Forcing Gravity (25 page)

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Authors: Monica Alexander

BOOK: Forcing Gravity
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“You have great lips,” I said, as I kissed him, relishing in the full, soft lips pressed against mine. I could kiss him for hours.

“They’re multi-talented,” he said, pulling away from me.

“Oh yeah?”

He nodded and brought his mouth down on my nipple and sucked it into his mouth. I let my head fall back with a gasp, as I tried to keep my vocalizations to a minimum. The last thing I needed was the girls on the other side of the wall hearing me make-out with Jase.

As Jase kissed a tra
il down my stomach, hitting the sensitive
spot just below my bellybutton, I shivered. He looked up at me and grinned. “You okay?”

I nodded, and watched him as he continued south.

He rolled to his side and moved his hand to the button of my jeans. “Is this okay?”

I nodded again, giving him access to a place very few guys had been.

He moved back up to kiss me, but his hand very artfully worked to unzip my jeans. To help him, I lifted my butt and slid them down to give him better access. I tensed as his hand slid slowly under the waistband of m
y panties, glad I’d worn a cute
that day

mouth never left mine as he slipped a finger between my legs and massaged my most sensitive area. I lifted my knees to give him better access and threaded my
hands into his hair, gripping
tightly when he hit a point that made me shudder and press against his hand. Then he slipped a finger inside me but moved his thumb to where his fingers had been, and my head fell back. I lost all conscious thought as
fingers moved expertly, hitting me just right and moving faster when he knew it was what I wanted, as his lips kissed my jawline, my neck and my collarbone.

My finger
s slid to his bare back and raked up and down his skin in time with his fingers, as he took me to an apex I’d never been to before. Then suddenly, something inside me exploded,
and I let out in involuntary cry. As
fingers continued to move rapidly, extending the feeling,
I arched into him and my lips sought his out.

He kissed me as
came down from my high, and his fingers slowed before he removed them altogether. Against my leg, I could feel the hardness of his erection pressing against me and wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. He’d selflessly taken the time to please me. Did I now return the favor? It seemed like the appropriate thing to do, but I’d never gone that far with a guy before. Then again, I’d never really wanted to go that far with a guy. With Jase, it was different.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured, as he trailed his lips up my hairline.

Steeling myself for what I wanted to do, I rolled our bodies so he was partially beneath me, and I lay next to him, propped
myself up on my elbow and
one leg
over his. I looked down at him
and he smiled back up at me. As my hand reached for the button
of his jeans, he looked at me in surprise
but didn’t say anything. I could feel the hardness beneath the denim of his jeans and moved my hand over it a few times all the w
hile keep
ing my gaze locked on his
His full lips pressed together, and his green eyes watched me with curiosity.

I pulled down his zipper slowly and peeled back his jeans to allow myself better access. Looking down at the hard mass just beneath his boxer briefs, I lowered my head and kissed it, letting my lips linger there for a few beats. Jase hissed a breath in through his teeth.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he said, but
I knew it was an empty offer
. He didn’t want me to stop any more that I wanted to stop.

I looked back up at him. “Oh, but I want to,” I said, as I slipped my hand into the opening of his boxer briefs.









My phone rang as I was just about to walk outside
to meet Jase to go to his movie set. It was him, and I wondered if he was running late.

“Hey,” I greeted him cheerfully.

I hadn’t talked to him
since the day before when he’d left my dorm room at the crack of dawn. His call time had been at six, so he’d asked his assistant
, Gary,
to pick him up. I’d set the alarm, woken up when it went off and watched him slip into the clothes he’d worn the night before. He put Ethan’s hoodie,
my hat and sunglasses back on, although I was pretty sure he wouldn’t run into anyone that early in the day.

I’d offered to walk him down, but he’d just kissed me and told me to go back to sleep. Since he
had the premiere for
Flip Switch
that night
, he said he wouldn’t be able to call, but he’d pick me up in front of my dorm at eleven on Friday. And I’d been waiting in anticipation to see him again since the mo
ment he’d walked out of my

There are photographers camped
outside your dorm,” he said,
catching me by surprise.
I could sense the irritation in his voice.


“The paparazzi are outside.”

“Shit,” I cursed, wondering how on earth they’d figured out where I lived. “Any chance they’re not here for me?”

Jase laughed a short, non-humorous laugh. “Not likely. I’d venture to guess that you’re the only person in your dorm dating a celebrity.”

Not exactly true. Henley had sp
ent the night with Garrett, and they might actually be dating, but she wasn’t sure what he wanted. She did like him, though, so that was good, and he’d called
her the night before, so I assumed they were headed toward dating.
But yeah, Jase was
the paparazzi weren’t there for Henley.

I sighed.
Where are you?”

It was a good thing I’d skipped my morning class that day. I wondered how long they’d been camped out.

