Forbidden Drink (10 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult

BOOK: Forbidden Drink
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“No wonder Michel wanted me to come along,” she drawled in her American accent. “Back up, beautiful, she's taken.”

Gregor's response was an even lower growl.

“I have no qualms at all," she said calmly, "shedding your blood, Enforcer. It has been a long time since the
and I last saw eye to eye, one more mark against my record won't matter.” The sword tip didn't waver.

Slowly, as though he was fighting every impulse to not do it, Gregor released his grip on me, finger by finger, until I was standing so close, but no longer touching. His eyes, however, had not left mine.

I wanted to say something, to do something, but I was trapped, not by Gregor's glaze, or his
Sanguis Vitam
, but by my own desire to not move, my own desire to stay as close to him as I could. He smiled slowly.

“Later,” he promised, his eyes sweeping my body, then returning to my face.

Erika sighed and lowered her sword as she grabbed my jacket and hauled me into the room and away from Gregor. The look she gave me said everything. I was in deep trouble. What else is new?

I shook my head to clear the tumble of thoughts pouring through them and feigned interest in my surroundings, taking in Gregor's office. Here, I could imagine Gregor being. Fine antiques, priceless artworks and delicate furnishings, much like his quarters in Rome and his chamber at the
, the
headquarters in Paris. This was so much more Gregor's style than the gaudiness of the club outside.

I allowed myself a minute to completely pull my Nosferatin shell back on and when I finally had myself in order, turned to face him. Erika was sitting in the corner on what looked like a Louis XV chair, cream upholstery and gold frame. I couldn't imagine it was extremely comfortable, but she had one leg over the arm rest, was leaning back in a relaxed pose, spinning her Svante sword vertically in her hand. I had to smile. Dressed in her skin tight jeans, red leather boots and fitting red leather jacket, she could do the whole relaxed threatening pose quite well.

Gregor was equally relaxed behind his large partner's desk, ignoring Erika's presence entirely and concentrating on me. When he knew I was looking at him again, he let his gaze trace over me, taking in my normal hunter gear, black on black, short skirt, jacket, boots. My usual style. And just smiled.

“I forget how stunning you are in person, my little Hunter. Dream Walking, although a pleasure, does not do you justice. You were made to be gazed upon unhindered by distance or realm.”

I didn't know what to say to that. Gregor could be a pain in the arse when he wanted to and right now I knew he was trying to put Erika off balance, as much as me. I didn't need to answer however, because Erika simply let her sword land blade tip down into the carpet with a twang, shattering the silence and making a rather obvious threat.

Gregor just smiled and turned to look at her.

“You are here, vampyre, on my sufferance. Hospitality can be revoked at any time.”

They glared at each other for a minute, neither prepared to back down. Great, we were never going to get anything done at this rate.

I decided I'd start out with something easy, something obvious. I knew if I didn't say anything about it, Gregor would take that as my acceptance of the situation. I couldn't on all conscience not step up to the mark

What's with the
Sanguis Vitam
pouring through your club, Gregor? Those humans are trapped in a potential vampire blood-lust fest. You know it's not right.”

“Are you here to question my club's techniques, Hunter?”

“I'm a Nosferatin, Gregor, you know I can't just walk past humans being subjected to that sort of power over them.”

Would you notify the
? Bring their attention to your shores?”

Bastard. He knew damn well, I didn't want the
here, that's why I'd come to Wellington, wasn't it? To try to settle things down so they wouldn't come running, guns blazing, into my land. Gregor may still be a member of the vampire council, but he had recently mentally cut all ties, he was simply playing the role, no longer bound by the rules they had previously inflicted.

“You know this is wrong, Gregor. Why are you doing it?”

His own
Sanguis Vitam
came out towards me then, wrapping around my waist, brushing up my stomach, fingering over my breasts. I felt my knees go weak and a heat wash up my body from my core, setting my senses on fire and making me draw in a sharp breath.

Is it not pleasurable? Do you wish for me to stop?” Even his voice was coating me with desire, pulling me towards him, telling me to give in to the sensation, to ride the wave, to seek release. It was an overpowering suggestion and it occurred to me, that he shouldn't be able to affect me quite like that. Sure, I'd always had trouble brushing Gregor's
Sanguis Vitam
aside, but I do have natural anti-Nosferatu repelling skills. The humans, or Norms, however, do not. The thought that they couldn't fight this made me fume.

