Forbidden Drink (42 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult

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Read on for a sneak peek at Michel's view...
Chapter 23 Forbidden Drink (Kindred, Book 3)
The Spy
From Michel's Point of View

The wind howls in the trees and nips at our coats like a hungry wolf. A more appropriate scene I can not imagine for our undertaking tonight. Neither of us speak, just allow our preternatural senses to roam. Sorting sensations out one by one.

Heartbeats, several. The Hapū is all home tonight it would seem. I hadn't expected anything less. They knew we were coming, they would be prepared. I roll my shoulders, but the unease of the situation does not dissipate. We are downwind, so I do not fear they can scent us, but I can scent them. Earthy, a wet woollen smell that crinkles the nose. I stop inhaling.

"I do not like this." My Second's voice off to my side.

"I agree." But what choice do I have?

"They outnumber us twenty to one."

I interrupt before he gets going. Bruno has a tendency to state the obvious. "It will not come to that. We are here to talk. Nothing more."

"And you trust them?" He sounds incredulous. I hardly blame him. Rick has made it quite clear he will not cooperate. For the first time in my life I am acting as a man, not as a politician.

"I trust no one," I reply, hiding my concern from him.

He grunts. Always so eloquent.

"How do you wish to play this then?"

"We drive in, we talk, we drive out." And I held a position on the
Council for over three centuries? Astounding. Where has the tactician gone?

Bruno obviously agrees.

"This is ridiculous, Michel. You are thinking with a different head from the one on your shoulders."

I round on him in an instant, hand to throat. He does not respond. He expected nothing less.

"You know I am right," he says roughly. My hand is rigid at his throat.

If it were anyone else, other than Bruno, I would punish them. But Bruno has long since gained a position of trust. He is one of only a handful who can speak to me in this fashion. My hand releases and I step back.

"I must try," I say, looking back towards the woods that surround the Hapū land. They are still bleak, still dark, still foreboding.

Bruno is quiet for a moment, then softly asks, "When did you last see her?"

I sigh. "Three days."

"Call this off, Michel. You are not..."

I don't know what he was about to say, the strong scent of Taniwha interrupts our conversation. Someone approaches.

We flash away before they catch our own scents. They may be expecting us, but we do not want them to be aware of our presence until we are ready for them to be so.

The warmth of the Land Rover is a welcome relief from the wind. Bruno doesn't pick up the conversation where it had been stopped, just sits brooding next to me.

Two centuries I have known this man. Two centuries of offering the words I need to hear, but no one has the courage to deliver. His job has been one borne of difficulties. Too many Masters have surrounded themselves with men who only say what they think their Master would want to hear. I have not. I am thankful for his steadfast presence in my life, but I have no choice here.

"I have to try, Bruno. She would never forgive me if we went in there and killed them all without trying. If this fails, if they cannot meet us halfway, then we return with the line and do it your way."

I expect an argument. Bruno has never shied away from a conflict before. But all I get is a low chuckle. I flick my gaze to him out of the corner of my eye. He is shaking his head.

"She has you wrapped around her little finger, Michel. There isn't a thing you wouldn't do for her love."

I slowly smile and meet his eyes. I cannot deny it. She is my world. We both end up laughing.

Bruno knows me better than anyone else. We have been through many experiences together. Even before I turned him, he followed me everywhere I went. His father was a faithful servant, a descendant of many before him just the same. A family I could trust. The least I could do was turn him, when his father begged me to save his son.

Bittersweet memories of trips to my private residence in the south of France invade my mind. My retreat was my haven. My refuge from the political machinations of the
Council. I would not have lasted as long as I did, if not for that home. And Giani was a human anchor in my otherwise undead life.

Bruno was nineteen years old when the illness hit. A strong boy on the brink of adulthood. It was unexpected. They were all unprepared. Their only son, who was proudly following in his father's footsteps. He had committed his life to me the summer before. Sworn to uphold the family's traditions, to keep my secrets, to serve when required, to defend when needed. Every vampyre relies on a contingent of human servants they can trust. I trusted Giani with my life.

In return I saved the life of his only son from Typhoid Fever.

We buried Giani - beside his wife, Bruno's mother - on a warm summer's eve. Side by side, shoulder to shoulder, Bruno and I said our farewells. He has been at my shoulder ever since.

Bruno is watching me when my mind returns to the present, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Let's go negotiate with some shifters," he offers into the space between us. "Then, God willing, we can beat the crap out of 'em afterwards."

I start the car and head towards the front entrance of the Hapū land. The minute we cross over the threshold, I can sense them surrounding us. Flanked on all sides, almost as though they are herding us in. For a peaceful meeting, a sharing of words, this is already too confrontational. I fear my hopes have all been in vain.

My thoughts drift to Lucinda, as the vehicle battles the pot holes and rocks. How many times has she driven this stretch of dirt road? How many times has she been welcomed onto this sacred Taniwha land? I am her kindred Nosferatu. I am Bonded to her. She wears my
. Yet my welcome here will not compare. And now, sadly, neither would hers.

I want to make this right for her. I want to fix this problem. To strike one thing off that long list she faces every day. The Taniwhas have been growing restless, their threat more of a concern as time passes by. If I can come to an understanding with them, a truce, then Lucinda will sleep easy. No more nightmares about fighting her former best friend. No more looking over her shoulder when a shape shifter is nearby. I want peace for my little Hunter. I want to see that smile on her face which has been missing since this all began.

