Forbidden Legacy (24 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #menage, #Mystery, #Romance, #Suspense, #billionaire, #Police, #doctor

BOOK: Forbidden Legacy
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Then Michael was there, buried to the hilt.

Both men groaned in unison, the sound pulling her back to earth. They were with her in this. They felt the magic too.

She lifted her head from Harrison’s chest.

He cupped her cheeks, studying her face closely. He clearly liked what he saw. “I love you.”

She smiled, nodding. A tear rolled down her cheek, but Harrison was there to kiss it away. He forced her gaze to meet his again. “Are you ready?”


Michael had been quiet as they spoke, his body tense, a spring stretched taut. With her reassurance, he pulled the trigger and sent them all flying.

He and Harrison quickly found the rhythm, alternating their strokes—sometimes fast, other times deeper, a mix of hard and soft. It was intense, overwhelming, mind-blowing.

Alexis fell into the abyss twice, but neither man gave way, gave in. She began to drift away, her body losing its shape and form, becoming nothing but a mass of tingles, sparks, electricity. She felt ethereal. Beautiful.

Michael was the first to come, his thrusts in her ass growing jerky, harder before the flood of warmth. His rough climax triggered another in her.

Harrison followed almost immediately. Groaning, he filled her pussy with jet after jet of hot come as she flew away on a cloud.

When she opened her eyes, she realized two things. Neither man was inside her anymore. Nor were they in the bed.

She lifted herself clumsily, looking around the room. It was empty. The sound of running water and quiet voices in the adjoining bathroom told her where her lovers were.

She pushed herself up gingerly, wincing slightly. Damn. It had been one wild ride. There were muscles in her body screaming at her that she didn’t even know existed. She padded softly across the carpeted floor, pushed the bathroom door open and found the room flooded with candlelight, quiet music and steam.

Both men were still naked. Harrison was bending over to turn off the tap, running his hand through the huge pile of bubbles on the water as Michael adjusted the volume on the iPod.

“Am I intruding?” she teased.

Michael scowled when he saw her. “What are you doing out of bed?”

His response took her aback. “I’m sorry. Did you guys want to be alone?”

Harrison chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Good God, no. This is for you. I think Michael’s bummed you ruined his plan to carry you.”

She pointed over her shoulder with her thumb. “I could go back so you can play the macho-man card if you want.”

Michael shook his head, his grin revealing deep dimples in his cheeks. She’d thought herself too exhausted to even consider sex again tonight.

His sexy smile disproved that theory.

“We thought you might be sore.” Michael took her hand and led her to the large whirlpool tub.

“I am.”

Harrison’s happy expression turned to one of concern that she quickly waved away. “It’s a good sore,” she reassured him. “One I’m hoping we can expand on later.”

Harrison stepped over the edge of the tub, reaching a hand out to help her in. “I think that can be arranged.”

Alexis and Harrison sunk down into the water as Michael climbed in. She lay between Harrison’s legs, her back resting against his chest. Michael faced her from the opposite end and lifted her feet to rub.

She released a sigh filled with bliss and relaxation. For the longest time, the three of them merely rested, letting the hot water work its magic on tired, overworked muscles.

Michael was the first to break the silence. “I want kids.”

It was a jarring segue, but Alexis realized they’d jumped quickly from colleagues to couple—or was the proper term
—to married. They’d failed to cover all the important I-want-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with-you topics.

“So do I,” she replied. “But how does that work?”

Harrison ran his hand along one of her arms, playing absentmindedly with the bubbles there. “It works the normal way. We make love. We make babies.”

“But how will you know…” She wasn’t sure how to word her question, wasn’t sure it mattered.

“Who the father is?” Michael asked.

She nodded.

“Do you need to know who the biological father is?”

She considered Michael’s question. Then she shook her head. “No.”

Harrison picked up her hand and clasped it to his with interlocking fingers. “We’ll figure it out when the baby is born. Blood tests tend to reveal all, and Michael and I are different blood types. Medically, we’ll have to know in case anything arises. As for the rest, any children we have will belong to all three of us.”

She twisted slightly so she could look at Harrison over her shoulder. “But the world will think they’re ours, right?”

He nodded.

She glanced back at Michael. “And you’re okay with that?”

Her tone must have revealed she didn’t think he would be. Michael lifted her foot and placed a kiss on the sole. She giggled. “That tickles.”

He opened his mouth and nipped at one of her toes, causing her to laugh louder. “I know this seems odd to you, Alexis, but Harrison and I were raised this way. To our friends and colleagues, you’ll be Harrison’s wife, the mother of his children, but I’ll know the truth. So will you and Harrison.”

“I love you.” She’d said it before to Michael, but she still worried about his feelings. He’d come to this relationship late, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t won her over—heart and soul.

“I love you too. And that’s why this will work.”

She sighed, letting go of the last of her anxiety, her resistance.

While this destiny may have been forbidden at the beginning, she had no doubt they’d ended up exactly where they were meant to be.



“I was beginning to think I was going to have to come to you.”

Harrison grinned at Price. The man wasn’t really angry with him.

“The bonding celebration ran a little long.”

Price rolled his eyes. “A week too long? Besides you’re not fooling anyone. It’s still not over. I have no doubt you’re going to leave here and run straight back to their bed. I can only assume you needed a break to recuperate, so you decided to take pity on me.”

Harrison pointed to where Price sat, occupying the seat that had once been his. Harrison had thought it would bother him to give up the Grand Master’s job, anticipated being sad to lose his legacy. That regret never surfaced. He’d gained too much in exchange. “You look good behind that desk, Price.”

“Don’t get used to it. The organization needs stability after everything that happened. That means an Adams. Did you call her?”

Harrison shook his head. “No. Not yet. I’ll tell you right now. She won’t want to return.”

Price scowled. “She doesn’t have a choice. She’s the next Adams in line. It’s her legacy.”

“Yeah. And we both know how much that legacy means to her.”


“Very well.” Harrison sighed and reached for his phone. He hadn’t spoken to his half-sister in over a year. Considering where she was—at least where he thought she was—he couldn’t be sure the call would even go through. She answered on the fourth ring.


“Hello, Juliette.”

“Harrison?” He heard the surprise—and wariness—in her voice. “What’s wrong?”

“There have been some unexpected changes. A bit of upheaval. You need to come to Boston.”

Juliette didn’t respond for a moment. When she did, her answer was just as he expected. “No.”

“Juliette, I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”


Harrison took a deep breath, deciding it would be best to deliver the news quickly. “Because I’ve been forced to step down. The Trinity Masters need you. You’re the Grand Master now.”

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