Michel can feel my emotions, it's easy for me to send them towards him, but unnecessary, he has a constant tap on what I am feeling, even from a distance. He blocks me out most of the time, but the negative emotions are harder. Right now if he was paying attention, he'd know I was angry at something and about to lash out. Gregor, on the other hand, doesn't have that ability to read my emotions, but I can, when really pushed, make him or any other vampire in the vicinity, suffer them. So, I grabbed that anger and hurled it at him, like I would at Michel if I was really wound up at something he had done.

The instant it hit him his hold over me snapped free. He held his ground and didn't blanch, just a small widening of his eyes and a slight flush to his face.

“Do it again,” he finally whispered hoarsely. So, more affected than he seemed, then.

“This is not why I am here, Gregor. I'm not interested in fighting with you.”

“I am glad to hear that, little Hunter, you would undoubtedly lose, but the exchange would be... invigorating.”

He held my gaze, daring me to answer.

I could pick my battles and what was happening in the club was not top of my list right now. I wasn't going to let it drop completely, but now was not the time to expend unnecessary energy on something that so obviously played to Gregor's hedonist nature. I wasn't a fool, for all the times Gregor had been a gentleman to me, for all the times he had swept me off my feet - and I will admit, he has done that on occasion - he was also a self serving hedonistic playboy. He loved the dance and was trying to get me to sway to his beat.

I shook my head at him and threw the thought,
this is not over and you know it
Meaning of course, the issue with his vampires influencing so many people in his club.

Gregor, on the other hand, decided to take it differently. “I wait with baited breath for your invitation to Tango,
ma cherie

Sometimes, just sometimes, I felt like I couldn't win a battle with Gregor, that he would simply never stop until he got what he wanted.

And he wanted me.

Chapter 10

I pretended I hadn't heard that last comment, denial is a wonderful thing and went to a seat opposite his desk and sat down.

“So, tell me about the attacks on the vampires.”

As soon as I had asked the question Gregor's demeanour changed. We were on professional terms and his vampires were being culled by an uncontrolled mob of humans, he was taking this part very seriously.

“Since we arrived, I have lost six of my line and we have encountered at least ten episodes. We have had word that several Rogues have gone missing too. They are persistent, and although not obviously Nosferatin trained, their numbers alone have aided their success. They are an undeniable threat. It will not be long before I will be forced to notify the
, as it is, my reports have been more than just misleading. I risk exposure and death every time I omit information.”

This was graver than I had thought, things were escalating. I knew Michel had lost about three of his line prior to the the
taking over the city and that maybe three more Rogue vampires were also unaccounted for. Those numbers were big and they were obviously hitting Gregor where it hurt. To lose a vampire from your line, was to lose a member of your family. It was personal.

“Any ideas on who they are? Where they're from?”

“None, that we have been able to ascertain. Even when we have been able to capture one alive, they fall unconscious as soon as it's evident they are captured, followed not long after by death.”

Shit. “Suicide?”

He nodded. “It would seem the case. They are hard core, committed to whatever warped crusade they have started.” He paused and pushed a large hand through his long black hair, making it come loose from the clip at the base of his head. “There's more. We've heard there have been similar events in Christchurch.”

“There are vampires in Christchurch?” Michel's vampires have really been the only ones in New Zealand for more than a century, recently a few Rogues have strayed our way, but most have centred themselves around Auckland and certainly not as far south as the South Island. The population density was too thin, why hunt for food in the meagre offerings of Christchurch, when you had Auckland at your beck and call?

Gregor smiled indulgently at me. “New Zealand is a popular country since word the
Sanguis Vitam Cupitor
was to be discovered here.”

I let a huff of air out at that. “If I was so damn popular, why aren't they now coming to Auckland to see me?”

“Why should they, when you will eventually come to them?”

I stared at him. Just what did he mean? 

“You are here, are you not, Lucinda? Those vampires in Wellington wishing to tread the fine line of life and final death, have you in their back yard to play with, as it were. You have come to them. We are, if nothing, predators, but being a predator does not always mean we chase our prey. Sometimes, we also lure it to us.”

