Forbidden Drink (22 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult

BOOK: Forbidden Drink
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When I didn't say anything else he decided to change the direction of the conversation, no doubt feeling he'd harped on about it enough for one night. I certainly felt that way.

“What happened this evening,
ma douce
? You seemed to require some more power through the Bond at one stage, yet I sensed you were still at St. Helier's.”

Huh. I hadn't even realised that had happened. The Bond just stepped on in whenever it felt the need and to hell with asking permission from me.

Ignoring his question altogether, but not intentionally, I asked, “Does it compromise you when that happens? I don't even know it's happening, I don't think I have control over it.” That sounded familiar.

“Not at all.” His hand was still stroking me, unable to stop the movement against my skin, it didn't annoy me, it felt good. Too good in fact. “I can only sense that you have a need and the Bond takes care of the rest. Likewise, if the tables were turned, you would feel my need, but not feel drained. It... well for me, it creates a desire to protect you, to be near you. To know you are safe.”

He looked away then and his soft stroking stilled. My head moved all on its own, betraying my feelings, as I made my neck rub against his hand and bring his attention back to me. He smiled and started stroking me again.

“Why didn't you come to me?” I think I already knew the answer and my heart had skipped a beat with the thought. A part of me didn't want it, still clinging to the need to have my space. I wanted to believe he wasn't trying, but I knew, before he opened his mouth, what he would say.

“I was giving you space. You didn't seem in immediate danger, it was not my place, so you have made clear, to interfere.” When he saw the look on my face he added, “I have been trying,
ma douce
, please believe me and I won't stop trying to honour your request for space, but I will still claim you as mine. That, has already been set in motion and as a vampyre I cannot stop it now.”

Somehow I knew
was a euphemism for much, much more. But, the knowledge that he was trying to give me space, to give me the independence to do what I needed to do, what I had asked him for, was a surprise. And despite previous thoughts on this matter, I was pleased, relieved and a little scared.

“So, will you tell me,
ma douce
? What happened?”

I gave him a brief run down on the whole
Prohibitum Bibere
situation, plus the theory that I would also inherit or had inherited the
Lux Lucis Tribuo
too. There had been a time when I was sure Michel would use these new powers of mine, for some power hungry reason, but he had yet to prove that thought. So far he had only shown his pleasure at having that power so close, but he had not acted on it. I still wasn't sure if he would, but not telling him seemed pointless. Besides, if I couldn't confide in my kindred, then I was really limiting my choices right now. Nero was
persona non grata
to me. My choice, but his confidence had been lost, hopefully only temporarily, but we'll see.

“Are you OK?” His concern made me smile. He meant it, he understood what I felt, he could no doubt feel my emotions regarding it all right now.

“No, but what else can I do? It's chosen me, or Nut has. And I have no idea why, or what to do, or if I can do it all, but it's done, so here I am.” I paused and reached up a hand to touch his face. It didn't bother me that it was showing too much of how I felt, right now I needed to touch him. Probably the damn joining thing again. “Do you understand why I can't be kept under lock and key now? Do you see I don't have a choice?”

He leaned his face into my hand, turning slightly to lay a kiss on my palm and then returning his gaze to me. “I understand, but can you also see how hard it is for me to let you do this?” He saw I was about to protest, so he silenced me with a finger on my lips. “I
let you do this, but will you at least let me help?”

How could he help? I'm the one designed to
them all, I'm the one designed to
them in, I'm the one who has to figure out how to use my Light to turn them from Dark, from evil, to good. Without frying each and every one of them in the process. How could he help?

“How did you feel just now, Lucinda? When we were together, when we were lost in our love making? How did you feel?”

Well, that's a personal question isn't it? I bit my bottom lip and just looked at him. He smiled and shook his head.

“Let me tell you then. You forgot about the Prophesy, you forgot about the role you have to play, you let it and everything else, go and you had a moment of peace, a moment of just you and just me, no one else, nothing else. Is that not a help, my love?”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “So, you're suggesting by having your naughty way with me, will
in the fight against the Dark?”

His face beamed at me, making his eyes light up and the amethyst and indigo that suddenly appeared, bounce around the room.

In a low, husky voice he said, “Do I need to show you again how good I am for you,
ma douce

I couldn't help it, I just laughed.

Chapter 22
Back Seat of a BMW

It wasn't easy, but I did manage to distract him enough for the lesson not to be repeated. His hold on me was already too strong. Despite the progress I had recently made, he was working his way back into my life, my psyche, my body. Part of me knew it was futile, this resistance I was insisting on, Michel had an effect on me that my body craved, even if my mind rebelled. Sometimes my mind won the battle, but most of the time, my body did.

The fact that I was lost to him in a big way did not sit well with me. So, I fell back on that old stalwart, denial and shoved the thoughts to the back of my head.

After convincing him that I had to go - it was late and I had work tomorrow - I managed to disentangle myself enough from his arms to escape. I think he would have fought harder, but the fact that I was still a little dizzy from his blood letting and no doubt quite pale, made him behave himself a little better than he otherwise would have.