The clearing approaches and Bruno sucks in a short breath. He has seen it too. We have a welcoming party. Twenty in Taniwha form, twenty or so on the edges, still human. All in a readying stance. Able to pounce at the drop of a hat. Those not yet transformed, able to change in the blink of an eye. This is not good.

Do we leave?
he asks in my mind, switching to telepathy as we always do in battle.

I watch with bated breath. No one moves, but the threat has already been made. I cannot see Rick. Is he even here?

This is not good, Michel. I say we pull out now, regroup and try again another day.

I am not one to run from confrontation. Neither is Bruno. And him saying this, should make me pause. But all I can see is Lucinda. Worry etching lines into her beautiful face. I cannot walk away from this.

We stay on guard
. He sighs, doesn't even try to hide his disagreement.
If things look bad, we run, but not before we try, at least.

I know he wants to say more, to labour the point. To keep me safe. But, I would walk through the flames of Hell for Lucinda. I open my door to the Land Rover and prepare for some form of scorching. It does not come. The Taniwha hold their ground. Perhaps this will not be Hell after all.

Bruno walks around my side of the vehicle and stands just behind my right shoulder. How many times have we stood like this, facing off against an opponent? I wait, calmly, patiently. Let them come to me.

Several minutes tick by, I could stand like this for hours. It is of no consequence to me. But he appears, out of the darkness of surrounding trees. I hear him before I see him. His heartbeat is a little fast. He is excited. Confrontation or trap? I wait, this is his game I play.

"You are either extremely confident or stupid, Master of the City." Not many men would be brave enough to call me stupid to my face. Rick's statement says more about him than me.

"Do I have reason to believe this was a poor move, Alpha? We agreed to a meeting, a chance to come to an understanding. Do you go back on your word?" If he knows anything of my kind, he will know words have more meaning than they appear. If he goes back on his word now, I
kill him.

I let a little of my vampyre out, amethyst glows in the night air lending the space before me an unnatural hue. Several heartbeats in the clearing begin to race.

Rick kicks a loose stone with his shoe in a movement meant to appear casual. I notice him glancing to his side, where two Taniwha have moved closer. A signal? A warning. Be prepared.

, Bruno warns.

I know
, I send the thought in reply.

I already know what the outcome of this meeting will be. Contrary to Rick's belief, I am not stupid. I have played many more games such as this, than he. But, I will try. For Lucinda. For the woman who holds my heart and soul. I will try.

"The Taniwha have lived in harmony beside me and my kind for close to a century, Rick. Can we not come to some arrangement? I would be prepared to grant you concession in my city, to allow you free roam of the western lands. Free from my kin. A place of your own. We
live side by side without it falling into war."

He laughs, a slow building sound, as though he is unsure whether the laugh will convey his derision, or whether he should just come out and say what I know he is dying to say. I wait.

"Your city?" Predictable. "The Taniwha were of this land before the Nosferatu even arrived. It is
who should give way to us."

"Times change, Rick. We brought progress to this city. We made it what it is. We cannot return to the past, but we can create a future together that suits both our needs." I say the words, but I do not believe he is listening. I
prepared to grant him free lands. I
prepared to meet him halfway. Is he?

Rick looks me in the eye and I wonder what he sees. A man? The Master of the City? An undead creature that should be put down? For a moment we both hold each other's gaze. His brown eyes are hard, there is no give there. Mine have morphed from amethyst to magenta. It is not intentional, but my vampyre-within is not as accommodating as I. It knows there is only one outcome here.

Oh, Lucinda. I tried. I really tried.

Plan B
, I say to Bruno in his mind.
Get ready, on my signal.

What? Can't I at least take a couple out as we retreat?
comes his lazy reply.

Only if they get in your way,
I answer and smile to myself despite the unwanted outcome.

It breaks my heart that I cannot do this for her. But I will not fight a losing battle. There is only so much give this old vampyre has in him and Rick has refused all that I can give.

His foot shifts, another pebble moves and they pounce.

Can I accept that as your signal?
Bruno queries, slashing out at the approaching Taniwha with practised ease.

Consider all bets off. Retreat.

My sword is in my hand before the thought has left my head. I notice Bruno armed with two. He always went for showmanship over practicality. To hide one sword takes enough
Sanguis Vitam
, to hide two on either hip, more than I care. But Bruno does not lack power.

I would prefer a quick retreat, but those twenty Taniwha who had not already changed, begin to fire upon us with weapons.

Bruno grunts as a bullet hits him. We take shelter behind the Land Rover, but they have us surrounded now.

Bruno is not as fast as I. He is not joined to a kindred Nosferatin. He is not a level one
Sanguis Vitam
Master. More bullets hit their mark, while I simply dodge each one. I cannot protect him, but I can attack those who fire upon us. In less than two minutes I have disarmed each one, destroyed the guns and returned to Bruno's side. He is still raging. Still brilliant in his anger. Still slashing and striking killing blows. A true warrior. A worthy Second.

We move toward the entrance to the Hapū land. Fending off strikes, snapping jaws, swiping claws. The sounds of Taniwha in full battle surround us. Not so long ago, they fought by my vampyres' sides. Now they fight me. Have I failed? Could I have avoided this outcome.

Have you called for reinforcements?
Bruno asks, disturbing my self analysis.

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