Authors: E. L. Todd
Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sports
“Can we go by the store really quick?” she asked.
“Of course.” I wrapped my arm around her then walked up the street. She walked into a small market and I trailed behind her down the aisle. When I saw a Sports Illustrated magazine, I picked it up and looked through it. I thought the chicks inside were hot but I think Janice was still better. I returned it to the shelf. When I looked at Janice she was already at the register.
“What did you get?” I asked as she placed the small item in her coat pocket.
“Nothing.” She walked outside and I followed her. Since she didn’t want to discuss it I didn’t ask.
I waved down a cab and got Janice inside before I moved into the seat next to her. I told the driver the address and he drove away. Janice took off her jacket then placed it on my lap. I wasn’t sure why. Then she opened the small item that she purchased—a bottle
of Vaseline. My eyes widened.
She rubbed the lubrication on her hands then slipped
her fingers underneath the jacket covering my crouch, unbuttoning my pants and pulling down the zipper. My heart raced in my chest. I looked at the driver in the front. He didn’t seem to notice that anything was happening.
When I felt her hand touch my dick, I immediately became hard. She started to stroke me gently, exciting me like I’ve never been before. I started to breathe heavily as she squeezed me tightly, rubbing me in the right away. I pulled her face close to mine and breathed into her ear. We said nothing as she jerked me in the back of the cab. I thought the stripper performance was the hottest sexual
moment I had, but I think this might win.
She and I stared at each other while she jerked me hard, increasing her pace. I tried to act
normalnto keep calm but I was failing miserably. It felt too good. My girl was insane with her sexual appetite and courage. I couldn’t believe I finally found her. When I looked into her eyes I felt myself crumble. After a few more strokes, I reached my hand under the jacket and cupped the head of my cock, catching myself when I came. I closed my eyes as I felt the orgasm rock through my body. I didn’t make a sound but my breathing was loud and heavy. When I was done, I leaned my head against the seat and tried to catch my breath. Janice handed me the bag and I wiped my hands with it. We didn’t have any napkins. It would have to do. I adjusted myself underneath her jacket and buttoned my jeans. When I was done I stared at Janice, admiration in my eyes. She looked back at me with a smirk on her face.
I leaned in and kissed her gently, pulling her close to me. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and tasted her. We made out in the cab until the driver stopped in front of our apartment building. I wasn’t kissing her because I was horny or aroused. I kissed her because I wanted her to know that I loved her.
I broke our kiss then rubbed my nose against hers, looking into her eyes. Then, I paid the cab driver and left the car, pulling her with me. We entered the building then arrived at the apartment. Scarlet was sitting on the couch, watching television, her phone sitting on her thigh.
“Hey,” she said quietly.
“Hi.” I sat beside her on the touch. “Has he called?”
“Give it time.”
Janice took off her jacket then placed it on the rack. When she came over to us she looked at us for a moment. “I’m going to bed, babe.” She kissed me on the cheek.
“Okay, baby. I’ll be there soon.”
“Take your time.”
“Good night, Scar,
” Janice said.
“Good night,” she said with a smile.
Janice disappeared into the hallway. I knew she wanted to give me some alone time with my sister. Scarlet was sad and I hated seeing her that way. Even though she and Sean were still together, I knew she felt guilty and upset about the whole ordeal. Maybe I shouldn’t have left her alone tonight.
“Janice and I ran into that girl I had a threesome with.”
“How’d that go?”
I shrugged. “It could have been worse.”
“Was Janice mad?”
“I’m surprised. I know I would be uncomfortable.”
“Janice is cool. She knows you used to be a whore.”
“That hasn’t changed.”
“Well, you’re still a whore but for only one person.”
“You got that right.”
She sighed. “I’m glad you’re happy, Ryan.”
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. “You’ll be back with Sean soon.”
“I hope so. I miss him so much.”
“I know.”
“I hope we still get married.”
“You will. He told me he can’t live without you.”
“He said that?”
I was shocked too.”
She rolled her eyes.
“When I asked him not to leave you.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank god.”
“He’s not going anywhere, Scarlet. It’s going to be okay.”
She leaned into my chest and closed her eyes. Within a few minutes she fell asleep. Perhaps that was all she needed to calm down—some reassurance. I kissed her on the forehead then carried her into her bedroom. When I tucked her into her bed, I returned to Janice.
She was lying in bed, turned on her side. I removed my clothes then crawled under the sheets. I turned her on her back then moved on top of her, separating her legs. She was sleeping but I didn’t care if I woke her up. Her eyes drifted open as I leaned over and inserted myself within her.
Her moan came out raspy as I started to move inside her. I pressed my forehead against hers and made love to her gently. She slid her fingers into my hair and breathed into my mouth. I rocked her slowly, feeling every part of her with every thrust. We said nothing to each other, just felt connected to one another. When she came, quiet moans escaped her lips. I felt her tighten around me, and I let myself go, releasing inside her.
I didn’t pull out and move away from her. I stayed on top of her, looking into her eyes. Nothing needed to be said because we were both thinking the same thing. How did we live without each other for so long?