His goodbye kiss at the office door was long and deep though, a reminder of just what effect he had over me and also his determination to prove it at any turn.

When I finally managed to pull away, after several half hearted attempts, his face was flushed, lips swollen and eyes glazed. I dreaded to think what I looked like.

“Right, well, I'll be off then,” I said with as much of a determined air as I could muster.

He smiled languidly.

“If you insist,
ma douce

I took a step away from him, losing the support of his hands on my hips and promptly losing my balance too, banging into the door jam.

He automatically reached out to steady me, his face more serious now.

“Let me drive you home.”

I took a deep breath in and tried to stop the world spinning, but did manage to shake my head, not that it did any good to the spinning, or the headache that had started up on either side of my head. And now I thought about it, the nausea that rolled across my stomach. Man, he had done a number on me, hadn't he?

He swore quietly under his breath, probably having heard that last thought.

“At the very least,
ma douce
, let me walk you to your car. Erika is bringing Amisi and will drive you both home.”

I nodded, swallowing several times in an effort to not give in to the nausea. Michel must have noticed, because he lifted me up in his arms and simply carried me to the garage. At the car, he placed me in the back seat, so I could lie down. I didn't bother about a seat belt, the way I was feeling, lying down was definitely the only answer.

I had closed my eyes briefly. When I opened them, Michel was still leaning over me, but I got the impression he had been there for a while. His face was full of concern and anger.

“Why are you angry?” I asked, my voice slightly slurred.

“I have hurt you this night, I have weakened you.” He shook his head, a look of utter despair on his face, as though he couldn't believe what he done, how far he had taken it; feeding for so long from me and causing me to end up like this. I knew he was beating himself up, just I like I did all the time. It was a feeling I was very familiar with, I recognised it in him like an old friend.

I crooked my finger at him, to make him come closer. He leaned down towards me, his face now slightly puzzled. When he got within reaching distance I grabbed him by his T-Shirt and pulled him all the way on top of me in the back of the car. He yelped slightly, trying not to squash me, but I was having none of it. It wasn't quite as smooth as I would have liked, but I did get him where I wanted him in the end.

I kissed him softly on the lips, at first he kind of resisted, he was too busy trying not to put all of his weight on me, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, making him lose the last of his balance and sink into the back seat with me. My tongue ran along his bottom lip and when he parted his mouth slightly to sigh, I darted in, swirling his own tongue around, making sure he knew just how much I wanted him right then.

His body moulded against mine. Despite the small and slightly awkward setting, I managed to shift my legs around him, encasing him completely and getting a satisfying groan from deep inside his throat as I moved against his groin. His body responded instantly, his hands began to work their magic and the kiss took on a new level of urgency.

Perhaps it was cruel, or perhaps I just wanted to prove not only to him, but to myself, that he was just a little under my control too. Because I knew this wouldn't get finished, I knew it when I started it, because I could sense Erika and Amisi nearby. They had held back, when they saw what was happening, but I was counting on them being there to stop this, so I slowed the kiss down, stopped the movement of my hips against his now vibrant erection and pulled my face away from his. He continued to try and kiss me, when he couldn't get to my lips, he shifted his focus to my ear, to the soft sensitive skin right behind my lobe, making my breath catch and for a moment, my plan disappear entirely from my mind, but I rallied.

“It's time for me to go,” I breathed against him.

“No.” He was equally as breathless, but determined to get my attention.

“Michel. Erika and Amisi are here, you need to stop.”


His lips and tongue had moved to the skin on my neck above my throat, kissing, licking, nibbling. His hips had started moving rhythmically against me, making it damn near impossible to think. I thought I had been so clever to entice him into the back seat. I thought I could get him all excited and then simply walk away and say
payback's a bitch
, but I had forgotten how good he was at this, how experienced he was at this. And just how much of an effect he has over me.

For a brief moment, I thought of giving in to the sensations, to giving in to him and then I felt my heart flutter in fear. I was strong, I could do this.

“Erika. Amisi. It's time to go!” I shouted over the top of his head.

He paused, stopped moving against me, just gave me one or two more slow, small kisses on the neck. His breath was hot against my skin when he spoke and sounded very low and uneven.

“I shall not forget this,
ma douce
. Two can play at this game and you know how much I like to play with you.”

I smiled, I couldn't help it. Michel was back to himself again, threats and innuendo, familiar ground, but at least he wasn't beating himself up anymore, that I just couldn't stand to see in Michel. Michel was my rock; solid, strong, unflappable, well at least as far as the normal day to day stuff goes. I don't mind him being a little unbalanced when in my arms.

He lifted his head and smiled at me, eyes flashing bright amethyst and swishes of indigo.

“Very clever,
ma douce
.” He'd heard my thoughts again. Man, was I projecting everything tonight, or what?

“Yes, it seems you are, but I love it.” He kissed me again, long and hard, then lifted himself off me and somehow managed to get out of the back seat with grace, despite trying to adjust the front the his jeans.

