Forever Baby (22 page)

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Authors: Ellie Wade

Tags: #College

BOOK: Forever Baby
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“Well, I think it is different here than in the States. Forgive me if I am wrong because I’ve never been there, but from the movies I’ve seen, it seems like people our age in America go out to get drunk.”

Cara and I nod in agreement.

“It’s not like that here. Alcohol is accessible at a much younger age for us, so we’ve grown up around it. Therefore, we don’t feel the need to get wasted when we are of age to drink it. It’s not taboo. It’s simply part of our culture. Going out is more of a way to spend time with our friends. Sure, we have drinks but not to get drunk—usually, that is.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. Going out with you guys is definitely different than hanging out with frat guys back home,” Cara states.

The conversation with Nadia falls off when the game starts. I’m mesmerized while watching Andres run up and down the court—dribbling, passing, and shooting.
Does he really have to be stunning at everything he does?
The degree of his perfection is intimidating. I switch my gaze to Cara, who has a silly grin on her face, as she watches Hugo. When I turn to my other side and see Nadia’s attention focused on Jose, I laugh out loud, thinking about what big saps we are.


The next day, the boys are playing at Demo again.

Cara is giddy at the thought of watching Hugo. “I can’t even imagine how hot Hugo is going to be while playing a guitar on stage!” she states. “I mean, really, is there anything hotter than a musician?”

“Definitely not! Andres doesn’t usually play guitar on stage, but his voice is so sexy. I almost can’t take it.” I grin. “However, you’re right. I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned-on than when I’m watching Andres sing and play guitar on the living room couch.”

“Hey, can you help me with the zipper?” Cara asks.

I reach over to zip up her very tight and very short red pleather dress. Seriously, only Cara could pull off cherry-red pleather.

“Totally hot, Cara. You’re going to have Hugo eating out of your hand tonight.”

“Thanks!” Cara admires herself in the full-length mirror. “Then again, when don’t I?”

We laugh.

“Andres is going to salivate over that sexy number you have on!”

“Thanks!” I’m wearing a strapless, short black dress with a bubble skirt and strappy black heels. The heels and poufy skirt make my legs appear very long and slender.

I put on my chunky turquoise necklace, and then we make our way to meet Nadia in the living room. The guys left earlier to set up, so we’re meeting them there.


When we walk through the doors of the bar, I see Andres on stage, and my heart skips a beat. It doesn’t seem like I just saw him earlier today. He is so gorgeous in his jeans and tight T-shirt. His hair is styled in sexy chunky pieces, making me want to run my fingers through it and mess it up even more. Every time I see him, my chest starts racing, and desire courses through my veins. I don’t think I will ever tire of him. I am addicted to him.

Hello, my name is Olivia, and I am addicted to Andres. I am unquestionably and unequivocally an Andres addict.

Andres raises his attention from the wire he’s fastening and gives me his drop-your-panties smile. I feel heat on my cheeks as I smile and wave.

“Oh, I’m so excited!” exclaims Cara.

She grabs my hand and pulls us through the bar, following Nadia to our usual table. We get a round of mojitos, which have quickly become my new go-to drink here in Spain. The guys start their set, and I watch as Cara’s face gleams while inspecting the guys on stage.

I lean in toward Cara. “What do you think?”

She faces me. “Oh my God, they’re amazing! Hugo is like a god up there. No wonder girls salivate for him,” she states matter-of-factly.

I laugh.

“I really like the music, too! Let’s dance!” she calls.

We head to the small wooden dance floor in front of the stage. We’re forced to dance off to the side because the floor is already packed with screaming girls. I watch as Andres works the crowd. I know this band is a fun pastime for him, but man, he is good. He peers down at the giggling gaggle of girls at the front of the stage and gives them a smile. I can almost see them melt, their bodies dissolving into a pool of desire. When I return my attention back to the stage, I’m met with Andres’s intense gaze. He winks with his heart-stopping smile that he only gives me, and all is well in the world.

I bring my hand to my mouth and blow him a kiss. His smile widens, and then he turns to face the front of the stage once more. I grin, feeling happy, as I raise my hands with my eyes closed. I dance with my girls, letting his voice soothe my entire body.

