Forced Handfasting (4 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond

BOOK: Forced Handfasting
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              “Let’s talk about that tomorrow.” He sat the blanket on her lap then returned to his seat next to Niko.

              He stared out the window. A feeling of guilt overcame him as he thought about the real reason he had purchased Samantha. Yes, he had been angered when he saw the treatment she incurred in front of his very eyes, but she would also be the perfect candidate for him to gain an heir. Her life was virtually in his hands, and he would be able to force her into the Handfasting without any kind of an issue. She would agree to it without a doubt especially if he offered to return her to Earth after she produced his heir.




              Sam felt naked and vulnerable under the blanket the man had given her. She watched him as he walked away, and wondered why he was so nice to her. For crying out loud, he hadn’t even told her his name! At least she could understand what he was saying now. She had been terrified when he showed her the strange looking device he used to implant the translators into her ears.

              She stared at his back as he folded his big frame into a seat at the front of the spaceship. Her first look at him when he took off the stifling sack had been one of a surprise. He was so much taller than her, so she had to crane her neck back to see his face. He had to stand at least six foot ten or eleven inches, and was almost equally as wide. From what she could see, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. The muscles in his arms stretched the black shirt he wore tight over his upper body. When he kneeled down in front of her, her mouth started salivating at the sight of his thigh muscles bulging against the fabric of his pants. At the juncture of those thighs was a protruding lump that had her blushing.
He has got to be huge,
she had thought to herself as she turned her face away from him so that he could insert the device in her ear. After days, maybe weeks, without enough to drink, her mouth suddenly had a lot of excess moisture in it. His black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and tied with a leather strap. His eyes were strange yet beautiful at the same time with the black pupils surrounded by a ring of dark purple that fanned out, and turned blue. She would have loved to keep looking at them, but she didn’t dare do anything he might consider confrontational. At first she thought he was human like she was but when she saw the curved ears she knew he wasn’t.

              She didn’t have a clue what the other man looked like since he had been sitting in the front of the ship when the sack was taken off her head. All she could see of the second man was that he had the same color skin tone, a dark tan, as the first man.

              Sam suddenly felt very tired. For the first time in however long, she felt safe. The blanket covering her was soft, and warm, and the seat she was reclining in reminded her of her sofa back home. To get a bit more comfortable, she swung her legs up onto the seat and stretched them out as she scooted down enough to be able to lay down. It was wonderful laying on something soft again! After the hard surface of her bench in the cell, anything soft was a blessing.

              She opened her mouth, and yawned big as her eyes closed on their own accord. The sound of the men chatting quietly helped her to drift off to sleep in a little cocoon she had made for herself.

              Her body jerked awake. She wasn’t sure what had awakened her but when she opened her eyes the man who had bought her was standing over her.

              “Sorry to have to wake you but we have some place we need to be.” He handed her a stack of clothes.

              “Where are we going?” she asked as she struggled to hold the clothes in one hand, and keep hold of the blanket in the other.

              “There’s no need for you to know right now. Please go get dressed,” he said gruffly then left her.

              “Okay,” she mumbled to herself. She got up and went into the bathroom. She didn’t want to give the man any reason to get angry with her, so she washed her face, and brushed her teeth with her finger as quickly as she could. She pulled on the too big shirt, and the too long pants then looked at herself in the mirror hanging on the wall, and sighed. She was a grand mess. Her hair had dried into a curly mess, her clean face looked sunken, and she had purple bags under her eyes.

              “Don’t you just look beautiful,” she said, then stuck her tongue out at herself. Last, but not least, she relieved her bladder. Before she exited the bathroom, she rolled up the legs of the pants enough so that she would be able to walk without tripping.

              Outside the bathroom, the man was waiting for her. The second man was nowhere in sight, and she wondered where he had gone.

              “We won’t be here long,” he told her as they walked down the ramp of the ship.

              “Where are we going?”

              She could tell something about him had changed while she was sleeping. He didn’t seem to be very caring at the present moment like he had been when she had first boarded the ship.

              “I told you there is no need for you to know right now. You will find out soon enough.”

              She followed behind him until she reached the end of the ramp, and stepped off. “Ouch! Shit!” She jumped back onto the ramp.

              He turned around and looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

              “I don’t have any shoes on, and the ground is hot.”

              He looked down at her feet then to the ground. “Crap, I forgot about that. Come here.” He pointed to the spot directly in front of him.

              What choice did she have? She walked to the edge of the ramp and stopped. Without warning he scooped her up into his arms and walked off in the direction they had been headed.