Oh, and this wasn't at all a little creepy.

“Are these humans attacking vampires part of your

He smiled a little sinfully at me. “I am not luring you, Hunter, you come to me willingly.” I rolled my eyes and he continued. “The humans act alone, they are not part of the vampire psyche.”

So, now, not only did I have to keep evil-reeking vampires in line, my Nosferatin day job so to speak, but I also had to calm a group of red-necked human vampire hunters down from exterminating all the Nosferatu. But then also ward off a bunch of vampires trying to lure me into their wicked webs. Oh, and lets not forget the hordes of vampires watching me right now. Watching from across the waves, watching and waiting for some signal to march forth.

And the icing on the cake? Shape shifters at home wanting to join in on the fun.

And all of this I have to keep from the all powerful, all knowing vampire council, the

Easy, huh?

I ran a hand through my own hair. First things, first.

“Where have they been striking?”

Gregor looked at me for a moment, sensing, no doubt, the weight that had settled on my shoulders. He didn't look sad for me, he didn't look pleased about it either, he just assessed me, with sparkling grey eyes, taking me all in.

“Mainly around Lambton Quay, various side streets down to the wharves, but nothing further afield. Purely vampire central, they know our habits well.”

they know your habits well?” That's just the thing, humans aren't even meant to be aware of vampires and all of a sudden they are hunting them en masse. Michel has only had a base in Wellington for a month or two, nothing more and the killings really only started about that time, maybe slightly before. So why, all of a sudden, did humans know about our world?

Gregor sat back in his seat and looked off into the distance. After a while he spoke, still not quite back in the room with us.

“There has been no reported incidents elsewhere in the world. New Zealand was always going to be a difficult location for us to keep quiet. Too many Ley Lines, too much Nosferatin power.” - I guess that would be me - “Too many vampires wishing to be here. It was always going to be a hot spot. That's why the
was pleased when Michel made the move to come here. Why the Champion did not stop him.”

Well, that was news to me. Michel had told me Gregor had never understood why he left Paris, it has been a bone of contention between them since, so I had assumed the council felt the same way. Obviously not. The Champion trusted Michel to be strong enough to control here. No wonder she's got a bee in her bonnet about him now. He's kind of failed her on that one.

Gregor went on. “But, I sense more than fortuitous location and opportunity from this group of humans. They are not Nosferatin, but... I don't know...” He shook his head. “There is also something very familiar about them. Something that I can't quite put my finger on, but it calls to me.”

Vampires talk freely about what
to them. It is considered as much a power as glazing or reading minds. I guess humans would call it a gut instinct, but for vampires, everything is always so much more significant, so much more supernatural. A gut instinct to them is a call. Both Michel and Gregor have said I called to them, Gregor has admitted that Nosferatin blood calls to him too. If he feels like he's
towards this group of people, then I believe him. But why?

“Have they struck again since last night?” Maybe there was a pattern we could work out, maybe they strike only on certain evenings, at certain times of the month.

“No, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did again tonight. They have increased their activity tenfold this past week.”

“So, no pattern?”

“None that I can determine. No.”

Well, waiting for them to strike just wasn't going to cut it. The only thing to do was to bait them. Walking the streets aimlessly didn't make me feel confident, but strategically placing a few vampires in the hit zone may just do it.

“We don't have much time to spare and I'm only here tonight, so this is what I suggest. We assume they will hunt again tonight and we lay a trap. They trigger the trap, we deal with them.” I wasn't quite sure what dealing with them would entail, I couldn't make myself complete that thought. Killing humans to keep the vampires safe just didn't seem right. If I could talk to them, as a born vampire hunter, if we could glaze them into forgetting, if we could do anything that didn't make me feel like a traitorous Nosferatin, then all good.

It was at times like this that I wished I could pick up the hotline and talk to Nut. Just what did she expect me to do in situations like this? Who are the bad guys and who are the good?

“So be it.” Gregor stood and came around the front of the desk, leaning his well-buffed body against it, so he was directly in front of me, only a foot between us. I could feel the warmth of him from where I sat. I could also see Erika fingering her sword out of the corner of my eye.