With a tap on my shoulder, Cara gets my attention. She mouths,
, and points toward the hallway.

I nod, taking her hand. We’re giggling like schoolgirls as we enter the restroom, both on a high from seeing our guys on stage.

As I’m washing my hands, a local girl stands next to me. She has sharp facial features, and she’s wearing too dark lip liner and clashing lipstick.

“So, I’ve seen you here a few times,” she says in English with a thick accent.

Her English sounds the opposite of the way Andres speaks. Out of her mouth, it sounds ugly.

“Yeah, I’ve come here a few times with my friends,” I answer.

“I’ve seen you with Andres Cruz. Do you know him well?”

“Yeah, he’s my boyfriend,” I say.

As I say the last word, she lets out a sound between a grunt and a laugh. I study her through squinted, annoyed eyes.

“Uh-huh,” she says in almost a snarl. “Well, I see he went with a sure thing.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

She fakes a concerned tone. “Oh, nothing much—only that it was a sure thing he’d get in your pants. Because you’re American, no?” A cruel, patronizing tone drips from her words. “And it’s a fact that you’re going to leave soon. You’re probably only here for the summer, right?” She rolls her eyes. “So, he can continue on with his fuck-fest, guilt-free, after you leave. He knows a win-win when he sees it.”

I’m staring at her, mouth agape, unable to speak when Cara flies from the restroom stall. She pushes the girl into the sink, and when the girl turns to face her, Cara slaps her face.

“Listen up, bitch. I don’t know who you think you are, but you need to keep your fucking mouth shut. You don’t know anything about what my friend and Andres have together, and jealousy is ugly on you. So, take your cheap-ass, someone-please-fuck-me dress and your two-bit-whore clown face—your makeup looks like shit by the way—and don’t fucking come near us again.”

I watch the girl’s wide-eyed expression as she drops her hand from her cheek where Cara slapped her. Her expression morphs from shock to fury as she storms toward the restroom door.

She swings the door open, but before she leaves, she turns back toward us and spits, “Whatever…just wait. You’re going to be forgotten like yesterday’s trash before your plane even lifts off, and Andres is going to be in another girl’s pants. Once a slut, always a slut, and Andres Cruz is a fucking slut! You are nothing but a hole to stick it in! Enjoy!” Her straight brown hair whips around as she exits, the door closing behind her.

Cara lunges toward the door, but I grab her arm.

“Let her go. She isn’t worth it.”

“She can’t talk to you like that!” Cara exclaims.

I smile and pull Cara into a hug. “I love you. Thank you for always having my back.”

I thank the powers that be for letting me resemble Cara’s cousin, so we could start this crazy journey together three years ago. She has been my best friend, always standing up for me, and she is fiercely loyal. I am so fortunate to have her.

“I love you, too.” Cara hugs me back. “Seriously, I want to go beat that bitch’s face in.”

“Exactly—she’s a bitch. Once a bitch, always a bitch,” I mock. “She’s so not worth our time. Like you said, she’s jealous.”

“Okay, but promise me that you won’t take anything she said to heart. I know you.” Cara puts her hands on my shoulders and stares at me with intensity. “I know that you’re going to second-guess yourself and your relationship with Andres. You’re going to end up sabotaging your own happiness because of insecurities. Please don’t.” Her eyes are full of sincerity and love. “You are amazing, Olivia. Who cares what Andres did before you? I’ve seen how he is with you, and I know that he loves you. A guy doesn’t fake that. If he solely wanted to get laid, believe me, he could. But he wants you. He loves you. You know that, right?”

I smile weakly, my vision blurred from threatening tears. “I do.” I hug her again. “Thank you, Cara. You are seriously the best. Have I told you lately that I love you?”

“Yes, you have—like, thirty seconds ago. What are best friends for? Now, let’s go dance, and have fun! I think we need some shots!”

We exit the restroom, and I feel slightly better, but I’m still so shaken up by that bitch. Why do people have to be so mean? I hate confrontation. I’m so glad that Cara was there, or I’m sure I would be a basket case.

We head to the bar and order shots. Nadia peers up quizzically when the waitress drops off six shots at our table.

Cara answers her unasked question, “Two shots each! It’s just one of those nights, don’t you think?”

