Forever and a Day (6 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Barber

BOOK: Forever and a Day
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"Oh you already know who you want, huh?"  Cam joked around with him.

"Yeah nigga, shorty I went out with earlier. She's fine." Lonzo responded.

"Shorty from last night?" Kiyan asked.

"Yeah man, Bri's best friend. She hot. She might not want to do that shit though. But she would be perfect" Lonzo said.

"Why wouldn't she want to do it? If she's friends with Bri and Danielle she should want to get this money instead of trying to make a come up with athletes and shit." Cam said seriously.

"Fuck that's suppose to mean. None of their asses are pressed for money. They all got their own shit." Lonzo said defending the girls.

"Fuck you mean?" Cam said getting serious.

"Cam, we fucked up last night. Bri isn't a gold digger. She definitely got her own shit." Kiyan added thinking back to his date.

"What you mean? Then why the fuck they was in them players face," Cam backfired.

"Son, I know y'all niggas didn't think they wanted them players?" Lonzo asked Cam and Kiyan confused.

"Yeah, what else was we suppose to think?"

"Yo first of all, all them niggas y'all named are married to some of the baddest bitches ever. Second of all, did you see how they were dressed yesterday? That right there showed you they weren't tapped for money. Third of all, I hope none of y'all approached them on assumptions." Lonzo questioned.

"Nawh" Cam responded happy as hell he didn't get a chance to speak to Danielle today since he left his phone at the studio last night.

"I did." Kiyan said getting pissed off at himself all over again.

"Damn man, what happened after that?" Lonzo asked.

"Brielle went the fuck off. She started wildin' on a nigga. She started talking about a nigga with money can only impress a broke bitch. Then she dipped." Kiyan explained.

After Kiyan said that Tyrese, Lonzo and Cam just started rolling. They knew Kiyan had fucked up bad. Brielle probably wouldn't want shit to do with him.

"Cam, I don't know what the hell you laughing at, your shorty would of said the same shit if Lonz didn't warn you" Kiyan pointed out.

"I haven't spoken to shorty all day. Matter fact, let me go get my phone and text shorty." Cam laughed leaving to go get his phone.

Alonzo went on to tell them exactly what Shanice told him earlier. Kiyan felt stupid as hell now.  Before he responded, Cam came back in the room mad as hell. Kiyan was the one to ask first, "fuck wrong with you?"

"Danielle texted me like two hours ago and said "Bitches with their own money don't need niggas with money. So with that being said lose my number" Cam read out loud.

"Damn nigga, I fucked up for both of us," Kiyan said feeling bad.

"You damn right you did, you need to fix this shit," Cam said while texting Danielle back.

Kiyan officially was dummy. He knew he would have to apologize to both Brielle and Danielle for being an asshole. Buying them material things wasn't gone cut it because like Danielle told Cam, bitches who had money didn't need niggas with money.

Chapter 7

"It's okay, we're good now. Friends?" Brielle

Brielle arrived to work extra early the next day. She received an email from a music producer inquiring about consultant working with his new artist. Brielle wasn't pressed for clients, but she was always ready to take on clients. She had a meeting at ten o'clock with the CEO of the record company, so she used the next couple of hours to check on her other clients. Just as she was about to make call and check up on her client, her assistant Keyshia interrupted her.

"Hey Bri, you have a call on line one," Keyshia announced.

"Thank you, I have it. Oh by the way, I have an appointment at 10 o'clock with a potential client,” she reminded.

"Okay, I got it down," Keyshia responded.

Focusing on the caller on line one, Brielle greeted, "Polished, this is Brielle Williams speaking. How may I help you?"

              "So you thought writing me a damn letter and putting my clothes out your house was cool?" asked Murder.

"What do you want Jaiden?" an annoyed Brielle sighed.

"What you mean what the fuck I want? I want you to get off that bullshit." Murder replied.

"I'm not on any type of bullshit. I'm just not taking your bullshit any more."

"Look you letting these bitches get in your head."

"No you let bitches get in your pants, and that’s the problem," Brielle said getting pissed off reliving this.

"Bri you never caught me cheating, you just going off these chicks word. Where's the trust"

"Trust? You want me to trust you and I have proof of you sleeping with other chicks," she questioned.

"They had them pictures made Bri, that wasn't me," Murder continued to lie.

"Really? That's your story and you sticking with it?" she asked.

" It's not my story, it's the truth! I love you Bri."

"Love? Oh please. I know you don't love me Jaiden because you got that letter on Friday. It's Monday and you just now calling to plead your case. If you loved me you would of called the second you finished the damn letter. So miss me with the bullshit Jaiden please." Brielle was now pissed off. How dare he throw love into the equation when he knew he was dead wrong. 

"Bri, come on I was nothing but loyal and faithful to you. Where's your loyalty to me?" Murder tried.

"My loyalty? If you cheat on a woman that's willing to do anything for you, you cheated yourself out of true loyalty"

"Bri, I love you. Don't do this."

"It's already been done. We're over Jaiden.

