Forever Baby (15 page)

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Authors: Ellie Wade

Tags: #College

BOOK: Forever Baby
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“I thought the reason for coming here was to spend a glorious summer with your amazing best friend?” The sides of his lips curl up, making his eyes even smile.

I chuckle. “Of course that was my number one reason.”

Being with Nolan, idly talking, while I pretty myself up for the evening is so comfortable and normal. It’s a normalcy that I take pleasure in after my whirlwind first week here in Seville.

Has it only been a week?
The thought boggles my mind. The events of the past week surprise even me. Perhaps the spiciness of the lifestyle of this country makes everything happen in turbo time. Possibly, the fact that I have limited time here allows my brain to wrap around the quick pace of events. One thing is for certain—the excitement inside of me, knowing that I am going to see Andres again soon, is threatening to explode out into a bursting volcano of giddiness.

Upon arrival at another impressive club, I wonder how many kick-ass clubs are in this city. The music is loud, and we weave our way through the crowd to our table. The usual people are in attendance—Nadia, Carlos, Hugo, Andres, Julio, Nolan, and the random extra new friends who always seem to be out with us. Nolan greets everyone by name, and they all seem genuinely excited to see him. He has obviously had time to get to know them this past week while I’ve been in my Andres bubble.

Nadia, her friend Marcela, and I are dancing when some familiar hands grab mine and spin me around. I’m met with Nolan’s stunning smile.

“Having fun?” he asks.

“Yes, lots! You?”


His hands grab my hips, and I steady myself, holding his biceps, as I move with him to the music. He starts dramatically singing to the music, making exaggerated face movements and all, and I throw my head back in laughter.

A fraction of a minute into Nolan’s cheesy performance, Andres approaches, putting his hand possessively around my waist.

He says to Nolan, “Mind if I dance with my girl?”

My girl? Did he call me his girl?
The thought sends a quiver through my body.

“Uh…sure.” Nolan gives me a weak smile and lets go. He walks over to dance with Nadia and Marcela.

I hear Marcela squeal and smile, and I know Nolan is working his effortless charm. As I drape my arms around Andres’s neck, I peer over his shoulder to see Nolan dancing with Marcela. My stare meets Nolan’s. His gaze is locked right on me, and for a brief moment, I see something in his eyes, an emotion that unsettles me. It’s hurt or anger perhaps. But then, he breaks our gaze and whispers something to Marcela, sending her into a fit of giggles. I watch him dance with her for a while, but he doesn’t meet my stare again.

I lean my head into Andres’s chest and inhale. He smells so scrumptious. I could strip him naked and worship his body with my mouth right here on the dance floor. He takes a hand and grabs my chin, tilting my mouth up to meet his. My hands make their way up his hard chest to his face, and I run my fingers through his soft hair as our kiss deepens. His tongue tenderly explores my mouth, and everything south of my waist tightens with desire.

Andres and I are connected for the rest of the night. The hours seem like minutes as we dance, and it feels like we’re the only two people in the world. My lips are raw from endless kisses. I’m intoxicated with all that is Andres, and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life.

I’m on my bed, propped on my elbows, reading the assigned text for one of my classes. Andres is lying on his side next to me, rubbing my back. His touch makes me feel cherished. I’m happy, thinking about our great day yesterday. We spent the entire day walking through the streets of Seville—talking, laughing, and kissing. I’m usually not a fan of PDA, but with Andres, I couldn’t care less. When we’re together, nothing else seems to matter.

Andres tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “What’s that smile for?” he asks.

Turning my head, I peer into his captivating blue eyes. “I was thinking about what an awesome day we had yesterday.” I grin weakly, not wanting to sound too mushy. He’s still a bit of a mystery to me, and I definitely don’t want to scare him away with overdone affection.

“It was awesome, but every day with you has been great,” he says.

I blush.

Closing my book, I face him. “I must say that I love having my own personal chauffeur waiting for me every day when I get out of class.” I give him a quick kiss. “You know you don’t have to though, right? I can get home on my own and meet up with you later. I don’t want you to get sick of me.”

“I want to, Livi,” he says. “Seeing you light up when you notice me is the best part of my day.” He leans in and places gentle kisses on my mouth.

“Well, I’m sure there must be other things you want to do with your day. I feel guilty monopolizing your every waking moment,” I say sarcastically.

He kisses my forehead. “No, actually, there isn’t anything else I would rather do with my days than spend them with you, my beautiful Olivia.”

My heart sings.

“The guys are coming over in a few. We haven’t gotten a lot of practice time in,” he says.

“Oh, cool.”

“Yeah, there is a new song that still has some tweaks to iron out before we play it live.”

“When are you practicing?”

The look he gives me sets my insides on fire.

“We have time.” He leans into me so that I’m now on my back.

He brings his mouth down to mine. His kisses start off gentle, but they quickly become insistent, full of longing. I run my fingers through his hair and pull him as close to me as I can. He groans in my mouth. He has one hand behind my head, pushing me into him with vigor that’s equal to my own. His other hand is rubbing my ribs under my shirt. He inches under my bra and pulls it down, freeing my breasts. He’s taking turns caressing, pulling, and twisting my nipples, and I feel a painfully sweet sensation. My hands leave his hair and make their way down his firm back.

