Foreshadow (12 page)

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Authors: Brea Essex

BOOK: Foreshadow
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I felt sick at the idea of leaving Rae at home defenseless. I knew her family was home, but who knew how much help they would be if Andrei showed up? Shane might be able to deal with him, but I didn’t think Genevra or Tanis could. Andrei would dispense with them easily. I shuddered at the thought of Rae, or any of her family, being hurt by Andrei just because I’d had to go home.

I should have stayed.
I have a black belt in Taekwondo, although I hadn’t shared that fact with her yet. I also know a little about sword fighting. It was kind of an obsolete art, but it had drawn me for some reason. I needed to teach her some self-defense the next day.

I sat in my car in Rae’s driveway, considering going back, knocking on the door, and insisting on staying. I could sleep on the couch. I would be out of the way, but still there if Andrei appeared in the middle of the night.

I dismissed that idea. Genevra and Shane did seem to like me, but I didn’t think they would agree to me staying the night. After all, Rae and I weren’t even technically dating yet. It would probably be uncomfortable for all of us. But wouldn’t it better for everyone to be a little uncomfortable if it kept her safe?

I decided there was no way Genevra and Shane would agree to it. I thought about staying in my car, either in their driveway or across the street. No, it would be too stalker-like if I did that. I finally turned on my engine and headed home. I would keep my phone on, with my ringer on loud, and sleep with it next to my bed. Rae could reach me easily if she needed me—I would be just a phone call away. I didn’t live far from her, and I could be there quickly if she needed me. I sped home, hoping I hadn’t made a mistake.

Chapter Twenty-Seven



I woke to a knock on my door. Sunlight streamed through my window, so I knew it must still be pretty early. “Come in!” I called. The door opened a little and Genevra poked her head around the corner.

“Your boyfriend’s here!” she announced.

I stared at her, uncomprehending. “Are you serious? What time is it?”

“Around seven-thirty,” she informed me.

“I thought he was coming at eight! I’m not even dressed yet! Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?” I demanded.

She laughed. “Well, I didn’t expect him so early either. I figured since you were staying home today, you could use a little more sleep. It’s been a crazy couple of days. You need some time to recover.” She paused at looked me curiously. “So, is he your boyfriend now?”

I sighed. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. And Logan’s not my boyfriend—at least, not yet. I told him I needed some time to deal with this whole Andrei fiasco.”

“That was very wise and mature of you, Raena,” she told me approvingly. “As to Logan not being your boyfriend yet…well, I don’t think it’s going to last long. I saw the way you two were looking at each other yesterday. Shane and I definitely approve of him.” She looked at me sadly. “Your mother would, too.”

I felt tears spring up and pressed the heels of my hands against my eyes to keep them from falling. “Thanks. It means a lot.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you, but I thought you should know.”

“I appreciate it. Would you mind keeping Logan company while I get ready?”

“I suppose I could, at least for a little while. I do need to leave soon to take Tanis to school, so I suggest you hurry up,” she said, gesturing at my nighttime ensemble.

I bounded out of bed as Genevra backed out of my room, closing the door behind her. I dashed for the shower, grabbing my robe off of my desk chair as I went.

I got ready as quickly as I could, knowing I had less than thirty minutes. I left my hair curly and put on only minimal makeup. I was brushing my teeth when Tanis appeared in the adjoining door.

“So, you get to stay home again
you get to spend the day with your almost-boyfriend? I have to say, I’m a little jealous.”

I dropped my toothbrush into the toothbrush holder and whirled on her. “Tanis, why would you be jealous?” I asked disbelievingly. “I’m being
My life may be in danger. I can’t get rid of this crazy guy! I’m not staying home for fun, and my ‘almost-boyfriend’ is here to help protect me. This is serious!”

She held up her hands in front of her, as if to ward off my tirade. “Okay, okay, sorry! I was being sarcastic. No need to freak out. I understand this is serious. I won’t joke about it anymore.”

I glared at her for a moment longer. “I need to get dressed. Logan’s already here, and I don’t want to keep him waiting. Besides, I think Genevra is about ready to take you to school.”

Her face softened. “Raena…” She hesitated.


“Stay safe. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” She came closer and hugged me, and then headed back into her bedroom.