              Sam took in her surroundings as they walked toward a building that resembled a church. She didn’t know what planet they were on, but she had to admit it was beautiful. The building stood at the end of a long walkway that was lined on both sides with rose bushes. Roses of every color in the rainbow bloomed on the thick-stemmed bushes. She had never seen anything like it before in her life! The blue sky was cloudless, allowing the rays of the bright sun to shine down on the outstretched petals of the roses. The sound of water reached her ears, but she couldn’t find the source. How wonderful it would be to emerge her tired body into a nice hot bath.

              “What is this place?” she asked.

              The man glanced down at her as he continued to walk with her in his arms. “This is the home of the priests and priestesses.”

              “Oh,” she said casually. Maybe he was bringing her here to keep her safe from her captors. Was it possible he was going to help her get home? Excitement bloomed in her heart as she thought about returning home. How long had she been gone? Weeks? Months?

              The door to the building had opened before they reached it. An old man in a white robe stepped out to greet them. “Ah, I see you have arrived safely. Come this way.” He pushed the door open further, and allowed them to pass into the dim light of the building.

              The four of them walked quietly down a long, dim hallway that opened up into a larger room. A large, white stone altar stood in the middle of the room. Sculptures of males and female were set into recesses carved into the walls surrounding the altar.

              “Who are the statues of? I don’t recognize any of them,” she asked quietly.

              “Those are the likenesses of the gods, and goddesses that rule our world. Each statue was carved out of the rock of this moon then painted.”


              “Yes, Sam. Donwi is a moon that orbits my planet,” the man replied dryly.

              “What are we going to do here? Is someone going to take me home from here?” She let her eyes roam over the room then back to him.

              “No,” he said.

              “If you will wait here, I will tell the priest you have arrived.” The old man left them standing in front of the altar.

              The second man they had been walking with turned to them, and spoke. “You need to tell her.”

              The man holding her growled. She had a bad feeling he was about to tell her something she wasn’t going to like very much.

              “Tell me what? You are taking me home, right?” She wanted out of his arms. “Put me down!” She kicked her legs as an indication she wanted down. The man set her down gently on the cold, stone floor. “Who is taking me home?” she asked with her hands on her hips.

              “No one is taking you home,” the man informed her coldly.

              “What…what…I don’t understand.” She took several steps away from the pair of men staring at her.

              “We are here for you, and me to be handfasted.”


              “Yes, handfasted. I need an heir, and you are going to be the one do it.”

              Sam shook her head. She couldn’t have heard him correctly. He wanted her to bear him a child? No, no! That couldn’t have been what she heard. Her translator had to be screwing up.

              “I think my translator is messing up. Can you repeat that?” She sucked in a breath and held it. She wanted to hear him clearly, and feared she wouldn’t be able to over the sound of her ragged breathing, and thundering heart.

              “I said, I need an heir, so you, and I will be handfasted together for a year.”

              “I don’t think so! I am not marrying you or anyone else! Much less bearing you anything! You have got to be crazy!” Her hands began to shake as well as her knees. He was lying to her! This was some kind of sick alien joke!

              “You will handfast to me or I will bring you back to the slave market, and sell you to someone else.”

              Her vision faded in, and out with his words. This had to a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from. “I won’t do it!”

              He had her pinned up against a wall before she even knew what happened. How the hell had he moved quickly? He gripped her upper arms then bent forward to glare into her face. “You don’t have much of a choice do you, my little female?”

              Her mouth instantly felt dry again. Her chest felt constricted even though she was holding her breath still. Her heart pounded ferociously in her ears. “No,” she whispered. She didn’t have much of a choice. It was either agree to this man’s madness or be brought back to the slave market, and be sold to God knows who.

Chapter 4


Jahan stared down at Sam. Anger radiated out of her until he could feel his body surrounded by it. He knew she was going to be upset when he informed her about his intentions but not this mad. He took it for granted that she would just accept her fate with him, and be grateful that someone saved her from a life of misery.

“Are you sure? Because once we leave here unbound, you will be returned to the market where I found you.” He folded his arms over his chest as he studied her. He shouldn’t be threatening her with the fear of being sold again because he would never put her back into that situation again, but it was the only way he could get what he wanted. He saw the emotions play over her face as she thought about her fate, and what her decision would ultimately cost her. “Well, what is it?”

Tears pooled in her eyes but failed to escape. “I agree.” She turned her back to him and folded her arms over her too big shirt. “I don’t even know your name,” she whispered so quietly he almost missed it.

“What did you say?” he asked.

Sam whirled around, “I am about to be married to a man, and I don’t even know his name!”

The air in his lungs left him in a rush. How could he have been so stupid to not even tell her his name? “Jahan.”

“And your friend?” She lifted her chin in the direction of Niko, who was standing several feet away watching their interaction.