"This ain't over. You'll see," Murder said hanging up.

As soon as she hung up, she let out a much needed scream. How could Jaiden really believe she would put up with his lying and cheating? He didn't care about her when he was screwing other girls, but now he wanted to think about her. He could really miss her with the bullshit. As soon as she was about to call her girls, Keyshia interrupted her, informing her that her 10 o'clock appointment had arrived.

              "Thank you Keyshia, in five minutes send him in please." Brielle said still aggravated from her phone call with Jaiden.

"Will do," Keyshia responded. Five more minutes with this fine ass man in my face, I could definitely handle this man while he waits, Keyshia thought to herself.


              Kiyan was nervous as hell waiting to meet with Brielle. He wasn’t a punk but he was scared she was just going to say fuck him. He was definitely determined not to take “No” for an answer. He found out from Alonzo the name of the company that she owned. So he thought that if he worked as Alonzo's image consultant he would get back on her good side. Boy was he in for a rude awakening. After the morning she was having, he'd better hope God was on his side. Kiyan noticed Brielle's assistant was giving him the eye, but he didn't have anything to offer her. She was cute, but she was definitely not his type. Shit, she wasn't Brielle, Kiyan thought to himself.

"Mr. Sanchez, Ms. Williams is ready for you," Keyshia walked over to him with an extra sway in her walk.

"Thank you," Kiyan smiled walking, thinking she just made a damn fool of herself.

When he walked in Brielle's office he noticed it was beautiful. She had the best view he had ever seen. She had style. Brielle was on the computer and on the phone so she had yet to look up to see him.

              "Yes, thank you. I'll make sure he will be present on Thursday at your event. Okay, you have a good day," Brielle hung up the phone and finished typing. She said, "Sorry Mr. Sanchez you can take a seat," still not looking up.

"Thank you," Kiyan responded. As soon as she heard that voice, she just froze up. It couldn't be, she looked up. Damn, it was. Just my luck, she thought.

"What do you want?" she questioned.

"Damn, could I get a hello first?" Kiyan smiled.

"Hello, now what do you want?" Brielle asked.

"First of all, I wanted to ask you about representing Alonzo and to hear your plans for him if you decide to accept him. Second, I wanted to come to you in person to apologize for being an asshole yesterday." Kiyan explained.

"I'm listening," Brielle waited.

"Brielle, I'm sorry. No I apologize for being an asshole on our date yesterday. I assumed the worse of you based on my past experiences and I made an ass out of myself. I really would like to start over with you because I know you are not a slouch and I know you don't need me for shit" Kiyan apologized.

Brielle sat thinking if she should accept his apology or not. She still wasn't completely over him basically calling her a gold digger. She was pissed from her conversation with Murder, so she was trying to decide if she should take her anger out on Kiyan. That was childish, she thought.

"Look Kiyan, yesterday made me realize that I tried too soon after breaking of my last relationship. I'm not looking for a man right now. And when I do start looking for a man, I'm not looking for someone who quickly assumes the worse of me. So, I do accept your apology, but we can't start over," Brielle said.

"I can understand, but we got something between us and it ain't over. We didn't even get a chance,” Kiyan countered. Brielle just continued to look at him. She was confused as to why Kiyan was the second man today who was quick to say something wasn't over. He didn't even know her like that so why was he so determined to make something work between them. 

"Look Kiyan, this is a battle I'm not willing to fight in. I just told you, I couldn’t pursue anything with you. " Brielle stated.

"Yeah iight, we'll see. That's another conversation. Now back to Alonzo’s image. Can you help him?" Kiyan said changing the subject.

"Well, I've heard great things about Alonzo. He has great potential. I should be able to help him a lot. I could help him get endorsements and other big business deals. Is he willing to work with me?" Brielle asked.

"Of course. He needs the best so he wants you," Kiyan said. I want you too, he thought.

"Okay, well here's my contract. Y'all can go over it and then after you’re done, bring it back and we can get started," Brielle said.

"Cool, we'll go over this today and have it back to you by Wednesday. Thursday the latest," Kiyan responded. "Oh yeah one more thing"

"Kiyan, we will not be going out again." Brielle said assuming.

"You talking about me assuming, I wasn't even going to say that." Kiyan joked.

"I'm sorry," Brielle suddenly got embarrassed.

"No problem. But your girl Danielle broke things off with my boy Cam before anything could happen between them." Kiyan started. Now he had Brielle's full attention. "I just wanted to know if you could tell her about this conversation, because I fucked up. Cam didn't"

"I don't get it, what do you mean? What do you have to do with them not working out?" a confused Brielle asked.

"You don't know do you?" Kiyan asked.

"No, if I did, I wouldn't be asking you would I?" Brielle got smart.

"Damn, I assumed you did. Danielle sent Cam a text last night saying bitches with their own money don't need niggas with money and to lose her number" Kiyan informed her. This definitely surprised her because last night Danielle didn't show any signs of being pissed off at Cam. She knew she would have to call her and tell her to apologize to Cam and start over.

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