“I’m around the corner. I
drove into the parking lot,
saw them and turned around. What do you want to do?”

“Do you just want to call it a day and see each other later?”

“No!” he said, a little too quickly, and it made me grin.
I was afraid he was ready to cancel on me.
Definitely not.”

“Well, do you want do drive around the back and pick me up there?”

He sighed. “They know my car. Any chance
your roommate
is home?”

she is, actually

Do you think she’d be able
pick you up out back and drive you to me? I can meet you at the gas station just outside the main entrance to campus.”

“Sure,” I said, turning around to head back upstairs, my stomach churning just enough at the idea that
were staking me out.

Again, why was I interesting? I knew that answer,
and his
name was Jason Brady. But at least this time I was legitimately dating him.

“Hang on,” I told him, as I explained the situation to Henley, covering the phone with my hand.

“Excuse me?!” she screamed, shocked because I’d never actually told her who I was dating when she’d helped me get ready for my date.

“Yes, yes, I’m dating Jase Brady, the famous actor who’s super-hot and who every female on the planet lusts after.”

” she asked, confused like I had been
when he’d first told me his name.

“Yes, he goes by Jase.”

“Holy crap!” she said, shaking her head, he
grin a mile wide. “I cannot believe all this time that is who you’ve been seeing. Wow! You were actually watching that interview with him right before your date with him, weren’t you? That is so cool. No wonder you were so freaked out when Ethan hit him the other night.”

“Henley! Focus. Please. I need your help.”

“Fine,” she said, rising to her feet. She pulled her
on over her yoga pants. “I will do this for you, but I want major details when you get home tonight, got it? You will leave nothing out.”

“Yes, fine.
Whatever you want.”

She grinned at me. “Jase Brady.
Dang, girl.
That’s hot.”

“Yes, he’s hot
.” I uncovered
the mouthpiece of my phone. “We’re leaving now
,” I told Jase.

“So, I’m hot, huh?”


“You said I was hot,” he said, and I could just tell that he was grinning. “In fact, I believe you said I was super-hot.” He laughed, and my face flamed red. He’d heard our entire conversation.

“Oh, shut up,” I said, but I was grinning. “You know you’re hot.”

“I just like
hearing you say it.”

“Well quit laughing at me, or you’ll never hear me say it again.”

, you’re cute when you’re mad,” he said. “I can’t wait to see you.”

, that boy had me floating on a cloud already.


“Hey you,” Jase said
, as he turned down the volume on an old Goo
Dolls song,
when I slid into his car
ten minutes later
Henley and I had made it off campus without
anyone recognizing us, but my adrenaline was pumping wildly.

“Oh, my God!”
I gasped, as I noticed ho
w black and blue his jawline
. Involuntarily, I
leaned forward and brushed
it lightly with my fingertips

“It’s not so bad,” he
said, shifting his car into gear. He shot me a
grin. “
, but she’ll get over it.”

“Does it hurt?”

Not really.”

Stupid Ethan.
I’d ripped him a new one the day before, and not because he’d damaged the face I’d come to love looking at, but because he shouldn’t have acted so impulsively. I
pushed him to find out what he
had against Jase, but he wouldn’t say. He just repea
ted what he always said, that Jase
was an asshole.
Well, I wasn’t buying it.

“Well that’s good,” I said, leaning forward to get a look at the cut beneath his left eye.
There was some swelling around it, but his eye was thankfully not bruised.

f you
to kiss it and make it better, I won’t stop you,” he said, openly flirting with me.

I felt my face flush again
and wish
I didn’t look like a tomato when I got embarr
assed. Jase took notice
of my change of shade
and just chuckled.
After what we’d done in my dorm two nights earlier, I shouldn’t be embarrassed by some harmless flirting, but I was. I couldn’t help it.

“So, I’m excited to see you show me your stuff today,” I said, changing
subject. “What scenes are you shooting?”

He glanced over at me. “We’re doing some group scenes of the first day we all get to the house, and there’s a scene where one of the girls wanders off and gets spooked by something evil.
Then I have to shoot a chase sc
where I run into the basement and get trapped. It should be pretty good.”

“I’m just hoping you can act, or else I might have to reconsider this whole dating thing.”

“Oh, ouch,” he said, looking over at me and feigning hurt.

I shrugged. “Hey, I don’t think
worth having paparazzi
staking out
my dorm if you’re not a great actor. I’m just saying.”

face suddenly
serious. “I’m really sorry about that,” he said, glancing over at me with concern.

fine,” I said
waving him off. It wasn’t, but it also wasn’t his fault, so I couldn’t be upset with him.

“No, it’s not,” he said, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tight
his knuckles were white.
“I put up with it because it comes with the
, but you didn’t choose this.”

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