I felt a little stunned, but I had to get dressed and get downstairs to Logan. I chose jeans and a camisole, adding a cardigan over it. I didn’t want to risk Genevra seeing my bruises and questioning me about them. No need to worry her any more than necessary.

I thought about not putting on shoes. We would be staying inside. But I finally donned a pair of black, pointy-toed leather flats. Better to have shoes on, just in case Andrei showed up, and we needed to run. I prayed I hadn’t just jinxed us.

I bounded down the stairs. Logan waited in the living room, talking to Genevra and Tanis. A smile lit his face as I appeared.

“Oh good, there you are, Raena!” Genevra exclaimed. “I’m going to take Tanis to school now. I’ll be right back. Stay down here while I’m gone, okay?”

I picked up easily on her hint. “You can trust us. We’ll be right here when you get back.”

She stood up and grabbed her purse from the table. She dug her keys out of the inside pocket. “I have my cell phone if you need to get hold of me. Lock the door behind me. Stay safe.”

Tanis stood up as well and picked up her school bag. She lingered in the doorway. “Yes?” I asked her.

“Just remember what I said earlier,” she told me, following Genevra out to the car.

After they’d gotten into the car, and I had closed and locked the door behind them, Logan asked, “So, what did Tanis say earlier that she wants you to remember?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. She just told me to stay safe.”

“That’s reasonable. We all just want you to be okay.”

“I know, I know,” I said. I was getting annoyed by everyone babying me. “So, what do you want to do today? Watch TV?”

“No. I’m going to teach you self-defense,” he announced.

I laughed at him. “Are you serious?”

“Of course I’m serious, Raena. You need to know how to defend yourself in case Andrei comes after you when no one else is around. We’re trying our best to make sure you’re not by yourself, but what happens if, say, Andrei sneaks into your bedroom at night, and no one can get to you in time? You need to know how to fight back.”

“All right, all right!” He seemed so passionate about it. I decided it might be better if I just went along with whatever he wanted to teach me. “Just show me.”

He stood up, grabbed my shoulders, and positioned me across from him. “Okay, put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees a little. This helps keep you balanced and makes it less likely he’ll be able to knock you over.”

I did as he instructed. “Is this right?”

“Yes. Okay, first I’m going to teach you how to block a punch.” He demonstrated. “Now you try it.”

We proceeded along through the proper way to make a fist so I wouldn’t break my thumb, and on to punching, kicking, and how to break someone’s nose. Genevra arrived home in the midst of Logan’s instruction. She just glanced into the living room at us and headed into the kitchen.

At last, I was too worn out to continue. It seemed like we had been drilling for hours. The clock read eleven fifteen. We
been drilling for hours. “Can we just sit down for a little while?”

Logan checked the time as well. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how long we had been at this. Of course we can take a break. You can’t defend yourself against Andrei if you’re exhausted.”

We collapsed next to each other on the floor. I knew Genevra would freak out if we sat on her couch. We were both somewhat sweaty, and I decided I would need another shower.

Genevra chose that moment to walk in with a tray laden with glasses of water, raw vegetables, dip, and pretzels. “Here you go! I thought you might be hungry and thirsty after all that exercise. This should tide you two over until lunch.” She placed the tray on the coffee table. As she straightened, she caught sight of the still-prominent bruises on my arms. I had removed my cardigan while Logan and I had been drilling, forgetting to put it back on. I cringed as I watched her eyes grow wider and wider.

“Raena!” she exclaimed. “What happened to your arms?”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I glanced at Logan, panicked.
Tell her,
he mouthed.

I took a deep breath. “Andrei happened. Remember I told you he grabbed me?”

Her fists clenched in a rare display of anger. “Well, I suppose we should add this to the police report. I wish you had told me this sooner, Raena.”

She had made the police report the day before when she had returned home from picking Tanis up from school. She headed for the phone now, dialing the station.

Not knowing what would happen next, I figured it was time for a shower. I asked Logan if he would be comfortable hanging out in the living room by himself while I took a shower.

Hanging up the phone, Genevra said, “The police said they’ll notify us of their progress within twenty-four hours.” She glanced at Logan. “Logan, you can shower in our bathroom while Rae’s in hers, if you want.”