She nodded her head once then turned away from him again. His shoulders sagged as some of the tension left him. The strain of finding a mate was now relieved, but he faced an all new problem, getting Sam to understand why he did what he was about to do. Sam may have been an impulse choice, but the more he watched her, the more he could imagine her swelling with his child in her belly.

“My Lord! It is good to see you!” A different male voice called out from across the room. “My priest has informed me of your wishes.”

              Zion was the head priest on Donwi. He had been on the moon for as long as Jahan could remember. Several times a year his parents would bring him, and his brothers to Donwi in order to honor the gods, and goddesses. Zion was always there to greet his family when their ship landed, and took off again. Zion was a gentle, quiet man who Jahan felt comfortable talking to about private matters when the need arose, but he was not about to inform his old companion that he was about to force Sam to handfast to him. If the old man knew he would refuse to perform the ceremony, and send him on his way.

              “Zion, it has been a while, and yes, Sam, and I wish to be bound together.” He smiled down at the old, bald head man who looked up at him with respect.

              “Excellent! It is about time you get married!” Zion patted Jahan on the arm then walked over to where Sam stood alone near the altar.

              “Sam?” Zion spoke behind her.

              When Sam turned around to face the man saying her name, Jahan saw her quickly wipe her wet cheeks. Tears had fallen, and he was the cause of it.


              “It is a pleasure to meet a female who is willing to put up with this rogue,” Zion laughed and pointed behind him. “Such a troublemaker when he was a little boy!”

              Sam forced herself to smile at the man. “I just bet he was.”

              Jahan caught the sarcastic intent hidden within her words, and thanked the gods Zion had not.

              “If the two of you would come stand over here, we can begin.” Zion stepped up to the altar and retrieved a white rope.

              Jahan moved up beside his intended. He sucked in air through his nose and caught Sam’s fresh, clean scent. It stirred something in him, something he wanted to let out.

              “Would you please join hands,” Zion asked.

              After doing what the priest asked, Zion wrapped the white, silk rope first around Jahan’s wrist then around the palm of his large hand. Zion then took the opposite end of the rope and repeated the movement on Sam until their hands were joined together by a rope. Sam’s hand trembled alongside his as they stood waiting for the priest to begin the ceremony.

              “The gods and goddesses have brought you two together. Your fates are now tied to each other for the course of one year. After the course of the first year if you choose to go your separate ways then this union was not meant to be. If you choose to remain together, then a life bonding ceremony will be performed. Trust in what the gods and goddesses have in store for you as a couple, and you will be happy.” Zion took hold of both their hands then placed Sam’s on top of Jahan’s. He then placed his own hand to the top of both, and said a prayer in a language that was old. He looked up at them and smiled when he had finished. “Go now, and be happy. The gods and goddesses will watch over you both.”

              “Thank-you Zion,” Jahan said.

              “The pleasure is all mine. Now take your bride and go. I will be waiting to see you in one year’s time.” Zion bowed his head then turned to leave the room.

              The three of them waited for the priest to disappear through the same door he had come through before anyone said a word.

              “Are you happy?” Sam hissed at him.

              Niko stepped in between the glaring couple. “Ummm…can we get out of here now?”

              “Yes, let’s go.” Jahan didn’t ask Sam if she wanted him to carry her again; he just scooped her up, and strode out of the building.

              Sam didn’t say a word on the way back to the ship. Her body was tense, and ridged as she sat in his arms unwillingly. The sound of their footsteps was the only noise around them. Everything was quiet.

              Back on the ship, he set her down and went to rummage in the food storage for something substantial to fix for the three of them. He pulled out a large freeze dried packet, slit it open, and dumped the contents out onto a tray.

              “Oh goody. A meal in a bag! Just what I wanted,” Niko’s flip comment enticed a small laugh out of Sam, that shocked both of them.

              “Good. I am happy to please you, Niko,” Jahan replied as he shoved the tray in the food hydrator, and slammed the door. “You can eat, and drive.” He pointed to Niko.

              “I wouldn’t have it any other way, boss.” Niko had winked at Sam before he slipped by to get to the controls of the ship.

              Jahan watched the food hydrator as it prepared their food. He could see her reflection in the glass and watched as she moved about the ship. The first thing she would need was clothing. She couldn’t continue to go around looking like a slave right off the block. The hydrator dinged, and steam poured out when he opened the door.

              Jahan handed her a plate of noodles, and meat that was native to his home.

              “What is it,” Sam asked.

              “It’s called Suron.” He watched as she brought the plate to her nose, and sniffed. Her eyebrows lifted at the pleasant aroma then she used the spoon he provided to take a small taste. She didn’t say another word as she quickly ate the food. He figured she had to be hungry after only having the protein bars. This would tie them all over until they reached Uxslore in a few hours.

