slowed, reaching beneath her and allowed the middle finger of his right hand to flick at her damp protruding clitoris. He flicked several times and each time she shuddered convulsively as the scorching pleasure seared through her.

Confident that she could now accommodate him, Edmund continued to ease his way into her most secret opening until he was finally fully inside her and felt the tightness of the heated walls of her rectum close about him. Very gently he began to move and Harriet’s arms reached out above her head as she strained towards the peak that was now incredibly near.

Her body had never felt so alive and when Edmund suddenly changed the rhythm of his movements and allowed himself two swift thrusts that were almost brutal it proved the trigger for Harriet’s climax and she felt as though a fireball had exploded deep within her belly and the resulting flames scorched through every particle of her body.

‘I can’t bear it!’ she screamed. ‘It’s so good, so good!’ Edmund continued to move, to keep the fevered flesh at the point of ecstasy for as long as possible and Harriet continued to shout and shudder for several seconds until finally she was still.

‘Definitely an orgasm,’ said Noella, her voice uneven at the sight of Harriet’s absolute
abandonment to her body’s satisfaction. ‘That’s three already.’

‘The night’s still young,’ laughed Edmund, stroking Harriet’s sweat-streaked back. ‘I’m sure Harriet has plenty more where that came from.’ Harriet, exhausted and shaking, wasn’t so sure.

It was taking Lewis much longer than he’d anticipated to bring Ella to a second orgasm. He knew that he wasn’t doing as well as he should, that his concentration wasn’t focused on her but on the sounds emanating from Harriet, sounds of such intense delight that he could hardly bear to be in the same room as her.

Ella was doing her best to help, straining for a second climax that she wanted as much as Harriet had wanted hers, but for some reason she too was finding it difficult to concentrate. She realised that it was because she could hear Edmund’s cool commands and urgent movements and wanted to be the recipient of his attentions herself, despite the fact that Lewis was the man she’d wanted when she arrived.

After a time, Edmund turned Harriet over and looked down at her flushed face. ‘Incredible, just as I’d pictured it! Wait there, I think you need something to refresh you next.’

While he was out of the room Harriet watched the back of her husband’s head and saw Ella’s face contort into a spasm of pleasure as she at last shuddered in the throes of a second orgasm.

‘How many is that for her?’ Harriet asked Noella.

‘It isn’t a competition, at least not between you two,’ responded Noella. ‘You concentrate on what Edmund’s doing.’

Harriet ran her hands down the sides of her belly and shivered. She felt totally free, her body tight and anxious for further stimulation from Edmund and yet she knew that no matter how intense the last orgasm had been, something was still missing.

Returning with a bowl of kitchen salt and a bottle of perfumed oil, Edmund removed the bolster from the bed and put down a sheet instead. Then he lay Harriet face down and mixed the salt and oil in the palm of his hand. ‘I’m going to give you a massage,’ he said quietly and gently glided his hands up and down her body on each side of her spine. The salt was coarse and her skin quickly began to glow again. She started to twist against the sheet but he stopped her with a swift stinging flick of his fingers on her bottom. ‘This time you keep still,’ he said shortly.

At first that wasn’t too hard, but when he began to work on the insides of her thighs and up over the buttocks she could hardly contain herself, then when he slipped a finger between the cheeks of her bottom she bore down anyway, to ease the ache in her pelvis.

‘I told you not to move,’ said Edmund in a detached voice, and all at once she felt a sharper stinging sensation across her upper thighs as he used the damp end of a towel to chastise her. The slight pain startled her and to her shame she felt
the tightness behind her pubic bone dissolve into an unexpected bitter-sweet orgasm that was impossible to disguise. ‘Four,’ called out Noella, and Lewis felt his blood run cold.

Harriet heard Edmund give a low laugh and then he was turning her over. His fingertips, covered in the mixture of salt and oil, were circling each of her breasts in turn, pressing the crystals of salt firmly into the skin and then finally brushing the textured mixture across her nipples themselves which tightened and seemed to shrink as the surrounding areolae swelled.

Edmund made his way down Harriet’s body, lying next to her on the bed as he kneaded the muscles of her stomach and the sides of her body before covering her legs, finishing with her feet, rotating his fingers round on the pads beneath each toe until her pelvis and groin muscles began to spasm in a reflex action which Noella recognised only too well.

‘Shall I rinse you off now?’ he asked quietly.

Harriet’s restless body lurched at the prospect. ‘No, I want to come first,’ she pleaded, and heard his sigh of pleasure at her response.

‘Where do you want me to touch you next, then?’ he asked, still massaging her left foot.

‘Between my thighs,’ she moaned, wondering how much longer she could stand the unendurable heaviness that was filling the whole of her pelvic region and making her vulva swell and ache.

‘I will, but first I want to blindfold you,’ he
whispered, and before she could protest the black silk band was over her eyes and she was being helped from the bed until she was standing sightless on the floor, her naked back pressed against his front with his erection nudging against her buttocks.

He let her relax against him for a moment and then suddenly pulled her arms around behind her back, gripped them in his right wrist and pushed her forward from the waist by pressing his left hand against the nape of her neck. She felt utterly in his power, vulnerable and excited at the same time, and her body shook slightly. ‘You’ve no idea how much this turns me on,’ Edmund whispered against her ear and then he planted a kiss on her spine just below where he was gripping her neck and her trembling increased.

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