“Sounds like a great idea. Thanks,” Logan told her.

“No problem. I’ll head upstairs and get you a towel. I’ll set out some of Shane’s things for you to put on when you’re done. You look like you’re about the same size as he is. Just set your clothes outside the door, and I will put them in the washing machine for you.”

I stayed downstairs with Logan while Genevra went upstairs to get things ready. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I asked him.

“Okay with what? Taking a shower at your house or wearing your dad’s clothes?”

“Foster dad,” I corrected him absentmindedly. “And yes, I meant both.”

“No, it’s not weird to me at all. It’s nice of Genevra to offer. I should have thought to bring a change of clothes. I don’t want to sit in my dried sweat all day,” he laughed.

Genevra returned quickly, and we all headed upstairs. I ducked into my room while she showed Logan to the other bathroom.

The hot water felt good on my sore and tired muscles, but I didn’t want to linger under the spray for too long. I also didn’t want to keep Logan waiting like I had earlier that morning. After I dragged myself out of the shower, I dressed quickly, grabbing the first things I found in my closet. I slipped my shoes back on and walked back downstairs.

Logan already sat on the couch when I reached the living room, inhaling the snacks Genevra had made for us. Shane’s clothes fit him surprisingly well.

Genevra appeared before I could say anything. “Don’t eat too much, Logan. Lunch is ready. Why don’t we take this tray into the dining room?”

Logan stood and picked up the tray before Genevra or I could reach it. “You don’t have to carry that, Logan,” she protested.

“It’s fine. You’ve let me take a shower, given me clothes to wear, and you’re feeding me. Carrying a tray into the dining room is the least I can do.”

We ate lunch slowly. I needed the time to relax, and just enjoy Logan’s and Genevra’s company. After lunch, Logan and I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

Genevra disappeared upstairs.

We were just finishing a movie when she came down again a couple of hours later.

“I have to go pick up Tanis from school now,” she told us. “Lock the door behind me and be safe!”

“Of course,” I told her. “We’ll see you when you get back.”

“I’ll be back soon. Don’t answer the door for anyone,” she warned.

“I know the drill. We’ll be fine. I’ll even start dinner while you’re gone.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Genevra said.

“I want to. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay, well, if you feel like it. See you two when I get back.”

I got up from the couch and locked the door behind her. “Well, I guess I’m going to start dinner,” I told Logan. “Care to join me in the kitchen?”

“Of course.” He stood up and followed me into the next room. “What are you going to make tonight?”

“I’m not sure yet. I think enchiladas.”

He seemed to like that idea. I started pulling things from the refrigerator.

Just then, a knock rattled the door. Shoving the cheese back into the fridge, I anxiously walked to the front door and glanced through the peephole.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


As I stared through the peephole, my heart plummeted. It was Andrei! This time, there weren’t any parents home to deter him. I knew Logan being there wouldn’t stop him, and I was afraid what might happen.

Logan had followed me into the foyer. “Call the police!”

I started to panic. How had Andrei even known I would be home?

“I know you’re in there, Rae. Open the door before I open it for you. I need to talk to you!” he yelled through the mahogany wood.

“Go away, Andrei! How many ways do I have to tell you that I don’t want to see you anymore? If you don’t leave right now, I’m calling the police!” I hoped I didn’t sound as terrified as I felt.

“Call them, love. If it makes you feel better, then call them. I
see you, so you might as well open the door.”

I slid to the floor, bracing my back against the door, praying I could block it with my will.

“Raena! Get out of the way!” Logan yelled, running toward me. I cringed, thinking he would try to attack Andrei
the door. Logan grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me to safety just as the door imploded.

“Get out of here! You don’t belong here. She doesn’t want you! Go! Leave now!” Logan screamed, terror in his voice.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. How are you going to stop me?” Andrei taunted, as if talking to a small child. “How are you going to make me leave? I
have her, boy. She will be mine. Just stay out of my way.”

Logan bristled, but had enough good sense to grab my hand and run. Andrei tore after us, loving the thrill of the hunt. I felt like Logan and I were feeder mice trapped in the snake’s tank. I took the lead, dragging Logan through the house, trying to find a way out. I made a sharp left turn toward the dining room, hoping to make it to the French doors before Andrei reached them.