“So, what’s this about?” Monnique asked as she approached the counter.
“Good. I was afraid you weren’t going to show up.”
“You better not plan on taking me to the back,” she said with a smile.
“Cortland doesn’t have to know,
” I teased.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky that I know you love Janice.”
I nodded. “You’re a fine woman, Monnique, but you don’t compare to my lady.”
“That’s how it should be.”
“And it is,” I said as I grabbed my keys from the counter. “Come on. Let’s go.”
She walked through the door with me then I locked it behind us. “Where are we going?”
We turned down the street and walked past the other buildings. A few people were walking past us, eating food from a vendor or walking their dog. It was cold today. The sky was overcast. My sweater kept me warm but my hands were a little cold. “Okay, so you can’t tell Cortland or Scarlet what we’re doing—especially Janice.”
She raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on?”
When we reached store I stopped and stared at it. “This is our destination.” It was a jewelry store.
She covered her face with her hands. “Oh
my god! You’re going to propose?”
She jumped on me and hugged me, screaming hysterically. “I’m so excited!”
I laughed. “Thank you.”
“Why didn’t you bring Cortland and Scarlet? I thought they would be your first choice.”
“Well, Cortland is so close to Scarlet that I can’t trust him not to say anything, and Scarlet is stupid and will let it sli
p on accident.” I thought of Scarlet’s accidental omission of sleeping with Cortland right in front of Sean. I didn’t want Janice to find out that way.
“And what makes you think I won’t tell Cortland?”
“Because I asked you not to.”
She smiled. “Okay. I won’t say anything.”
“Thank you.”
“So what do you need me for?”
“I need help picking it out.”
“I can do that.”
I opened the door and allowed Monnique to walk through first.
“Hello, sir,” the main behind the class counter said. “Can I help you?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” I said awkwardly. “Not sure what I want.”
He smiled. “Take your time, sir.”
Monnique walked over to the case and started to look. “Oh! That one is beautiful.” I looked at it. It was nice. “No, look at that one!” She pointed at a different one. They looked identical to me. “What does she like? Princess cut? Thick band or thin band?”
“I have no idea,” I said. “I couldn’t think of a way to ask without making it obvious.”
“I’m sure she’ll love anything you pick out.”
“She probably will.”
Monnique looked through all the rings. “Well, this one is gorgeous but—it’s pricey.”
“Don’t worry about the cost.”
“This is for my future wife—she gets the best.”
I looked at all the different cases, examining each ring. After a while they all started to look very similar. Nothing stood out to me. I didn’t see a ring that I imagined Janice wearing every day, a ring that shined when she
typed on her computer and sparkled in the darkness when we made love in the bedroom. I sighed. “I didn’t realize this was going to be so difficult.”
“Well, Sean customized his. Maybe we should do that?”
I shook my head. “I have no idea what she would even like.”
Monnique was quiet for a moment. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” I snapped. “That isn’t the issue.”
“When are you going to do it?”
“I have no idea. Probably after Sean and Scarlet get married. I know girls are weird about being engaged at the same time.”
“That sounds like a good idea.”
“But I wanted to start looking for a ring now, and I’m glad I did. This is a tough decision.”
“Just pick one.”
“I can’t. None of them are right.”
She sighed. “Well, we can go to another store.”
“Let’s do that.”
We left and took a cab to another jewelry store across town. When we walked inside, the rings all looked identical—again. Monnique picked out a few she liked but I didn’t care for any of them. It just didn’t feel right.
Monnique sighed. “Maybe today just isn’t a good day.”
I shrugged. “Maybe.”
“You can always propose then take her to get the ring later.”
I shook my head “That isn’t romantic.”
“Well, you’ve never been traditional, right?”
“No we haven’t.”
“It’s something to think about.”
“I guess.” We left the store and returned to the sidewalk.
“So, what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. I’ll think about it. Thanks for coming with me—even though we didn’t accomplish anything.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s okay. Sean took forever to make up his mind too.”
“Well, I’ll see you later, then.”
“I’m taking you home.”
She smiled. “It’s okay, Ryan. I’m fine, really.”
“Don’t be annoying.”
“Excuse me?”
“Cortland would walk Janice home. I expect him to. I do the same for him. So come on. Let’s go.”
She sighed in annoyance. “You two are ridiculous sometimes.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” I waved down a cab and opened the door for her. When we were inside, I told the driver the address and we drove to the apartment she shared with Cortland.
“So, when did you decide to ask?” she said.
“A few days ago. I made the decision to start looking for a ring last night.”
“Janice and I
—I just knew.”
“You haven’t been together that long.”
“She’s the one. I know she is.”
“That’s so sweet.”
“Cortland feels the same way about you.”
She smiled. “I know he does.”
“He talks about you—and your ass—all the time.”
She rolled her eyes. “I like how my ass is considered to be a separate person or being.”
“You can talk to Cortland about that one.”
She laughed. “I think I might.”