I make a mental note to tell Nadia all about the bitch from the restroom later. I’ve had enough drama for one night.

Nadia shrugs and puckers her lips as if to say,
Why not?

We laugh and hoist our first shots to the center of the table.

Cara says, “To good friends, fun times, and great memories. Cheers!”


Our group piles out of Demo.

“Are you sure?” a very intoxicated Cara asks.

“Yes, I’m fine. I promise. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’m serious, Livi. Don’t read into anything. Don’t let that bitch taint anything that you have going. I want to make sure you’re okay. You know you come first. I’ll hang with you tonight if you want me to. Hugo can go home alone. You are way more important than him,” Cara reassures me, her voice loud.

I laugh at the exaggerated look of shock on Hugo’s face.

“Cara, I’m fine. I promise. I’m not that fragile. I’m going to go hang out with Andres. Go with Hugo. Have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Hugo hails a cab as I pull Cara in for a hug.

I watch Cara amble toward the cab with Hugo’s arm around her. I release a small chuckle when his hand spends a prolonged amount of time on Cara’s ass as she climbs into the cab.

“What was that all about?” Andres asks as he takes my hand and leads me toward our own waiting cab.

“Oh, nothing,” I say flippantly.


In Andres’s bed, legs entwined, I run my hand on his warm skin over his chest muscles, feeling his beating heart slow from our preceding activity.

Andres runs his hand through my hair. “Can you please tell me what got Cara all protective over you tonight?”

I sigh. “I ran into some bitch in the restroom tonight. She didn’t have a lot of nice things to say about me or you.”

“What did she say?”

“Well, in summary, she said that you are a whore, and you are only using me for sex. She made sure to tell me that the minute I leave, you will be sleeping with someone else. Like I said, she was a bitch. I’m sure you slept with her at some point, and she is just bitter.”

I hold my breath in anticipation of Andres’s response.

“You know that’s not true, right?” Andres asks, concerned.

“Which part?”

Andres’s voice rises in frustration. “Obviously, the part about me using you and the part about me sleeping with someone else when you leave. Are you worried about that?”

“Well, sometimes,” I say quietly. “You do have quite the reputation, and I am afraid that once I leave, you might tire of waiting for when we can be together again.”

“Jesus, Olivia. Does nothing that we’ve shared so far mean anything to you? Christ, I’ve told you that I love you. Don’t you think that means something? I have never said that to another girl.” Andres’s voice is tainted with hurt and anger.

“I’m sorry. I know. I’m afraid of losing you. It is hard not to worry when I hear from everyone how you were with girls before me, Andres, especially when we are going to have to go so long without seeing each other.”

“Baby, listen, you are the first girl I have ever loved. I know we haven’t been together long, and I’ve never done relationships—let alone, long-distance ones—but I think that what we have is special and worth waiting for. I know what I was before you, and I can’t change that. Those girls didn’t mean anything to me, and I know that makes me sound like an ass, but it is true. They were my way of filling up the void in my life. You make me feel more whole than I have felt since losing my mom. I don’t need my old lifestyle now that I have you. Okay?”

“Okay.” I lean in and give Andres a chaste kiss. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, baby, but you have to talk to me when something is bothering you. We need to be honest with one another to make this work.”

I take that response as an appropriate prelude to my question. “Do you want to tell me about the issues with your dad and why you feel such a void in your life?”

Andres sighs. “My dad is fucked-up. When my mom died, he lost it, and he left me to figure out how to go on living without any parents at the age of fourteen. That’s the story. I know you want to meet him, but you have to understand that I don’t want someone as beautiful as you being a part of that ugliness in my life. You make me happier than I have been in years. Can’t I just have that for now?”

“Of course you can. I simply thought it might help you to talk about it with someone.”

“It won’t.”

“Okay. I won’t bring it up again. I’m sorry.”

He pulls me in and hugs me tightly. We entwine our bodies, both deep in thought.

Andres loves me, and that thought sends my spirit soaring, yet in the same breath, I feel myself plummet with fear of losing him. Why can’t I feel secure with all of this? I believe the words he said, but my mind won’t let me trust them. I simply want to be in love without the fear of loss. That deep-seated worry is tainting everything, and I know it is irrational. I know I should feel secure with our relationship.

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