“Sleep well,
ma belle
.” He turned and simply vanished. He's done that before, there one minute, gone the next. I was surprised he had enough wherewithal to do it right now, but it did accomplish one thing, he hadn't had to face Amisi and Erika up close. He had probably avoided them seeing how ruffled he actually was. Self preservation can make you accomplish amazing things when under pressure.

I heard their footsteps on the concrete floor of the garage before I saw them, but finally two faces peered in the side of the car. I must have looked a sight because they both burst out laughing. I tried to straighten myself up, but didn't have the energy. Fuck it. They're girls, they can handle it.

“So, have you learnt yet,
, the master always wins.”

“Ha bloody ha, Erika. Just get in the car and drive me home would ya?” I could do without the smart-ass routine.

They both slid in the car and Erika started it.

“Oh, I don't know,” Amisi said casually. “Michel did look a little flustered there, wouldn't you say, Erika?”

Erika barked out a laugh, not her usual style, it was too forceful, almost as though she didn't want to give in to it. “I have to admit, I can't say I have ever seen Michel running from a scene with such urgency before. It was almost as if he didn't want to face us, Amisi. What do you think?”

Amisi answered straight away. “Absolutely, most impressive speed. He did look uncomfortable though, as though a cold shower might have been on the agenda.”

Erika was laughing outright now, it was a wonder she could see where she was driving. “I seriously doubt he's had to exit a scene like that in such a manner before. Michel likes to see things through to completion.”

“I'm sure he'll rethink his strategy as far as our Lucinda goes,” Amisi replied, laughing just as hard.

“Got his work cut out for him that's for sure.”

“He'll think twice before tangling with the Forbidden Drink, wouldn't want to drown.”

“Too late.” Erika was hysterical now, I could hardly understand what she was saying. “He's addicted, there's no going back for him after this. You couldn't have played it better,
, Michel will already be planning his next move.”

“He'll also be able to think of little else,” Amisi added. “His dreams will be completely filled with images of you in the back seat of this car.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but it did make me laugh. Sometimes having girlfriends could be a real bonus.

“Oh crap,” Erika suddenly said, swerving slightly with the steering wheel of the car. I thought she must have been trying to avoid something on the road, so sat up slightly. She glanced over her shoulder at me, still laughing. “You're projecting your thoughts,
, he can hear everything. He just told me I was fired.” She laughed even harder. “Michel, you are so lost,
. So very, very lost.”

We all started laughing together after that, somehow unable to stop ourselves, just getting caught up in the moment and letting it wash away everything else. It was cathartic and I felt a sudden strong connection to the two new women in my life. Yeah, as far as flatmates went, they were going to be all right.

I was exhausted when we made it home though, so even though Amisi and Erika planned on staying up and gossiping about me, while watching an old
DVD, I took the coward's way out and ran a bath. Mandarin heaven always makes me feel better, so by the time I fell between the sheets, utterly exhausted, it didn't surprise me that I fell asleep instantly.

It also didn't surprise me that he came to me in my dreams.

Usually when he visits me here it's on my parents' farm, overlooking the lambs with the waggly tails and surrounded by the sights and sounds and smells of Spring. It's beautiful and always refreshing. Going home charges my batteries, Michel always takes me there when I dream, allowing me a sense of calm and fulfilment. But, not this time.

This time I woke in the back seat of the BMW and Michel was on top of me.

“Now, where were we,
ma douce

Oh shit.

“That's right, I believe I was about to show you how the game is played.”

His hand went up under my blouse, stroking my nipple until it was tight and taut. His lips were all over my neck, his teeth nibbling here and there, his tongue running a hot, wet line across my skin and his hips were gently rocking against me. I was immediately back where I had been before, but not just in the back seat of the car with Michel on top of me, but also with the erotic heat that had started building inside. My own body responding instantly, moving with the roll of his hips, tightening my legs around him, my hand running up into his hair, the other down the strong line of his back, digging my fingers into his flesh through the thin T-Shirt. I moaned and arched my back up off the seat.

“That is better,
ma douce
. Feel me, want me, take me.”

His mouth found mine again and I was lost in his desire as it rushed though my body engulfing me, threatening to drown me. Amisi was wrong, it wasn't Michel who would drown, it was me.

“No,” he whispered against me. “We are both drowning, do not fight it, let it take us under.”

It was my hands that undid his jeans, pulled his T-Shirt off over his head. It was also me who managed to untangle myself from my jacket and help him undo the buttons on my blouse. When I was fully exposed to him, he paused, just taking me in, but it went on longer than I had expected.

“Oh God, Michel, if you are going to just stop and leave me here like this as payback, I
hunt you down and stake you.”

He laughed, a full throaty laugh. “Now, could I be as cruel as that,
ma douce
?” His lips found my breast, his hard length resting at my entrance.

There wasn't much room to manoeuvre, I think he would have liked to have spent more time discovering me. This evening had been a series of quick and urgent sessions, nothing like Michel's usual languid pace. So, he wasn't in a hurry to enter me, but still, it was a tight space, he couldn't move down on me, he couldn't turn me over and change things up a bit, but he did lavish my face and neck and chest with attention, all the while using his hand and fingers to pleasure me, to bring me to climax again and again and again.

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