I push under his shirt and scratch his back, strong enough to sting but not hurt. Being with him brings out a side of me that I never knew existed, but I like it. He groans and swings his leg around me so he is on top. Sitting up he reaches down and pulls off my shirt and bra in one motion. Then, he trails kisses on my earlobe, down my neck, across my collarbone, and to my breasts.

He explores each of my breasts with his expert mouth and then continues to kiss and suck down my stomach until he reaches my jeans. He quickly unbuttons them, and I lift my hips, so he can pull them off, taking my panties as well. He continues his sweet exploration of my body with his lips, moving down my legs and coming back up again. He stops when he reaches my thighs. Spreading my legs apart, he pushes one and then two fingers into me, and my hips jerk momentarily off the bed. I am building as he finds my sweet spot with his tongue, and he relentlessly flicks while continuing to circle his two fingers inside me. The warmth takes over my body, and I grab the pillow, holding it to my face, as I try to block some of my screams while I fall apart around him.

He continues to gently stroke and suck until I stop shaking. He withdraws his fingers and places kisses on my body as he works his way up to my mouth. Eyes closed, I’m still reeling from my orgasm when his tongue enters my mouth, beginning another sweet assault on my senses. I taste myself on him, and although I thought I would be repelled, it actually has the opposite effect, making me desperately want him.

He stops kissing me and whispers, “Are you on birth control, Livi?”

“Yes,” I whisper, having been on the pill since high school.

“I really want to feel you. I’ve never done this without a condom, and I really want to, but I won’t if you don’t want me to.” He kisses my neck.

“It’s okay. Yes. Please,” I plead.

He removes his pants and tosses them to the floor. When he straddles me again, he slides into me slowly.

“Ah,” I gasp. I relish the feeling of us together, skin on skin. The thought alone is so alluring.

He groans against my throat. “You feel so good, baby.”

He starts to pick up the pace, and I drag my hands down his back and grab his ass, trying to push him farther into me.

“Fuck, Liv.” He groans and starts pounding into me with a feverish pace.

Us together without a barrier is magical and insanely tantalizing. I can feel myself building again, and I throw my head back, shouting his name, as my body lets go. I feel his warm breath against my neck when he repeats my name over and over, as he comes inside me.

We lie there for a moment, breathing deeply. My arms are wrapped around him, hugging him tightly to me. His back is heated, firm, and sweaty. He’s so sexy.

He rolls over. We’re side-by-side, naked, with our hands firmly entwined. I listen to our breathing, feeling completely happy and sated.

He squeezes my hand. “That was incredible.”

“Definitely. Although, I don’t know if we should have done that here. What if someone heard us?”

“No worries. I don’t think anyone is here, and if they are, I don’t really care,” he says, grinning. “I want to do that every day after our study sessions.”

I laugh. “Our study sessions, huh? I don’t see you doing any studying.”

“I’m studying you, of course,” he says.

“Well, that isn’t very intellectually stimulating.”

“Olivia, you have no idea how fascinating you are to me. You’re a work of art, and I will never tire of studying you—ever.”

The way he says
makes a blossom of hope open up deep inside me.

“I’m going to go set up the sound equipment.” He kisses me on the forehead. “You could take a nap?”

“Hmm…” I say sleepily, my muscles lazy from the afterglow of the preceding event. “A nap sounds divine.”

Andres chuckles. “See you, gorgeous.”

I throw my clothes back on before wiggling into my bed, finding the most comfortable spot. I need to rejuvenate. This schedule of staying out late, getting up early, and then hanging with Andres all day is exhausting.

Nadia comes into my room without knocking before I have a chance to fall asleep.

“So, how was your afternoon?” she asks.

I raise my attention up to her, and I can tell that she’s trying her hardest not to smile.

I sit up and cover my face with both hands. “You heard us?” I ask sheepishly, peering at her through my fingers covering my face.

“Are you kidding, Livi? I’m sure the neighbors heard you two in here.”

I’m mortified. I look awkwardly at her and shrug, biting my lip, not knowing what to say. “Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed.”

She fans her hand in the air, blowing off my shame. “Oh, don’t be. I mean, he is basically my brother, so that part is gross.” She forces out a laugh. “But I’m happy that he seems so happy. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him like this—excited about life. Before, he was on autopilot, just going through the motions for a while.” Nadia shrugs. “I’ve heard many times that he’s great in bed, but I’ve never been so close to the action.” She sits down on the other bed. “I guess the rumors are true.”

I stop smiling, and I know she didn’t mean to, but her comments really bother me. “What does that mean?”

“Liv, I told you before, or maybe I kind of hinted to the fact, that he’s slept with a lot of girls, and well…girls talk.”

“Yeah, I know. It kind of makes me sick, thinking about it.” I hold my stomach as it is in knots while I think about Andres being with lots of other women. “How many girlfriends has he had?”

Nadia raises her eyebrows, and I can tell she’s gaging her response.

“Well, I wouldn’t necessarily call them girlfriends. To be honest, I don’t think he’s ever had a girlfriend. What would I call them?” She pauses a moment. “Maybe you would call them fuck-buddies, one-night stands, or um…short as in one- or two-night flings?”

I let out an exasperated sigh. “That makes it so much better.” I fall back on the bed, raising my arm over my face.

Nadia continues, “Liv, try not to think about all that. He didn’t love those girls. Hell, he probably didn’t even like them. I think they were void-fillers for him.” Her voice is thoughtful. “He hasn’t been truly happy since his mom died. I think he’s afraid to get too close to anyone or to let anyone in.”

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