“I have organised two of my line to wait as bait, just down the street. Not too obvious, but close enough to human bars to raise suspicion should any human hunters stroll by. They will signal, when something is amiss.” He reached forward and before I could stop him, took hold of my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. Erika stood up. “Have you eaten,
ma cherie
? Perhaps, something from our kitchens? We may have based the look of our club on the more overtly seductive side of our natures, but we have not failed to include enticements on the menu. I believe there is a delectable blood red wine risotto, or maybe the lady would like a piece of our sinful chocolate cake with freshly ground and brewed coffee, topped with cream, on the side?”

Oh, he knew how to pull my strings, didn't he? How could I say no to coffee and chocolate?

He smiled, having either seen the look of hunger on my face or read my thoughts. “Chocolate cake and coffee it is.” He helped me to my feet, but was very careful not to pull me too close, Erika had taken a couple of steps closer, Svante sword still out in her hand.

The table he led me to was small and intimate, privately situated behind a wall of foliage. There was not enough room for Erika and she was immediately waylaid by members of Gregor's line, not threatening at all, but rather trying to flatter, to flirt, to get her attention away from me. I knew what Gregor was playing at, but I also knew I could handle myself. I didn't need Erika to keep things in line, I'd managed before on my own and I could do it again. Besides, her being here was just another Michel controlling tactic. So, I just shook my head at her and mouthed,
it's OK
. She gave a short stiff nod and went and positioned herself by the bar where she could not exactly see us, but was close enough should I call if needed.

Gregor pulled my chair out and once I was settled slid gracefully into his own. Intimate, was a phrase for the setting, practically snug against my side, was another. His presence almost engulfed me in the small area we were in. I tried in vain, to block out the smell of him, chocolate covered ice cream and cherry trees in Spring. The sounds of the club permeating the greenery before us, but not quite reaching the sanctuary the spot provided.

“So, you have a
now, little Hunter?”

“A what?”

“A Swedish Guard. Erika was one of the best, she originally worked as a
, a Royal Guard to the Swedish Royal Palace, I believe, before Michel found her. And now, he has her guarding you. Poetic, no?”

Ignoring the dig at Michel guarding me. “She said she hadn't met you before.” How did he know so much about her?

“No, we have not met, but I am aware of her reputation. She is formidable. The Champion wished for her services at one time, she was most put out that Michel would not share. But, that's Michel for you, he doesn't share his precious toys willingly.”

“I am not a toy.” I knew what he was insinuating.

“But, you warrant a guard all the same. A guard that he has not shared with any other. Perhaps, you and Erika are well suited, both pawns in the game he plays.”

OK, so I may have just pushed Michel away and made him believe that what I felt for him was not true love, but I didn't have to pretend with Gregor. There was no chance that he would tattle on me and let Michel know I had been lying. So, I didn't hold back.

“I am not a pawn in Michel's game, Gregor. You talk of me coming willingly to you, you know nothing of willingness. My love for Michel transcends all else in my world.” Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Touché, ma cherie
.” He sipped some of the wine that had been waiting at the table and just watched me through hooded eyes.

My coffee and I admit, delectable looking, chocolate cake arrived just then, saving me from meeting his gaze and giving too much of the turmoil I was in away.

I concentrated on the tantalising taste of cocoa and caffeine, a finer mix could not have been invented and felt my body relax for the first time in hours. Caffeine has that effect on me, where normally people feel a little geared up drinking a coffee, I can feel a range of emotions, from invigorated to relaxed. Whatever my body needs, I seem to get it at the bottom of a coffee cup.

“Where are we staying when dawn comes?” I decided to get back onto business, our accommodation sounded as good as anything.

“My apartment.”

“You have an apartment? Don't you have chambers here at the club?”

“There are chambers for my line here, but I am accustomed to something a little more refined. My apartment is not far, just down the end of Lambton Quay. There is ample space for yourself and your guard.”

He wasn't going to just drop the guard thing was he? But, at least she would be staying with us and not expected to stay here at the club. Even I wasn't sure how to handle Gregor alone in his apartment.

I just nodded and continued to work on my chocolate cake and to be honest, it wasn't hard to get transfixed by it. It was rich and smooth and coated the roof of my mouth with succulent tasting cocoa, making my mouth water and my tongue dart out and grab any wayward chocolate from the edges of my lips. I couldn't bear the thought of missing some.

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