Logan must have realized what I had planned and pulled me behind him as he dove into the glass. Shattering, the glass rained glittering shards down all around us. I managed to only get a few minor scrapes, but because we couldn’t stop to check, I worried Logan might be more seriously injured. Logan jerked me through the yard and toward his waiting car, but I realized with horror that Andrei had parked behind it, blocking us in.

“Get in!” Logan yelled at me.

“What? How are we going to get out?” I could barely breathe, running on pure adrenaline.

“Just get in! Trust me!” He pushed me through the driver’s side of the car. I plunged into the passenger seat while Logan jumped in behind me and slammed the car into gear. He couldn’t back out of the driveway—he could only go forward. He floored the gas and steered hard to the left, barely missing the front of the house.

Veering right, we sped through the side yard, and I watched in shock as he shifted quickly through the gears, popping the clutch like a race car driver. I would never be able to drive like him.

Andrei ran straight for the car, and Logan pressed the accelerator to the floor. “Logan, watch out!” I screamed as I ducked down on the floorboard. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the impact. We had nowhere to go. The house blocked us on our right, the hedges on the left, and Andrei straight ahead. If he didn’t brake, someone would get hurt.

“Rae, hold on!” Logan yelled. I heard a huge thump, and the tires squealed loudly.

The car rocked as we hit something. Logan reached down and yanked me back into my seat. “Put your seat belt on. Are you hurt?”

I looked around wildly. I didn’t see Andrei anymore. We were driving through the backyard now. I glanced behind us and saw Andrei rise from the ground. He started to run after us, but the car moved too fast. We plowed through the back fence and into the field of the middle school behind the house. From there, we drove through the parking lot and out onto the street. I kept glancing behind us for signs of Andrei as we drove through town, but saw nothing. When we pulled onto the freeway, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Where are we going?” I asked Logan.

He hesitated. “I’m not sure. I need to find a safe place to take you. Maybe I can take you to my house.”

As much as I liked that idea, I had to turn it down. “He may have figured out where you live.”

Logan sighed. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Let’s try going over the hill. Hopefully it will be far enough.”

I had visited San Jose many times. I thought it might be large enough to lose Andrei. Using funds from my savings account, we could check into a hotel there. A warm shiver trailed down my spine as she thought of being alone with Logan in a hotel room.

Logan’s voice cut into my thoughts, reminding me that I should call Genevra. “We need to warn her! We don’t want her and Tanis coming back to the house when Andrei still might be there,” he said.

“Good point. Wait, what about Nuada?” I asked.

He gave me a slightly worried look. “I’m sure she will be fine. We’ll have the police look for her and take her to wherever your family stays. With the front door gone, we need to get the police there as soon as possible.”

I dialed the station first, trying to give a quick and calm report. I begged them to look for Nuada as well and hold her until Genevra could come pick her up. The police station wasn’t too far from the house, so I figured they should be able to get there quickly before anything else happened.

I phoned Genevra as Logan pulled onto Highway Seventeen, hoping my cell signal wouldn’t cut out in the hills. As soon as she picked up, I blurted, “Genevra, whatever you do,
go home!”

“What? Raena, what happened?”

I quickly outlined how Andrei had shown up at the house and busted the door down. I even admitted how we had to run the car through the back fence in order to escape from him. I cringed, hoping I wouldn’t get into too much trouble. “He may still be there, staking out the place, waiting for me to get back home. Please, Genevra, don’t go home until we know he’s gone! I don’t want to put any of you in danger.”

She sighed through the phone. “All right, I’ll call the police.”

“Already done,” I told her. “I called them before I called you. They’re going over to secure the house and make sure he’s gone. You guys might want to get out of the house for a few days. I don’t want any of you to get hurt.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m safe. I’m with Logan. He’s taking me somewhere to hide out.”

“All right. Tanis should be out of class any minute. She and I will go to Shane’s office, and then we will call the police for an update. When Shane gets off work, we’ll head out to a hotel or something. We all have our cell phones, so I expect updates. As soon as the police find and arrest Andrei, I want you home.”

“No problem. Can you keep Nuada there for me? The police said they would look for her and bring her to you.”

“Yes, of course. Call me when you’re someplace safe.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you soon.” We clicked off.

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