              The rest of the way to Uxslore was quiet. Sam dozed in the back of the ship while he and Niko navigated. Every now, and then Niko would come up with some crazy question to ask him which he reluctantly answered. A couple of hours later Niko navigated the ship to the landing area near their home. No one was there to greet them as the trio stepped outside in the cool air of Uxslore.




              Samantha looked around at the alien world she had just stepped into. The air was cool against her skin and blew her hair gently around her face. She could smell something sweet but pleasant when she inhaled deeply, and would love to find out what the smell was, but she wasn’t about to ask her husband.

              Every time she looked or thought about Jahan her anger would rise again. How the hell her life had taken such a drastic turn amazed her; one moment she was happily walking around on vacation, and the next she was a prisoner in some strange place being sold to the highest bidder. Some way, somehow she needed to find a way home especially before she became pregnant with her alien husband’s baby. She would have to fend him off for as long as she could because there was no way she would ever be able to abandon her child.

              A vehicle was parked to the side of the landing area. Niko aimed a small, black, circular device at the vehicle, and it came to life. The doors opened automatically, and the engine purred quietly like a sleeping kitten. Her bare feet silently followed behind the pair until they reached the vehicle. Jahan motioned for her to get into the front seat where Niko had already slipped into on the other side. She slid to the middle of the seat when she realized Jahan was coming in right behind her. It was a tight fit, and she prayed the ride to where ever they were headed wasn’t going to take too long.

              The doors closed with a hiss, and Niko steered the vehicle in the direction of the only road she had seen. Her right leg was pressed up against Jahan’s left leg, so she could feel his heat radiating through his pants as well as her own, making her feel uncomfortable in the tight space. She tried to shift her legs to a better position but was caught in the act, making her face burn in embarrassment.

              “Does my touch make you feel uncomfortable?” Jahan asked with sarcasm.

              His deep voice in the silence of the car startled her, making her jump. She looked up into his face. “What do you think?”

              He let out a long deep breath then grinned. “We shall have to remedy that, won’t we?”

              She felt the color drain from her face. Was he really serious about making her have his baby? Was he going to attack her as soon as they were alone for the first time? How in the world was she going to be able to fight off a man who was three times her size?

              She diverted her eyes back to the front window as the vehicle sped along the winding road. She hadn’t notice that they were moving toward a large mountain on which she could see lights coming from a very large building. Niko had slowed the vehicle down when they came to the sharp curves, but not enough to calm her nerves as the vehicle came close to the drop-offs.

              Trees with green and blue leaves dotted the side of the road as well as short red bushes. Periodically, she would get a glance of a flower, at least she thought they were flowers, before it would slip by. The vehicle continued to climb the mountain in continuous circles. About half way up she got a beautiful view of a large area of land covered in low green vines. She turned her head to try, and see it again in order to figure out what it was. Jahan must have noticed her curiosity because he spoke out loud to her.

              “That was one of several steps where food is grown for our people. That particular step grows what is called the Bay Berry. It’s used to make wine, clothing dye, or can just be eaten plain. It’s a favorite among the children.”

              “Oh,” she replied. She didn’t want to give the impression that she was interested in his world, and as soon as she could get off the planet the better. It might take her some time to find someone willing to betray Jahan, but like any culture, there was always someone out there willing to do the dirty stuff for the right price.

              For the rest of the drive, she kept her eyes forward. It felt as if they were ascending back up into space since they were going so high up the mountain. Eventually, the vehicle turned off the main road and headed down a short stone driveway. They stopped in front of an enormous three storied fortress that sat on the edge of the mountain. Dumbfounded by the sheer size of the building staring her in the face through the windshield, she stared at it in amazement.

              Jahan and Niko exited the doors of the vehicle as soon as they opened. A cold, sharp breeze swept into the vehicle and instantly chilled her to the bone.

              “Come one, little one,” Jahan instructed when he held out his hand for her to take.

              Reluctantly, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to help her out. His skin was warm as it encased her smaller one. For some odd reason, it felt right to touch him, and for him to touch her, even though her brain was screaming to let his hand go. Once on her own two feet, she tried to dislodge her hand from Jahan’s grasp. She tugged to get her hand free but the more she tugged, the more Jahan squeezed.

              “You can let go now,” she said with an attitude.

              Jahan turned to look back down at her. “I could, but I won’t.”

              She narrowed her eyes at him. The man infuriated her to no end. Last night he had been gentle and soft-spoken with her, but today was an entirely different story. Ever since Jahan woke her up that morning he had been nasty to her. What had caused his changed in attitude towards her? She didn’t do anything that she could recall, and wondered how she could get him to change back. She had no desire to live with a man who was prone to brooding all the time.

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