“Would you say yes if Cortland asked?”
“Why? Is he going to?”
“If he is, he hasn’t mentioned it to me.”
She was quiet for a moment. “Of course I would say yes.”
When we arrived at the building, I paid the driver then walked her to the door. I knew Cortland was at work so I didn’t risk the possibility of being seen. If he did decide to come home, I knew this didn’t look good—being at the apartment alone with her during the day.
“Have a good day,” I said.
“Bye,” she said with a smile. “And don’t stress over it. You’ll find the right one.”
“I hope so.”
“You will.”
I nodded. “Bye.”
She closed the door.
I went back to the shop and finished my work day. I kept thinking about Janice’s ring. I wasn’t sure what she wanted to wear. And I couldn’t see myself wearing a wedding ring. I would do it if she expected me to and I would never take it off, but I didn’t like the idea of having metal on my hands. At work, I used my hands all the time. It would just get in the way.
After I closed the shop, I bought flowers and a few cookies from the bakery. I just felt like getting Janice something. I felt like
a failure for not finding the right engagement ring for her, and I wanted to do something nice for her. She was amazing. I couldn’t think of any other girl that would put up with Shelly like that, and I had never met another girl who jerked me off in a cab. She was perfect for me.
When I came home, Janice was sitting next to Scarlet at the table. When she saw the flowers, she smiled.
“Are those for me?”
“You’re the only beautiful lady here.”
“What about me?” Scarlet asked.
“Shut up, brat,” I said without looking at her.
Janice came over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “You’re so sweet.”
“Speaking of sweet.” I handed her the small bag of cookies.
“And a treat too?” she asked happily.
“I need to fatten you up a little bit.”
She took a bite out of the cookie. “Well, you might succeed.”
I took a bite out of the cookie she was holding and smiled at her. “It’s pretty good.”
“What did Ryan do?” Scarlet asked. “A man that brings home flowers and chocolates is guilty for something.”
I rolled my eyes. “Ignore her. That’s what I do.”
Janice laughed. “Okay.”
I placed the flowers on the table. “I’m gonna take a shower, baby.”
I leaned toward her and sniffed her neck. “Yuck. You stink.”
“What?” she said as she smelled herself. “I do not.”
“You really do. Come on. Let’s shower.”
She rolled her eyes. “I walked right into that one.”
I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the hallway.
“What about your sister?”
“She won’t hear us in the shower.”
“But she still knows what we’re doing.”
“I don’t give a shit. This is my place. She can deal with it.” I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After I grabbed two towels I closed the bathroom door. “And I’m tired of being quiet all the time. I want to fuck you as loud as I want. You better scream for me.”
She started to undress herself. “She would probably hear me if I screamed.”
She dropped her shirt to the ground and I watched her, mesmerized by her body. Her tits looked perky in her bra. When she removed it I stared at her breasts. Her nipples were hard. Janice had a small smile on her lips as she removed the rest of her clothing. It became a small strip tease.
“You’re a natural,” I whispered.
She pulled off her panties then threw them at me. “Those are for you.”
I held them to my nose and sniffed them. “Yum.”
“Your turn.”
“I don’t look as sexy as you.”
“I beg to differ.”
I pulled my sweater over my head, messing up my hair, then I removed my shirt. I tossed it at her. “That’s for you.” She caught it in her arms then held it to her chest. When I removed my pants and boxers, she stared at my cock with a hungry expression. I walked over to her then sealed my mouth over hers, kissing her hard. I pushed her against the wall and rubbed my erection against her. She wrapped her leg around my waist and started to moan quietly.
“We aren’t even going to make it into the shower at this rate,” she said.
I rubbed my nose against hers. “You’re right.” I pulled away and entered the shower. She walked inside then closed the door behind her. I pushed her against the wall then grabbed her ass, lifting her up. The warm water fell down my back and soaked my hair. She wrapped her legs around me while I held her, her mouth against my forehead. I slipped inside her easily and started to thrust into her as hard as I could.
“You’re just as wet as a Vaseline bottle, baby.”
“You like that?”
I continued my pace, sliding in and out of her. I wanted her to scream for me so I fucked her harder, pushing as far as I would go.
“That’s better,” I said as I breathed heavily.
When her nails dug into my back, nearly piercing the skin, I knew I had her. Her legs shook as they squeezed me, and I felt her pussy tighten around me, making my thrusts a hundred times more pleasurable.
She pressed her face against mine and she recovered from her high. I continued to move inside her until I felt the orgasm explode in my balls. It rose up my shaft until I felt my body convulse with the pleasure I was feeling. “Baby.”
When I was finished I held her there, letting the warm water drip down both of us. I could still hear her breathing in my ear. She rested her head against mine while we both recovered from the high. I put her down then started to rub soap across her body. I massaged her tits while she rubbed shoulders and chest. We said nothing as we washed each other. When she looked into my eyes I saw the love burning
inside them. I knew I made her as happy as she made me—if not more so.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I was scared for the longest time.”
“Scared of what?”